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Slumping down on top of Stheera I nuzzle into her neck as my orgasm fades away.  As my bliss ebbs I become aware of how much our lovemaking had drained me.  In hard gasping gulps I greedily suck water into my lungs.  My head swum and my limbs felt leaden as I felt like I’d just run a marathon.  I am not sure if my collar wasn’t situated quite right, a bit off on the initial calibration, or simply the extra resistance of breathing water instead of air but for whatever reason I was having a tough time getting the oxygen I needed after such an exertion.  I hold to Stheera limply as I gradually catch my breath again.

It is not long after that she too comes down from her own drawn out high, it seemed once the stimulation stopped so too did the climax.  Feeling me panting on top of her she cradles me in her arms and tilts me over to one side of her.  Stroking my hair with one hand and rubbing my belly and chest with the other she whispers.  “Breathe, atta girl, just breathe.  You’re going to be okay.”

I swallow and give her an appreciative nod as each breath got just a little bit easier.

She pats my chest and kisses my forehead.  “There you go.  You’ll be okay.”

“Mmm.”  I smile as I relax and rest my head upon the soft black skin of her shoulder.

She strokes me tenderly and holds me close and it isn’t long before I am back to myself again.  I squirm closer, curling up and snuggling right in close as I nuzzle deeper into her.  Soft contented coos escape me as I swim in my happy feelings.

Stheera chuckles and gives my tush a little swat.  “The Mistress is going to love you.”  I look to her, wanting to hear more, but she just shakes her head and says.  “Too cute.”

Running a hand up my bare back she lights my flesh up with crackling bolts shooting from each finger.  “Haahhhh!”

She then rubs her hand back down again tamping down the the excitement she’d just caused leaving my skin just a bit tingly still.  “Mmm.”  She pulls me in.  “That was wonderful my girl, just wonderful.  I needed a good fuck more than I even knew.  Mmm.”  Her hips writhe subtly as she savored that wonderful freshly fucked feeling in her pussy.  “I will sleep well tonight.  Thank you.”

Despite my great fatigue I was more than willing to keep going but I could sense by Stheera’s words, sounds and body language that she was done.  Post-coital snuggling was what she wanted now.  In the gentle haze of our afterglow we nuzzle together and hold each other tight.  With my eyes closed I feel the shape and firmness of her abdominal muscles as she absently strokes her hand up and down my back.  As my dick gradually goes soft the protection detaches from me.  Not a drop of jizz escapes it however as Stheera takes it off of me with her free hand.  It roughly held the shape of my erect cock and the milky translucence of my ejaculate now looked to be incorporated into the material itself, though I didn’t see it that good in just the dim glow of the city lights.  Reaching up Stheera deposits it through a hatch built into the design of the wall, there is the noise of suction and in a flash the condom disappears from sight.

As the mood shifts from erotic to intimate to then simply resting comfortably in each other’s arms I begin to unconsciously cling to Stheera’s shapely body with rising anxiety.

“I won’t leave.”  She says as if reading my mind.  “I will sleep with you tonight.  I won’t leave you alone, not until morning.”

Instantly the tension that had been building in me drains away.  After the day I’d had being alone was the last thing I wanted, especially right after the heady highs of sex.  I needed Stheera right now, I really needed her.  It was easy to forget this strange eel woman had looked almost eager to kill me earlier in the day.  I didn’t care about that though.  A kind voice and a warm body holding me might not solve my problems but they sure as hell helped me bear them.

“You are scared.”  She says, petting my hair.  “It’s okay to be scared.”

I close my eyes tighter and let out a shuddering breath.

“It’s okay.”  After a long silence where she so tenderly pets and strokes me she whispers.  “I’m scared too.”

I look up at her to see her staring up at the ceiling with a beautiful tranquility about her.  It was humbling to hear that confession.  I was just a stupid fuck up, anybody could tell I was a coward just by looking at me, but hearing this incredible and strong warrior woman admit her fear made me feel like maybe we had something in common.  A connection that transcended race or upbringing or ability.

“Mistress says that you can only find your courage by exploring and embracing your fears.”  Her fingers tease through my hair as she says in a low soft tone.  “She’s right of course.  Before I found her…all I knew was fear.  It ruled me.  I was its slave without even knowing it.  Fear is an insidious master.  I ran from it, I bent down to it, I lashed out against it.  I hurt people, people that did not deserve to be hurt.  I had no cause, no direction, no purpose, no…family.”  Letting out a long sigh I feel just a little tremble run through her.  Wrapping my arms around her I hug her tight.  She gives me a little smile.  “Mistress caught me.  She is the only one who has ever caught me.  I came to assassinate her but she was too clever and too powerful.  I came to kill her, simply for coin.  Her!  Can you believe that?”  She swallows hard.  “She spared me.  She showed me kindness.  She gave me…everything.  She saved me.”  There was a story that could fill a novel lurking within those last few words.  After a deep breath she slowly blinks her eyes and says.  “I would die for her.  I would be proud to die for her.  For any of them.”  A hardness comes over her that chills me to the bone.  “And I will…if that is what the Spirits decide.”

Rising up on an elbow I look down at her with concern.  She looks back at me without one ounce of doubt or second thought in her gray eyes.  As I gaze into her I see not the fiery eyes of a zealot but the deep tender expression of somebody madly in love.  She loved her Mistress. She loved her family.  She loved them with her whole soul.  It was a look I had only seen before in my grandma.  Reaching up she strokes my cheek and the sternness softens in her expression.  I stroke her face back again.  I might not have words I could speak to her but I could still let her know how much our time together meant to me.

“We are people caught up in dark business but we are not monsters.”  With her eyes she motions around us.  “Look after them and they will look after you.”

I did not like the grim finality with which she spoke right now.  Whether it was for a great cause or the love of family it wasn’t right for Stheera to have to sacrifice herself.  Grabbing her hand I pull it to my chest and hold it tight to my heart, in that gesture trying to convey that I wanted to see her again.  That I expected to see her again.

She laughs softly and pushes her palm into my chest to feeling my heartbeat for a time.  “I found my courage human.  I pray that you can find yours.  Do let fear conquer you on my account my girl.  I would hate to see my old master capture one as pretty as you on my account.”  She extracts her hand from mine then glides it up to cup my jaw, her thumb runs softly across my lips.  “Besides.”  She grins.  “Have some faith.  I am very good at what I do.”

Chapter 19 


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