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“Alright, let’s get started.”  Ellerie says with a clap of a couple of her tentacles.  Pointing down to the language aid toy she says.  “Put all of your focus on Grumplepud.”

I nod and look down at the silly thing.

“Alright.”  She rubs her hands together then opens them out toward me.  “Now just…talk.”

Just talk?  I glance toward her.  Was that seriously the summation of the teaching I was going to receive?

She points at the Grumplepud insistently.  “Talk to him!  If he hears you his orb will glow.”

Looks like it was the sink or swim method of teaching, though to be honest I hadn’t expected anything else.  Hunching forward I stare into the vapid eyes of the pink angler fish and commence to go through the process of speaking short of actually making sound.  ‘Hello Grumplepud.  Hello?  Testing, testing.  My name is Mireya.’  Not a glimmer or a glow can be seen.  I resettle, take a breath, and concentrate harder.  ‘Hello!  Hello!’  This goes on for a few minutes before I look back up to Ellerie for some guidance.

“Nothin, huh?”  With a look of grave seriousness Ellerie straightens up.  “I have failed you.”


She raises a hand for silence.  “No, I have failed and I must be punished.”  Contrition and mock shame wash over her cherubic features.  “I have been a bad teacher.”  She rubs her hands nervously.  “Please…please don’t make me do it.  I’m sorry.  I’ll be a better teacher.  Don’t make me do it here.”

I look at her perplexed.  What was this girl on about?

Her hands come slowly to her chest.  Her fingers hook in under her garment.  Then all at once she whips down her tube top to expose her perky breasts!  “HAH!  Ohhh…you made me show my tittties!  Ohhhh you naughty student!  Look at my titties, exposed for all to see!”

Biting my lips and clamping a hand over my mouth is the only way I can stop the laughter from coming.  Thrusting her chest up and out she displays them proudly even as her colors blush and she lets out mewling little noises of embarrassment.  They were a DAMN fine set of tits, truly up there with the very best.  Bigger than Stheera’s and my own but still on the petite side each one was a delectable little handful, as plump and perky as a perfectly ripe plum.  A life in water meant that they had never felt a second of gravity’s pull out in open air meant there was no droop or sag in the slightest, a more firm or symmetrical pair I had never seen outside of hentai.  Her little nipples were a darker shade of the pink skin of her human bits, as round as a quarter and not much bigger, and just as pert as the rest.  Not gonna lie, I had a bit of boob envy looking at her immaculate globes, but mostly I just appreciated them as the impeccable beauties that they were.

Only once she was sure I’d gotten a good eyeful did Ellerie cover her breasts, one under each hand, and continue.  “Okay, I’ll do better.  I’ll be a better teacher.  Please don’t make me show my sweet little titties again.”  She says as if she were trying to reason with an irascible student.  “I’ll be good!”

I just stare at her, at a loss as to how to respond to this.

She gives me a nod toward the figurine.  “Try again only this time…try harder.  Just try really really hard.”

Try harder?  Now why didn’t I think of that.  With a shake of my head I try to put Ellerie’s shenanigans out of my mind and refocus on the Grumplepud.  As much as I wanted to play along with my fun-loving teacher I really did want to learn to talk, the sooner the better.  Even a few words and phrases would open up avenues of communication that would only grow with time.

Clearing my mind I once more focus on the cute toy.  ‘Hello?  Can you hear me?’  Nothing.  Switching up tactics I try mentally shouting, thinking maybe volume might matter.  ‘Hey!  Hey!  Hey you!’  No wiggling fins, no chomping mouth, no burbling bubbles.  I let out a snort and focus even harder.  ‘Hello!  My name is Mireya!’  The crystal remains dark and dead.

‘You can’t do it.’  Says the beast within.  ‘You stupid bitch, give up before you embarrass yourself more.’

I grit my teeth and shake the voice from my mind.  At least Grumplepud couldn’t hear that voice either, thank goodness!  The voice might be right though.  This was quite likely beyond me.  The Mistress herself said that she didn’t think humans had magic, she was probably right.  Also, I knew from a lifetime of experience that language learning was one of my MANY weaknesses.  The elders on one side of my family mostly spoke Korean and almost all of the other side of my family spoke Spanish fluently yet all I could speak was English, and even in that I am told I was a slow learner.  This would ultimately be just another thing for me to fail at.

“Bad teacher!  Ohhhh bad, bad teacher!”  Ellerie exclaims, snapping me out of my darkening head space.  Using a tentacle on each side she reaches up and wraps them around her own elbows and forearms then forces her arms back behind her back, exposing her breasts to me again.  In the same motion she juts her chest up just to me her titties bounce.  Underwater the physics of jiggling jugs made them wobble and jiggle about freely as opposed to just bounce up and down.  With her arms now “bound” behind her back she flounces and wriggles about as if trying to free herself.  She does not escape though she does make her titties jiggle a whole lot.  “Ohhhh, I can’t even cover myself!  You naughty girl, making teacher show her boobies to the whole class.  You…you aren’t going to make me…tickle them!?  Are you!?”

I look at her with a combination of curiosity and amusement at her odd little performance.

“YOU ARE!?  Ohhhh no!  Not that!”  She closes her eyes as if in the grips of some terrible turmoil.  “Alright, alright.  I’ll be better.”  She opens her bright green eyes.  “This time…try less hard.”

First try harder and now try less hard.  This was the blind leading the blind.

“And try talking very slowly.”  She continues.  “One word at a time.  Simple things like…pinch or…grab or…grope.  Mmm!”  She writhes some more as two of her front tentacles rise to hover just inches from her firm little nips.  “Please!  Don’t make me do it!”  Biting down on her bottom lip she looks down at the looming tendrils, clearly wanting to do it.

I laugh.  This was punishment?  Punishment for who exactly?  What an absolute goofball.

Again I return to the Grumplepud, this time my eyes zero in not on the toy itself but the cloudy little marble suspended in front of it.  That was where the real magic was, the rest was just for show.  Taking Ellerie’s suggestion to heart I slow things way down and concentrate on simple single words.  ‘Name.  …  Woman.  …  Human.  …  Hungry.’  Between each word I pause as I summon my energy to pour it all into the next.  ‘Pretty.  …  Name.  …  Stranger.'  I take deep breaths, trying to relax and let it come naturally.  ‘Ocean.  …  America.  …  Boat.’  No matter how much time I took, no matter how much I tried to really lean into each single word in turn, I couldn’t get a shine or even a twinkle from the magical bead.

I let out a sigh and stare at it.  “Come on!”  I mutter to myself in frustration.  “Just do it!”

‘You can’t.  Give up.’

I look about the beautiful garden library and watch the glowing little candle jellies flit by like little dandelion seeds, each caught in their own breeze.  I settle down and start again.  ‘Name.  …  Woman.  …  Human.  …  Mistre…”

“EEEEE!”  Ellerie squeals, startling me enough to bolt up.  “Ohhhh nooooo!”  Across from me the tips of Ellerie’s tentacles were now flicking and lapping at her perky nips and tender titties.  “You naughty naughty naughty girl!  Making teacher touch herself like this!  Ohh, and you’re watching me do it!  Making me play for your amusement.”  One of her suckers latches directly onto to a nipple only to pull it back and pop off.  Her body jolts.  “OH!  Bad teacher!  Bad, bad teacher!  Ohhhhh!”

I put my chin in my hand and watch Ellerie’s sexy teacher act.  Silly as it was she sure made it look good.  The way she arched her back with her arms held back, the way her eyes flared and narrowed in tune with the pleasure she was feeling, the way her plump lips opened the puckered beckoningly, the way she looked down at herself, and even just the way her lithe body and snaking tentacles writhed was all pure sex kitten stuff.  It was a show to arouse and entice.  This sweet woman might play innocent but she knew EXACTLY what she was doing.

“Keep going!”  She mewls.  “Try…try…telling him to do something.  Really think about it.”  Her round supple breasts are both squeezed simultaneously by the curling ends of her kaleidoscopic tentacles.  “OHHHHH!”

As if this wasn’t difficult enough.  How in the heck was I supposed to learn with this distraction going on?  I knew Ellerie genuinely wanted to teach me to speak.  She had been talking about it, and even insisted on it to the Mistress, well before any sexy things were ever raised.  But I suspected that my night Stheera had derailed the horny young octo-woman’s motivations.  Now that she knew I was sexually available, or at least the possibility was there, actually teaching was now an afterthought.

Until Ellerie blew off some steam we weren’t going to get anything done…and I was only too happy to help.

Chapter 26



"I this was quite likely beyond me" -- "This was quite likely beyond me"


This was hilarious and adorable