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After the fright from Beatriz and the thoughts about my mother my zest for masturbation had dropped off of a cliff.  Not that I wasn’t still horny, far from it, but if I jilled off now, sure I would cum, but it would be a sad lonely affair that would leave me feeling hollow and mostly unsatisfied afterward.  I would wait until bedtime and hope I was back in a more frisky mood by then.  It would also have the added benefit of combining it with a long distance booty call with Prince.

I smile just thinking about it.  He and I had done some playful stuff through text, phone, and video chat in the past but this would be the first time doing it from so far apart.  Knowing that we wouldn’t be seeing each other for at least a few months at the earliest added a something extra exciting to the idea.  Like we were each other’s forbidden fruit or something.  I chuckle to myself, my poor babe was such a little horndog I honestly didn’t how he was going make it without me.  My chuckle fades as I worry, like I had many times leading up to this trip, that without the physical side of our relationship my Prince might seek out another princess.  I sigh.  I knew the risks when I made this decision.  Until something happened there was no use worrying about that now.

Sarcastically I think, if Prince isn’t available tonight…there was always Beatriz or Sloane.  These ‘sisters’ were something else.  I’d been here for less than half a day and I’d already experienced subtle domination, gotten a no strings attached invite to casual sex, and received a kinky proposition to watch or be watched voyeur style.  Bigger Beatriz said…I was still stuck on that comment.  I couldn’t deny being curious to see whether she’d been lying or not.  God, how big could they get?

I am dressed in my nice lily white blouse and skirt combination and preening in front of mirror, making sure that I was looking my best for the dinner to come.  Much like Dot had done I also lift my dress to stuff in a fresh pair of socks and make sure my bulge was sitting just right, the previous pair were laid out on my dresser drying from the hand washing I’d given them back in the bathroom sink.  My bulge wasn’t as anatomically correct, nor nearly as cute, as Dot’s panty clad package but it was only there to guard against accidental glimpses.

“White.”  I whisper as I run my hands down my crisp blouse.  “Probably not the best choice for a dinner.”  I’d just have to eat extra careful, this was all I had.

I finish unpacking and arranging my new room in the interim, rounding it off by placing up the little framed picture of Prince and I that he’d given me just before I left on my nightstand.  While I was so very happy to have escaped that town it was a bit comforting to have this small reminder at least.  It was about a quarter after six and I was just getting ready to head down stairs when a light knock comes to my door.

I check myself one last time then say.  “Come in.”

In walks Dot in the most adorable pink tuxedo complete with cummerbund.  She even had a little bow tie!  Her just past shoulder length wavy brown hair was down from the pigtails to hang naturally though her bangs were held back with a pink bow that matched her tie. 

“Hi!”  She chirps.

“Hi yourself!”  I laugh.  “Look at you!”

She giggles and gives me a spin to show off her finery.  If I had to guess the tux had been a bargain find as it didn’t quite fit her curvy figure and it was showing its age at the seams, that did nothing to dampen the cuteness of it though.  I just wanted to eat her up!

“Daaamn girl.”  I say.  “Lookin good!”

She looks down and lifts the too long trousers to reveal shiny leather shoes beneath.  “It almost fits.”

“I can hem those up, no problem.”  I say as I wave her forward.  “Come here.”

She looks surprised but follows me over to my bed.  I have her stand beside me and dig out my little travel sewing kit I had in the nightstand.  I kneel down at her feet, careful to spread my skirt so that I didn’t kneel on it, and start the process of shortening her cuffs.

“You can sew?”  She asks.

“Sure, you can’t?”


“This won’t be a fancy job.”  I say as I eyeball the right length between the two legs.  “But it’ll do for tonight.”

“There’s an old sewing machine up in the attic!”  She says excitedly.

“Stand still.”  I chuckle.  “We don’t have time for a proper hem.”

“Awwww man!”  I hear Sloane’s Irish lilt at my open door behind me.  “I didn’t know we were dressing up.”  I look back over my shoulder to see her spin back toward her room.

“We’re dressing up?”  Comes Hanae’s voice from the opposite end of the hall.


“Ha ha!  Cool!”

There is a knock on a door followed by Sloane calling.  “Gussy up Gretch, this dinner’s formal.”

A door opens and Gretchen’s sharp German accent gripes.  “I was not informed of this.”

“You and me both babe.”

There is annoyed muttering and the closing of a few doors.

I look up at Dot and we both giggle.  It looked like we’d started something dressing as we had.

“I like your skirt.”  Dot says sweetly.  “It’s really pretty.”

“Thanks.”  I say, trying to concentrate so that I didn’t stick myself with the pins.

“Did you make it?”

“Nah, off the rack.”  I say.  “Stay still.”


“Ouch.”  I shake my finger after sticking myself.


“It’s okay.  My eyes are tired is all, been a long day.”  I assure her.  That was true, it was also true though that I’d taken my eye off my work to sneak a peek at her crotch.  Kneeling down as I was it was hard not to think about the dick that hovered so close.  It was going to take some time before I got used to these ladies and their…blessings.

“Hey!  Is that your guy?”

I look over at the framed picture.  “Yeah, that’s my dork.”

“Dork!”  She titters she reaches over me to pick up the picture and get a closer look.

“Stay still.”  I say yet again, though I knew I was wasting my breath at this point.  

“He’s cute.”

I smile.  “I think so.”

“Hey!  Nice tuck.”


“Yeah, looks natural.”  She looks around the picture down at me.  “One of the benefits of being small.”

“Uh…yeah.”  Damn it, I forgot that I was wearing cut off blue jean shorts in that photo.

She smiles and studies the picture for a bit longer before setting it down.  I pause what I was doing as she does so.  “No picture of your Mama?”

I flinch.  “No.”  Before she can ask another question.  “It’s complicated.  I’d rather not talk about it.”

“Okay.”  She says softly, picking up that this wasn’t a topic to speak on frivolously.  After that she is still enough for me to put in a few well placed stitches to  hold the cuff in place.

“There ya go.’’  I take my needle and thread stand back up.  “How’s that?”

She holds up her left leg and then her right then gives me a big grin.  “Perfect!  Thank you!”

“Anything for my bestie.”

“He he he!”   She hooks her arm into mine.  “Shall we?”

“We shall.”

Arm in arm the pair of us head downstairs and to the dining room.  There we find Charlize already sitting in her spot absently reading something on a tablet.  She looks up and her eyebrows raise.  “Wellll, look at the new girls all dressed up.  You two are positively glowing.”

“We’re all dressing up.”  Dot announces.  “It was decided.”

“It was?”  She looks down at her casual shirt and clam diggers.  “Nobody told me.”

"That's what Sloane said."

“That looks fine.”  I assure her.

“Oh no.  I’m not going to be the one to throw the energy off.”  She gets up and hurries from the room.  “Shan’t be long.”

The pair of us laugh once again at our inadvertent upscaling of the event.  Dot goes around to the other side of the table takes a seat next to the head of the table nearest the kitchen.  “You can sit here.”  She pats the seat beside her.  “Nobody’s claimed it.”

“That’s right, there are regular spots.”

“Yep!  Dom sits at this end by me and Gretchen at the other, they’re the most senior.”  She says.  “Over there sit the next most senior and on this side the newer girls.”

“Alright.”  I say.  “Sounds good.”  I nod to the kitchen door.  “We should see if Dom needs a hand.”

Dot was already distracted by a wren that had swooped in to perch on the railing of the back deck just outside the dining room windows.  I let her get distracted as she’d probably be more hindrance than help.  In the kitchen I find Dom calmly putting the finishing touches on the meal that was just freshly put out into serving platters and bowls.  The salad was in a big wooden salad bowl and already glistening with the homemade dressing she was currently tossing into it, the delectable smelling soup steamed away in a big ceramic serving bowl with matching ladle, and a basket of fresh buns and a platter of an assortment of cheeses and pickled items rounded out the meal.  On the counter closest to the fridge sat the cake she’d warned Dot about eating earlier, Black Forest by the looks of it.

I whistle.  “Oh my God!  Dom, you didn’t have to.”

“Hey Missy.”  She turns her head and smiles as she pours the dressing in one hand and tosses with a pair of tongs in the other as easily as breathing.  “I hope you’re hungry.”

“Famished!”  Seeing the gathered stacks of bowls, plates, and cutlery already laid out on the island I set to work without being asked.  Taking the stack of eight matching blue and white bowls I turn and take them back out to the table.  I am just starting to set out the bowls when I notice the still and silent form of Beatriz sitting and staring at me.  She had obviously heard the news, probably heard it the moment Sloane spoke it, and was in a full length black dress with long sleeves and white lace at the cuffs and neck.  It looked more appropriate for a funeral than a feast but it certainly suited her vibe.


“Hello sister.”

I resist a shudder as I realize that she’d be sitting right at my side on the opposite flank from Dot.  Great.  Speaking of Dot, she was nowhere to be seen.  Figures.  With each trip in and out of the kitchen another of the sisters appear in the dining room.  Next was Hanae in a form fitting sleeveless sheath dress of a rich cobalt blue.  Given her Olympian physique the tight fit looked spectacular!  It certainly wasn’t a dress she’d be able to wear outside of sister circles.  Her straight bobbed black hair she wore loose.  When I bring the cutlery out on the next trip Sloane had arrived wearing a loose fitting green floral dress which really made the green of her eyes pop.  It hugged her hips but the rest of it billowed out comfortably.  It was a style that was made for a soft curvaceous body like hers.  Her long curly red hair was out of its braid and cascaded down over her shoulders.

Glasses were next and so to was Gretchen.  Sitting at the opposite end of the table she still towered over the others but not the extent as when she was standing.  The big German’s great height was mostly legs it seemed.  When I see what she is wearing I damn near take a tumble and send the tray of glasses flying.  On her long lean body she wore a skin tight bandeau dress, matte crimson and made of supple leather!  I’d never seen anything like it.  On each hand she wore matching gloves that stretched up her long arms to above her elbows and as I come around the table I see on her legs red thigh high stiletto boots.  Her blond hair that I’d only seen up in a bun had been let loose to flow straight down the center of her back.  Her vibrant red lipstick, made moreso by the matching hue of the clothes, had been retouched but her eyeshadow had been darkened significantly so that her piercing blue eyes shone.  She looked like a sexy demon that had come straight up from hell.  She still wore her rectangular glasses which added a hot teacher sort of look as well.  God damn!  Her eyes follow me as I make my way around and set down a water glass and a wine glass for each setting.  As I place hers down she reaches out and places her hand on my wrist.

“Thank you.”  She says, staring straight into my eyes.

I nod rapidly.  “S-sure.”

I hurry and finish this round.  When I come back again Charlize had returned in an absolutely stunning speckled violet off the shoulder gown.  Her short pixie cut was combed smooth and looked crisp and classy.  Around her long graceful neck she wore an elegant gold chain with a pea-sized glimmering drop of amber at it’s center that somehow tied the coppery highlights of her hair, rich brown skin, and warm mocha eyes all together into one perfectly balanced mosaic.  It was an ensemble suited for a princess yet this Venus wore it with ease.  Seeing Charlize in an outfit that befitted her classically gorgeous face was…breathtaking!  If Gretchen had crawled up from depths of hell this ethereal beauty had surely floated down from heaven above.  My skirt and blouse suddenly seemed like beggar’s rags in comparison.

I continue ferrying between the rooms, moving onto the food and drink, as Dom putters in one room and the girls chat in the next.  Thankfully Dot, in her ridiculously cute tuxedo, finds her way back just in time.  On the final trip Dom thanks me for my help and follows me back.

She stops in her tracks as she sees the sisters all bedecked in their finery.  “What the…?  What’s all this?”

“You said it was fancy dress.”  Sloane says.

“I did not.”  She objects.

All eyes fall on Sloane who looks around defensively.  “I never…”  She points at Dot and I.  “They were the ones…I thought…I assumed…god damn it!  I got dressed up for nothing!?”

Chuckles are shared around the table, Dot getting the biggest kick out of it.  Dom looks down at her everyday clothes she’d just spent hours in the kitchen working in.  “I’m feeling a bit under dressed.”

“You look beautiful.”  I assure her with a pat to her arm.

“You’re always our smokin hot mama big sister.”  Hanae backs me up.  “And you’ve done enough.  Sit down so we can eat.”

Dom and I take our seats and the eight of us look around at each other and over the food and there is this moment, this wonderful magical moment.  Nothing big and showy like prayers or sappy welcome speeches, just a quiet moment of…belonging.  And then we dig in.

What a meal.  What a meal!

The food is out of this world, tasting even better than it smelled.  As promised the soup was spicy yet it carried with it flavors my white-bread palate hadn’t even imagined before.  But amazing as the cuisine was it was the vivacious energy in the room that lifted my mood to new heights.  The room was loud and chaotic, filled with upbeat voices and stories and the clanking of dishes.  It was a world apart from the quiet bleak and bland meals that I shared with my aunt  for most of my life.  I had to delve back into my early memories, from when my parents were still alive, to remember gatherings of such warmth and affection.

As I eat I gaze around at these incredible women.  The jester Hanae joking and laughing all the time.  The more uptight Charlize chastizing her that her jokes weren’t funny even as her eyes rolled and twinkled with amusement.  The horny yet lazy Sloane making constant naughty innuendos and telling us about projects that she’d like to do but that she was ‘just too busy’ to ever get around to.  The ice queen Gretchen thawed enough to occasionally laugh along with Hanae’s jokes and challenge Sloane on her procrastination.  The quiet Beatriz silently watching and picking at her food, barely contributing to the conversation, yet with a merry look of contentment about her.  The ebullient Dot interrupting with excited oddball musings and non sequiturs which the others took with good humor.  And of course the steady kindness and Southern hospitality of our big mama bear Dom as she added nuggets of wisdom and masterfully steered the discussion away from controversial topics that might spoil the mood, and just generally kept things pleasant and polite.

I was in awe.  Each of us was so unique from the others.  All of us from different places and different backgrounds yet united as sisters.  These woman with their shared secrets had formed a special bond.  A culture of togetherness, us against the world.  They might differ but I could sense that they had each other’s back come what may.  I'd just met these women today yet they didn’t treat me like a new girl or a stranger, they treated me like one of their own.  Like…family.  Such was their generosity of spirit that I almost felt like one of them.  Almost.  Yet each time I was about to embrace the idea of truly being a sister the uncomfortable truth came rampaging back into my mind.  I was a charlatan in their midst.  An outsider.  These women accepted me, trusted me, and I was lying to them right to each of their faces.

Perhaps sensing my unease I feel Dot’s hand slip into mine.  With a precious smile she takes her glass and raises it into the air attracting the other’s attention.

“To our new sister.”  She says proudly.  “And my new best friend.  To Jo!”

The others all take their wine glasses and raise their toast to me.  With warm smiles and a feeling of camaraderie filling the air they say out in unison.  “To Jo!”

Swallowing the lump in my throat I put on a brave face and take my own goblet to raise it back to them.  In a mousy voice I say.  “Thank you everybody.  This place….you all…well, it is all more than I ever imagined.”

Glasses clink and there are comments of welcome and well wishes for our future.  Surrounded by such sisterly love my heart was so happy, and yet in my lying soul I felt like crud.

Chapter 9 


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