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Arms held, perky tits fondled, mouth sucking and slurping, cute bottom being spanked, even cuter dick being squeezed, wet pussy being diddled, and clenched ass being teased and prodded Ellerie’s display was a lot to take in all at once.  I could barely walk straight and text at the same time, I couldn’t fathom how she controlled each of her eight tentacles so well.  Everywhere my eyes fell something amazing and erotic was going on.

It is maybe a scant minute later, just as the tentacle at her pussy slides a few inches in, that suddenly all of her limb seize up at once and her body begins to shudder and writhe.  Her eyes loll and in my head her voice rings loud and clear.  “Cumming!  Cumming!  CUMMMMMINGGGHHHH!”

For a moment I believed this was a part of the show, I’ve never seen anybody cum this quickly, but as her whole body bucks with hard jerking spasms I quickly realize that this was legit.  This was a real climax alright, and a hell of one at that!  Losing control she lets her arms go and they dart down to grab at the tentacle in her dewy pussy.  Her hips grind into her hands as her pussy cums and cums and cums!  It just kept going, or more precisely they keep going.  Her orgasms were coming hard and fast with barely a break between them, her copious juices cloud the water around her turquoise slit.  Her body arches back and her voice sings out in bliss. “OHHHHHH!!!”

I watch, stunned by the speed and ferocity with which she orgasmed.  DAMN!

“Ohhhh gosh.”  She whimpers as she slowly comes back to her senses and looks at me with a flustered desperate look.

“Damn girl.”  I quip with a little chuckle and a flirty wink.  “That was amaz…”

“Ohhhh noooo!”  She mewls pitifully as she doubles over and her face contorts as if from some great agony.  She then grabs her little dick in a super tight constriction while also covering it with both hands. “No, no, no, no, no, nohhhhhhhh.”  Her hips start to thrust and her sexy body jerks as once more she is blasting off.  “OHHHHHH!”  Through her grasping, shielding fingers floats small telltale whiffs of cloudy semen and I see her small testes throb and flex as she bust her nut.  Still she squeezed herself uncomfortably tight, as if trying to physically hold it back even though it was way too late already.  “Oh…ohhh…trrrreeeennnn!”  Her struggling voice peeps and trills adorably as her hot nubile body writhes in the grips of rapture.  What a show!

This too she eventually comes down from, the whole incredible display over in just a couple of minutes.  Flushed and flustered she looks at me like a defeated fighter coming up off the mat.

“Wow.”  I say with a laugh.  “That was something!”  I knew she couldn’t understand me but I wanted to acknowledge what just happened.

She slumps down.  With a sheepish grin she says softly.  “I was kinda worked up.  Whooo.  Yeah, really worked up.”

In the blink of an eye the mood had shifted.  It appeared like she was done already.  Not what I expected to happen but at least now we could get some work done.  With a jolly chuckle I shoot her another wink in thanks for her exemplary ‘teaching’ style.

My well meaning laugh however has a dramatic effect on the young woman.  Her body language changes completely, from open to closing herself off.  She quickly returns to standing normal, hiding away her crotch area in obvious shame.  She annoyedly waves the milky wafts of semen and pussy nectar away before looking down at her messy hands as if they’d betrayed her.  She hunches down to wipe her palms on the grass and then swiftly pulls her top back up to cover her breasts.  She gathers herself then puts on a fake smile.

“He he he.”  She giggles, a flat mirthless giggle.  “You’re laughing at me.  He he he.  Yeah, I’m a silly girl.  So silly.  I…I don’t usually…”  She stumbles over her words, her fake smile fading as fast as it appeared, all the while shrinking down as her head bows and her shoulders lower and her arms tuck in tight.  “I was just so…you’re so…”  My normally bubbly ebullient friend…looked absolutely distraught.  For the first time she genuinely looked afraid of me!

What was happening right now?  I sit up and get to me knees wishing SO BAD to be able to speak to her.

“I just get….so excited.  You know?”  With a firm shake of her head she corrects herself.  “Nooo, you probably don’t.”  She whimpers, her big bottom lip pouting out.  “I…promise, I promise it won’t happen again.  I promise, if we’re together I’ll be better.  I’ll do better if you give me a chance.  It won’t happen again, okay?”

What was she on about?  Why was she acting like this?  She hadn’t done anything wrong!  I loved the show she had just given me.  “Ellerie?”  I say.

“I…don’t blame you if you don’t even want to be with me now.  Stheera is better.  Everyone is better.”

“What!?”  I was so confused.  After that I wanted to ‘be with her’ more than ever!  “Ellerie…”

“It…happens to me sometimes.  A lot actually.”  Her face a mask of regret she scuttles back away from me by a foot, her hand and tentacles wring together nervously.  “I can’t help that I cum so easy.  It just all…feels so good.”  She mewls as she hides her face behind her hands.  “But…I’m trying.  I’m really trying.  Mistress is working so hard with me.”  Her face scrunches up in a pained cringe.  She looked on the verge of tears!  “She says it’s okay but…Mistress can go all night…but I get so tired out so quick from cumming so much…I don’t mean to.  I wanna last longer.  I don’t mean to be selfish.”  She turns away from me.  “I was doing better too…really, really I was…but seeing you there…you’re so sexy and I…I didn’t mean to.  It was an accident.  I swear I’ll be better if you give me another chance.”

That’s what this was about?  The fact she came so quickly?  As if I cared one tiny bit about that!  “Aw Ellerie.”

All at once she goes very still, even the tendrils on her head ceasing their movement, and her body slumps even lower.  She turns toward me, facing me directly, and in a tiny humiliated voice she peeps from the bottom of her heart.  “I’m sorry.”

SORRY!?  Oh my God this girl!  I knew that look.  Oh how I knew that look.  The look of someone who had tried to impress a person they liked…then failed miserably.  Like trying act cool in front of your first crush only to walk headlong into a light pole.  Seeing that feeling on this precious thing, knowing that even a bright spark like Ellerie could be brought down by those dark emotions, broke my damn heart.  Couldn’t she see that she had NOTHING to be ashamed of?  Couldn’t she understand that I liked her for who she was?  Any shortcoming she might have, genuine or merely imagined, only made me adore her more.

On my knees I walk toward toward her, my arms outstretched.  “Come here you silly squid.”

She doesn’t fight me as I pull her into a big tight hug.  She rests her head on my chest as her tentacles grip lightly at me legs.  “I’ll be better next time.”  She whispers.  “I promise.”  Then she adds glumly.  “If there even is a next time.”

I kiss her head, the tender little tendrils gripping at my cheeks and lips as I pull away again.  There was so much I wanted to say to her.  I wanted to hold her and tell her everything was okay.  This only brought home how desperately I needed to learn to talk.  Having only my body to speak with I keep her in the encompassing embrace until I gradually feel her beginning to relax.

After a time her arms come up to return the hug.  She lets out a little sigh.  “You humans are probably all so good at sex.  I bet humans don’t have to worry about cumming too soon, huh?”

I shake my head at the naive notion…another gesture she misreads.

“No?”  She slumps into me.  “I didn’t think so.  Humans are just…amazing.”  She nuzzles in hard and whispers again.  “I’m sorry.”

Chapter 28



Potential Typo: "She turns toward me, facing my directly" --> "facing me directly"