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Hello all of you beautiful horny people.

What a month!   Like Helen's dick when she sees Jesse in panties, the Patreon has tripled in size.  It is thanks in part to the advice you super smart folks gave me last month.  I don't know if it will be onward and upward from here or if this is the high water mark, either way this month has been a blast.  I hope y'all are having fun too.

A few bits of housekeeping.  First off I will be disappearing for a few days next month as I head into the wilds to live like a savage, so expect a short window with no content.  If you never hear from me again I was either eaten by a predator or I have gone fully feral, either way what bliss!  lol  Secondly I did want to say that A Chance Encounter is still going, I have the next chapter half written.  I've been trying to be super consistent with Slave Girl so other things have suffered.

Next month I plan on continuing Slave Girl, hopefully finishing up A Chance Encounter, and maybe getting a choose your own adventure cuck story I've been dabbling with up on Chyoa.  No guarantees on that last one, it's been a real pain in the ass thus far.  I also plan to have at least one poll up during the month as they are always fun to do.

Since you folks gave me such good advice last time I thought I would pose another dilemma I am having to you.  I am trying to think of something that I could offer the top tier patrons to acknowledge their extra support.  The trick is it can't involve much more writing (I already write nearly every spare minute I have, much of it never seen), it can't involve getting sneak peaks or extra plot/character info as I want that sort of stuff to come out in story, it can't be story prompts because I write from the gut (or it doesn't happen), it can't be time consuming, and it can't include early or exclusive access to anything substantial as I want the $5 tier to be the main tier and the $10 one purely optional for those just wanting to chip in a bit more.  

My ideas thus far is to have a special poll each month to decide something very small and trivial in the story and potentially a "Dear Chloe" post in which Chloe Bailey answers your questions in a short monthly sex/relationship/life advice style column, purely for entertainment purposes mind you as Chloe is quite silly and possibly completely insane.  I could have other Bailey's be guest columnists from time to time.  Or I could have Chloe write a short travel blog each month as she has a lot of downtime to travel right now, and being fictional she has the advantage of being able to travel to fictional places.  lol  I dunno, not sure if there is any value in that.  That column/blog idea is more writing but I am thinking they'd be pretty easy to bang out.  Any other ideas I should be thinking about?  Any easy little extras you've seen elsewhere that you thought was cool?  Let me know.

To my regulars, thank you for hanging with me all these months.  I love ya to bits.  😘  To the new crew, thanks so much for giving me a shot.  I hope I can make it worth your while to stick around awhile.  😁

I hope everyone has a healthy, happy, and horny July.  Take care out there.


P.S.: To that small handful of you that regularly hit the like heart, here is one back atcha.  ❤



If the income increases, please consider some black and white pencil drawings done by an artist you like. There doesn't have to be many just some splattered around depicting changes in characters you want to show. I sponsored drawings for others. A full two person color drawing was about $70 and up from some artists but pencil drawings were in the $20 to $30 range. With the type of stories I thing the pencils will workout. They woukd be similar to some drawings in old sci-fi books.


That seems like a real poverty rate. From the talks I had with my concept artist friends, $70 would sponsor an actual quick sketch. This stuff takes a of time, and multiplying it by an hourly rate even from a not very developed country makes anything good cost actual money.


No Incestibles in the plans PepeHands


Outside of the Snurfs I've never had a story fall so flat on Chyoa before! 😂


At MACON costume artwork would go into a few thousands. But the are a lot of places people living on an equivalent of $15K a year has a decent life.


Yeah, but their prices still go up compared to their home country because of the global market, if they have the skill


How does one get to the discord account?