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I do what I can to tamp down the horny feelings brought out in that silly ritual cleansing.  Until I had a chance to deal with it somehow I knew I’d be running hot.  It’s not like this was the first time though.  As a gal with a healthy libido this was not unusual, though with all of these new experiences the intensity of it was definitely more than usual.  I just regretted now not bringing along my dildo.  I hadn’t wanted to take it through airport security just in case of an embarrassing search but I desperately could have made use of it tonight.

Dominique and I stroll to the kitchen to find my brand new ‘bestie’ standing at a cutting board staring down at it in great concentration as she meticulously arranged the little white and green circles of the scallions she’d just chopped into what appeared to be a Fibonacci spiral.  Under her breath she mutters a tuneless little ditty.  “Dopy, dopy, dopy, doooo.”  Dom and I look at each other and both shrug in unison.  The instant she hears us approaching Dot looks up and her already adorably cherubic face brightens into a sunny smile.  She rushes from the counter and into my arms for a great big hug!  Standing with my arms out I am taken aback by this sudden show of affection, but I was also a little bit touched by it too.  I give her a little hug back.

“Hey Dot.”

“Hi!”  She lets me go only to take my sweaty hand and holds it.  Hand in hand she leads me back to the counter where she’d been chopping vegetables.  “Alright!  I’ll wash and you chop.”

“What are you?  Team leader?”

“NO!”  She peeps loudly.  “We’re equal!  You can wash if you want.”  She peers over at me.  “I’m sorry Jo.  You can be leader if you want.”

I chuckle and squeeze her hand.  “It’s okay Dot.  It was just a joke.”

“Ha!”  She lets go of me and swipes the sliced scallion onto a small plate with a bunch more she’d already done.

Coming in behind us Dom pokes her head between ours and puts an arm around each of us.  “One from the pole and the other the equator, newcomers brought together as a team they are greater.  Cuttin onions and cilantro and garlic and tomaters, helpin hoodoo Mama for the supper we will cater.”

“Hoodoo Mama?”  I say.

“Tomaters?”  Giggles Dot.

“Fairbanks isn’t at the pole.”  I say.

“And the islands aren’t on the equator.”  Says Dot.

“Geez!  Team critic!”  Dom laughs and pulls us into her big bosom even harder.  “Alright my little helpers, lets get cooking.”

And that is just what we do.  With a bit of guidance from Dom who glided about the well stocked kitchen like a fish in water Dot and I wash and chop the fresh herbs and vegetables not only for the soup which was to be our main course but for a nice big salad besides.  To our right Dom cuts and seasons a mouthwatering array of fish, shrimp, and calamari then gets a great big pot heating on the gas stove.  At one point Hanae swings through to grab a snack but doesn’t stay long.  A bit later Charlize, changed into a flowing hempen v neck shirt and clam diggers, checks in to make sure that there would no gluten, red meat, or dairy ingredients in the soup tonight.  Dom assures her this was the case.  She chats for a time but wanders off as well after just a couple of minutes.  The way those two breezed through made me realize that this kitchen was the beating heart of this big old house, the way a kitchen ought to be in a happy home.  The way it used to be back when my parents were alive.

A bit of rose is poured and the three of us cooks laugh and joke and generally have a great time.  As a conversationalist Dot was extremely hard to keep up with as she kept changing topics, asking new questions before old ones had even been answered, and talking about academic level stuff that we had no knowledge of.  Some of the questions raised were as innocent as a child’s and other topics leave my head spinning with their complexity and brilliance.  Just as Dom had told me, the girl was smart!  I take it all in its course.  When I notice her attention begin to wander from our task I gently guide it back again with a question or comment or soft pat to her shoulder.  Dom takes note of how we got along and gives me a pleased nod.

“I am so glad you found a friend Dot.”  She says as she stirs in a worrying amount of Thai chilies into the broth.  “I confess that I was a little worried when you weren’t hitting it off with the other sisters.”

“Mmm.”  The Hawaiian cutie nods then goes really quiet.  A huge smile comes over her, it proves contagious as soon it had Dom and I grinning too though we didn’t know why.

“Dot?”  I say.

She looks at me laughs then turns and walks out of the room before I had the chance to reel her back in again.

“Goodbye then.”  I say after her with a shake of my head.

“She does that.”

“I know.”  I say.  “She marches to the beat of a different drummer.  I’m getting used to it.”  I finish my glass of wine and set it down, refusing another when Dom offers it.  I wanted to stay sharp.  I was still living a false identity here and I didn’t want my tongue to slip.  “Hey, we’re heading to the beach tomorrow if you are available.  I think Sloane and Hanae are coming too.”

“Oh!  Little Miss social organizer are ya?  Well color me interested.”  She says.  “Depends on the time but I should be good.”

“Awesome.”  I say.  “If you don’t need my help anymore I think I’ll freshen up a little before the meal.”

“Go ahead.”  She waves me off.  “Dinner bell at 6:30.  Don’t be late.”

“I won’t.”

As it was a meal in my honor I wanted to look good for the occasion and after a long day I was starting to wilt.  The dampness in my knickers could definitely use some freshening up too.  As I pass through the kitchen into the library I pause.  I had this odd sensation that this empty space had not been empty for long.  That was when I catch a whiff of something on the air, a hint of that unique earthy aroma I’d only smelled once before.  Beatriz.  Beatriz had been here just moments ago.  Through the door behind me I can hear Dom humming and clanking about the kitchen.  Had creepy little Beatriz been listening in?  Moving to a small antique desk nearest the kitchen I reach down and lay hand on the seat of the chair…it was still warm.  She had been sitting there, and for long enough to bring the wood to body temperature.  What a snoop!  No wonder Sloane and Hanae assumed it was her peeping at their window.

On a shelf not far away from the desk I spot the antique book Beatriz had been studying when I saw her earlier.  It was hard to miss as it was the size of a briefcase and bound in a thick aged leather.  The thing looked like it might have been here from when the old mansion was still new.  Tooled into the spine of it was…a pentagram?  I move closer to be sure.  Yep, that’s what it was alright.  A straight up pentagram inside of a double circle.  Near the base of it the words ‘La Voisin Grimoire Vol. 1’ were etched in gold.  A pentagram?  A grimoire? Did Beatriz think she was some sort of witch or something?  After thinking about it for a moment…yeah, yeah she probably did.  It certainly fit with the little I knew about her and about these women in general.  It was just another reminder of just what a wonderfully eccentric group of ladies this was, at least to this plain Jane Alaskan rube.  Perhaps it was a facet of whatever shared mutation they all seemed to possess.  Or hell, maybe everybody down South was a bit cracked.  Either way it only made things that much more interesting.

Leaving the book alone I start my way up to get freshened up and changed only to be intercepted by Hanae who was just coming down the stairs as I arrived into the foyer.  So that we weren’t trying to get by each other, even though the stairs were plenty wide enough, I wait for her to go first.  As I wait I cannot help but gawk at what I see.  Hot damn!  The athletic Asian had gotten changed out of her gi and into pair of tight blue jeans, sports bra, and a baggy blue tank top with a white circle in an Eastern calligraphy style around two Japanese characters.  The symbol I could care less about, something to do with one of her marital arts no doubt, it was what was inside the shirt that got my staring.  I had seen her naked already as she dashed by my room earlier, but that had been but the quickest of glimpses.  Perhaps it was just that I was so hot and horny but good God what a body!  Her thick shoulders and shapely arms looked to be sculpted from marble by a master artist.  The muscles of her powerful thighs stretched the denim of her jeans to its limit, to say nothing of the huge bulge that strained the crotch!  The thick cylindrical lump of her cock actually ran down her inner thigh which told me she was either wearing boxers or nothing at all under there.

Hopping down from three stairs up she lands deftly in front of me, her bare feet barely making a sound.  “Hey Jo.”  She holds out a hand bro style.  After a moment’s hesitation I clap my hand into hers the way I’d seen guys do and she pulls me in for a quick hug and slap on the back.  In just that quick and simple motion I could feel her incredible strength.  She might be a gal but I’d put every penny I had on her in a power lifting contest against my boyfriend.  In her free and easy socal accent she asks.  “How’s it hangin my dude.”

“A little to the left.”  I shoot back with Prince’s canned answer to that question.


I cannot help but glance down at her prodigious and obvious bulge.  “Um…are you heading out like that?”

“I wish.”  She laughs and grabs her package to give it a squeeze.  “The world ain’t ready for this shit.  Ha!”

“Ha!  Yeah, no doubt.”  I say.  “Although you could just say you were trans or something.  There are some really pretty girls that pass out there.  It wouldn’t be that unusual.”

“I hear ya Sis.  The rules are are dated as hell.  I think they just don’t want the attention.”

“Sure, makes sense.”

“I’m just going to shoot some stick until supper.”  She nods off in the direction of the games room.  “Want to join me?”

“No.  I’m heading up to shower and change, freshen up a bit.”

“Mmm, can I join you then?”  She says with a straight face…before breaking into laughter and pointing at me.  “Ha ha!”

I giggle and roll my eyes.  “You’re as bad as Sloane.”

“And twice as good.”  She quips right back.  “I hear we’re heading to the beach tomorrow.”

“Word gets around.”

“You have no idea.”  She chuckles again with a friendly pat to my shoulder.  Hanae laughed a lot I was noticing, not in an annoying way but in a jocular way that really lifted the mood around her.  “Well I’ll be there.  I know you just got here so if you need a swimming dress or trunks or something I have extra.”

“Swimming…dress?”  Of course!  I hadn’t even thought of that.  These girls would not be running around in public in regular one-pieces and bikinis.  “Thank you Hanae but I wasn’t planning on doing any actual swimming.”

“Lounging on the beach with the rest of them, huh?”  She tsk-tsks.  “Booooring.”

“Sorry.”  I was about to say more when I feel a little tickle at my neck.  Straining my eyes to the left I can just see…A MASSIVE BLACK SPIDER sitting on my shoulder!!!  “AHHHHH!!!”  Frantically I swipe it off my bare shoulder and watch in horror as it tumble down my dress to land right at my feet.  Desperate to get my feet away from it I leap into the air, and into Hanae’s arms.  “AHHHHH!!!”  I point to the floor to warn her.

Cradling me easily Hanae laughs and laughs and laughs.  “HA HA HA HA HA!”

Jesus Christ the thing was huge!  I’d heard about how big the bugs got down here in this Southern heat but I didn’t think…wait a minute.  Why wasn’t it moving.  As the practical joker Hanae’s laugher rings in my ears it dawns on me that I’d been had.  The spider was a hyper realistic rubber replica and she was the one who placed it on my shoulder when she patted it a moment ago.

“You jerk!”  I kick my legs and push away from her, though she easily keeps me held despite my struggles.  So easily that…I kinda liked it.  Goodness she was so strong.  I continue to protest.  “You scared me half to death…AGAIN!”

From a few rooms away Dom’s voice comes bellowing.  “Hanae!  Leave the new girl alone.”

She swings me around then effortlessly places me back down onto the floor, light as a feather.  “I’m sorry.” She says through teary eyes.  “But…you shoulda seen your face!  Ha ha ha ha!”

Her contagious laughter getting to me I say half offended and half giggling.  “That’s not funny!”  Scooping up the fake arachnid I grip it in my hand.  “I’ll be keeping this.”

“Hey!”  She exclaims.  “My spider!”

With that I hurry up the stairs.  I leave the guffawing Hanae in my wake and scamper off to my room.  Closing the door behind me I look at the creepy-crawly in my hand and ponder some sort of revenge.  “Silliness.”  I mutter with a smirk as I place the spider onto my dresser.  I was living with a practical joker.  I’m not sure I was a fan of that idea.  Although, God damn did she make those tight jeans look GOOD.

I shake my head and return to the present.  After some unpacking and organizing I lay the only other dress that I’d brought with me, a cute but tasteful white blouse and skirt combo that I’d brought for school, out over my bed.  I would have to buy some more clothes if I was going to keep this ruse going.  I was confident the sock trick would hold up while hidden under a dress but after seeing Charlize in her yoga pants and Hanae in her jeans I knew damn well that in anything but the loosest of pants it would blindingly obvious.  Speaking of socks…

“Ewww.”  I cringe as I fish the dampened bundle out from my panties.  I’d been so wet!  Placing them into the pocket of my thick bathrobe I decide to take them with me to wash out in the sink.  As I gather my toiletries I find myself hoping that the washroom had a detachable hand-held shower head, preferably one with a nice strong pulsing massage setting.  Mmmm, yes.  That would be nice.  Ever since that ‘cleanse’ from Charlize I’d been feeling like nothing but a dirty, dirty girl.

Chapter 7 


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