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After our laughs we finish up picking and choosing and separating out what we were taking into a nice pile.  Once Alan got home I would ask him for help with the bigger and heavier stuff.  The rest of the much reduced leftovers are covered up again and the three of us make our way back down.  The chair is put back and the fold down ladder tucked back up into the ceiling.

Evelyn slips her arm around mine and tells Kitty.  “Before you two silly kids head out shopping I need a few minutes with Donald.”

“You da boss Evie.”  Kit points at her with double finger-guns.  “Catch ya later.”

“I’ll see you later.”

“I’ll meet you at the truck darling.”  She winks to me with a little smirk, knowing full well Evelyn and I were likely up to no good.  She spins and leaves us alone.

“Thanks Kit.”  I say after her as we watch her curly hair bouncing and bobbing down the stairs.

“Evie.”  Evelyn chuckles.  “I like her.  I really like her.”

“Yeah, she grows on you.”  I admit.  “Like a rash.”


“Just joking.  So what did you want to talk to me about?”

She looks at me in that way a mother does and brushes some hair away from my forehead, just fiddling with me for the sake of fiddling.  She enjoyed touching me and I was only too happy to be touched.  “You live here now my boy.”

“Yes Ma’am.”  I smile.

“And you are heading out.”  She traces a finger down my cheek to lightly pinch my chin.


“Do you remember what that means?”

“Uh…oh!”  It takes a moment but the recollection strikes me shortly.  “My cage.”

“Mmm hmm.”  She nods.  “You are my boy.  Mine.”  She strokes her hands down over my hair and across my shoulders.  “I want you safe and snug and locked up tight.  Nobody touches your little guy but you and me right now.  He’s Mommy’s special guy until I say otherwise.”

I bow my head with a bashful grin.  “Yes Ma’am.  I am yours.”

“And I look after what is mine.  If you meet any girls you like out there I want you to come home and tell me all about them.”  She says as she caresses my cheek.  “My boy deserves a good woman.  A girl who can appreciate him for who he really is.  Not some good time girl just after your body.”

I cannot help but giggle.  “Good time girl?”  I thought it so silly, her old fashioned hokey way of talking combined with the ridiculous notion that I was out there having to fend off throngs of babes all the time, but it was silly in the special way only she could be.  “There won’t be any girls, don’t worry.”

She was dead serious though.  Gazing into my eyes and gripping my shoulders she states.  “We will find you a woman who deserves you Donald.  One who will treat you right.”  I was about to assure her again that I had already found the woman of my dreams and that she was standing right in front of me but she continues on with a command.  “Okay, quick now baby.  Kit is waiting.  I want you to go downstairs, take a very cold rinse, get into your cage, then hurry on back so I can see.”  She turns me by the shoulders toward the stairs and swats my bum.  “Go.”

“Yes Ma’am.”  I titter as I take off to obey my command.  Oh how I loved having a Domme to obey.

Moving quick I do exactly as I was told.  I zip down to my new home, dig out my cage, find a towel, and then head into the washroom to be blasted by very frigid jets of water.  “Whoooo!”  I hoot as the shock of cold washes over me from my neck down.  The force of icy streams was at least three times greater than the feeble water pressure back at the old place and in just a few intense minutes I am already shivering.  Good boy that I am though I bear it for long as I can.  The cold water invigorates my whole system while also washing away the sweat of the move.  It also causes…shrinkage, which I am soon thankful for.  After my time with Evelyn in the bedroom my libido had been simmering at a constant rate of horny and I’d been sporting a chub ever since, after that shower though my genitals were in full retreat.  After toweling myself off I have not trouble at all feeding my shriveled manhood into its cage.  Hell, unlike normal, there was room to spare!  Hurried I dress and dash back up to find her and show how good I was locked up.

I find Evelyn not in the kitchen or in the main floor at all, but still up in her bedroom.  I poke my head into the partially closed door.  “Mum?”

“In here.”  I hear from the attached washroom.  “Come in.”

I walk through, still adjusting my stride and how my cage was seated, and enter the washroom.  I find her standing near the sink.  The way her eyes lit up at just the sight of me…well, it gave me life.  You could not fake a look like that.  If every man and woman saw genuine love like that in the eyes of their beloved the world would be a much nicer place.  All of the pain and abuse I’d suffered at the hands of my mother, that I only recently realized I carried around with me like an anchor in everything I did, was momentarily forgotten in that feeling of strength and confidence I got from my Mommy.

“Hello handsome.”  She says.

“Hi.”  I say meekly.  She loves it.   

“Let Mommy see.”  I nod.  Undoing my pants I let them fall then pull the front of my tight underwear down to reveal my bound penis.  It looked kinda funny pressed against the clear plastic.  To Evelyn it is the most wonderful sight.  “OHHHH!”  She croons.  “He is adorable!”

I laugh.  “That cold water had him trying to hide.”

“Get over here!”  She waves me in.  Stepping out of my pants I come in close.  She cups my package and admires it with burbling glee.  Her caging me was an act of dominance, no doubt, but not one of humiliation like some of the things I’d read online since I’d been given my cage.  She caged me because I was hers, her property as far as I was concerned, and not because she wished to belittle me or emasculate me.  I could swing free all I wanted while under her roof but out in the world she wanted me safely under lock and key.  “Look at him.”  She says.  “Just look at him!  All snug as a bug.”

Thrusting my hips forward I show it off proudly.  “Nobody’s touching him without a key.”

“You’re comfy?”  She asks.  “You practiced peeing with it.”

I roll my eyes.  “Yes Mom.”

“Good.”  She kisses two fingertips then touches my cage.  She then tucks my undies up over it and pats my chest.  “You are a good boy.”  Stepping to the side she reveals a mysterious small black box on the counter behind her.  

I look at her with an expression of exasperation.  “Another present, seriously?”

She laughs.  “I can’t help myself.”

“You really are going to end up spoiling me.”

“Rotten.”  She says shamelessly.  “Open it.”

My gratitude already full to bursting all I can do it accept the gift with humble appreciation.  I step up beside her and open the fancy hinged box to reveal a vibrant turquoise…thing…cradled within a satiny pink interior.  It was one solid piece of silicone with a bulbous end that tapered down into a narrow shaft that then ended in a crescent shaped base.  My first thought was that it was an enormous binky designed for adults.  It seemed awfully big though for that purpose.  I hadn’t intended on going that far in our roleplay…but if this is what Evelyn desired I’d at least give it a try.  Just before I say something embarrassing though my mind shifts and the object’s true nature is revealed to me.

“A butt plug?”  My dick swells, only to be instantly constrained by my cage.

“It will help us get you ready for me.”  Her hand glides across my back as she sidles in next to me to look down at it with me.  “Blue.”

“My favorite color.  You remembered.”  I smile.  “You want me to wear this?  Now?”

“I never said that.”  She says softly.  “Do you wish to wear it out?”

“Yes please.”

“Ask nice.”

Touching the bulbous head I feel the soft texture of the silicone.  “Please.  Please may I wear my plug Ma’am?”

“Mmmm.”  She hums warmly, the hand at my back gliding down to be filled with a cheek of my ass.  With a gentle squeeze she whispers.  “Of course my prince.”

Chapter 64 


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