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I flick the switch to illuminate the living room and send light down through the dining room and kitchen beyond.  To the right was a short hallway that lead to the bedroom, washroom, and laundry room.  You could pretty much see the whole of the tiny pre-war bungalow from the front door.

“Ignore the mess.” I say.  My humble abode wasn’t filthy or anything but I sure hadn’t expected to be hosting company tonight.

“Cool place.  Real hardwood.”  He says as he leans his weight forward to hear the floor creak.  “Nice.”

“I’m just renting it.  I don’t own it or nothin.”  I say as I kick off my shoes.  “But in a few years who knows.  Come in.  Make yourself at home.”

The red and blues of the police cruise flash across the front blinds as it crawls past my house and down the street.

“Woah!”  He says in that lovely soft voice of his as he spots the massive bass mounted on the wall.  “You caught that?  Wow!”

“Yeah.”  I grin proudly.  “Over 12 pounds.  Caught him last year.”

“You were always such a good fisherman.”  He says.  “I could never catch a thing.”

“Just takes a bit of patience.”

“It’s not just patience.  You have a good knack for it.  A real intuition.  It’s a skill you’ve worked on and you should be proud of it.”

I feel those good uplifting feelings once again at Sacha’s compliments.

“You wanna go fishing?”  I blurt out.  “I mean…not right now obviously.  But now that you’re…now that we’re…I dunno, you wanna be friends again?”

His smile fades and slowly he turns to look at me.  Getting a good look at him in proper light at last I am struck with how sexy and girlish he still looked and also with how incredibly realistic his horror character costume was.

“Ben.”  He says softly.  “We never stopped being friends.  Not ever.”

I shift nervously as I bow my head.  “Why’d you go?”

“I didn’t have a choice.”  He says.  He goes to set down the chainsaw then thinks better of it.  “I need to clean up.”  He nods toward the kitchen.  “Mind if I use your sink?”

“No, of course.  What’s mine is yours.”  I say.  “Come on.”

I lead him through cluttered living room, through the barely used dining room, and into the kitchen.  He sets the chain saw down on the counter with the tip of its blade hovering over the sink.  Using some dish soap Sacha scrubs his hands and face clean while I put some of the snacks away.

“You got any bleach?”  He asks.

“Yeah, under the sink.”

“Thanks buddy.”  Drying his hands and face with a dish towel he proceeds to get sink of hot water going.  On the counter he clunks down the knife and revolver then removes the frilly apron.

“That gun almost looks real.”  I say.  “The blood too.”

“It’s all props.”  Grabbing the heavy gun from the counter he locks his gaze into mine then puts it to his own temple and starts to pull the trigger!

“DON’T!”  I cry out as the hammer pulls back way too far for my liking.  “God!  Don’t…do that!”

He giggles, though not for long as he sees how shaken I am.  In a placating tone he says.  “It’s okay Ben.  I was just playing.”

“Don’t do that.”  I grumble.  “It’s not funny.”

He stares at me a moment before nodding.  “Okay Ben.  I won’t do it again.”  He sets the fake weapon down.  “I didn’t mean to scare you.  I’m…sorry.”

“I wasn’t scared.”  I lie.  I mean, it might be a replica but it just looked so darned realistic.  Why take chances?  “Hey, you want some wine?”

“Yes please.”  He puts bleach into the steaming water and pours an extra cup of it out so that he could apply it directly.  Using the scrubbers and such I had there for dishes he commences to clean up the knife and gun to a nice shine.  “You got any tools?”  He asks as he turns his attention to the chainsaw.

“Of course.”  I say.  “Hold on.”  I run and get him my toolbox.

“Thank you.”  He says with a grin, his green eyes lingering on me as I got close.  A warm blush fills my cheeks and we both laugh a little.  He disassembles the guide bar and chain from the body.  The chainsaw he takes it time with to scrub every little nook and cranny.  I sit eating chips and drinking wine and just basking in his presence.  I still couldn’t believe he was here.  He sips his wine from the coffee mug I’d poured it in and returns to scouring each link in the chain.  “They sent me to a hospital.”  He says at last, answering the question that had been hanging in the air since I uttered it.  “A special hospital.”

“Were you sick?”

“No, but they thought I was.  They said I was ‘troubled’.”  He says in a strangely casual way.

“Troubled?  What’s that mean?”

“Hell if I know.  They blamed me for what happened with my parents.  They took me away and told me all sorts crazy things.  Idiots.  They even said that I might be crazy.  Ha!”


“I know, right?”  He hangs the wet clean jagged chain on a cupboard knob to let it dry then moves on to bleaching his crimson spattered apron.  “It was bad enough my idiot parents telling me that before they died but doctors should really know better.”

“Yeah, they should.  My grandpa had a bad doctor ya know.  They didn’t even know he had cancer until too late.”

“See.”  He says brightly.  “You understand.  They think those white coats give them some sort of special insight.  They don’t have a clue.”

“Was it bad?  The hospital?”

His face darkens.  “So bad Ben.  They tied me down.  They said the most terrible things to me.  They put drugs in me that I didn’t want.”

“No!”  I gasp.  The tying down alone would have freaked him out.  Sacha hated being held or restrained in any way.  How could they be so cruel?  “That’s awful!”

“Yeah.  They didn’t understand me, not like you do Ben.  Your visits really kept me…um…”  He shakes his ashy blond head and blinks his emerald eyes.  “I mean, I wish you could have visited.”

“Me too.”  I say.  “Nobody would tell me anything except something about an accident.  They never said you were in a hospital.  I would have been there every single day to see you.”

He looks at me and the dark cloud lifts.  “I know Ben, I know you would have been there for me.  They kept us apart.  Just like my parents tried to do.  Just like your parents did do by the sounds of it.”  Lowering his voice to a whisper he says.  “Don’t worry.  I never told the doctors about you.  Not once.  You were my secret.  My secret friend.  My very secret friend.  Shhhhhh.”

“Oh, um, okay.”  I say confusedly.  “I didn’t know we were secret.  I talk about you all the time.”

“Those doctors and nurses and orderlies were very bad people Ben, very bad people doing very bad things.”  He says as he cleans out and refills the sink.  “They understood that in the end though.  The last thing my doctor told me was that I was all better and that she was wrong the whole time.”  He laughs.  “You should have heard her apologizing for everything they did to me.  She begged me to forgive her.  Can you believe that?  She felt so bad about how it all ended up.  Hahhh.  Feels good to be free again.”

“I bet!”  I say, just happy that he was happy.  “Well I sure missed you buddy.  It is so good to see you again.”

“I would have come to you but…I didn’t want them to find you.  I didn’t want them to take you away.  You needed to stay secret and safe.”

“Oh…okay.  Welp, I’m safe enough I think.”

“Yes!”  He grips my arm.  “But then, tonight of all nights, you find me!  Ha!  Just emerging from that alley like an angel in the dark.”  He sighs.  “Come to rescue me when I needed you most.  My best friend!”

“I am no angel!  Ha ha ha!  You know that better than anyone.”

“Hey, do you have a new best friend?”  His eyes shine brilliantly as they lock on me while he awaits my answer.  “Or a girlfriend?”

“Nah.”  I say.  “I still don’t know too many people here yet.”

He lets out a breath and nods approvingly.  “That’s good.  I was worried you replaced me.”

“As if.”

He stops and hold his hand to his heart as that old sullenness takes hold of him.  “I don’t think I could…bear it Ben.”  Then, in the blink of an eye, his mood turns bright once more.  “Mind if I let this soak for awhile?”  He pats the stained apron after turning off the water.

“Of course not.”  I say.  “There’s some on your stockings too.”

“Oh.”  He looks down.  “Right.  Of course.  Thanks.”

“Is this character from somewhere?”  I ask of his sexy chainsaw maid costume.  “From an anime or something?  I don’t really keep up.”

“Sort of.  She’s an original character of my own that I made up.”  He peels one of his long stockings down his smooth pale leg.  He catches me looking and flips the back of his skirt up to show me a peek of his tush.  

I giggle and blush.  “Panties!?”

“I had to be true to the character.”  He giggles back.  “You are so damn cute when you blush.”

“You always were so creative.  Thinking up these characters and stuff.”

He places the white stockings into the pink tinged water with the apron and adds even more bleach to it.  Spinning around he scoops up his mug and motions that we should move back to the living room.  “Enough about me, what about you?  What have you been doing?”

I gather up the two bowls I’d been snacking from and my own wine and walk with him.  “Dad got me a job in the city here.  I work at a big warehouse.  It’s great!  I’m moving all the time.  Lifting stuff and putting orders together.  I’m really good at it too.  My manager says I’m twice the worker of anyone else.”

“Hey, that’s awesome.”

“You’d think so.”  I chuckle.  “But the other guys get mad.  They say I’m making them look bad.  They say I’m stupid for working so hard all the time.”

Sacha stops so I stop too.  I look over at him to see his green eyes burning intensely.  “Who called you that?  Who called you stupid!?”


“What are their names?”

“It’s just Daniel and Jimmy.  They call everyone names though.  It’s just their sense of humor.  It’s no biggie.”

His tense expression relaxes and he pats my arm.  “You are not stupid Ben.  You are the smartest guy I know.”

“That’s not true.”

“Calling me liar?”

“No.”  I bite my lips to try to hide my big silly grin.  We sit down on the sofa.  I place the snacks down on the coffee table and flick on the television just to have some background noise.

“…police describe the suspect as a slim built woman in her early to mid-twenties…”

Sacha clicks it back off again.  “I don’t want to watch TV.”  He sets the remote back down.  “Is there something else you might want to do.”

“I dunno.” I shrug, the mug in my hand gripped extra tight.  He already knew what I wanted.  I could sense it.  Years apart and he could still read me like a book.

“You wanna…play video games?”

I shake my head no.

“You wanna…talk about old times?”

I shake my head no.

“Mmm, you wanna…smooch?”

My face must be a beat red as I feel warm with a flush of blood.  Very, very slightly I nod my head yes.

He sets his mug down with a smile.  “That’s what I want to do too.”

Straddling my near leg he sits down on my thigh facing me.  I am nearly hyperventilating, my whole body one giant taut muscle, as he slowly leans in…and presses his soft sweet lips to mine.

“Hmmmmm.”  I moan softly as a kiss I thought I had lost forever returns to my lips.

His right hand slides back around my neck to pull into me harder as his left hand removes the wine from my grip.  I melt beneath his lithe body as he kisses me slowly and deeply and tenderly.  His floral perfume blends with the smell of bleach and I taste the wine on his probing tongue.

“Mmmmmmm.”  I lose myself in the moment as a lifetime of precious memories come flooding back to me.

Our lips part too soon.  I am a limp noodle, sat helpless beneath my beautiful buddy.  He smiles a gorgeous smile and sets my wine back on the coffee table.  Tracing my lips with his fingertips he studies me a moment…then kisses me again.  I loved kissing Sacha, or more accurately Sacha kissing me as he was always the kisser and I the kissee.  He was my first kiss and, to this day, my best kiss.  Smooching with him was close to my favorite thing to do.  Even more than eating or fishing.  I stay completely still, my arms slack at my sides, as he leans his weight into me and kisses me harder.  Our lips smack as he kisses me passionately, his tongue playing with mine through my open lips.  His lips were so soft, his body so warm, his cute blond hair so silky smooth.  Gosh he was such a good kisser!

“Ohhhhh!”  I moan loudly without meaning too the next time our lips part.

“Oh.”  He glances once downward.  “Did you…?”

“No.”  I shake my head, my blush intensifying as he references my premature ejaculation problem I had when I was young. “That doesn’t happen anymore.”

He smiles warmly.  “It’s okay if it does happen.”

“It doesn’t.”  I assure him.  I was super thankful for that, it had been SO embarrassing back in the day, though a part of me I did kinda like how he used to clean me up afterward and look after me and say all sorts of super nice things to me.

“Alright then.”  He says.  “Hey, do you like my dress?”  He smooths the dress down his slender feminine body.  “I thought it fit really well.  Do you like it though?  I don’t have to wear it anymore.”

I nod vehemently.  “You look so pretty!”

“Aw, thank you Ben.”

“You’re welcome.”  I say.  “Is it bad to say you look like a pretty girl?”

“No, it’s not bad.  I don’t mind when you say it.”  He says, running a slender hand across my wide pecs.  “I’m glad you like it.”  He is quiet as he brushes his hand back and forth over my chest as his eyes drink me in.  Running his hands down my arms he grips my biceps and pushes them back into the cushions.

“Hah.”  I let out soft yielding gasp as he pins me down.  If I wasn’t already fully hard this simple act would have done it.  I was a foot taller, twice his weight, and so much stronger than him but it is far more than brute strength that keeps me in place.  “Mmmm.”  I squirm a little, just enough to feel him hold me still.  God how I loved being under his control!  Him looking so damn hot and adorable in that dress only making it all the better.  “This feels good.”

“Yes it does.”  He lets out a hot breath and looms over me, dominating me just like the old days.  It had been seven years but nothing had changed between us.  It was as if he’d never left.


“What is it Ben?”  His hands glide up over my shoulders to take a firm grip around my thick neck.  “Is something wrong?”  He leans in and whispers.  “Tell me and I will make it better.”

I lick my lips impatiently.  “Could we smooch some more?”

His smile grows.  “Of course.”  



A femboy story where the protagonist doesn't footsy around with "But I'm not gay!", hell yeah!