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As our orgasms fade Rosa looks back into my eyes so that we could ride it out together.  With a shudder and a moan our bodies come to rest.  Leaning down she kisses me, sweetly and tenderly.  My arms around her I pull her down to lay on top of me as we kiss and coo our love fore each other.  Our lives had already been inexorably bound together but something had changed now.  The argument, facing life and death together, and now our confessed love for each other made this thing we had something even deeper and more profound.  A realization that I wasn’t alone in the world and I never would be again.  ‘I’ had become ‘us’, two against the universe.

“That was incredible.” I whisper as I kiss down her neck and shoulder.

“Mmmm.”  She smiles and kisses me back.  “Yes.  Foolish, but incredible.”

Kiss, kiss, kiss.  Each one a glowing  spot of warm on my damp skin, cool as it was from sweat drying in the night breeze.  I savor each soft kiss as its own treasure.  “They say Cupid makes fools of us all.”

“Yeah.”  She lifts her hips up off of me and my spent manhood slips from her hot creamy pussy.  Between us her still turgid member presses into me.  Once again I had gotten off but she hadn’t, not her penis anyway.

“My Lady…?”

She grins as she already knew what I was going to ask.  With just a subtle shift in her tone Rosa transforms into Lady Rosa.  “Yes my boy, if you are feeling up for it, you may.”

“Thank you.”  I sigh joyously.  “Ohhhh thank you my Lady.”

I let her go and she rolls off of me.  As she moves she keeps a hand on me at all times, as if I might disappear if she let go for even a second.  She sits with her back resting on the cave wall.  Moving gingerly thanks to my bruises I pull myself to her and rest my head against her bosom.  She teases my hair and gently strokes it along my temple and above my ear.

“My boy.”  She whispers.  “My good boy.”

The fear, the tension, the trauma and turbulence of everything that had happened…melts away as I give myself over to my submission.  Even the many pains in my body are muted as I pass over into the other side of our relationship.  Everything simplified and clarified as the weight of the world lifts from my shoulders.  For a short time I could just be Rosa’s boy again.  She would take care of me now.  I knew my purpose again.  I felt loved, I felt protected, I felt safe.  I curl up at her side and nuzzle into her.  I cannot hold back the soft docile burbling noises that come from inside such was my submissive joy.

“Good boy.”  She pets me.  “You did so good today.  Your Lady is so proud of you.”

“Thank you.”  I whisper as I kiss her chest.

“Whose a good boy?”

I feel a little blush rise in my cheeks as I cannot help but smile.  “I am.”

“Yes you are.”  She strokes me.  “My good boy.”

“Mmmm.”  I mouth her near breast and begin to suckle at it.  I am gentle with her supple flesh, sucking and lightly probing with my tongue.  “Mmmm.”

“That’s my boy.”  She says in a soothing tone as her hand caresses down my neck and back.  “Ohhh, a home.   A real honest home.”  I can hear the deep contentment in her voice.  “When we get home I gonna treat you so good baby.  Like I always dreamed about.”


“I cannot wait to give my boy a proper bath.  I’m gonna pamper you and cuddle you and spoil you as much as I want.  You are mine, my very own precious boy, and I will do what I want with you.”

“Hmmmm.”  I suckle happily.

“You’re gonna smell good, you’re gonna look good, I’m gonna make you feel soooo good.”


She tickles the short hairs at the back of my neck sending tingles all down my spine.  “And when you’re scared or doubting yourself or feeling blue your Lady is gonna hold you and make it all right again.”  Even as she spoke I could hear her own fear ebb away.  In comforting me she was also comforting herself.  The scars that the terror of this day would leave on her soul would not be so easily erased but allowing her to be my Lady right now was a good start.  Like the dressing she had applied to my wound having this bit of control, being able to nurture her boy, would at least stem the bleeding.  She kisses me.  “You won’t have to be scared any more baby, because I got you now.  I got you and I won’t ever let you go.”

“Nnnngh!”  I nuzzle harder and tongue her nipple.

“You are so strong.  You are so smart.  You are so brave.  My boy is so special.  My boy is the best boy.”  She kisses my head.  “And…you make me a better Lady.”

Tears blur my vision, tears of pure joy.  I reward my Lady with more whimpers and mewls and lilting needy whines.

“Awww, come here baby.”  She whispers as she guides me downward.  “Suck your Lady’s cock.”

“Hahh.”  I let go her tit with a big wide smile.  I was going to suck her dick soon anyways, but getting the order to do so made it an act of obedience and thus that much the sweeter.  “Yes my Lady.”

Opening my mouth as wide as it would go I don’t hesitate a second on latching onto her fat knob.  A visceral joy fills me even as her cock fills my mouth, as real and as powerful as when she went down on me.  More so.  The rush that hits me is different than mere physical pleasure, I can only guess that it must be similar to that of an addict getting their fix after too long.  The taste of the sweat and grime of our day on the road followed by the fight of our lives fills my mouth and I eagerly suck it clean.

“Ohhh.”  She sighs.  “That’s nice.”


“When we get home I’ll be able to really tie you up as much as I want for a long as I want.”


“I’ll have you build anchors for your ropes.  Perhaps special furniture.  Perhaps even a whole room for our fun and discipline.  Maybe even…a dungeon?”

“Shhhlllrrrmmm.”  I slurp loudly and let some spittle glide down her long shaft.  “Mmm, anything my Lady!”

“He he he.  You like that?”

“Mmmmm.”  I coo as I suck her hard cock harder to show my approval.  Ohhhh, I missed my ropes so much.  I curl up tighter, imagining I was cocooned in a great ball of binding ropes.

“I thought you might.”  She rests both her hand on the back of my head, not pressing down but not allowing me to pull away either.  Just the hint of physical control but enough to let me feel it.  My right hand cups her velvety soft scrotum and I very tenderly massage her balls.  “Ohhh, that’s my boy.”

“Mmmmmm!”  I take her deeper, as deep as I could, and start a long steady bob up and down.  “Mmmm.”

“Think of it baby.”  She continues.  “A place of our own.  A home all our own.  A private place for just you and me.  You can worship me to your heart’s content.”  She says.  Her cock swells as she flexes it hard, the spongy mushroom tip pushing out and in.  Gods!  It felt so fucking good having her inside of me.  “I’ll have you on your knees every night baby.”

“Mmmm!”  I suck her faster and harder as her words excite me.

“Gags, blindfolds, and, if we haven’t lost it, a very special surprise.”  She says.  “You will beg.  You will grovel.  You will cry for mercy and plead for more.  I’m gonna treat my boy so good because you deserve it.”


“And you’re gonna treat your Lady good too, aren’t you baby?”

“MMMM!”  I confirm vehemently.

“You’re gonna be so cute for me.  You’re gonna show me that special side of you, just like you’re doing now.  And I’m gonna use that sexy body of yours anyway I want.”

Ohhhh, those words were making me feel slutty for her again.  I lap at her tip and suckle as she lights those fires inside of me.  My ass suddenly felt…hungry.

“Ohhhh.  You’re sucking my cock so fucking good!  Ohhhhhh!”  Her hands now push with me, her hips gently rocking to my oral rhythm.  “Lady loves her boy.  She loves him soooo much.”

“Hmmmm!”  It was that incredible moment all over again.  Quin the man had gotten to bask in his woman’s declaration of love, now Quin the boy got to experience the same with his dominant Lady.  I felt so wonderfully small and powerless and unworthy under the rays of my Lady’s radiant love.  I pull up off her just for a moment to let out a mewling gasp.  “I love you my Lady!”

“Mmm.” She pushes me back down onto her dick.  “Your Lady loves you too.  I love you so much my precious boy.  I feel like I might just burst.”  She chuckles.  “You have made your Lady so happy.”

Huddled up against her warm nubile body I bob faster, I suck harder, I blow my Lady as best I possibly could.  I now had a bit of practice and it showed.  I moved more confidently and focused on what felt good.  Having blown myself I now had a better idea on how each thing I tried felt to her.  I take time to play too, rubbing her tip against my lips, slapping her wet rod against my cheek, just nuzzling it and worshiping it like a boy should, but mostly I stay focused on giving head.  While our spirits were soaring our physical limitations could not be completely ignored right now.

Rosa’s talking falls quiet though she continues to moan and sigh to the good feelings I was bringing out in her.  Her left hand stays firmly atop my rising and falling head as her right strokes me and caresses me lovingly.  I never realized how touch starved I had been before meeting my Lady, but I knew it now and I also knew that I would never feel that way again.  Pouring all of the love and passion I had in me into my Lady’s blowjob I suck and suck and suck.

I both feel and hear her libidinous energies rising.  Her motions become more urgent, her moans higher, and her slick precum mingles with my spit inside my mouth.

“Ohhhh Quin.”  She breathes.  “That feels soo gooood.”  Her hand curls into a loose fist to grab my hair.  “Yesssss.”

“Mmmm!  Mmmmm.  Mmmmm.”  Up and down I suck wanting nothing more than anything to taste my Lady’s load once more.

“Ohhh!  Ohhhh!”  Her beautiful pitch perfect voice rises higher.  Her body tenses, her balls and cock tighten, and her breath holds a moment.  I keep going but ready myself for the load I was about to receive.  “HOOHHHHH!”  Rosa lets out a long groan of ecstasy as she fills my throat with hot jizz.

I let it fill my mouth first just so that I could taste her again before I start to dutifully gulp it down.  “Glrp, glrp, glrp.”  Like the good boy I am I gobble up and swallow each thick salty blast of Lady cum.

Chapter 72