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I was so happy to get in out of the heat.  If I was going to live here I knew it was something that I was going to have to get used to but it wasn’t going to happen all at once.  Together Dom and I head back through the house where she shows me the rest of the ground floor.  The back entryway, which was attached to the dining area, had a set of stairs leading up and one leading down as well as washroom tucked to the side.  Once through this area she first she shows me a huge games and recreation room that housed a full sized billiards table, darts, video and board games, and a nice sound system in the corner with space enough to dance.  The space was likely a ballroom originally but they’d done a really good job transforming it into a place to hang out.  Off of this room is a door she said lead to storage.  From here we walk through to a library/study where we find Beatriz at a desk in the corner looking through some huge old tome, though I had the sense she’d moved to this room more to keep a snooping ear on the how the new house mate was getting on than any real desire to read.  The room had an impressive collection of books on shelves that lined every wall but the one that looked out onto the front yard as well as reading chairs, desks, and two computer stations.

Just outside the window we can hear Sloane and Hanae laughing with each other.

“You are such a dick.”  Sloane chuckles in good humor over whatever prank had just been sprung upon her.

“Oooo, you look so handsome good Sir!”

“Ass!”  The pair chuckle some more.

Their friendly laughter brings a smile to my face, which promptly disappears as I am startled by Beatriz who was suddenly being right at my side with nary a sound.  I haven’t a clue what fragrance she wore, I’d never smelled anything like it, sort of a combination of fertile soil and damp moss that elicited visions of her having just crawled out from a grave.

“She drew a mustache on her with some oil from the engine.”  Beatriz informs me at a whisper, her big unblinking black eyes seeming to peer straight into my soul.

“Oh!  Uh, yeah.  Ha!”  I force a laugh.  “That Hanae’s one to look out for I see.  She’s a joker, huh.”

“Yes.”  She replies in a clipped quiet voice devoid of emotion.

And then the room falls quiet as Beatriz stares right at me from two feet away.  Before it could get too awkward Dom takes me by the arm and hurriedly continues the tour.  From the study we move back into the foyer where I’d entered, my bags still sitting where I left them, and straight through to the living room I’d glimpsed earlier.  Like the rest of the place it had a feeling of antiquated luxury combined with modern amenities.  I continue to marvel such a place could be free of charge.  Auntie’s house was nice and all but this old manor put it to shame.  The tray ceiling was framed with intricate wood worked carvings, the walls were lined with photos dating all the way back to grainy black and white days.  The pictures were portraits or posed groups of women, most in their early twenties.  All of them past inhabitants I heavily suspected.  There is a wide sofa, two love seats, and a few chairs facing a huge television.  Another fireplace stands against one wall and upon it was the bust of a proud matronly looking woman.  I thought about asking who this woman was but I didn’t want to arouse Dom’s suspicions anymore today.  I’d made it through the door, silence and careful listening was my best tactic now.

From there we move down a hallway and pass by a laundry room where I am given a quick explanation of schedule and rules around it.  Past this is a fully stocked home gym.  Cardio machines, yoga mats, a collection of free weights, and everything else a gal could want for getting into shape.  The far wall looked out onto the back yard.  A well used heavy bag hung in a corner, not far away from it was a door that lead to the side of the house.  I suspected Hanae had been training on it where she spotted Dom and I step out onto the porch then hurried around to ambush me with the loud near kick.  Connected to the gym is a washroom complete with a shower, a hot tub, a small sauna, and an attached changing area.  Weirdly it had both a toilet as well as a stand up urinal in it, an odd sight in an all girl’s dorm.  The cleanliness and good repair of the urinal as well as the half shrunk urinal cake suggested that it was actually regularly used.  Either Roland made use of the facilities or maybe they had men visit as guests.

The main floor covered we return to the front foyer where we take up my bags and climb the grand stairs to the second floor.  At the top of the stairs there is a small washroom to the right and the stairs up to the attic level to the left before we step through a long hallway that runs left-right through most of the length of the house.  Pointing off to the left she indicates the nearest room as a common room with their guest room attached off of it.  At the end was the main washroom and Gretchen’s room, which was originally the master bedroom of the manor.  She explains how when one girl moves out the next most senior gets a shot at the room vacated, meaning the women who had been here the longest had the largest and most desirable rooms.  Currently Gretchen, Dom, Sloane, and Charlize had the nicest rooms with Hanae and Dot in the line of smaller ones off to our right.  I would be getting one of these rooms.  Beatriz should have been in one as well but she had nabbed an empty storage room in the attic and claimed it as her own.  Dom hadn’t the heart, or nerve, to deny her.

Dom was just about to have me choose my room when Hanae comes bounding up the steps behind us.  She’s slowed down by the laughing Sloane who she was pulling up behind her by her karate belt that was looped around the Irishwoman’s waist.  With her gi hanging loose I couldn’t help but glimpse the tight six pack abs Hanae was sporting.  Just as Beatriz had said Sloan did indeed have an oil smudge mustache across her upper lip.

“Comin through!”  Hanae shouts as the pair of them hurry past us and down the hall toward the washroom.  Hanae pads silently on bare feet as Sloane clomps behind her in her heavy boots.

Smiling, Dom rolls her eyes as the giggling duo disappear into the main washroom.  Just as the door is swinging shut behind them I catch Hanae spin back toward the other to yank her hard into her arms.

“My.  Those two are…lively.”  I quip.  With a nod toward the closed door.  “Are they a thing?”

“Nah, they’re just close friends.”  She says.  “You’ll learn soon enough.”

“Learn what?”

“Mmm, let’s just say that if your engine’s ever revving too high our resident mechanic is always willing to give you a tune up.”

“Tune up?”

“She’ll check your oil anytime you need…if you catch my meaning.”  She winks.

“Oh!  You mean…oh!  Oh my!”  A hot blush rushes to my cheeks as her meaning is caught.  “Really!?”

“Welcome to the big wide world Miss Alaska.”  

“Oh!  Ha ha ha!”  I laugh nervously.  “I’m not used to…oh boy.”

Dom watches me with an increasingly amused expression.  “It’s really got you flustered.”

“Sorry.  It’s just, back where I come from…”  I stammer.  “I just didn’t see that much of…that.”

“I guess you wouldn’t have.”  She says.  “Is it going to bother you?”

“OH!  Oh no!”  I insist.  “I’m all for it.  I mean love is love, right?”


“I like boys though.”  I hurry to add just so there was absolutely no misunderstanding.  “I have a boyfriend back up North.”

She raises an eyebrow.  “Really?”  Dom sounded surprised and she had that curious look about her again.  Shit!  Did I say something wrong?  Was the sisterhood a group of lesbians?  Before I can come up with something to say she replies.  “Well…lucky you.”  She pats my arm.  “Come on, time to choose your room.”

Whew.  Close call.  I had to remember to listen and learn first and then speak.

We start down the hallway.  Along the left wall was Sloan, Dom, and Charlize’s room and along the right spaced much closer together the five doors of the smaller junior girl’s rooms.  The room at the end was Hanae’s and the room closest was Dot’s, as we pass Dot’s room I could her inside singing…a math formula?  Weird.  Three rooms separated Hanae from Dot and I had the choice of them.  In turn Dom shows me each.  They are all nearly identical, long narrow rooms with a bed at the far end and a dresser and wardrobe along the way.  The furniture is simple and old fashioned but in good repair and of high quality.  The beds were already made and a set of towels sat folded on top of the dresser.  Each had its own window that looked out onto the upper balcony to the front of the house.

With Dot currently singing and Hanae’s natural ebullience sure to be an issue I waste no time in choosing.  “I’ll take the middle room.”  This one would give a one room buffer flanking both left and right.

“I thought you might.”  Dom says.  We head back to that one and Dom sets my suitcase near the bed as I deposit my backpack, satchel, and purse beside the wardrobe.  “I’ll leave you to settle in.”  She says warmly.  “I’ll be in the kitchen if you need anything.  You can ask the other girls too, we’re all friendly here.”

“Even Gretchen?”

“We’re mostly friendly here.”  She shoots right back without missing a beat.  Leaving a set of keys on the dresser she asks.  “You’re good?”

“I’m good.  Thank you so much Dom.  It’s all…a lot to take in.”

She nods.  “Supper will ready around 6:30.”

“I’ll be there…sister.”

She smiles and walks back out of the room, quietly closing the door behind her.  I look about the still room then fall back onto bed.  

“Well…here I am.”  It still didn’t feel real.  Not simply this place or these people, but all of it.  After an isolating life under my aunt’s iron fist I was still coming to grips with my freedom.

I didn’t quite know what to do now.  I was simultaneously exhausted and buzzing.  After a long day of travel and the stress of getting here my body yearned for rest.  Even a short nap would do wonders.  But I already knew there was no way I’d be able to convince my mind to sleep right now.  There was too much to do and see.  Should I go and get to know my roomies better?  Explore the house?  Explore the yard?  Explore the city?  Ooo!  Go and see the ocean!?  Putting my feet into an actual ocean had been on my bucket list since I could remember.  Everything was new and exciting here.

But first…there was a promise that must be kept.  I find my phone and make my call.

“Jo?”  Prince’s tenor voice, so similar to his famous namesake though not nearly so silky, sounds both happy and relieved in equal measure.

“Hey babe.”  I chirp as if this were just a casual call on just an average day.  “How ya doin?”

“How am I doing?”  He laughs.  “How are YOU!?  You haven’t messaged me since you landed.  I was getting worried.”



“It’s…great!  Oh my God Prince!  You should see this place!”  After brief account of my ride from the airport through the pretty old city and getting through the locked gate I go into a rapid overexcited run through of the opulent old manor and its equally impressive grounds.


“I know, right?”  I say.  “I’ve got a room of my own.  I’ve got the run of the place.  Free food and laundry and…everything.  I’ll send you pictures if I can.”

“If you can?”

“Yeah.  I dunno, I get the sense there’s a bunch of rules that they’re assuming I already know.”

“I can’t believe your plan actually worked.”

“Me neither.”  I say.  “It might not for long though, we’ll see.”

“That’s all free?  There’s a catch.  There’s gotta be a catch.”

“I know it but I’m going to ride it out as long as I can.”  I then give him my initial impressions on Dom and my other quirky housemates.

“Sounds like an interesting crew you’ve found there.”

“Oh yes.  Definitely interesting.  I can safely say that they’re not like any group I’ve met before.  I like’em though.”  Keeping details concise I fill him on a few of things I’d learned in general.  The Cybele Sisterhood, the hack, and a few of the odd things that were said over the past hour.

“It’s a cult.”  He says at last.  “Definitely a cult.”

“It isn’t!”  I chortle.  “Mom would have never be in a cult.”  I say it with total conviction despite having only a small child’s knowledge of the woman.  “Hey, have you spoken to Aunt Regina?”

“Oh yes.”  He says grimly.  “I did what we talked about.  I told you that you hate her and that you never want to see her again.”


“I told her you were off living your best life.  I told her not to bother searching for you.  I told her that if, on the off chance, you ever wanted to talk to her again that you would contact her.”

“And?”  An irrational fear grips my heart despite the fact I was out of her reach now.  “What did she say?”

“She was furious!  Livid!  I thought she might reach through the phone and claw my eyes out.”

“He he he.  Good.”

“Dad said she called the department.”

“She called the cops!?”

“Yep.  I cleared it all up, no worries.  They know you’re gone by choice.  Dad said he didn’t blame you and wished you luck.”

“Oh good.  Thanks baby.  Sorry you had to deal with all that.”

“Of course Jo, I’m happy you got out of there.”  He says with a sigh.  “Though…I’m really gonna miss you.”

“I miss you too.”  After everything he’d done for me I flirt with dropping the L word at last…but it just wasn’t right yet.  Soon, but not yet.  Besides, it’s not like he’d said it yet either.  Just then I catch an odd sound.  Going silent I listen closely.  There were voices but also this odd rhythmic noise that sounded…familiar.


“Hold on a second.”

Getting up I move to the door and open it a crack.  I nearly drop the phone as the sounds flood in.

“Fuuuuuuck yesssss!”  Sloane’s Irish lilt moans loudly and lewdly from the other side of the bathroom door way down at the opposite end of the house.  “Ohhhh God!”

“Yeah baby, yeah!”  Hanae cheers in response.  “HEEEEAHHH!”

“Oh my goodness!” I whisper, the phone held close  “Two of my roomies are going at it.”

“Going at it?  Fighting?”

“Fucking!”  I titter.  “Oh geez.”


“Serious.  Right now.  Just down the hall.  Oh my goodness.  He he he.  They’re so loud.”

“Is that right?”  Prince says with piqued interest.  “Some steamy college girl on girl action?  That’s soooo hot!”

“Would you stop!”  I laugh.

“Yes, yes, YESSSS!”  Sloane sings.  “Nnnnngh!”

“You feel so damn gooooood!”  Hanae howls.  “WHOOOOEEEEE!”

Damn!  They were REALLY going at it!  The echoing erotic moans were one thing, but it was the sound underlying then left me perplexed.  Clap, clap, clap, clap.  The unmistakable noise of wet naked flesh pounding against wet naked flesh rings out as clearly as church bells.  Admittedly I had zero experience with female only nookie but for life of me I couldn’t figure out what they could be doing to make that very particular steady sound.  If I didn’t know better I would have guessed that was a guy thrusting into a gal he had bent over.  Clap, clap, clap, clap.  The best I could imagine was that they were smashing their pussies together but…God damn!

“What are they doing now?”  Prince cuts into my train of thought.

“I don’t know.  I can’t see them.”  I say very quietly.  “It sounds like…I dunno.”

“Get closer.”

“I will not!”

“Go take a look.”  He urges.

“They’ll see me, you perv.”

“Maybe they’ll invite you to join.”

“Stop!”  I titter.  “Oh my God, you are the worst.  I’ve got a partner already and I do not intend on cheating on him thank you very much.”

“Yeah but…chicks don’t really count.  Know what I mean?”  He was four thousand miles away but I could see that old lewd look in his eyes as if he were here in front of me.  “I mean, what happens at college stays…”

“I’m hanging up.”


I hang up on my horn dog bf.  Not in an angry way, we’d laugh it about it next time we spoke.  As I turn my attention back down the hall the clapping had stopped but there was still a whole lot of moaning.


“Yeahhhh, fuuuuuck yeahhhhh!”

I cover my mouth to hold in the laughs.  I couldn’t believed that just happened.  I’d only been here an hour and I’d already heard a couple of my roomies get it on.  This place was going to be…SHIT!  Distracted by my laughter I had missed the washroom door swinging open and a completely naked and dripping wet Hanae heading my way in a hurry!  Gah!  It would be hard for her to miss the sliver of light coming around my barely open door and it was too late to close it without being noticed.  She had a smile of wild glee on her face, the powerful physique of a Amazonian warrior, a really nice pair of firm handful sized breasts with perfectly round dark brown nipples, and between her legs a slumping uncircumcised penis swinging pendulously.

I blink.  Wait…WHAT!?

Quick as lightning Hanae dashes down the hall and right past my door out of sight.  I hadn’t even registered that when jogging lazily along behind her comes Sloane, her long red braids swaying and her soft thick body and big heavy tits jiggling with each thumping step.  In front of her a girthy fully erect cock bobs up and down as she gives slow chase, a bulky pair of testes bouncing along beneath.  At her slower pace I am able to get a full unobstructed view as she nears.  I gawk though I don’t mean to, the sight was just too stupefying to tear my peeping eye away.  Unlike Hanae, Sloan catches that my door is cracked open.  Glancing my way we make eye contact and she shoots me an easy going stoner smirk, but carries on running by on the trail of her quarry.

“Get back here ya cheeky bugger.”  Sloane calls.  “You only did half a job.”

“Gotta catch me.”   Hanae teases.  It is only a couple of seconds later she says softly.  “Oooo!  Aw darn, you caught me Sloane.”  There is a thump followed immediately by noisy wet slurping and then the click of a door closing.

I stand frozen at my door still staring through the crack with my one eye out into the hallway though it now stood empty.  That…that couldn’t have been real.  It couldn’t have been.  What I just thought I’d seen didn’t exist.  Based on their figures and voices and…everything I would have bet every last penny I had that Hanae and Sloane weren’t trans-women…and yet those fleshy cocks sure as hell looked like the genuine article.  Larger than life in fact!  No!  There was some mistake.  Strap ons.  Yeah, that’s it.  They were wearing strap ons.  Really, really realistic looking strap ons.  Strap ons that perfectly mimicked the natural shade of their skin and glinted with moisture precisely how human flesh did.  Strap on with pubes that matched their hair color around the base.  One created to look fully hard and the other made to appear just very slightly beginning to go soft.  Strap ons…without any straps.

I close my door and turn to lean back on it then slowly lower myself to sit on the floor.  I hug my knees to my chest as I grapple with what I’d just witnessed.


Chapter 3 


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