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I look at the back of his dress then slowly up his body to his slender shoulders and elegant neck until my eyes meet his azure gaze.

The next thing I knew I was on him nuzzling into his soft neck, kissing and sucking, as my hands grasp as his breasts through the dress.  “Oh my God I want you.”

“Mmmmm!”  He pushes back into me, his right hand reaching behind to grab my hair.  “I know.  That’s why you’re here baby.”

“Ohhhh.”  I nip the tender flesh of his neck.  “You smell so fucking good.”

Keeping him held in one arm I find the tab of the zipper at the back of his black dress and pull it down.  His fair skin stands out from the black as the back peels open.   When I get to the bottom I pause…then run the tips of my fingers back up the soft skin of his spine.  He shivers and lets out a little gasp.  I bring my hand up and to the right and push the dress off of his right shoulder.  My hand flat I caress his bare shoulder blade…then dive in for a wet sucking kiss of the warm flesh.  I continue kissing him up the others side of his neck.  He leans his head back, tilting his face up toward me, and we kiss.  This one was different.  Our other kisses had always been a bit playful, neither of us were playing anymore.  My left hand slips through the space at the back of the dress and wraps around his tummy as I kiss him deeply.  I pull him into me and again he pushes right back.  Releasing his lips I start to kiss back down his long neck and across his shoulder.

He wiggles his tight tush against me.  “He he he.  Hard already?”

“I can’t help it.”  I growl.  “Fuck you do things to me.”


More nuzzles, more kisses, more passionate sighs.  “So…do ya put out on first dates?”

“I guess we’ll see.”  He says.  “Better be a nice date.  I want a birthday present too.”

“I’ll treat ya good baby.”  I suckle his tender earlobe.  “I’ll treat you right.”

“Damn right you will.”  He says, tilting his head to the side.  “Mmm.  You’re gonna treat me like a prince.”


I go to release him but he quickly grabs my arm and hold it against his belly, he holds it there a second to indicate I shouldn’t let go, then he commences with undressing.  As he pulls the other shoulder of his little black dress over his shoulder I continue to paw and grope his hot body.  Butt tight to my crotch he wiggles his hips back and forth to push the dress down past his waist.  He had on a pair of bikini style white panties with a tiny trim of lace around the waist.  So cute!  He bends over at this waist to control the fall of the dress to the floor, but I think he actually did it to push his ass against me.  I run my hands down his back then bring them around to grip his sides.  It was kinda cool how he still an hourglass body, much more subtle than a woman’s but just as lovely.

“Dude…those panties drive me fucking wild.”  I bring my left hand down to cup his ass, one firm cheek made for a perfect handful.  “Those stockings are pretty damn hot too.”  My hand glides down to feel the sheer fabric over his smooth thigh.

“I am so glad you think so.”  He says softly, staying bent over and enjoying the feel of my hands on him.  “I’ve been waiting so long to show somebody.”

“Ohhh, lucky me!”

“I feel…like I can trust you Ethan.”

“You can.” 

Moving gracefully he stands back up and leans his weight back against me.  My hands move with minds of their own, gripping and groping him just as I would a woman.  He was right, dead right, guys did have titties.  He did anyway.  Why hadn’t I realized that before?  He really wasn’t so different from a woman, not to my lust drunk mind.  He raises his arms, stretching out his long lean body and reaching back to tickle my neck.  With rising passion I press my hands up his stomach and grab his pecs hard then lightly pinch his stiff little nips.

“Mmmm.”  He leans back for another kiss.  “That’s nice baby.”

“You’re nice.”  I whisper and tongue his ear.  “So nice.”

“We’re gonna have a good time together, you and me.”

“Yeah.” I suck his neck.  “The best time ever.”

“Gonna let me suck your cock again?”

“Let you!?  Anytime baby, any fucking time you want.”

“I’ll hold you to that.”  He chuckles lightly.  

“Hmm.”  I kiss.  “Please do.”

“Gonna eat me out again tonight?”

“Mmm, I’ll fucking eat you out all night long if you want.”

“Gonna breed me again baby?”  He whispers.

“Breed you!?”

“I love feeling your hot cum inside of me Ethan.”

“Oh my God.  I’ll breed you again and again.  I will make you fucking scream.”  

“Ohhh!  Jesus Christ dude.”  His body language told me I could have him there and then if I wanted him.

I swat then grab his ass in one motion, then squeeze and feel it fill my grasp.  “But…I want to see you in that dress first.”

“Ethan.”  He sighs.

He suddenly spins around so that he is facing me.  His blue eyes blaze with a passion equal to my own.  I wrap my arms around him as his slender fingers hold me by the cheeks as we kiss and make out.  Pushing off of me Beau backs away with a teasing grin.  I drink in his hot body, in just a pair of bulging panties and stockings he was smokin!

Taking the sun dress he slips it on over his head and straightens it out so that it hung on him nicely.  He looked like one of those models from the magazines…but better.  The subtle signs of masculinity mixed in with a heaping dose of the feminine only made him all the more alluring.  There was something so pure and carefree about that bright simple dress on him, it just made him shine.  Perhaps it wasn’t the dress at all, but something from within.  He looked so…happy.

He gives me a twirl.  “Well?”

“You are really pretty.”  I say in my own clumsy but honest way.  “So pretty.”

He smiles, almost bashfully, and brings a hand to his face to tuck his hair back behind his right ear.  He looks down at himself and smooths out the billowy top of the light wispy canary yellow dress.  “I don’t look silly?”


“I don’t look ridiculous?”


“I don’t look…ugly?”

“Fuck no!  Beau, you are gorgeous.”

He lifts his dress a little and lets it waft back down again.  “I don’t…look like a whore?”

Through a smirk I ask.  “And what is wrong with looking like a whore?”  I chuckle.  “But no, you don’t.  You are so fucking pretty.”

He grins a naughty grin, suddenly not looking quite as pure.  “You like whores?”

“I like sweet, I like spice, nothing saying a man can’t like both.”

There is a moment, as if he is weighing something up in his mind, but it only lasts a second.  Stepping forward he literally grabs me by the cock, right through my pants.  “Follow me.”  With that he turn and leads me back toward his bedroom, I was in no position to resist.  We enter his room.  It matched the rest of the place, a bit sparse, very nice to look at, but also a lacking in character.  “I can’t believe I’m showing you this.”  He whispers to himself.  He pulls me right to his bed.  “Sit.  Stay.  Watch.”

“Yes Sir!”  I chuckle.

I sit on the edge of his bed and he spins to face his dresser.  As I shuffle back to rest my shoulders against the headboard off comes the wholesome sun dress and sheer stockings and on goes tight fishnets and even tighter tube top and micro mini skirt, all of it black.  The fishnet tights crisscross his luscious flesh all the way to this waist.  The skirt is so short and so tight that that not only can I see his bulge through it, it actually peeks down under as well.  And the thin tube top hugged his lean chest so snugly I could make out the shape of his lovely pecs.  The clothes were cheap, a total contrast to the nice outfits he had brought out to the living room for me to look at.  His attire wasn’t just slutty, it was poor white trash slutty.  And that just made it all the hotter.

Pulling my cock out I start to slowly stroke it as I watch him.  “I want you so fucking bad.”

“I know.”  He grins and licks his teeth, eyes locked on my manhood.  “But not yet.”

“Turn around.” I whisper.  “Show me that ass.”

He turns and thrusts his butt my direction, his cheeks peeping out the bottom, then gives himself a hard spank.  “You want it huh?  You like this nasty little whore?  You want this tight twink ass?”

“Oh my God yes!”

“He he he.”  Beau was absolutely aglow with horny joy.  When he turns around again the massive log stretching the front of his skirt advertises how much he adored having an audience.  From there he goes to his dresser and faces the mirror above it.  From the top drawer he pulls make up.  Despite already wearing some he applies more, putting it on thick.  His red lips become a glossy ruby, the eye shadow that highlighted his blue eyes soon encompasses his whole upper lids and around to underneath making his eyes stand out like lights, he even draws a little heart just below the corner of his left eye.  Some more blush is layered on giving his fine cheekbones an unnatural rosy glow.  In just a few minutes Beau had transformed himself from sweet girl next door to cheap hooker…and both were fucking amazing!

He stares his reflection in the eyes and hisses.  “You dirty little slut!”

“Isn’t that my line?”

His eyes shift to look at me through the mirror.  “I dare you, bitch.”


His eyes flare as he drops the blush brush and claws his fingers across the top of his dresser.  He spins back, his eyes lock on me like a tiger who had honed in on its prey.  He strides to the left and twists his nubile body into a sultry pose.  I let out a hard sigh and grip my rock hard manhood, flexing it to the max.  He strides to the right and bends over at the waist, his short skirt coming up to show me his panty clad ass and balls.  His elegant hands run up his fishnet covered leg.  “Rrrrrm.”  I growl with burning desire as I leer at his hot body.

“You are fucking done out here straight boy.”  He turns and puts his fists on his hips and leans his weight to the side.


“You are gay as shit for me.”  Coming to stand at the foot of the bed he peels one of my socks off.

“Or…are you straight as shit for me.”  I turn it back on him.  “Hmm?”

His eyes narrow…then his seductive facade cracks a moment as he lets out a giggle.  “That doesn’t even make sense.”

“Or does it?”

He laughs.  “You are such an idiot.”  He shakes his head and gets back into the mood.  He pulls my other sock off and leans low.  Extending his long tongue he slowly licks up the sole of my foot from heel to the tip of my big toe.  “Nnnngh.”  He flicks his tongue around my digit while never breaking eye contact.


“Nah.”  He says with a smirk and stands up.  

“You tease!”

“I’m not done yet.”

“Ohhhh fuck.”  My cock literally could not get any harder.  “Keep going baby.”

“He he he.”  He basks in my lust for him, getting every bit as much from having my eyes ogle him as I was.

Returning to the closet he digs out a pair of black knee length platform boots with a heels that had to be six inches high.  Once on he strides back and forth the length of the room with incredible poise and balance, his hips sway hypnotically.  And again he returns to the closet.  Crazy as it was the more he put on the sluttier it made him look, I couldn’t wait to see what was next.  Out comes gloves, but none like I had ever seen before.  These are black fishnet like his tights but with a might closer weave.  They leave his fingers and thumbs exposed and run from his knuckles all way up to the elbows.

“Talk to me baby.”  He whispers as he pulls the second glove on and wiggles his slender fingers.

“What can I say?  Holy hell you look hot Beau.”

“Mmm.”  He smiles.  “Still think I’m pretty?”

“Pretty?  Pretty fucking sexy!”  I say truthfully.  “Sexiest slut I have EVER seen, by a fucking mile.”

“Fuck Ethan…”  He lets out a hiss through clenched teeth, leaving whatever he was about to say unsaid.

He adored my praise and attention, and I loved giving it to him.  I thought that had to be it, but nope.  Back to the closet again.  He opens a box and starts rummaging around.  Sitting a bit higher I peer into the box to see the familiar shell of a fleshlight, he had one too, along with a shiny black dildo.  There was other stuff in there but that was all I could see before he pulls a wide leather collar from it and pushes it back into the closet.  He pauses a moment…then quickly puts the collar around his neck and cinches it tight.  As he is fastening it at the back I notice the shiny metal hoop hanging from the front along the words ‘FUCK TOY’ emblazoned around it.  Looping a finger into the hoop he gives it a rough tug to make sure it was good and secure.

With impressive grace he steps forward then brings on of his heeled boots up to plant square into the middle of my chest.  Leaning his weight forward he pins me to the headboard, one leg on the ground and one on me I can easy see up his short skirt.  His raccoon eyes are wide with lewd energy as he rest his arms across his knee and leers down at me.


“Well?”  I whisper.

“How do I look?”

“Incredible!  Beyond incredible!”  My eyes pan up and down his hot bod.  “Although…”

“Although?”  He raises a curious brow.

“I think you’re missing something.” My eyes meet his again.  “Something really important.”

He looks down at himself, wondering what it might be, then looks back to me.  “And what might that be?”

“My dick in your mouth.”

A wonderfully wicked grin widens across his ruby lips.



I’m kinda sad this wasn’t continued


Damn, gotta k ow how this relationship goes. Keep going Grim!! Good job. And thanks.