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The next day is Saturday and a day off.  I sleep in late, making up for the shitty sleep I had the night before.  When I do eventually get out of bed I shuffle about, getting my coffee and a bit of breakfast, then settle in for a kicked back restful day at home.  Cassie was home as well and doing much the same as I.  We chat a bit but mostly leave each other to our own thing.  She is on her computer surfing, watching videos, and such as lounge on the couch playing video games.

It is about two when the doorbell rings.  I smile instantly and my heart picks up a little.

“Hey, I’m kind of in the middle of something.”  I say.  “Do you mind?”

“Yep, I got it.”  Cassie says.  She spins in her chair and heads for the door.

I am stifling a laugh as I listen closely.  The door opens and then Cassie lets out a huff of disappointment.

“What?  You!”

“Hey bitch.”  Comes Beau’s soft lilting voice.

“I thought you refused to come here anymore.”

“I did?”  He plays innocent.  “I don’t remember saying that.”

“You’re here for your glasses.”  She says.  “I’ll get them for you.”

“I’ll get them myself.”

I hear the door close.  “He’s home today.”  Cassie says as a warning.

“My buddy Ethan?”  He says cheerfully.  “That’s who I’m here to see.”

“Buddy?”  I call out.

“Hey Pal!”  He hams it up.

“What the hell?”  Cassie exclaims.  “I thought you hated him.”

“My good friend Ethan!?”  He says, aghast at the mere insinuation we were anything but best buds.  “Never!  What ever gave you that idea?”

With that the pair appear from through the kitchen.  Beau was in a slightly too large white and navy Tottenham jersey, it hung so low on him that it was more a short dress than a shirt.  If he had anything else on under that I could only assume so as his shapely legs were bare otherwise.

“Hey Chelski.”  He says.

“Hey Spud.”  I say.  “I like your make up today!”  This was true.  His pink lipstick, touch of blush, and elegant black eye-liner looked absolutely fantastic on him.

“Thanks pal.”

“You bet chum.”

“Oh my God!”  Cassie looks to him, to me, to him, and back to me then groans..  “You two are friends now?”

“Of course.”  I say as I get up.  “Hold up.  I didn’t know we wearing our colors.”

As I go to my room Beau and I share a quick amused glance to each other as Cassie continues to moan.  “I’m not happy about this Ethan!”

I chuckle and keep going.  As I take my cherished 2011-12 Drogba blue home kit from my closet and slip it on I could hear the siblings nattering at each other in the next room.

“So what is this all about?”  She says to him.  “Is this a soccer thing?”

“Something like that.”  He says.  “He invited me over for some Fifa.”

“You and your stupid soccer.”  She gripes.  “Oh God, my roomie and my brother…friends?  I think my life is ruined.”

He laughs, though that comes to a quick end as I stride proudly back into the living room with my arms out wide and my singing voice loud.  “We know what we are!  We know what we are!  Champions of Europe, we know what we are!”

In response Beau too raises his voice.  “Ohhhhhh when the Spurs!  Go marching in!  Oh when the Spurs go marching in!”  He starts to march around the coffee table as I take up a central position, both of us singing our songs proudly.

“SHUT UUUUUP!”  Cassie cries out over the din.  Beau and I end with a round of laughter.  “I am getting out of this madhouse.”  She glowers and says as she makes for her room.  “We’ll talk about this later Ethan.”

Beau and I chuckle and give each other a fist bump.

“I wasn’t sure you’d come.”  I say.

He shrugs like it is no big thing.  “I wanted try the game.”


We settle down onto the sofa.  I hand him the other controller as I quit out of the game I was playing and switch over to Fifa.

“Want to play cooperative?”  I ask.

“Do I look like a total pussy?”  He shoots right back.

I chuckle.  “What’s wrong with playing on the same team?”

“Ha!  You’re asking ME straight boy?”

“Okay pal, your funeral.”

“Bring it, bitch.”

As Cassie leaves we are starting our first game.  He chooses Tottenham and I choose Chelsea…obviously.  As we play our first match we talk.

“So what got you into footie?”  I ask.

“I used to play.”  He says.  “I was pretty good.”

“Oh?  I played too.  Center back.”

“Attacking midfield.”  He replies.  “Assist leader every year I played but one, but my strikers fucking sucked that last year.”

“GOOOOOOALLLLL!”  I cry as I slot one in.

“Pipe down Chelski, I’m still getting the hang of it.”

As we start up again I continue.  “Assist leader?  You must have been good.”

“Yeah.  Even went to some national camps.”

“Wow!  I just played in local community leagues and stuff.  What made you quit?”

“I dunno, didn’t really feel welcome after…well, after I came out.”

I glance over at him.  “That fucking sucks.”

“Ah, it’s not as bad as all that.”  He says.  “Besides, the older I got the more I wasn’t able to keep up.  The other boys just kept getting bigger and stronger and I…didn’t.”

“There are small players out there.  Look at Messi.”

“Pfff!  I wasn’t THAT good!”  He says.  “Ohhhhh…he SCOOOORES!”  Springing up from the sofa he starts air thrusting in my direction.  “Suck it Chelski!”  He then spins around to waggle his cute tush my way.

Smack!  I give his ass a hard spank, harder than I meant, and exclaim.  “Sit down Spud!”

“Ha ha ha ha!”  He laughs uproariously as he rubs his sore butt and sits back down beside me.  “He he he!”

“That was a fluke.”  I say with false confidence.  As we start again I ask.  “So why Spurs?”

“My Dad.”

“Ha!  Me too.  He’s a lifelong Blue.”

We chat and we banter and we play and generally have a great time together.  I beat him three - one the first game, three - two the second, two - one the third, and by the fourth we are fighting it out two - two going into the eighty-fifth minute.  Side by side, both of us sitting forward in intense concentration, we battle it out.

“Want to watch a movie after this?”  I ask without breaking my concentration.

“Quitting already?  Scared I’m catching up?”

“Nah, I got ya.  I’m just taking it easy on you.”

“Yeah right.”  He says as he strips me of the ball.  “What movie?”

“I dunno.”

“Winner chooses?”


“Hey.  Wanna see what I’m wearing under this?”

“Huh?”  I peek over at his sexy, pale, silky smooth legs.

In that split second distraction…  “SCORES!”   Beau crows.  “What was your defender doing?  Ha ha ha!”

“That’s bullshit!”

With only a few minutes left I’m not able to equalize before the end.  It ends three to two.

“Loser!”  He pokes my shoulder.  “Loooooserrrrr!”

“You cheated.”

“Master of the dark arts.  Bwa ha ha ha!”

I look over at him as he bounces beside me in victory.  His soft blond hair bobs, his bright sky blue eyes sparkle, the sound of his laughter like music.  His pixie cute face is aglow with joy.  He was happy, unguarded, smiling, and…utterly beautiful.

It hits me like a bolt of lightning.  The desire to kiss him.  To kiss him hard, to kiss him deep, to kiss him right fucking now.  Beau’s laughter falters as he catches my look.  His eyes meet mine for just a split second.

“Yeah, you got me.”  I say awkwardly as I tear my eyes away then hurry to busy myself with something else.  Getting up I make for the kitchen.  “You hungry dude?”

“I’m good actually.”  I could feel his eyes on me as I walked out of the room.

“Drink?”  I say back him, keeping my voice casual even as I close my eyes and grab the counter.  Hunching forward I try to recollect myself.  This was a mistake.  Having him here was a mistake.

“What you have?”  He asks.

“Beer.  Cola.  Tea.  Coffee.”

“Nah.”  His voice is suddenly right there beside me!  He had followed me into the kitchen.  “Maybe just a water.

I straighten up and hurry for the fridge, trying to pretend my moment of weakness hadn’t happened.  “Yeah, you got it dude.”

He laughs softly, his voice is surprisingly gentle.  “Ethan, it’s cool.”

“Ha!”  I bluster.  “That you beat me?  Not cool at all dude.”  I open the fridge and frantically scan for the cold water.

“This friends without benefits thing isn’t going to work with us.”  He says as I feel him get closer.  “It was a nice idea but…it’s not going to happen, is it?”

I laugh nervously.  “I don’t know what you’re talking about dude.”

He lays it right out, leaving me nowhere to hide.  “You want to fuck me.  I want you to fuck me.  It’s just a matter of time.”


“Enough with the dude talk.”  He says.  “Come on.  Let’s fool around.  Why even pretend it’s not what we both want?”

“No!”  I snap and turn to point at him.  “No!”

He gives me a long look and then reaches up to take my hand in both of his.

“What are you…?”  My voice fades.

He wraps his lips around the tip of my finger and sucks.  “Mmmm.”  His soft voice hums as his blue eyes gaze into mine.


“Mmmm.”  He sucks a bit more of it in and slowly pulls back.

I whisper.  “We can’t.”

“Why not?”  He whispers back, a fire smoldering in his eyes.

“I…uh…I…”  I swallow.  “I’ll…do something wrong again and…you won’t come around anymore.”

He smiles sweetly and lets go of my hand.  “Do you think I’d be here if I could stay away?”  

With a VERY naughty look on his otherwise innocent face he slowly pulls his jersey higher and higher.  Inch by inch more of his smooth soft legs show themselves until…the bottom of his bulge peeks below the hem.  His underwear is a pastel pink.

“I’m wearing panties.  I know you like that.  You think it’s sexy, a boy in panties.  Don’t you?”

My eyes glued on his bulge I lean back against the freezer door.  “Jesus Christ.”

One baby step at a time he turns around and shows me his cute tush.  Pulling the jersey tight he keeps it at a level where just the two little pink crescents showed, one for each plump perfect cheek.  His body twists and bends seductively as he continues his slow sexy pirouette to end facing me again.

“You aren’t making this easy.”

“No, I’m not.”  He glides toward me, his fingers sliding up my stomach and chest.  “And I won’t.  There’s nothing wrong about how we feel.”

“You are…so fucking hot.”  I whisper as my eyes pan down his body.  “It’s not fair.”

“I know.”  He pinches my nipple through the jersey.  “You don’t stand a chance.”

“This is so unfair.”

“Suck it up bitch.  Life ain’t fair.”

“I swear, if this is one of your tricks or…”

Stepping right up to me he slips his arms around my waist and rests his head against my chest.  He takes a long breath in then slowly lets it out again, I could feel his smaller body totally relax against me.

“I thought…you didn’t do hugs?”

“Hold me you idiot.”

I wrap my arms around him and encompass him in a big embrace.  It felt so good to hug him.  Resting my cheek against his forehead I squeeze him tight.

“I’m not playing anymore Ethan.”  He says straight up.  “I want you and I’m going to have you.”


“You don’t think I am?”  He hugs me tighter, pressing his face hard into my pec.  “Last night was the most romantic thing anybody has ever done for me.”  He laughs softly as he shakes his head.  “Fuckin straight boys.”

“I just…I just want to be friends.”

“That’s not true though, is it?”

I close my eyes and sigh.  I fight the answer, I try to deny it, but with him in my arms the truth would not be contained.  “No.”

“I didn’t think so.”  He grabs my ass.  “Cheer up Ethan.  Think of the fun we can have.  He he he, and I already know you can’t resist me soooo…give up, you’re doomed either way.”

“But I’m not g…”

“Stop.”  He leans back and presses a finger to my lips as he looks up at me.  “It’s just a word.”

I swallow hard and nod.  My insides are a flutter of nerves though my libido was burning white hot.  “You smell good.”  I blurt out.

He chuckles.  “Thanks…dude.”

Pushing him back I pin him up against the counter.  Pressed against each other I could feel his stiffening arousal was even more advanced than my own.

He looks up at me with mock innocence.  “Weren’t we going to watch a movie?”




He giggles.  “I guess it can wait two minutes.”  

“You ass.”  I grab his hips and lift him up onto the counter top.  He immediately wraps his legs around my hips and holds me tight.  I go to kiss him but he plants his hand on my chest to stop me.  “You are NOT kissing me in that.”

“Huh?”  I look down at my shirt.  “But…”

“No way.”

I huff.  “Fine.”  Kissing the badge I say.  “You know I love ya Didier but…”  I pull the jersey off and toss it over my shoulder.

“Better.”  He grins.

“Fair is fair.”  I say as I pull his jersey up and off of him and send that flying too.  As if he had breasts he covers his nips, one under each hand.  “What are you doing?”

“Hiding my titties.”

“HA!  Boys don’t have titties!”

“Fuck you we don’t!”

I plant a kiss on him.  A hard one, just like I’d been thinking about.  He tastes even better than I imagined.  “You’ve got a foul mouth.”  I whisper between kisses.

“What are ya gonna do about it?”

Another two kisses.  His lips, his skin, his hair were every bit as soft as any woman’s.  He smelled good, he tasted good, he felt so fucking good.  His pink panties looked SO FUCKING cute on him.  The bulge was new for me, but it I loved how his undies hugged everything snug to let me see his package.  I kiss down his neck and across his chest.  I pull on his hands away and latch my lips onto his tit.

“Hahhhh!”  He claws his fingers across my shoulders.

I circle one arm around his waist and lift him from the counter, his legs still holding hard around my hips makes it easy.  Kissing him, groping him, and carrying him all at once I bump and stagger my way toward my room.  His body felt so much like a woman’s, yet not quite.  Undeniably sexy though.

At one point I stumble into the wall and Beau’s body cushions my impact.  “Nnnf!  Watch it dick head.”  He follows this up by plunging his tongue into my ear and flicking it about.

“There’s that foul mouth again.”  I say kick the door to my room open.  As I stop beside my bed he lets his legs go down to stand.  “About time somebody shut you up.”

“Oh?”  He cocks a defiant blond brow.  “I’d like to see somebody try.”

Hooking my right hand behind his slender neck I guide him downward, he resists just a little bit but goes with it until he is down on his knees in front of me.  He is already pulling down my pants and underwear before I have a chance to.  Grabbing my mostly aroused cock I give him a slap to the cheek.  “Stick this in your foul…”


“HAAAHH!”  I stiffen up and freeze in spot as Beau takes hold of the mid-point of my shaft between his bared and very sharp teeth!  “C-careful!”

With that naughty look in his eyes he slow bites down harder.

“Heeeee!  Dude…fuck!”

Up on my tip toes I grab his hair and try to pull him back but it only makes it worse.

“Eeeeee.”  My voices raises high as I cringe.  “Easy there!  Eaaassyyyy!”

And a bit harder still!  Jesus, was he going to bite it off?

“Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry!”  I start desperately apologizing.  “Nobody shuts you up.  I like your foul mouth!  GAAH!  Mercyyyyy!”

“He he he.”  He giggles as he lets up on the pressure.

“Ahhhh.”  I sigh in relief.  “Fuck man, you didn’t have to…ohhhhh.”

Moving straight from bite to beej he wraps his pretty lips around my shaft and sucks slowly and powerfully back toward the tip.  Looking down I could actually see slight indentations in the skin where his incisors had been.  Note to self, don’t trash talk someone about to suck your cock.  Especially if it’s a brat like Beau.  He kisses and rubs my dick across his smooching lips.  His eyes were alight with excitement.

“Mmmm.”  He licks me.  “Don’t even THINK about cumming in my mouth.  You’re gonna fuck me before your two minutes are up.”

“Pfff!  Two minutes.”  I grumble then stick my dick back into his mouth.  “Shut up!”

“Mmm hmm.”  He giggles with his mouth full then starts to suck.  “Mmmm!”

“Ohhhhh.”  I run my fingers through his soft hair as he starts to bob forward and back on my hardening cock.  He’s every bit as good as I remembered ‘Natasha’ to be.  “Ohhhh damn.  Mmmm.”  I freaking LOVED the way Beau went down.  He so clearly loved it, so much so I almost felt like I was the one doing him a service here.

“Mmmmm!  Llllrrrmmm!”  He slathers and sucks and swallows my cock like it was the last ice cream bar he’d ever get.  “I fuckin love your cock.”  He whispers.


He smirks and quips between sucks.  “Mmmm.  It’s so tiny I can take it all so easy.”

“Shut uuuup!”  I pinch his ear as he giggles.  Grabbing the back of his head I push as deep as I can go in a vain attempt to teach him a lesson, but I swear the guy doesn’t have a gag reflex.  His blue eyes just dance with amusement as he presses into me for more.  “Ohhh fuck…that feels so fucking good!”


Holding his head I start to slowly thrust in and out of his sucking mouth.  Happy as I’d ever seen him he allows me to take control and concentrates on sucking my dick.  Long and deep I stroke in and out and in and out his warm wet wonderful maw.  The feeling of my knob entering his throat was incredible.  He hums and moans with rising passion, relishing this every bit as much as me.  He gave head better than any woman I’d been with, or possibly ever would be with again.  Although…would I ever be with a woman again?  Were we a couple now?  I didn’t have a clue and, looking down at his beautiful face, I didn’t care.  Right now was all that mattered.

“Oh my God I want you.”  I pull him off.  His lips reach out hungily for more of my cock.  Reaching down I pull him to his feet.  He looks at me wondering what I was up to then squeals with surprise as I hoist him right up off his feet.


I cannot help but laugh.  For a foul mouthed cocky soccer bro, the guy was fucking adorable when he wanted to be.  Holding him in my arms I kiss and lick his bare chest as he wriggles happily.  Then, with a move probably more appropriate to pro wrestling than the bedroom, I bring him up and around then slam him face down on my bed.  He bounces and goes to get up but I dive on top of him, pinning him to the mattress.

“Nnnf!”  He grunts, but does not complain.  Instead he starts to grind his ass back into me.  “Lube.”  He gasps as he grabs and nibbles at my arm.

“Yes Sir.”  I slap a hand down into the center of back to keep him pinned then reach for the drawer I kept the lube in.  Bottle in hand I clumsily tug his the ass of his cute panties down and squirt a big dollop straight down his crack.

“Ohhh fuck.”  He peers back at me over his shoulder.  “Slap my ass.”

SMACK!  I lay a hard open hand spank across his tight little ass.

“HUNNNHHHH!”  He moans lewdly.  “Fuck yes!”

I toss the lube down beside him.  With my index and middle finger tight together I slide them into this hot tight hole and proceed to finger blast him.  With a gal I would have done a bit of foreplay but Beau looked as horny as I felt and I figured he’d like this.  I was correct.

“OHHHH FUUUCK!”  He grabs my pillow and brings it to his face and lets out a muffled cry of ecstasy.   “…hmmmmmph…”

I angle my fingers so that, by my best guess, I could pound his prostate.  Holding him down by the small of his back with my right hand my left punches my fingers down into his ass like a fucking jack hammer.

“HOHHHHHH!”  He writhes and sings and even tries to buck back up into my hand.  “Yes!  Fuck!  Yes Ethan!  Ohhhh yessss!”

I chuckle.  “See, I knew I could get you to talk nice.”

“Shut up and fuck me you idiot!  MMMMM!”

“Not yet.”  Bringing my ring finger into the action I pause the finger banging to slowwwly sink three fingers into her stretching anus.

“GGGRRRRNNNNGHH!”  His fingers clutch at the pillow as his back arches.  His sphincter grips tight around my fingers as I gradually pull them back then sink them back in again.  “Gnnngh!”

I had squirted way too much lube onto him, the stuff was getting everywhere, and as I finger fuck him slick squelchy sounds fill the air.  “Oh my God, you are so fucking wet.”  I whisper.


“You wet for me baby?  Hmm?”

“Fuuuck!  Yessss!  Fuck meeee!”  His lovely high voice is more pleading this time.  “Please fuck me!  Pleeease!”


Well, I certainly couldn’t say no to such a polite invitation.  In a flash my fingers were gone and my rock hard cock was gliding into his slippery back door.

“Ohhhhh!”  We moan in one voice.

Holy fucking mother of God, did he feel good!  Tight and wet and warm, easily as good as any pussy.  I lay down on top of him and feel his soft warm skin touch mine.   Trusting that he’d say something if he couldn’t handle it let him feel all of my weight.  Not only does he manage it he lets out a little warbling blissful mewl.  I embrace him, holding his svelte body tight, as my hips start to thrust.  His hips rock with me, his hands cling to my arms.

My mouth right by his ear I lick and nibble and whisper sweet things.  “You are so fucking hot.  You feel so fucking good.  Ohhhh.”

“Ethan.”  He moans back.

Unlike the finger fuck this is soft and slow and intimate.  I hold him like I loved him.  I savor every deep luxuriant thrust, feeling him grip hard around me.  I was no rush for this to end, there would be no two minute finish today.  I hold him.  I feel his lean body.  I grasp and kiss and fondle whatever I could reach, wanting him more even as I was having him.  I don’t fuck Beau, I make sweet passionate love to him.

“Ohhhh Ethan.”

Kissing his soft cheek I whisper.  “What is it baby?”

He closes his eyes and smiles.  “Baby?”

“Sorry, uh, dude.”

He giggles.  “No, baby was good.”

I kiss his neck.  “Thank Christ for that.”

He giggles harder, I could feel it right down to my dick.  “Harder.”

Letting him go I push myself up and start to pick up the pace and power.  Immediately I hear groans of approval.  Before long I am laying down a fast powerful rhythm, our sweaty bodies clapping together as the bed creaks and rocks beneath us.  Lube was all over his butt, all over my front, and smeared onto the bedding and his panties which were still only partially pulled down.  Squirty slurky noises emanate from our fucking.  Slap, slap, slap, slap.  I pound his ass with rising fervor.

“Hnnngh!  Ohhhhh!  Fuuuuck!”  Beau moans wildly.  He angles his ass up so that I could drive down into it even harder, which I do.

Slap, slap, slap, slap.  I throw my full weight and all of my strength down onto him as my cock plunges deep and hard.  The headboard is now clattering off the wall, adding to our symphony of sex.  With the finish line in sight I hold nothing back.

“Ohh….gnngh…FUUUUCK!”  Beau’s supple body shudders beneath me

“HNNGH!  FUCK!  GNNGH!”  I grunt and groan as I feel my nut grow.  Somehow I find another gear.  The head board clattering, the wet ass clapping slapping, the squelching and moaning and groaning I fuck the man with wild abandon.

“Ohhhh!  Ohhhhh!”  Beau’s girlish voice sings.

“Fuuuuck.”  I cry.  “Gonna…cummmm.”  I SLAM down into him balls deep as my climax hits.  “GUHHHHHH!!!”


I hold deep as I blast my load as deep inside of him as I could go.  His slender fingers clutching at the sheets he holds still and moans with me.  The orgasm isn’t just powerful, it seems to last forever.  As it fades I collapse down on top of him again a panting sweaty mess of a man.

“Ohhhh.”  Beau coos softly as he tender kisses my arm.

“Ohhhh fuuuuck.”  I echo the sentiment.  I brush his blond bangs back and kiss his cheek.  “That was incredible.”

“Not bad…”  He huffs.  “…for a straight boy.”

“Pffft!”  I chuckle.  “Hey, you came first.  Don’t think I didn’t feel that.”



We laugh.  We laugh and we laugh.  At each other, at ourselves, just laughing for the joy of it.  He ends up laughing so hard he squirts my softening cum covered dribbling cock from his ass, which just makes us laugh all the more.

“Come on big guy, you still owe me a movie.”

“Movie?”  I say remembering back to our little wager.  “Oh yeah.  Your choice.”

“I hope you like horror.”

“Awww man!”  I nuzzle into his hair.  “I hate scary movies!”

“Ohhhh, this is gonna be good.  Ha ha ha!”

“Can’t we watch something else?”

“Nope.”  He giggles as he cranes his neck to kiss my cheek.  “I’ll be right there with you, ya big baby.”

“Fine.”  I kiss his neck.  “Fuck around later?”

“Of course.”  He wriggles his sexy body then lets out a long contented sigh.  “Ohhhhh Ethan.”

I kiss him yet again.  “Beau.”  I pet his soft hair and just gaze down on him.  “What…is this?  What are we?”

“Who cares.”  He smiles.  “Let’s just enjoy it.”  Glancing down he whispers.  “I…kinda made mess down here.”

“Dude…you don’t even wanna look back here!”

This sets off a whole new round of laughs.  We end up kissing and making out and even cuddling a little too.  It was nice.  Really nice.

The End?

Part 6 

Author's Note:  I'm not actually sure if this will be the final chapter.  I may do more with these two, I may not.  No promises either way.  I don't want to get locked into another serial with Slave Girl still going and other shorts I'd like to do.  Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it.  😊



I know I'm commenting on an old post so you might not see this but please make a main character a himbo like Ethan is again its so fucking hot and you write it so well.