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It takes a few minutes but the truth eventually sinks in.  Hanae and Sloane had cocks.  Real flesh and blood cocks.  Those were not strap ons or some sort of prosthetic.  Unless this was some crazy dream that I couldn’t wake up from the dicks I’d just seen were as real as the floor I was sitting on.  Those two were women of a different sort.  In my pondering a jarring thought occurs to me, was it ONLY those two?  As I sit there in my stupor little details begin to burble up in my mind.  Dom’s mention of “our kind”, the stand up urinal, Dot’s “five and half” comment, the way Hanae scratched her crotch and the fact she wasn’t allowed to join a karate class, the news that Sloane was always ready to “check your oil” which evoked the image of a dipstick.  Reflecting on my tour I realized that Dom, Beatriz, Gretchen and Dot were all wearing dresses or skirts, Sloane and Hanae both had on very loose fitting pants, and while Charlize had on tight yoga pants she’d had her back turned to us the entire time we spoke.  None of them that I’d gotten a good look at had on snug jeans or shorts or anything that would reveal what kind of genitals they were sporting.

Is that what the Cybele Sisterhood was?  A community of women like Hanae and Sloane?  Wait.  If that was the case…was my mother…!?

“No.”  I shake my head.  “That’s not possible.”

My words were unconvincing even to my own ear.  Although it was so long ago, my memories faded and fragmented with time, deep down I always knew there was something a bit different about my mother.  Not once had I seen my mother wear pants, shorts, or anything the least bit revealing of her legs, it was always dresses and skirts.  When Dad would take me swimming Mom would only ever watch from afar.  I had very hazy recollections of taking baths together with her and there being some sort of talk about how everybody’s body was special and beautiful.  God…I just couldn’t remember.  If she did have a different anatomy it was something I had accepted as normal, normal enough not to stand out in my memories.  I was so young though when they passed away.

Hold on.  If Mom was like that, what about her sister?  I scour my mind for any recollection of Aunt Regina being different…and quickly draw a blank.  My rabidly prim and proper uptight auntie had always been puritanical with anything related to sex or nudity.  She taught me that such things were shameful and base.  At nights she wore a neck to ankle nightie, during the days a white blouse and long heavy skirt, not one time had I caught her exposed or even just in her britches.  Could it be?

This then lead to more questions.  What about me?  If my auntie and mother were like this why wasn’t I?  Was it even a trait passed down like that or some sort of mutation or something?  I recall Hanae saying something about a ‘selfie’ and her mom and I got the sense they were both within the sisterhood, that suggested it was an inherited trait.  If so, then why wasn’t I like them?  Was it something to do with my father?  Was…was I adopted!?  Now that I thought about it, how could my mom possibly be my biological mother if she had testes instead of ovaries?

“No.”  I whisper, unable to even consider such a thing as that.  “She was my mother.  I know she was.”

My whole world was being shook here.  I shake my head again and get a grip on myself.  I was making a lot of assumptions here with only a little bit of data.  Were they all of a type?  I needed more information.  Right now all that I knew that two of my seven roomies had something a little extra between their legs.

No…not a little extra.  A LOT extra!  

That was the other thing I was struggling with despite my attempts to deny it.  Good God those two girls were well endowed!  I’d never seen anything like them in real life.  In both length and girth they absolutely dwarfed my boyfriend Prince.  Not that Prince was blessed in that way, I’d only been with him and a couple of one night stands before him and he was the smallest of that admittedly tiny sample size, but that pair out there were on a completely different level to any of those men.  I’m talkin porn star levels.  

And I should know, I’d watched enough of that stuff.  Everybody has that one kink that just…did it for them.  That specific fetish that could make a guy pop a tent or make a gal go damp in the knickers right from a dead start.  Guys with big dicks was my particular poison.  It’s not that I was dissatisfied with Prince or anything, though truth be told he never had gotten me off through fucking alone, it was just…my thing.  I’d never been with one, never touched one, never even seen one in the flesh until now, but the mere sight of a plus sized pecker brought a blush to my cheeks and a warm tingle to my pussy.

I slap my cheeks.  Jesus Jo, this is not the time for that.

I just could not get the image out of my mind though.  Hanae had dashed by so quickly I’d only gotten a glimpse of her but with Sloane I had received an eyeful.  Her soft voluptuous body was a pleasant sight to begin with but it was that cock…that huge hard cock…that my mind’s eye returned to again and again.  She had have been nine inches if she was one with a girth that I wasn’t even sure I could my hand around.  Or mouth.  Or…pussy.  Fuck it was magnificent.  I wonder what it would feel…?

“Hah!”  I gasp and rub my face.  “Air, I need air.”

I get to my feet and hurry across the room to open my window wide.  The hot summer breeze pours in and I welcome it.  It was hot and humid but it was fresh.  I lean out the window, it didn’t have any screen on it, my arms on the sill.

“Hahhh.  Easy there girl.”

The window opened right onto the balcony which mirrored the porch below it which bordered the entire building.  From here I could see out over the front yard and the high stone walls to see a bit of the quiet old neighborhood beyond.  Savannah was such a beautiful city, so different from where I came from, yet even this fresh view could not keep my attention from wandering beyond this estate.  I peer down at the gate that my mother’s card had gotten me through and into another world.  Dot had paused her odd singing so that just the sigh of the breeze through sprawling boughs the big oak and the din of traffic could be heard.  Well, those and one more thing.

“Mmmm.  Don’t stop.”  I just barely make out Sloane’s voice coming from down the balcony to the left, two windows down.  They were in Hanae’s room.

As I stare down the balcony Prince’s words echo in my ears.  “Go take a look.”

Slowly I shake my head no.  “I shouldn’t.”

“Steamy college girl on girl action. That’ so hot.”  Prince’s voice urges me.

“You ain’t seen girls like this baby.”

“What happens in college stays in…”

“Shut up Prince.”

What had gotten into me?  I was actually considering taking his advice!  I look left and right and down into the yard.  There wasn’t a sign of anybody.  I glance behind me at my locked door.  Nobody would be coming through there.  I look to the window of the next room to my left, a room that was empty.  It would be so easy just to creep down and take a little peeky-poo.  Just a peek couldn’t hurt.  Right?  I mean, the balcony was mine to use too.  Right?  They knew that balcony ran right by the window, they’d have the blinds closed if they were really worried about privacy.  Right?


I chalk it up to natural curiosity and the need to learn more, though the true impetus to action was much more libidinous, as I slip my shoes off and tuck through the window and out onto the balcony.  My heart was already beating like a drum.  I stand, pretending to just be looking around at my new home and surroundings, as I plan my move.  Now that I was out here I could there was a door that lead into the building a ways down to the right.  I also knew there was another door at the end of the hall near Hanae’s room which would be around the corner to the left.  Things to keep an ear on.

“Ohhh, yeah.  Just like that.”  Sloan moans.

“Mmmm.”  Hanae’s muffled voice responds.

Leaning out away from the building I could see that Hanae’s window open a scant crack which was what was allowing me to hear them as well as I was.  I take a fortifying breath.  I shouldn’t do this, says my mind.  Hurry up, says my pussy.  I begin to pad toward ever so cautiously toward the window.  The wooden floor of the balcony was old but solidly built so, thankfully, there are few creaks and pops as I stealth forward.  I pass by the empty room without issue.  As I close in on Hanae’s window I could see her deep blue curtains were slightly parted.  The more rational side of me had secretly hoped they would be closed, my horny brain was happy to see it.

“Nnnngh.” Sloan lets out a low groan.

I take another breath and look all around to make sure I wasn’t being watched before getting all the way down on my knees to creep the final few feet.  Verrrrry cautiously I peek an eye over the edge to glimpse through the tiny square space between the parted curtains vertically and the stool and rail horizontally.

Lord have mercy!

Right in the middle of the room Sloane, naked as when I’d seen her, sat leaned back in an old wooden ladderback chair as casually as if she were waiting for a bus.  Sticking straight up from her crotch was a glistening tower of power, rock solid confirmation that what I’d seen before was not a figment of my overstressed and overtired imagination.  A cock even bigger than I remembered it!  On her knees between Sloane’s feet was a grinning Hanae who had one of her hands at the base of the cock, her grip unable to fully encircle it, and was happily slapping her own lips and face with the mighty wet schlong.  Her other hand was down between her own legs and while I could not see what she was doing there I could certainly guess.

I am forced back by the sight of it, not repulsed by it but overwhelmed.  I cover my face and try to catch my quickening breath.  Despite having seen so much big dick porn actually seeing it in the flesh was an experience I was not prepared for.  In an incendiary flash my body burns even hotter than the summer heat around me.  My skin tingles, my breasts ache to be touched, and my twitching pussy craving to be filled.  Who the dick was attached to suddenly didn’t matter as lust sweeps through me like a raging wildfire.

“That’s it darlin.”  Sloane sighs.  “Almost there.”


Hanae’s muffled moan tells me that her mouth was full.  As irresistible as the Earth’s gravity I find myself being pulled back again.  I barely get my hand clasped over my mouth in time to hold in the lusty gasp that escapes.  Fit and muscular Hanae was kneeling higher now, face pointed straight down, lips securely wrapped around her friend’s massive member, as she bobs up and down the top four or five thick inches.  Even with some of her straight black hair hanging down over her face there was enough revealed to let me see her strained jaw and tight lips while she glided up and down the dick in a quick steady rhythm.  My eyes wide I marvel at her ability to get even that much into her sucking maw.

I lick my lips.  My mouth unconsciously mimics Hanae’s sucking.  Somehow my free hand had found its way under my dress and between my legs.

A blush colors Sloane’s freckled cheeks but otherwise you would not have been able to tell she was getting one hell of a good blowjob by her body language.  Hardly caught up with passion she is calm and relaxed as she watches her roomie with an easygoing smile, occasionally teasing at her hair a bit.  In her lips a lit cigarette hung, something surely against the house rules and likely the reason the window was cracked.  The cigarette she held well away from Hanae and she was sure to turn her head as to courteously blow the smoke up and away from her.  Hanae pauses a moment to slather the fat knob with her tongue and slurp all around it before heading straight back down again.

With the flat of my fingers I furiously rub my insanely wet pussy right through my panties and continue to keep my other hand tight over my mouth so that my sounds could not escape.

Their bodies…they were beautiful.  I had always appreciated the female form, I mean who doesn’t?  I liked guys of course, they could be hot as hell, but there was something so naturally sexy and sensual about a woman’s body.  And in these two I was getting a quite a display of the feminine range.  Hanae’s body was lean with sleek shapely muscles, strong yet so much more elegant than an athletic man’s physique.  Her breasts were about the size of mine but firmer and rounder.  Sloane’s buxom figure was completely different.  Like some ancient symbol of raw sexual fertility not a bit of muscle could be seen on her plump, soft body.  Belly, butt, hips, everything round and plush and curvy.  Her full heavy breasts hung low and slightly out the sides with big pinkish nipples protruding from the center facing forward.  Seeing this exquisite feast of feminal flesh contrasted against the magnificent organs which I had always associated with brute manhood and virility left my mind confused but my libidinous desires overwhelmed.

I rub my clit in a firm, fast, circular motion while my hips instinctively hump into my hand as my body hurtles toward an approaching climax.  I could hardly believe it.  I never cum this quick.  Even as the pressure builds I wanted more.  I wanted to feel something inside of me.  I wanted a nice cock to fill my pussy.  I wanted to FUCK so fucking bad right now.  If Prince was here I would maul him on the spot and give a night he would never forget!

“…mmmmm…”  I whine softly through my hand as I spy on my new roommates.

Ciggy dangling from her lips Sloane squints through the smoke as she lightly rest a hand atop Hanae’s bobbing head.  She still didn’t look to bothered about it but I could tell by the way she was tensing up that she was about to shoot her load.

“Hahhh.  Almost there.  Mmmm.”

“Mmmm!  Mmm!  Mmm!”  Hanae grunts as she sucks faster and faster…before looking up at her friend with twinkling brown eyes.  

“Don’t!”  Sloane exclaims.

“Hrm, hrm, hrm.”  She laughs with her mouth full.  All at once Hanae slips up off her completely and lets Sloane’s throbbing wet cock slap down onto her soft tummy.  Leaning back she holds her hands up.  “All done!”

“You bitch!”  Sloane grunts as she frantically grabs her already spasming and dribbling cock to stroke the orgasm from it properly.  “Nnnnnnghhh!!!”  A huge gout of creamy white cum comes erupting out to blast out over her jiggling shaking body.  Long thick ropes of jizz paint up between her big breasts.  “Mmmmmm!”

“Ha ha ha ha!”  Hanae simultaneously cheers and laughs at Sloanes big load.  “There it is!  Ha ha!”


My body quakes as a powerful orgasm grips my loins and ripples out through the rest of my burning body.  My legs clamp tight around my hand as I grind into my sex with savage fury.  I crumple down beneath the window, hugging against the wall, shuttering with heady waves of pleasure and doing my absolute best to keep it quiet.  I am still in the throes of it when I hear a noise behind me.  Spinning my head back over my shoulder I think I catch the edge of a dark shape disappear into the building followed by what I swear is a barely audible click.

Shit!  Had someone seen me?  I couldn’t be sure but…

At the window above me I hear Hanae whisper.  “Did you hear something?”


“Fuuuck.”  Sloane lets out a long satisfied sigh then calls out.  “Beatriz.  You creepy little peeper!  Is that you?”

I am already on the move when I hear motion inside of the room.  I’d never moved so fast as I scurry back and dive through my window before spinning to close it as quietly as I can.  I hear Hanae’s voice outside as she checks out the balcony from her window.  “Nobody out here.”

Shutting my curtains I sit on my bed sweaty, flustered, and panting for breath.  My heart is beating double time as panicked adrenaline mixes with the rush of my still fading orgasm.  Huffing and puffing I sit staring at the opposite wall and listening intently.  Thankfully Hanae and Sloane had no interest in investigating further.  There is no other commotion or voices either, if indeed someone had seen me out there they weren’t making a big announcement about it.

Damn, that was close!  Too close.

Slowly catching my breath as the rush of blood eases and the afterglow grows I ponder what had just happened.  I couldn’t believe what I’d just seen.  I couldn’t believe what I’d just done.  I couldn’t believe that someone might have caught me doing it!  I couldn’t believe any of it.  I flop over onto my bed and lay there stunned, staring at nothing.

“Oh Jo.”  I whisper.  “What have you gotten yourself into?”

Chapter 4 


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