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Leaving Dot’s room I head down stairs with no other goal than to explore and investigate.  At the bottom of the stairs I discover the front door wide open and the summer heat washing into the foyer.  Beyond the door sits Sloane where I had first met her.  She is sitting cross-legged on the porch with a lit cigarette hanging from her lips as she refits a hose in Dot’s half torn apart scooter.

“You’re letting the cold out.”  I gripe as I come to the doorway.

“Hmm?”  She looks over at me, squinting through the smoke.  “Oh, hey darlin.”

“You’re letting the cold out.”  I say again.

“That wasn’t me.”  She smirks and motions out toward the yard.  “Little Dot just came this way.  Forgot to close it I guess.”

I was going to say something about her sitting just ten feet away and letting the door hang open but I let it pass.  I was the new one here and I didn’t want to come across as an uptight shrew.  I step out onto the porch and close the door behind me scanning the yard for my odd new friend.  She was nowhere to be seen.  “A bit absent minded that girl.”

“A bit!?”  Sloane laughs.  “Livin in her own world more like.  She’s alright though.”

“Yeah.”  Despite the oppressive humidity and heat I move to sit on the front step.  I sit back, my arms supporting me, and stretch my legs out in front.  Thankfully I am in the shade, just my bare feet poked out into the sun, and the breeze flowing up my skirt gave some relief.

The Irishwoman returns to her work, finishing the attaching of the hose and moving onto a filter.  “She says she needs the bike because her bestie is taking her to the beach.”  She says.  “I’m assumin you’re the bestie.”

“Yeah.  She’s taken a liking to me.  She says we’re a team.”

“Good.  That’s good.”  Sloane nods with an approving smile.  Her cigarette bobbed up and down as she spoke and seemed permanently attached to her bottom lip.  Sloane had this wonderful energy about her that was hard to describe.  She was just laid back and…cool.  I got the sense nothing ever bothered her too much.  “I think yer gonna get along here just fine Jo.”

“Thanks Sloane.”  Rubbing my palms together nervously I say.  “Hey.  I…I didn’t mean to…well…”

“Yeah, I saw ya peekin out yer door there.”  She chuckles.  The fact she only mentioned the door confirms that she did not suspect me at the window, that was a relief.  “Hanae and I ain’t exactly shy.  I hope you’re cool with it.”  

“Yeah, I’m cool.  It was quite a shock though!”  I laugh.  “Goodness!  Things weren’t like that back in Fairbanks.  Ha ha ha!”

“Liked what ya saw?”

“Oh!”  I blush and look away.  “I wasn’t really…um…looking looking.  Not in that way.”

“In what way?”

“You know!  I was just curious about the noise.”  After an awkward pause I add.  “I have a boyfriend.”

“Uh huh.”  She says unconvinced.  She takes a wrench and begins tightening something else.  “Been with a sister before?”

“No.”  I confess.

“Mmmm.”  She hums.  “Well if ya ever want yer cherry popped…”

“Sloane!”  I giggle despite myself.  “Jesus.”

“Just sayin.”  She says, her voice full of warm humor.  “My door is always open.”

“I was warned about you.”  I say I give her sidelong glance.  “For good reason I see.  As I said, I have a boyfriend.  And it is far too late to have anything…popped thank you very much.”

“You’ve only been with men?”  She quips with a saucy wink.  “As good as a virgin then.”

“Pfft!  What?”

“Ya heard me.  When yer done with the little boys I can show ya what a real woman feels like.”  She says.  “I ain’t the biggest here but I hold my own alright.”

“Oh my God.”  I shake my head.  I’d never had a woman come onto me before and it was surprisingly flattering.  That fact that she was also somebody who I KNEW had a huge dick…oh my!  My blushing cheeks warm further.  “Man hater?”

“Pussy slayer.”

I cannot help but laugh even as I add another mental note about these women.  Pussy slayer, not ass slayer.  Interesting.  She assumed I had a pussy.  Was it possible these “sisters” had both penis AND vagina?  Were they all hermaphroditic?  It seemed fantastical but would it be any moreso than what I’d already seen?  The way Dot spoke about her mother I’d definitely gotten the sense that despite being endowed with a set of male gonads childbirth was still possible for these women.  And deep down I knew that I had come from my own mother’s womb.  We simply looked too much alike for me to be adopted.

“You’re terrible Sloane.  You are as bad as Prince.”  I fan my dress and quickly change the subject.  “I wonder where Dot got to?”

“She went around back but by now she could be anywhere.  You never can guess with her.”

Just then the door behind us opens.  “Dere you are.”  Comes a comically stuffed up voice.  Looking back over my shoulder I see Charlize peeking out around the door frame.  For some reason she was wearing a tan cloth mask over top of which she had a nose clip for swimming pinching her nostrils closed.  The one hand that I could see she holds an smoking incense stick which she waves continuously in front of her face.  I tilt my head curiously and look at Sloane for an answer.  Accustomed to Charlize’s eccentricities Sloane just snorts a laugh and shakes her head as she returns to her work.  “Doanna.  Do you hab a minute?”

“Uh, I guess?”

“Come on den.”  She disappears back inside while leaving the door partially open for me to follow.

“What is this about?”

“You’re about to be cleansed.”  Sloane says with a grin.  “Just go with it.  It’s kind of her own way of welcoming you.”

“Oh yeah.”  I chuckle.  “She has to cure me of tundra germs and Northern sun cycles.”

“Fer me it was some mumbo-jumbo about reaching out to the Earth Mother.  She made me plant something in the garden to help root me here in America.”

“It’s not mumbo-dumbo!”  Charlize scolds through the open door.

Not realizing she could still hear us Sloane and I giggle like guilty kids.  I get up off the step.  “Wish me luck.”

“Good luck.”

“Hey.   Do you want to come to beach with us tomorrow?”

“Dot already asked.”  She says as a stack of ash drops from her ciggy down onto her lap unnoticed.  “I’ll think about it darlin.  Hanae might want to come too.  She loves that outdoorsy shit.”

“Great!  That’s great.  The more the merrier.  I’ll let you know when we decide on a time.”

Though I didn’t know what I was walking into I was definitely glad to be out of the heat again.  Careful not to get within arm’s length of me Charlize in her violet cotton shirt and skin tight yoga pants leads the way, her big behind bouncing with each step.  I am forced to walk through the smoke of the incense to stay on her tail but thankfully it smelled really good.

“I can’t hab you walking around ’ere like dat.”  She says as we go.  “Tank you for udderstanding.”

“Sure Charlize.”  I say in a friendly voice.  “I just want to get along with you all.”

“Ob course.”  It was hard not to laugh at her plugged up voice.

She leads me not to the common room like I expected but to the gym instead where she had a circle of gemstones already laid out around a large green yoga mat.  Nearby there was a teapot, a curl of steam coming up from the slender spout, and a single small handleless cup.  Near this was what looked to be a copper metal bowl with a six inch long wooden cylinder beside it.  She has me wait for a moment as she wafts the smoke all around the area before placing it carefully into an incense holder.

Thank goodness I was half prepared for it because as she turns around to face me I discover that her pants left VERY little to the imagination.  Snug in a tight little bundle I could make out both nuts and her long cock through the tight pants.  Hell, I could even see the subtle ridge of her glans!  Though completely soft I marvel at the beautiful length and shape of her penis curled like a slumbering serpent around the side of egg shaped balls.  Aesthetically it was just precisely how a flaccid dick ought to look, at least to my discerning eye.  Silly as it was how one looked both soft and hard was something I actually had an opinion on, dick connoisseur that I was.  Prince, bless him, was more grower than shower and his unaroused peen was little than more a thumb-sized nub nestled amongst his pubes.  Beneath and behind her nuts I catch the hint of a camel toe between her legs.  It looked like she had both, just as I had begun to suspect.  Had I not been ready for the reveal I would have gawked even more than I was.

Forcing my eyes up to meet hers I say.  “Is this really necessary?”

“Yes.”  She says as she directs me into the circle of stones.

I sigh and play along.  Stepping into the ring I walk onto the mat and turn around.  She gives me a nod.  “Tank you.”  As if the stones somehow provided a barrier Charlize feels free to remove her nose clip and cloth mask.  She sets these on a nearby bench.  “Hahhh.”  She breathes out.

“The dress stays on.”  I say to establish a firm boundary.

“Of course.” She rolls her eyes.  “Don’t worry.  I’m not Sloane.”

“Right.”  She smiles her perfect smile and I am struck once more on just how darned attractive Charlize actually was.  I might have kinda pretty back in my hometown but faced with this dark skinned Aphrodite I felt absolutely plain by comparison.  “So what do you want me to do?”

“Not much.”  She says as she extends her hand.  “Sit.”

Careful to keep my dress covering what it needed to cover I plop down on my butt right in the center of the mat.  With a practiced feline grace she lowers herself to her knees just beyond the circle.  Those yoga pants weren’t just for show, this was a woman in full control of her body.  She pours the tea.  The steaming liquid is a pale yellow with flecks of what looked like lawn clippings floating around in it.  She takes it between a thumb and finger and offers it to me.

“What is it?”  I sniff the air, only smelling the pleasant though pungent incense.

“It’s just green tea with lemon grass.”  She answers.  “Nothing too mumbo-jumbo.”

“Okay.”  I take it and bring it to my lips to blow the heat from the surface.  I take a sip.  “Mmm, not bad.”

She stares at me.  Studying me closely.  It is a strange and humbling thing to suddenly have the complete unwavering attention of somebody so physically attractive.  “Your energy is…wild.”

“Sun cycles?”

“No.  No, this is something else.  Something more recent.”  Her mesmerizing mocha eyes narrow.  “Your tantra is all jumbled and snarled.  Like just after rushed…masturbation?”

“GLP!”  I nearly choke on the next sip of tea.  How in the hell did she know that I rubbed one out!?  “I did not!”

She closes her eyes a moment then opens them again.  “Apologies Joanna.”

“I should say so.”  I take another sip.  “People around here are awfully cozy with strangers.”

“Not strangers.”  She says.  “Sisters.”


She tilts her head, still looking at me intently.  “There’s something about you.  You are different from the others, aren’t you?”

My heart skips a beat.  Charlize and her ‘mumbo-jumbo’ was seeing a lot more than she ought to be.  I set the tea down on the floor.  “Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea.”

“Wait, please.”  She reaches out to very softly touch my hand.  “This won’t take long.”

“Fine.”  I say tersely.  “Let’s just do this, hmm?”

“Lie down.”  She motions with sweep of her arm.  “On your back please.  Watch your tea.”  She takes my cup to move it out of the way.  I spin so that I am in line with the mat.  I stretch my legs out and flatten out my skirt.  I was thankful I thought to put the socks in my panties, the illusion was quite convincing.  I lay back and look up at the ceiling.  “Good.”  I felt ridiculous but Charlize treated this moment with a solemnity and infectious reverence.  Taking one of the stone, a smooth milky white one, she places it in my hand.  “Bring this to your heart and close your eyes.”  I roll my eyes before closing them and do as she says.  “Bring your other hand over it as well.”  I follow instruction.

“Now what?”

“Just breathe, relax, think of something that makes you happy.”  She says in a warm soft voice.  “I’ll take care of the cleanse.”

‘This is so stupid.’  I think.

Bonnnnngggggg.  A low wavering ring sounds out.  That bowl, it was some sort of bell.  The resonance hangs in the space around us and drones for a long, long time.  Quietly Charlize busies herself with her silly ceremony as the soothing sound just goes on and on and on.

I allow myself to relax and the fatigue of my long day melts deep into my bones.  I feel the stone against my palm, warm and smooth against my skin.  I smell the earthy aroma of the drifting incense infusing my consciousness.  I taste the pleasant flavors of green tea and lemon grass lingering on my palate.  I hear the unending toll of the bell vibrate around my tired mind.  I sense the nearness of Charlize, her quiet presence comforting in this moment of calm.  With every sense but one in a state of tranquility my mind’s eye opens.  And I see…cock.  

Not just any cock.  Not my boyfriend’s cock.  But a big beautiful feminine cock!  Outlined beneath a thin snug violet layer of fabric I can see in perfect detail, frozen in time, the package I had just briefly caught glimpse of.  God Charlize had a gorgeous dick.  Oh how I would love to feel its spongy flesh in my grip.  To feel a flaccid penis that filled my hand.  And to stroke it.  To feel it come alive and swell to my touch.  If she was that big soft, how big could it get at full arousal?  I let out a long sigh as I can almost feel the warm soft rich brown flesh in my hand.  “Mmmmm.”  Seamlessly my thoughts drift to Sloane’s huge erection.  It looked so hard and so big as Hanae went down on it.  She’d had to stretch her jaw just to make it fit.  It was a struggle.  Could I suck one that big as well as her?  I sure would like to try.  Sloane said anytime, her door was always open.  Always.  Slap, slap, slap.  Within the drone of the bell I hear wet bodies coming together as Hanae fucked Sloane in the shower.  How had Sloane handled that uncircumcised monster?  Like those women in the videos?  Their pussies stretching to accommodate raw girth?  The moans Sloane made were lewd and lusty and wonderful.  “Ohhhhh.”  They weren’t all so big though.  There was a range, a variety.  Five and half Dot told me…I bet it was every bit as cute as she was.  She would show me if I asked.  She was my bestie.  We were a team.  I feel the heel of Gretchen stepping down onto my shoulder.  I gaze up to see her leering down at me like an all powerful goddess.  The prodigious bulge in her pants larger than any mortal man’s.  She was so tall, so striking, how could I ever resist a woman like that?  I couldn’t.  She could have me. She could take me.  She could tie me down and…use me.   And what of the others?  All the others…all of them…all around me…naked and sweaty and stroking their big female schlongs…their hands now all over me…groping me…fondling me….fingering me…holding me down and getting ready to…  “Ohhhhhhh!”


“Hah!”  I gasp as Charlize clearing her throat interrupts my daydream.  My eyes flare open.  “Wh-what?”

“We’re done.”  She says.  Putting her hand to the bowl she brings the bell’s ring to an abrupt end.

“We are?  Already?”

She smiles.  “It’s been almost thirty minutes.”

“What!?”  I sit up rubbing my eyes.  “I must have dozed off.”

“That will happen.”  She assures me.  Collecting her stones she announces.  “Sounded like were having quite a vision.”

“You heard?”

“Just a bit of mumbling among the snores.”  She fibs.  “You are clean.  Thank you Joanna.”

Panting slightly I touch my warm cheeks and feel the sweat on my brow.  My body was burning up!  Even though I had ‘tangled my tantra’ just over an hour ago I’d never been more horny.  Had she spiked my tea with some crazy new age aphrodisiac or something?  God damn!  Thank goodness that was just pair of socks in my panties, a rather damp pair now.  If I had a member like theirs the tent in my dress would have given away my true libidinous feelings for certain.  I needed to get to my room again.  I needed some alone time ASAP!

“Uh, thanks.  I feel cleansed.  Great stuff.”  I get to my feet.  “All good now.”

“I am happy you enjoyed it.”  She says through a smirk.  Was she teasing me?

“I’m just gonna…go.”

Right then Dom peeks her head in.  “No more bell.  All done?”

“We’re done.”  Charlize says.

“Just in time!”

“In time?”

“Dot volunteered the pair of you to help with dinner.”

“She did?”

“You don’t have to if you don’t want to Jo.”  Dom says.  “It is your welcome meal after all.  But she said you wouldn’t mind, and I wouldn’t mind the company.”

I take a second to gather myself and attempt to quell my swirling sexual desires.  “No, no, that’s okay.”  I say.  “I can help.  Happy to do so.”

“That’s my girl.”  She beams.  As I near she puts her arm around me and pulls me into her side, her wide hip and big breast smushing into my arm.  “You are good people Miss Alaska.  One of the family.”

“Yeah.”  I say with a tense smile as the sock in my undies rub, rub, rubbed against my cock craving pussy as we walked.  “Sister Jo, that’s me.  One of the family.”

Chapter 6 


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