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I don't even know what this story is anymore.  lol  All I know is I'm enjoying it.  I am writing it FAST though so the quality may suffer.


If I was confused before the scene I’d had with Beau in the washroom left me utterly dumbfounded.  How the hell do I explain that one?  There was no trickery that time, just a little wiggle of his cute ass and I was in there like swimwear.  Nothing could erase the fact that I had now fucked a guy with full knowledge of who and what he was.  A super hot sexy feminine looking guy mind you, but still a guy.  I didn’t FEEL gay.  I didn’t feel any different than I had before I met my roommate’s cute brother.  And yet…

GAH!  This just wasn’t fair.  As a dude Beau had no god damned business being as hot as he was, or smelling as good as he did, or having such smooth luscious skin as he did, or having such a pretty voice as he did, or having such fine sweet little ass as…GAH!

Two days later and I had dipped into deep bout of doubt and despair.  Who even was I anymore?

Cassie was leaving for work when she tells me that Beau would be swinging by to fix something with her computer.

“Oh no.”  I mumble.

“I know.”  She apologizes.  “Sorry about that.  He shouldn’t be long though, he’s a real tech nerd.  If he’s too rude let me know and I’ll kick his ass later.  Just ignore him.  He’s used to it.”

I knew I wouldn’t do that.  He was impossible to ignore.  Besides, that would just be plain rude.  No, I would not ignore Beau.  Cassie leaves and I just sit on there on the couch staring at the wall waiting for the inevitable.  Half an hour later there comes a knock.  Letting out a sigh of defeat I get up and shuffle for the door.

He, of course, looks fucking spectacular.  As cute and sexy as always.  Loose blond hair, clear blue eyes, that flawless womanish face, in his stupid cute shorts and his stupid cute t shirt and his…oh fuck!

“Aw hell.”  I say as soon as I see him.  “You wear glasses now?”

He lifts an eyebrow above the stupid cute rectangular frames of his stupid cute glasses.  “Yeah, I always have.”

“Of course you have.”  I say as I turn around and mope back to the couch.

“I didn’t want to wear my contacts.  You don’t like glasses?”  He asks as he follows along behind me.

“I love glasses.”  I say sadly.  “They’re fucking sexy.”


I flop back down where I had been sitting and motion to Cassie’s computer.  He looks at it and then back to me, studying me for a time.

“Hey.”  He says as he sits down beside me with a little punch to my shoulder.  He peers up at me curiously.  “Why so glum champ?”

“Because I know you’re going to try to make me do some gay shit again.”  I sigh sullenly.  “I hate being gay.”

He stops and gives me the funniest look…then starts to laugh.  “Pfft.  He he he he.”  It starts as spurts and giggles but quickly evolves into a full fledged gut buster.  He leans back holding his belly as he laughs hysterically.  “ HA HA HA HA HA!”

I let out another forlorn sigh and slump forward to bury my face in my hands.

“Oh my God you are such an idiot!  Ha ha ha ha!”

“A gay idiot.”  I grumble.

“Oh stop.”  He gives me a shake.  “Quit feeling sorry for yourself.  You aren’t gay.”  He chuckles.  “If fucking a hot twink is all it took to be gay half the politicians would be marching at the front of the Pride parade, at least half!  Most of the clergy too!  Ha!  Nothing wrong with a little femboy side piece to mix things up.”


“Fuckin straight boys.”  He shakes his head.  “Such a fragile lot.”

“It’s your fault ya know.”

“My fault?”

“You being so hot and cute and sexy.  It’s not right how you look.”

“Not right?”  His laughs fades.  In a much more somber tone he says.  “I work really hard to look like this.  You think this shit just happens?  I like the way I look!”

“Yeah, I like it too.  That’s the problem.”


“Maybe…if you pretended to be a girl…I dunno.”

There is a long pause before he speaks again.  “You are such an asshole.”  He says.  “Fuck you.”  He stands up.  “Fuck you dude.”

The next thing I knew…he was gone!  “Beau?”  I hear the door slam behind him.  Before I knew it I find myself chasing after him. I fling the door open.  “Beau!”  And I am then startled to find him standing right there, hands on his hips, looking at me with a cross expression.  “Oh, hey.”  I say, surprised to see him standing there two feet away waiting for me.  “Uhh…sorry.”

He nods and walks in, pushing his way past me back toward the living room.  “We had some fun.  That’s it.  Cool your fucking jets on the gay talk, okay?”

I follow him.  “Okay, geez.  I said sorry, okay?”

He looks back at me and rolls his eyes.  “Fuckin Chelski.”

“Whatever Spud.”

After a tense moment…we share a laugh.  He sits down at his sister’s computer.  “At least you’re not a Gooner.”

“Ha!  You got that right.”

He starts tapping away.  “Hey, you wanna see the dirty stuff Cassie’s been looking at?”

“Dirty…?  You wouldn’t!”  I say as I am already hurrying to roll my computer chair closer, our two desks sat side by side in the living room.  “Would you?”

“Always do.”  He laughs.  “She never deletes her history, never uses a private browser, nothing.  I’ll warn you though, you won’t like it.”  He clicks into her browsing history.


“It’s all of solo pics of muscular tattooed men.  Bikers, cowboys, gangsters.”

“Oh.”  I say as I sit back again.  “Yeah, never mind.”

“I told you she liked bad boys.”  He says.  “My sister is as boring and vanilla as you get.  Her friend Natasha at least is a bit more kinky.”

“You’ve seen Natasha’s history?”

“Yeah.”  He laughs.  “I did her whole streaming set up on Cassie’s recommendation.  My family thinks I’m some sort of computer genius because I’m young, skinny, male, and wear glasses.  I’m no genius, they’re just fucking clueless with technology.”

I chuckle.  “Yeah, my folks are the same.”

“Natasha loves full on gay stuff.  Videos, books, manga, everything.  Not a tit or pussy to be seen.  It’s an actual fetish for her.”  He grins wickedly.  “I wanna fuck with her so bad but I haven’t figured out how yet.”

“Oh.”  I say again with equal disinterest.  I get up and roll my chair back to my side then return to the couch.

“You don’t want to see the beefcakes?”

“Nah, I’m good.”

He grins.  “Spoken like a true straight boy.”  He spins around.  “You wanna have some fun?”

“Oh no!”

“Oh yes!”

“No way.”

“No gay shit.  I promise.”  He holds his hands up.  “I won’t touch you and you won’t touch me.  Just a couple of dudes being dudes.”



“Well…”  I look at his pretty face then into his beautiful blue eyes.  “…what do you have in mind?”

“Ha!”  He grins.  “I like you Ethan.”

“I can’t help it.  I’m horny.”

“Amen!  Me too.”  He says.  “Stay right there.”

With that he hurries from the room, purposely waggling his cute ass behind him as he goes.  I hear a clunk from inside my room and a few seconds later he is back out in the living room again with his hands full.

“I wish you’d ask before going into my room.”

“Alright.  Well, can I go into your room?”

After a moment I say.  “Yeah, I guess so.  You’ve already seen the worst of it.”

“Thanks.”  He chuckles.  “You are such a dummy.”  He sits down a couple of feet to my left and dumps his payload between us.  He had brought the bottle of lube, the fleshlight, and a box of tissues.  The aforementioned ‘worst of it’.

“There’s only one fleshlight.”

“That’s for the loser.”  He says as he pulls his t shirt off.

I stop everything just to stare.  His skin looked so nice.  Soft, creamy, smooth.  His flesh looked firm yet supple.  His lithe physique while not that of a woman’s wasn’t like any man’s I’d seen either.  His contours were soft, inviting, sexy.  I could vague swooping shapes of elegant muscles but nothing was hard or chiseled.  His cute little quarter sized nips were pink and subtly plump.  Throw a pair of tits on him and he would have been the most perfect…



He giggles.  “Were you listening?”


“Ha ha ha!”  He shakes his head.  “You make me laugh Ethan.  I said the toy is for the loser.  We jerk off.  Whoever cums first finishes off the other.”  Before I could object he interjects.  “WITH the fleshlight, no touching involved.  Loser uses it on the winner.”

“Still seems a bit gay.”

“Nah, you’re good.”

“You sure you want to use my fleshlight?”

“Only if I win.”

“Which you won’t.”

He winks.  “If you say so champ.  You can throw on some porn if you want, for motivation.”

“Oooo!  Good idea!”  I say.  “You gotta check out this video I…  Heyyyy, wait a second.”

“What’s up?”  He asks with that impish twinkle in his eyes, his glasses did nothing to hide that look.

“What kind of porn?”

“Whatever kind you want.”  He says innocently.

“Do you like chicks?”

“Nope.  Not even a little bit.”

“Ha!  So the porn wouldn’t do anything for you.”  I grin.  “Which would put ME at a disadvantage.  Ha!  I’m too clever for ya.”

“We could watch my kind of porn.”

“No thanks!”

“Fair enough.”  He says, hiding a smirk.  “No visual aids then.”

“Except you WILL have a visual aid…because I’m a dude.”  I say smugly.  “Advantage…Ethan.”

“I don’t stand a chance.”  He had a funny look about him as he peers into my eyes.  I felt a…connection.  He takes off his glasses and sets them on the coffee table.

“You got that right Spud.  No way I’m losing to you.”

“To a faggot?”

“To a Spurs fan!”

“Ha!”  He gives his head a shake.  “Hey…Ethan…”  His voice is suddenly serious, his demeanor less confident.

“What’s up?”

“Just…promise…”  He takes a deep breath and covers his groin with both hands.  “…promise you won’t tease me?  Okay?”

“I knew it!”  I point at him.  “All that size talk was just that, talk.  I’m bigger than you!  Ha ha!”

“Just don’t tease?”  He looks at me with big pitiful eyes.  “Please?”

“Alright.”  I roll my eyes.  “Fine.  I’ll be a nice guy.”

“Thank you.”  He grins his pretty grin.  I really liked his smile.  “You go first.”

“Sure.  You’ve seen it anyways.”  I pull my shirt up and my sweats down and whip out my hog.  I slap it back and forth a couple of times.  “Ha!  Check it out, did you miss it?”

I look over to see Beau pull down his shorts and his WAY BIGGER sausage flops out into view.  It was flaccid yet nearly as big as I was at full mast!  The fact it was connected to his slight frame only magnified the difference.

“Whoops.”  He giggles as he grips the fat softie.  My hand would eclipse my dick right now, but his had a few fat inches poking out the top.  “The little femboy is packing meat.”

“Whaaaa?”  I look from mine to his to mine to his.  The comparison was not a flattering one.  I had a dick and he had schlong!

“This is a real cock.”  He looks to mine.  “That…is a disappointment.  I feel for your poor girlfriends.”

“Well…well…it’s not the size of the boat but the motion in the ocean.”

“You forget, I’ve felt your ocean motion and your little dinghy sank half way to port.”

“No fair, I was already jerking off before that.”

“Thinking about me?”

“NO!”  I lie.  I grit my teeth then grumble a grudging.  “Nice dick though.”


“You could get so many chicks with that thing.”  I say, jealously.

“Guys too.”  He says.  “If I wasn’t a bottom.”

“Well, you might have an inch on me…"

“An inch!?”  He titters.

“…but you still aren’t winning.”  I take the lube and offer him some.  He holds his slender hand and I spurt a glob onto his palm and then do the same with me.  Tossing the bottle back down I slather my dick and start to stroke as he does the same.

“I didn’t know you were a lefty.”  He says.  “We could be stroking each other instead.”


“Just sayin.”  He laughs.

Sitting side by side, two feet apart, we each stroke our own well lubed cock.  As the dicks got harder the difference between them only became more evident.  The guy had to be at least eight inches and hell of a lot thicker.  I flex mine hard, I only use three fingers, and generally just do everything I can to put in the best light.

“Damn!”  He says.  “Look at them.  My big fat gay cock and your straight little peener.”

“Size isn’t everything.  Haven’t you heard of David and Goliath?”

“I thought you said you didn’t watch gay porn.  I love that one!”

“You ass!”  I chuckle.  I then flex mine to the max.  “Besides, mine is almost as big.”

“Pffft!  And Cassie’s almost a millionaire.”  He jibes and slaps his thick meat down onto his stomach as he keeps looking at mine.  “Look at that little beta male dicklet.  Ha!”

My dick flexes again, this time on its own.  There was something nasty and kinky about being teased by Beau that just got me going.  Had it been a gal I might have been hurt, but not with Beau for whatever reason.  With him it was…fun.

“You weren’t saying that when I was fucking your ass.”

“All two minutes.”  He quips right back.  

“And you loved every second.”

“Not as much as you.  You nutted so fucking fast.”  He says.  “Five inches and a premature ejaculator.  You must drive the girls wild.”

“Six inches!”  I protest.  “Well…nearly.”

“Six centimeters more like.”

“Oh yeah?  Well…shut up.”  I say, then add.  “How big is six centimeters?  Is that a lot?”

“Ha ha ha ha!  Oh my God!”

I grin. I had said that last bit just to hear him laugh and it worked.  He had such a cute laugh.

“Hey, if you ever wanna get cucked lemme know.  I don’t usually do girls but for a shrimp dick like you I’ll make an exception.”

“I’ll cuck you mother fucker!”

“You’ll fuck other men?”

“Pfft!  No!”  I stammer.  “God damn it.”

“HA HA HA!”  He laughs even harder.  “Oh my God Ethan, you are the worst.”

I grin.  “And you’re an ass!  Now shut up and stroke.”

“You got it bitch!”

Beau’s right hand glides up and down his long thick veiny cock.  As dicks went it was…nice.  Just a very slight inward curve, a well proportioned knob, it really was as pretty as the rest of him.  He sets the pace and I fall into it.  Strong and steady but not overly quick.  He wanted to savor this.  My strokes are shorter but I am able to find the rhythm that he puts down.  Despite our previous two encounters I wasn’t quite the hair trigger man than he thought I was.  The first time had taken me completely by surprise, plus his oral skills were fucking incredible, and the second time I had been half way to blast off before he entered the washroom.

It is weirdly quiet.  We should have put on music or something.  The only sound is the ticking clock and slick sounds of two dicks fapping.  I catch him checking me out as we go and I am definitely checking him out.  Even now, seeing nearly all of him, his body had an undeniable feminine quality about it.  He was hairless below his head which made everything look so nice and smooth.  He said he worked hard to look like that, and I believed him, but there was a God given beauty about him that no amount of effort could ever achieve.

“Feeling good?”  I whisper.

“Yeah.”  He says.  “Really good.”

Stroke, stroke, stroke.  We keep going in time with each other.  I could hear his breath picking up, as mine was, and see his cheeks glow with a lovely blush as I feel my own cheeks warm.  At one point he closes his eyes and lets out a long sigh.

“Eyes open.”  I say, sensing victory.

He blinks his sky blue eyes open and refocuses.

Stroke, stroke, stroke.  We stay in time, side by side, our cocks rock hard and shining in the light.  I dribble a bit more lube over his fat knob then do the same with my own without interrupting the beat.

“Thanks.”  He whispers.

“You bet.”

Stroke, stroke, stroke.  We were way past two minutes now.  If he expected an easy win he was wrong.  The seconds tick by.  Minute after minute of steady stroking.

Stroke, stroke…stroke.  His hand begins to falter.  He was feeling it, and so was I.

“Dont’ stop.”  I say.

“Hmmm.”  He mewls softly, oh my God what a sexy sound!   “Nnnngh!  It feels good.”

“Yeah.”  I grunt.

Stroke, stroke, stroke.  I was fucking close and so was he.  He moans and whines and his slim sexy body squirms to the rising pressure.

“Ohhh fuck.” I groan.

“You close?”  He gasps.


“Hohhhhh!”  His high soft arousing voice sings.

“Ooooh!  Let’s cum togetherrr!”  I growl as I hold back with all I had. “Let’s…fucking…cummmmmm!  HNNNNGH!”

As I shoot past the point of no return, riding at the cusp of my climax, all of sudden Beau’s squirming and sexy moaning stops.  I look up at his face to see that devilish grin.  His hand picks up the pace fast and hard and steady.  The little shit!  He tricked me.

“Second wind.”  He says.  “Come on champ, let’s pick up the pace!”

“OHHH FUUUUUCKK!!!”  A fat wad of creamy cum spits out onto my stomach.

“Duuuude!  Already?  Ha ha ha ha!  No way!”

“GUHHHH!”  I’d never had it happen before where I was blasting my load while simultaneously trying to pull it back again.  The contrast was…intense.  But the body always wins.  With his laughter echoing in my ears I grunt and buck as ropes of hot jizz paint streaks up my flexing belly.

“I was just getting warmed up.”  He brags.  “Fuck dude, you’re pathetic.”

I keep stroking with him even as I bust my nut.  At last though I let out a great huff and my muscles relax.  I squeeze the dregs from my dick into the milky mess already on top of me.  I notice a dribble starting to roll around the side.  “Shit!”  I scramble for the tissues and catch it before it can mess up Cassie’s sofa.

“Ha ha ha!”  Beau laughs and stops his stroking.  His face was full of cocky confidence but I could tell by the way his cock twitched that hadn’t been as easy as he let on.  “You never stood a chance.”

“Lucky win.”  I say as I continue to wipe my load off my skin.  “God damn it.”

“He he he.”  He puts his hands behind his head, his hard cock standing proud, and settles back to await his prize.  “Ahhh, whenever you’re ready loser.”

“Fuuuck.”  I sigh.  This guy always seemed to get the upper hand on me.  Like before I could feel my post-nut sober brain taking over with the regrets and doubt that came with it.  I stay focused.  A bet was a bet and I wasn’t about to back out.  Once done with myself I quickly open up the fleshlight and squeeze a healthy dollop along the entrance of the synthetic cunny.  This particular model molded in shape of Riley Reid’s pretty little cooch.

“At least I know it’ll be nice and tight.”  He teases.  “Sorry if I end up loosening it out on ya.”

My only response is to place it at his tip…then slam it down full hilt!  His big member stuffed her full to the brim, but she could still handle it.

“GUH!”  His eyes flare wide.

I grin as I grip around the hard plastic shell of the toy.  He might might be delving to depths I’d never felt in the toy but I knew how good it felt.  Before he can catch his breath I am stroking hard and fast and deep.  Coming down hard enough that the spongy pussy smacks hard down into his pelvis.

“RRRRMMM!”  He clenches his jaw as his body writhes.  “Fuck!  What’s the hurry?”

“Feels good, don’t it?”

He nods.

“Let’s see if you can last a minute, eh champ?”

His eyes widen and my hand quickens.  Up and down the fleshlight goes as wet plunging slurking sounds echo out of it as his cock slams deep again and again and again.

“Hnnngh!  Mmmmm!” He moans in a high soft voice  “Ohhh shit!  Fuck!”  He bites down on his plump lower lip.  “Hmmmm!”

I go even faster.

He closes his eyes again then grits his teeth.

“Eyes open.”  I tell him, and to my surprise he listens.

His blue eyes focus on me as my hand and the toy is a blur zipping up and down his rigid manhood.


“Not so mouthy now, are ya?”

“Mm mm.”  He shakes his head.

“Don’t you cum now.  You have to last a minute.”

He cringes and coos and it is sooooo adorable.  I had him in the palm of my hand.  His deep gaze intensifies as hold his eye contact firm.

“Close?”  I tease.

He shakes his head no despite it being a clear lie, a bit of blond hair sticking to his cheek.  “Ohhhhh Ethannnn!”

“Yeah, say my name ya little brat.”

“Mmmmm!  Ethannnnn!”  I could sense him tensing up.  His beautiful face contorts with the strain.  “Ethan!”

“Not even thirty seconds.  Come on dude.  That all you got?  Come on little man.  You can do better.”

“Ethan!”  He gasps, his face a mask of almost pained effort as he tried to hold it back.  “Ethan!  Nooooo!”

“Aw geez.”  I say.  “Come here buddy.”  With my free arm I pull him into a hug as my other hand finishes the job.

“What are you…!?”  He starts to say until his orgasm cuts him short.  “OH FUCK!”  

At first he pushes against me but then as his climax claims him he changes to clinging to me.  His arms around me he hugs me tight, as hard as he can, as he buries his face into my neck, his soft hair caressing my shoulder and cheek, and sings his bliss.  His lusty voice at full throat was every bit as lovely as I thought it would be.

“Ohhhhhhhh Ethannnnn!”

His slight body bucks in my embrace as he shoots his wad deep into the fake pussy.  It was a whopper of a nut.  It goes on and on as he moans and thrusts and holds onto me with all he had.  I’m not sure but I think he starts kissing my neck.  I hold him tight and let him do his thing.


Slowly the bucking and writhing eases, his voice goes quiet.

“Fuck, that was good one.”  I pat his back.  “It’s a good toy, huh?”

I go to let go of him but he clings to me with an almost desperate strength, not wanting to let go, not wanting the orgasm to end, not wanting the embrace to end.  He nuzzles even deeper into my neck and whimpers softly.  “Hmmmm.”

“Hey.”  I whisper as I give him a squeeze.  “You okay Spud?”

All at once he pushes me off of him.  “Fuck!  Why did you do that?”

“I dunno.  You look like you needed a hug.  I’m a big hugger to my friends.”

“I don’t do…hugs.  And I’m not your fucking friend.”  He slaps my hand then pulls the toy from his dick.  It slaps heavily down onto his tummy with a thick stream of white jizz following it out.  He pulls tissues and starts to clean himself.  “We’re fuck buddies, nothing else.  I’m just your femmy side piece, remember?”

I sat there completely fucking baffled.  “What the hell has gotten into you?”

“You fucking straight boys.”  He hisses and shakes his head, seemingly more angry at himself than me.  He tosses the toy at me.  I juggle it trying to keep its contents inside without touching the goo myself.  I mostly succeed.  “Clean it up bitch.”

“Obviously.”  I say.  “I’m not going to leave it to get all nasty.  These things aren’t cheap.”

He pulls his shorts back on and tucks himself away.  Standing up he snatches his t shirt up from where he’d put it.

“I beat you!  I won!  Fucking pencil dick little quick cumming straight boy bitch.”

I roll my eyes.  “I know you won.  I was right here.  Remember?”

“Jesus you’re fucking stupid.”  He seethes.  “You don’t even know when you’re being insulted.”

I shrug.  “I know you don’t mean it.”

“You…?  You don’t know shit about me Ethan.”

I stand up and look down at him squarely in the eyes.  “Are you about done Beau?”

“Son of a bitch.”  He turns and storms from the room leaving me with the mess to clean up.

“Beau!  You forgot your…”  SLAM!  “…glasses.”  I look down at the creampied fake pussy then over at lube and the piles of wadded up tissues then back up toward the exit.  “Well…shit!”

Part 4