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In our lovely afterglow Stheera and I cuddle for a long quiet comfortable time.  I consider tucking in under the blanket but the watery environment was already at a very pleasant temperature, to say nothing of the cozy warmth of Stheera’s body which I snuggled against.

As the minutes pass a deep weariness sets in, right down to my bones.  A day of stress, a day of fear, a day of learning, a day of meeting and speaking with strangers, which I found draining in the best of times, a day where every breath I took was an effort, and a day topped off by hot and heavy sex…I was beat!  Much as I wanted to stay awake and savor the gentle touch of this wonderful woman I soon drift off into a deep dark slumber without even realizing it.

When I surface again…she is gone.  Even before a hand wanders in search of her I could sense that I was alone in my bed.  For a moment there is that terrible feeling of hollowness that followed a one-night stand but that quickly passes as I feel the snug pressure holding me down against the mattress.  I was beneath the cover.  Stheera had tucked me in before she left.  What a sweet thing to do.  

With the feel of water moving in and out of my lungs and the thoughts of my partner the night before stirs awakening memories.  Stheera…she wasn’t human.  Nobody here was human.  I was in a strange deep ocean world.  As my situation clarifies I slowly open my eyes to see the room just as I’d last seen it.  Part of me had expected to see full daylight pouring in through the window, but of course I was miles away from anywhere the sun’s rays could reach.  Turning my head I look to the empty space beside me and let out a wistful sigh.  Rubbing my face I sit up and stretch my back and shoulders.  Damn, it had been awhile since I’d slept that good.

I am about to get up when I see something in the room that hadn’t been there before.  A small onyx black sculpture on one of the shelves.  Had Stheera left that?  If not her, then who?  I recalled she mentioned something about being willing to pay me if I agreed to have sex with her.  Was this her payment?  If it was she really didn’t need to do that.  Our shared night together was more than reward enough.  Slipping out of the tight cover I swim over to turn on the light then to inspect the item more closely.  It was a lovely little twirled spire with a smooth bend along it that reminded me of Stheera’s sinuous tail.  A beautiful piece of art, the color and shape of which would always remind me of her.  I look back to the empty bed.  Was she already gone on this mission of hers?

I sigh again, worry in my heart.  I prayed she would find her way home again.

Looking about I don’t see my clothes anywhere.  Weird, they should have been on the floor.  Looking about the room I discover that they were gone, though in their place was a small stack of three neatly folded one piece garments on a shelf in the closet.  Except for their color they were all the same, snug fitting sleeveless dresses that covered from neck to knee.  At least I wouldn’t have to swim around with my tits hanging out.  There was blue, green and purple to choose from.  Taking the latter I flip it over my shoulder and head to the washroom to try and figure that all out.

With a bit of thought and imagination I manage things alright.  The toilet…was an interesting experience.  I had managed to get myself mounted on the flexible saddle-like end to the thick tube that ran down to the floor when it molds to my shape then suddenly sucked and sealed watertight onto my body.  My crotch region girded by the device I do my business.  The piss and shit just swish away in an instant, with a very pleasant rush of warmth the thing even cleans me up afterward!  Not knowing how to stop it I am force to pry a thumb in and break the seal.  As I pull away it stops on its own.  Wild.  In comparison the shower was pretty straight forward.  I step into the glassed off area and into the stream of water that ran constantly from the top to the bottom of the area and scrub myself down with the sponges and stones.  The bottle of orange liquid was some kind of soap, which I’d already suspected.  I find what I guess had to be a toothbrush and try the orange soap here too, it tasted about as well as surface soap did.  I spit the bitter suds into the shower.  Only afterward do I figure out that what stood in for toothpaste down here extruded out from among the bristles of the brush itself.  There were no haircare items so I just comb my hair with my fingers as best I could.

Slipping into the tight dress I give myself a very quick once over in the mirror, not daring to linger too long on the refection.  It was form-fitting, not leaving a whole lot to the imagination, but it looked rather pretty.  It would do just fine.  I then swim back out into the main room.  Mmm, this dress was going to be a problem.  The moment I fluttered my legs it would start to ride up.  I suspected this was a garment designed for a mermaid, they never had to contend with separated legs.  A couple of short slits along the sides would take care of that.

It wasn’t long later when I hear a soft knock on my door.  “Are you awake?”  I hear Ellerie ask.

With a welcoming smile I open the door wide.

“Oh!”  Ellerie peeps.  “Look at you!  Wow.  I was just coming to see if you needed help with anything.  Looks like you figured it out yourself.”

I give her a thumbs up and motion her in.  She darts past me and twirls back to face me.

With a playfully guilty look she confesses.  “We heard you last night.”

I laugh and point to the ceiling and then to my ear to indicate that we’d heard them as well.  This makes Ellerie titter and her skin burst with new bright colors.

“Stheera said she had a good time.”  At the mention of her name both of our moods dim.  “She’s already left.”  Ellerie says more seriously.  “She’ll be okay.  She has to be okay.  She’s the best at what she does.  She’s the best.”  I could hear she was saying this more to convince herself than me.  Swimming over I lay a supportive hand on her shifting multicolored shoulder.  She takes a breath and says again more firmly.  “She’ll be okay.”  

I nod my agreement as we take a moment and silently wish the best for Stheera.

“Hey!”  Ellerie then says more brightly.  “Did you see the gift she left you?  She asked me to make sure you saw it.”

I nod and direct her attention to the single item I had on my shelf.

“Ha ha!  Nice huh?”  Ellerie says as she admires it.  “You must have made an impression.  That’s her very favorite dildo you know.”

I stare at her a moment as the words sink in then turn to see the long curved phallic object with fresh eyes.  “Dildo?”  I blurt aloud before doubling over with laughter.  “Ha ha ha!  Dildo!?”

Ellerie jiggles and squeals with laughter of her own at my tickling sound waves.  “He he he he!”

A dildo!  Stheera had left me a sexy toy!  And here I thought it was a piece of art!  Not only was I seriously amused by the unexpected nature of the gift, I was actually glad for it.  Art was nice and all, but this was something I could actually use.

Chapter 20 


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