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After I’d collected myself and freshened up a bit I am pacing back and forth along the length of the narrow room.  A thousand questions zip through my befuddled mind but none of them settle long enough for me to really reflect on before the next pops up to take its place.  Were all of these women like Hanae and Sloane?  Was my Mom?  And were the all so fucking HUNG!?  I needed more information.

I consider calling Prince again but decide against it.  First of all he probably wouldn’t believe me and second I just didn’t know how he’d react to me living with a house full of well endowed roomies.  With him it was always so hard to tell.

I hear the pair I had just spied on leave the room after a short time.  I panic as I hear their footsteps approach…but they pass right on by without pause, speaking casually like good friends as they make their way downstairs.  After a few more minutes my pulse finally comes down and I get a grip on myself.  I hated to admit it but that quickie orgasm had gone a long way to soothing my tired nerves.  I always felt so much better and more focused after a good climax.  The longer it was quiet the more assured I became that I hadn’t been actually been spotted.  Surely they’d be at my door by now demanding answers if I had.  At most there was suspicion and even that was focused on the weird Beatriz and not myself.

I pat my cheeks and look over myself in the mirror on the inside of one of the wardrobe doors.  I smooth out my brown hair that was a bit frizzy from the heat and humidity and try to flatten the few wrinkles on my blue sundress.  Besides my tired hazel eyes I was still looking good.  Inside I might be reeling but my appearance remained cool and calm.  One benefit of living with a tyrant most of my life was that I was great at concealing my true feelings.

Looking at my dress I smirk as I think back.  I had been fifty-fifty between wearing this or a pair of shorts when I got dressed before the trip.  If I’d gone with the latter, and if my well founded suspicions about these women turned out to be true, I wouldn’t have even made to the front door.  If this was the secret the Cybele Sisterhood was keeping it made sense of the high walls that surrounded this place.  Thoughts of a telltale bulge brings to mind an idea.  I peer over toward my luggage.  Hurrying back I open my suitcase and find a pair of socks folded together.  Even as I stuff them down my snug panties and position them I feel ridiculous, but on the off chance somebody got a glimpse I wanted something to be there at least.  I do my best to make the bulge look like legit but in the end it just turned into a lump.  Good enough for now.  I wasn’t about to go prancing through the house in my undies.

I stand at my door, put on my poker face, then step back out into the hall.  I close the door behind me and look left and right.  Where to start?

It was all quiet except for a very soft humming from two doors down.  Dot’s room.  Perfect.  Dot, while eccentric, had been the most blunt of the women I’d met thus far and the perfect one to coax information from.  I walk down the hallway and stop at her closed door, after moment’s hesitation I know.

“Come in.”  Comes Dot’s sweet Hawaiian accent.

Swinging the door open I step in and enter one of the strangest rooms I had ever been in.  It was both chaos and order distilled through the mind of a bubbly teen genius.  Every inch of wall and ceiling was plastered with something.  K Pop posters were overlapped with dizzyingly complex schematics that looked to depict circuitry which was next to a crudely done oil painting of a woman who might be Dot which in turn bordered against a plushie of a Minecraft creeper which covered a white board chockablock with programming code just below a series of pages ripped straight from a sketch book taped together which showed the chemical structure of various unlabeled molecules with cutesy faces drawn in the rings, and so it went.  There seemed no rhyme nor reason for any of it, and none of it went together.  At odds with the jumble of the walls and ceiling everything down below was organized to perfection.  Her desk was clean except for her computer and a textbook, her bed was made with a stuffed sea turtle placed precisely in the corner, and her floor tidy with laundry neatly in the basket and litter in the little trash can.  It was on that tidy floor I find Dot.

She lays on her belly drawing in a notebook what looked to be a map.  Whether it was a real place she was drawing or something straight from her imagination I could only guess.

“Howzit?”  She asks as she looks up to greet me.  She pats the spot on the floor next to her as an invitation.

“Oh tired.”  I say as I walk up and lay down beside her in a manner similar to her.  “What a day it’s been.”

“Yeah.”  She says.  “I’m still adjusting myself.  They say it gets better.  It’s so hard though when you’ve never been away from home.”

“Yeah.”  I say softly.

She pushes the notebook so that it was centered between us.  “At least we have each other now.  Team Newb.”  

“Ha ha!  That’s right sister, you and me.”

She points at the blank page opposite the one she was drawing on.  “You can have that one.”  With that she passes me a pencil from a bright pink case she had beside her.  

“Um…thanks.”  I take the pencil and begin to sketch on my side as she returns to her map.

“What are you doing Dot?”

“Writing a song.”  She answers.

I tilt my head confusedly.  “That’s a song?”

“No silly!  That’s a drawing.”

“Right.”  I say.  “Um, what’s your song about?”

“Home sickness.”  She sighs and glances briefly up toward the painting I’d noted earlier.  “I miss my Mom.  Do you miss your Mom?”

What a question.  “Yeah.”  I say sadly.  “I miss her everyday.”

“Yeah.”  With a careful hand she draws a little river running through the lakeside town she was making.  “It’s a different kind of lonely for selfies I think.  A different kind of connection, ya know?  That’s what my song is about.”

I wasn’t really sure how to reply so I just say.  “Sure.”  Leaning in to see her map I ask.  “Is that your hometown Dot?”

“No.”  She says, offering no other detail.  

“Did you find your error?”  I ask, referencing back to when she’d left the kitchen so swiftly I didn’t even have a chance to introduce myself properly.

“Yeah, I fixed it.”

Again I wait for more, but there was none coming.  “Uh huh.  Um, so what was the error?”


“Right, logic.  Of course.”  I could already tell talking with Dot was going to be a challenge.  This was a girl who marched to her own beat.

We draw in silence for awhile when Dot stops and takes notice of what I was doing.  “Hey!”  She chirps excitedly.  “That’s my scooter!”

I chuckle.  “Yeah.  I saw it down on the porch.  I thought it was cute.”

“Woahhhh!”  She reaches to feel the back wheel with her fingertips, as if she might actually feel the scooter itself through the paper.  “You’re so good at drawing.”

“Lots of practice.”  I say as I shade along the bottom of the seat.  “I’ve come here for art school.  I’m hoping to be a graphic designer.”


“And you?”

“Nah, I don’t want to be a graphic designer.”

I laugh at her misreading of my question, but I let it rest.  Dot wriggles closer so that she was right up against me.  Resting her cheek against my shoulder she watches me sketch as if it were the most incredible thing she’d ever seen.  I can’t not smile a little.  For all her eccentricity she just exuded her emotions raw and honest like a ray of sunshine.  As she watches with rapt attention I begin to search for answers.

“Hey Dot.”


“Remember you asked if I was a selfie?”


“Well…I am.”  I say.  I hated to lie to the little sweetie but I really wanted to establish a connection with her before prying for info.  “I am a selfie too.  You guessed right.”

“I knew it.”  She giggles.  “Isn’t it just the best?  Being just like your Mama.”

“Sure is.”

“Some of traditional sisters might look down on us but I love it.”  She says.  “I’m proud of it.  Definitely makes hand-me-downs easy, huh?”

“Oh yes, for sure.”  I bluff.

“So are you identical or…”  She swallows.  “…a bit different?”


“I know, silly question.”

“Yeah.”  I say, pretending to know what she was on about.

“I’m different.”  She confesses.  “A few genetic deviations from the original.  It’s rare but it happens sometimes.  They still don’t know why, with the same genes in both sperm and egg I should be an exact match in every way.  I look the same as her but Mom doesn’t get distracted like I do.  Better balanced brain chemistry, mine’s all whack.”  It is very subtle but I feel her press closer into me.  “They tried drugs.  Didn’t help.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.”

“It’s okay.  I didn’t like them.”  She says.  “Besides that and the fact that Mom’s normal size we’re the same otherwise.”

“Normal size?”

“Her penis.”  Dot says innocently, not realizing she was speaking to an outsider.  “I’m only five and half inches, she’s eight and a half.”

“Ah.  Of course.”  Bingo!  That was number three of the seven that I now knew for sure sported a dick.

“I’m so little.”  She sighs.  Was that a whiff of penis envy I hear?  Perhaps that wasn’t an exclusively male trait after all.

“Ah, not so little.”  I assure her.  Leaning in close I whisper.  “Don’t tell anybody but…my boyfriend’s about that big.  So you’re in good company.”

“Yeah, but he’s a man.”  There is a pause before she peeps.  “Wait.  You have a boyfriend!?”

“Mmm hmm.”  I nod, my drawing hand continuing to work.  “His name is Prince.  He’s still back in Alaska.”

“Ohh, lucky!  So he knows?”


“And he doesn’t mind about you being different?”

“Nope.  He likes me just the way I am.”  I say.

“Ohhh, that’s the dream ain’t it.  He even bottoms?”

“Er…not so much.”

“Phooey.”  She sticks out her tongue, puffs out her cheeks, and with her plump lips she blows a loud and absolutely adorable raspberry.  “Pbbbbrrp!  Selfish guy.”

“I don’t mind.”  I laugh.  “Ya wanna know something else?”


I lower my voice even more.  “I’m even smaller than you two.”

“Smaller!?”  She exclaims as her golden eyes widen.  “No!”

I try to contain my smirk at my private little joke.  “Oh yes.  Much smaller.”  That part was the truth.  You couldn’t get much smaller than non-existent, right?

“I’ve never been bigger than anyone before.”  She puts an arm around me and hugs tight to my side and comforts me.  “It’s okay if you’re little.  You are still a sister, no matter how small you are.  You hear me.  You are one of us.”

“Thank you Dot.”  I chuckle.  “That means a lot.”

“Um, can…can I see it?”  She bats her big eyes.  “Please.”

“No.”  I say quickly.  “I’m bashful.”

“I promise I won’t laugh or tease or nothing.  I swear.”

“No Dot.”

“Okay.”  She rolls over to lay on her back but stays close.  As I draw she stares up at the ceiling with her hands behind her head.  “Team Little.  Should that be our name?  We need a name.”

“Eh, let’s think about it.”  I say.  “I’m not sure I want to share that with the others.”

“Share what with the others?”  Comes another sharper voice seemingly out of nowhere.

Startled by the sudden intrusion I fumble my pencil and send it rolling toward the door.  It comes to rest about a foot away from pointed toes of a pair of crimson red pumps.  I look up…and up…and up into the frosty blue eyes of Gretchen.  Fuck she was tall!  Being all the way down here on the floor only exaggerated her great height.

“It’s a secret.”  Dot tells the towering European.  “Can’t say.”

Crossing her arms Gretchen stares down at the pair of us with all of the warmth she might show to ants scurrying across the sidewalk.  I worried for moment she might actually step on us.  She still had on the unique pantsuit I’d seen her in when I arrived.  It seemed an awfully stuffy outfit to be wearing around the house but it certainly matched her power-bitch energy.

“Mmm, very well.”  She says sternly.  “A piece of advice then, you might want to keep your door closed when sharing secrets.  Especially with Beatriz about.”

“Heh, yeah.  Good point.”  I say.

“Hey, at least we weren’t banging in the bathroom.”  Dot quips.  “They were so loud!  Ha ha ha!”

Gretchen raises an unamused brow.  “Indeed.  Those two are incorrigible.  You’ll just have to get used to them I’m afraid.”  She studies us a moment, her eyes narrowing slightly.  “You two seem to have hit it off quickly.”

“Yep!”  Dot grins.   “We’re best friends now.”


“We have a lot in common.  So much in common.”

“Obviously.”  It might have been her accent but I was pretty sure that was sarcasm.

“I’d tell you but we’re bashful.”

“Indeed.”  Gretchen says.  “That is definitely the first word I’d use to describe you.  Dot the bashful.”  Okay, that was definitely sarcasm.

Dot misses it though.  “Right?”

As they spoke I had been trying to catch a glimpse beneath that long blazer of Gretchen’s without making it too obvious that’s what I was doing.  If she were packing heat that would make over half of the group and pretty much confirm my theory.  I mean it was already a near certainty but a bit more data couldn’t hurt.  Plus…I was just curious to see it.  Damn.  I had to get just a bit closer to see.  My eyes focus on the pencil that had rolled near her feet.  Perfect.

Trying to stay casual and keep the conversation flowing I say.  “Well, since we’re best friends now, want to go to the beach tomorrow?”

“Me?”  Dot looks over at me with a smile that brightens the whole room.  “Yes!”

“I’ve always wanted to put my feet in the ocean.”  As I talk I crawl forward and reach for the pencil.  

“You’ve never put your feet in the ocean!?”  Dot couldn’t believe it.

“Yeah.”  I say as I begin to look up to sneak my peek.  “You’re invited too Gretchen if…”

Gretchen surprises me by stepping forward to meet me halfway.  The next thing I knew I feel a heeled shoe press down on my shoulder!  She really was stepping on me!  On my hands and knees and beneath her heel I slowly look allllll the way up into the imperious face of the skyscraping blonde.  For an instant, just a fleeting instant, I catch the hint of a smile at the corner of her ruby lips as she looks down upon me with a distinct air of superiority.  The moment stretches on in slow motion though it only lasts a second or two.

She lowers her foot and says.  “Allow me.”  Getting down to one knee in front of me she picks up my pencil.  She locks eyes with me in a way I’d never quite experience before, reminiscent of my stern auntie yet with a sizzling energy that was completely at odds with her cool exterior.  I only hold her gaze for only a moment such was the piercing intensity and in tearing my eyes away…I see it.  A prodigious mound at the crotch of her slacks.  Just like with Hanae and Sloane what I saw made my boyfriend’s bulge while wearing snug jeans look humble by comparison.  I only saw it due to the way she knelt on one knee.  Had that been on purpose?  Had she overheard our talk of being little?  Was this her way of showing that she was not so little?  Some sort of show of dominance?  The strange way she looked at me I wouldn’t put it past her.  Holding the pencil out in her elegant long fingered hand she says, no…commands.  “Take it.”

I tear my eyes from her junk and snatch the pencil quickly.  “Thanks.”  I whisper as I feel my cheeks warm.  Without meaning to I’d stared at her crotch long enough that there was no way she missed it.

“You are welcome…Jo.”  She holds me with her eyes a few more second before rising up to her full height.  

I stay there, frozen in spot, unsure whether to stand up and lay back down or what.  Gretchen had me all flustered and mixed up.

“Joe?”  Dot says.  “I didn’t know you’re name was Joe.”  She giggles.  “What kind of name is Joe!?”

“Uh, yeah.”  I say.  “Jo, short for Joanna.”

“Oh, that makes sense.”

Gretchen laughs, a sharp biting laugh but not a cruel one.  “You didn’t even know you’re best friend’s name?”

“Gimme a break.”  Dot says.  “We just met.  So you comin with us to the beach Gretchen?”

“The beach isn’t really my thing.”  She peers down to address me with surprising politeness.  “But I appreciate the invitation, sister.”  

With that she turns and strides with power and confidence from the room.  Pencil clutched in my hand I stay there stunned for a few seconds, and very confused as to why my pussy was suddenly revving hot again.  What the hell?  Was I attracted to Gretchen!?  No way, she’s a bitch.  Probably just the size of that bulge getting to me again.

Dot was oblivious to the undercurrents of that entire interaction.  She still stares at the roof.  “We can take the scooter if you don’t mind riding pillion.”


“The back.  Do you mind riding on the back of the scooter?”  She looks over at me.  “When we go to the beach.”

“Oh, yes.”  I blink and shake my head.  “Yes, of course.  That would be fine.  If Sloane has it fixed by then.  I get the sense she isn’t exactly in a hurry with it.  I get the sense she isn’t in a hurry about much.”

“True!”  Dot titters happily.  “We’ll find a way.”  She lets out a sigh, her eyes stare off into space, she hums a little tune…then she proceeds to get up and leave the room, even shutting the door behind her with me still inside.

“Uh, bye I guess?”  I mutter and shake my head.  “That girl ain’t all there.”

I close the notebook and put it, along with the pencil case up, on her desk.  I look once more about the confused jumble across her walls.  These women were something else.  Dot and Beatriz were on the extreme end but none of them were anywhere close to what I’d call ‘normal’.  Maybe Dom, but the rest…not so much.  Had I not discovered the secret hanging between their legs I might have been coming to the conclusion that this was actually some sort of madhouse.  Well, I wanted an adventure.  I wanted to meet new and interesting people.  I wanted something different from the blandness of back home.  My wishes were certainly coming true.

Chapter 5 


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