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Rosa enters followed by Peisandros who carried with him a frothy pitcher of beer and a couple of mugs.  The presence of another man, an older man that brought to mind memories of my father no less, suddenly makes this weird.  I had no idea how to address or even relate to the man.  He was a Sir and I was a boy, but I wasn’t his boy.  I was so lost.  There is an awkward moment between us as Peisandros gives me a curious look, probably wondering why I was standing in the middle of the room looking like a lost lamb.

“Hello my pretty boy.”  Rosa says in a muted but still cheerful tone.  I look at her in the eyes desperate for her to help me.  She doesn’t let me down.  “I want you by my side.  Kneel.”

I nod.  “Yes my Lady.”  Hurrying to the side of her sofa I quickly get down on my knees then begin to bow like Aemelia was…before I remember my order and remain in Kneel position.  Why was I so nervous all of sudden?  This must be how actors felt on opening night.  “Sorry.”  I whisper as she reclines on her sofa.

“Shhh.”  She says.  “Be calm my boy.  You are doing fine.”

Across the room Peisandros studies me with an amused grin then shakes his head.  Setting the pitcher and mugs on the table between the platters he reclines on his own fancy cushions opposite Rosa.  “It appears your boy has prepared you some food.”  The fact he could so easily tell I had prepared it was a blow to my submissive pride.  He had the nicer cushions.  He had the nicer platter.   He had on a nice toga now and she her common outfit.  He had every advantage over my Lady…and I hated that.

“Yes.”  Rosa says, her expression hardening as she sees the platter I had put together for her.  “It appears so.”

“Excellent!”  The man says loudly.  “You might as well stay and dine awhile.”

Rosa gives me a long look before saying.  “Yes, I suppose it couldn’t hurt.”

I had the distinct impression Peisandros had just gotten one over on my Lady.  He had gotten his way despite Rosa telling him otherwise when we arrived and it was all thanks to me.  I thought I was doing good but I had just undermined my Lady.  Nervous fear grows inside of me.  My mouth is dry and my hands clammy.

“Sorry.”  I whisper.

“Shhh.”  She says.

Rosa looks over her sad looking platter without a word of criticism despite how obviously substandard it was compared to his.  This was even more embarrassing than I though it would be.  I was letting my Lady down in front of another dominant and I knew it would be reflecting on her.  “This looks delicious.”  She says as she picks up flaking misshapen lump of cheese and tastes it.  “Mmm.”

“I did my best.”  I mumble.

I receive a hard flash of her eyes.  She holds it for a three count then says once more.  “Shhh!”  I clamp my lips shut and wilt under her gaze.  My shoulders slumps and my head dips.  I see her eyes narrow.  “Kneel.”  She commands in a firm voice.  I snap back up into my proper Kneel.  Gods!  I was fucking everything up.

Peisandros chuckles and says something in Greek.  She replies to him in that language.  They were clearly talking about me.  Probably having a laugh at my short-comings as a boy.

“Girl.”  Peisandros snaps in a hard authoritative voice.  “Serve my beer.”

“Yes Sir.”  She says softly and with flawless control raises to Kneel and them up to her feet.  

“May she serve you?”  He asks Rosa.

Rosa nods once.

“Thank you Lady.”  Aemelia says demurely.

Her every movement was precise and efficient.  She comes around to the side of the table and fills each of their mugs, stopping just in time for the frothy head to swell up from the rim without actually spilling over.  She places the pitcher down and bows before returning to her Sir’s side.  Standing there a moment she awaits an order.  Peisandros gives her nothing but the smallest of gestures and Aemelia lowers into a perfect Kneel.  I subtly correct my own position seeing it done so well.  Gods, compared to her I was nothing but a clumsy oaf.

“Your girl is very well trained.”  Rosa says in a friendly voice.  “She is a credit to you.”

“Yes.”  He grins.  “She’s a shameless needy whore but she obeys well enough.”

Aemelia closes her eyes briefly and I swear I see a little blush warm her cheeks.  She opens them again without moving or saying a word.  Rosa takes the comment in stride, as if it were the most normal thing in the world to say.  And Peisandros…is looking at me. That same amused smirk from earlier on his face.  It is then I realize that I had been turning my head to look at each of the three of them.  I snap my face forward and go still.

I kneel there still, staring straight ahead, even though my body urged me to flee the scene.  I could feel my courage and confidence eroding.  Everyone here knew what they were doing but me.  I was ruining the whole thing for everyone.  I do my best to refocus.  My eyes settle on Aemelia on the floor across from me.  In her perfect Kneel she looked so at ease at her Sir’s side.  She was the experienced one.  I would try to use her as my example.

Peisandros picks up his mug.  “I cannot wait to hear what you think of it.  It is not to everyone’s taste.”  Looking down to his right he says.  “Would you like a sip girl?”  She shakes her head an emphatic no and he laughs.  “As I said.”

Rosa takes up her mug and smells it.  She then raises it to her host.  “To your health.”

“And to yours.”  He returns the gesture.

The both take a long swig of the drink.  “Mmmm!”  Rosa says.  “Delicious.”  She wipes her top lip then turns to me to hold out the mug.  “Try some my boy.”

My mind completely focused on doing the right thing I follow Aemelia’s lead.  The food and drink were for them, not for us.  “No thank you my Lady.” I say.

Everything stops.  Across from me Aemelia’s eyes widen with concern as her Sir’s thick brows furrow with disapproval.  I look up at Rosa to see genuine ire in her eyes.  A second later I realize what had happened.  When Peisandros offered beer to Aemelia it was a question.  When Rosa offered it to me it was an order.  I had just blatantly disobeyed my Lady in front of others!  Everything else might be forgiven but not this.  I already knew I would be punished.  But no punishment could compare to the agony of letting my Lady down so spectacularly.  I felt utterly wretched.

My position wavers.  I look back and forth between the faces.  My breath picks up and my heart is beating so fast.  I try to go for the mug but Rosa pulls it away from me and sets it back on the table.  Peisandros says something in Greek to which Rosa replies curtly.

“I’m sorry…I…I’ll…”  I try to apologize.  “I’m sorry…”


AH!  I disobeyed again!  Everything I did only made it worse.

“Mmm.”  I whimper and shrink down. I wish I could just disappear!  I had been so excited to be able to be my Lady’s boy in front of others but now I had messed it up so, so badly.

Rosa says her host.  “Excuse me a moment.”

“Of course.”  He nods.

She turns her attention on her sad excuse for a boy.  I didn’t want to look at her.  I didn’t want to see the disappointment.  I wanted to cry!

Her voice is as gentle as a warm autumn breeze.  “Quin.”  She says.  “Look at me baby.”

I look up at her doing everything I could to hold myself together.  She is smiling.  Kindness and warmth flowing from her to me.

Reaching out she touches my cheek.  “It’s me.  It’s just me.  Your Lady is right here.”

“I…fucked up.”  I whisper to her, embarrassed to say this in front of others but wanting to be honest with my Lady.  “I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay my boy.  It’s okay to mess up.  You’re new.”  She pets my hair and chuckles lightly.  “I never expected you to make me a platter.”

“I…I thought I was supposed to.”

“Have I trained you for that?”

“No, not yet.”

“No.  I haven’t.”  She confirms.  “Have I ever expected that of you?”


“No.”  She says again.  “Don’t try to live up to Peisandros or his girl’s standards.  Or anybody else’s.”  She leans down to kiss my head.  “Whose boy are you?”

“I’m your boy.”

“Yes you are.”  She says in that special comforting way she had.  “You are my special boy.  I am your Lady.  No matter where we are.  No matter who we’re with.  You hold to that.  You stay to true to us.  Us.”  She gives me her branded hand.  “Kiss me.”  I kiss her hand, pouring all of my love for her into that brief kiss.  “Good boy.”

“What am I supposed to do?”

“Obedience.”  She says calmly.  “That’s enough for now.  Relax.  Be yourself.”  She kisses my head again.  “Enjoy yourself.”

And just like that all of my shame and fear is washed away.  I take a big deep breath and return to a tall proud Kneel at my Lady’s side.  Across from me Aemelia is smiling.  I smile back and sneak her a little wink when the dominants aren’t looking.  I knew I would still be punished but I also knew I deserved it.  I felt so much better about everything.

The Lady and the Sir converse in Greek.  Peisandros had questions.  Rosa replies with her usual upbeat demeanor and a rock steady confidence, occasionally reaching over to casually pet my hair or stroke my shoulder.  I sit pretty for her, my spirit calm and happy.

Chapter 57 



Shit man, this is giving me anxiety.