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I nod.  “As real as it gets.  I shouldn’t have doubted you.”

“I understand.”  She says.

“I…don’t know how to answer yet.”  I look about the space then back to her.  “This is…this is a lot.”

“I know.  And sudden.  As much a surprise to me as to you.”  She chuckles lightly before a letting out long contented sigh as she wraps one arm around my waist.  “You being here just…feels right.”

“How would rent work?  Or bills or…?”

“I don’t know baby.  Let Mom worry about that, okay?”  She cups my cheek in that way she had.  “Like I said, I don’t even know if I can make it happen.  But I’ll try.  Lord I will try.  You need to believe that I will do everything I can.”

“I won’t doubt you again.”  I say.  “I will need to think about this.  I need to talk to Kiki.”

“Of course.”

“You sure about this?”

“Yes.”  She brushes a stray bang from my forehead.  “You are worth it.”

“Ohhh.”  I lean my cheek into her palm then kiss it.  “You make me feel so…special.”

“Mmm, you are special Donald.”

I felt so unworthy of her and yet, in my heart, I knew this was no act of charity.  She was just as caught up in this crazy spiderweb as me.  Our feelings might be misplaced, and they were definitely wrong, but they could not be denied.  I don’t know what she saw in me, I really didn’t, but damn was I happy that she did.  And I never wanted to betray that faith.  She made me want to be something…more.  More than anything I wanted to be a son to her, one she could truly be proud of and one that would treat her like she deserved.

“I’m sorry.”  I say softly.  “I’m sorry I came here looking like this.  I’m sorry I wasn’t prepared.  I’m sorry I tried to fake it with you.  I’m sorry I said those things.  I’m sorry if I disappointed you or…”

“Shhhhh.”  She touches my lips with her fingertips.  “I’m just happy you’re here.”

Taking my hand she leads me towards the back wall.  There she lowers to sit right there on the carpeted floor, legs out in front and back resting against the wall.  She pulls me down to be with her, I go to sit beside her but, using only motion and body language, she redirects me to straddle her thick thighs.

“I’m too heavy.”  I whisper.

“Never.”  Is all she says.

I do as she wishes and place a knee to either side of her wide hips then carefully settle down to sit on her pillowy lap.  If my weight was an issue I couldn’t tell as she exuded nothing but a calm inner joy.  Her look of peace was a cool ointment on a fresh burn.  My turbulent emotions and tumultuous spirit had found something safe and solid on which to anchor.  As she pulls me down to hold me close I allow myself to relax in a way I hadn’t since the last time I was here.  Here in her arms suddenly everything didn’t seem as bad.

Gently her hands rub up and down my back then caresses he back of my neck.  “Mom’s got you now baby.  You don’t have to be scared anymore.  Not when you’re here.”

“Ohhhhh.”  I melt into her.  Tears threaten to spill again, this time tears of joy.  Resting my cheek against her silky red hair I just letting my body go slack as she held me.

“Donald.”  She whispers.


“You’re right.  You need to quit this job of yours.”  Her arms tighten around me.  “Today.”

“What do I tell Diane?”

“Tell her…just tell her you’re done.”  She says.  “What you and I do from here on is none of her business.  She doesn’t need to know a thing.”

“Yes Ma’am.”  Relief fills me.  Having Evelyn tell me to do it was going to make this so much easier.  It wasn’t just my decision, it was ours.  Someone had my back.

“I…I don’t ever want those nasty girls touching you again.”  Her hug gets even tighter as her voice simmers with carefully controlled anger.  “They’ll only ruin a good boy.  No more bad girls for you, you hear me baby?”  Her fingers dig in as she squeezes me nearly as hard as she could.  “They had no right to treat you like they did!”

My eyes closed, enjoying the tight embrace, I smile.  “Jealous?”

“No!”  She says, not entirely truthfully.  It was terrible…but I loved the fact she was a bit jealous.  “My son deserves a good woman.  A proper girl who will treat him right.  A fine woman worth marrying and settling down with.  Not those grabby, filthy, foul mouthed little…floozies!”

“It’s okay.”  I whisper.  “No more.  I’ll quit being a call boy on the ride home.”

She lets out a long breath as her whole body relaxes.  “Good boy.”

Sitting up I look down at her.  “Those girls couldn’t hold a candle to you.  I missed you so much.  You are all I’ve been thinking about.”

Slowly she runs her hands up my stomach.  “You’ve barely left my thoughts.”

The mood in the empty suite was rapidly shifting as we look at each other with a rising desire.  This…thing we shared was built on a foundation of mutual need, each of us provided the other something they desperately lacked, but mixed into the concrete of this foundation was also an equal part of twisted lust that combined to make it as solid as bedrock.  An edifice of love and friendship was still to be built upon this foundation, but as of now the underpinnings were as strong as they could be.

Gazing deep into each other’s eyes it was as clear as noonday sun just how badly we wanted each other.  Reaching around to my butt she pulls me closer in until my bulged nestled completely within her much larger one like a nursing kitten snuggling into its Mummy’s tummy.  Her big balls supported my whole package from below as her thick slumped cock spooned it from above.

“Why Mom, you’re not wearing underwear.”  I smirk.

“You naughty scamp.”  She giggles.  “I just have on a normal pair of panties today.  No need to tuck things and hide things with you.”  Her hands return to my front, gliding up under my shirt to feel my flesh in her soft gentle hands.  “I’m sorry they touched you baby.  I’m so sorry I wasn’t there for you.”

“Mmmm.”  I slowly gyrate my hips to let my sex rub and rummage about in hers.  I bring my hands up and rest my arms atop my head, arching my back as I feel her hands feel me.  “Those boring girls could never make me feel like you can Mom.”

“Donald…”  She raises a brow, her hazel eyes burning.  “…if you’re not careful you’re gonna make your Mom hard again.”

“I’ll take that chance.”  I smile and grind into her a wee bit harder to feel both our cocks start to swell with arousal.

One floor up my half eaten breakfast sat on a plate getting cold.  But I wasn’t all that hungry anymore, not for pancakes at least.  Two floors above us was a perfectly wonderful, luxurious and ultra comfortable bedroom.  But who had time to climb all those pesky stairs?  Whatever was about to happen was going to happen right here, right now, in this vacant suite on this cool basement floor.


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