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“Alright bad boy.”  She claps her hands.  “Roll over.  Face down, ass up.”

“Yes!”  I say.  It isn’t easy trying to move trussed up as I am, especially with a painfully hard boner, but that is half the fun.  I grunt and wriggle as I figure out a way to get purchase without the use of my hands or feet and flip over.  I manage it.  Bound as I am the only way I could rest is with my head, shoulders, and shins flat against the mattress, arms underneath me, and my butt high in the air.  Helpless and exposed all I can do is embrace it.  “I’m ready for my spanking.”

“Turn.” She commands as she steps closer to the bed, her eyes drinking me in with naked lust.  The humbling power of seeing a beautiful woman openly want me makes my heart feel so good.  She found me beautiful.  She found me sexy.  It is hard not to feel special when someone looked at you like that.  It made me worship my Amazon slave even more.  “Face away.”

“Yes Lady.”  Obeying the commands, simple as they were, brought me great pleasure.  I loved the simplicity of it.  She was in charge and my job was to obey, so simple and so satisfying.  Again I twist and struggle as I jimmy my way to turning to my right so that now I was perpendicular to the bed and my face at the opposite edge from my Lady.  My rear end was now pointed straight at her.  Had I not been tied up I would have been feeling extremely self conscious, thankfully I was nice and cozy in my precious rope.  “Like this my Lady?”

“Very good.”

It goes quiet.  I strain to hear above the distant sounds of the common room but I cannot hear a thing.  I crank my neck and strain my eyes to my left but from my new angle I couldn’t see a thing that was happening behind me.  What was she doing back there?  I wait…and wait…and wait.  It is so quiet for so long I genuinely start to worry about her.  I start to wriggle to try look back when…smack!

“Hoohhhh!”  I cry out, more in surprise than pain, as a small soft hand gives me a stiff spank to my right buttock.

“Not so loud.”  She says.  “And don’t move.”

“Yes Lady.”  I grin as I feel a small glow of warmth on my butt.

After just a moment I feel tender lips touch the spot where the strike had landed.  “Are you okay?  Was that too hard baby?”  She kisses the spot again.

I have to bite my lips to hold in the laughter.  It had stung a little but nowhere near enough to actually hurt.  Given her petite size she’d have to hit me with everything she had for it to properly hurt a big guy like me.  I say boldly.  “I’m okay.”

“Oh good.”  Her left hand rubs my butt in a circular motion.  “I’m going to spank you now.  If it’s too hard you tell me.  Understand?”

“Yes my Lady.”  I give her an impudent wiggle of my exposed tush.  “Do your worst.”

Smack!  “Cheeky boy.”

“Ahaaah!”  I let out quieter yelp, then giggle ecstatically as I feel my other cheek warm similarly to the first.  “Thank you!  I deserve this.  Thank you!”

That spank is followed by another sweet kiss and a gentle caress.  Smack!  Smack!  One spank across each cheek…followed my more kisses and soft caresses.  I was starting to understand what she meant about being “too soft”.  Her slaps to my bum were enough to feel a nice warmth and a little sting but she could hardly make anybody cry for mercy with them.  Rosa’s spanking was so…Rosa.  This was not the rough and biting discipline of my mother or, even worse, my father from my youth.  Those had been no fun at all!  But this was just lovely.  With Rosa even her punishments were careful and caring.  I knew deep down I was in safe hands.  Arching my back I present myself to her as best I can.

Smack!  “Mmmm.”  I pull and writhe.  Smack!  “Ohhh!  Thank you my Lady.”  Smack!  “Mmmm!  Thank you for disciplining me.”  Smack!  “Oooo, yes!”

One after another the spanks come.  It is not long before my whole backside had a pleasant heat to it and prickled slightly from the open hand strikes.  It only made it more sensitive to the tender kissing and caressing that followed each blow or two.  The gentle treatment in turn amplified the spank that would come next.  Soft and sting both worked to accentuate the other in a way I’d never experienced.  She goes again and again and again.  What she lacks in power she makes up for with precision and patience.  I learn that even a light spanking can start to add up if done well enough for long enough.  As it progresses it turns from nice to exquisitely excruciating.

Smack!  “Ohhhh!”  Smack!  “Ohhhhh gods!”  My moans weren’t so cocky now.  Smack!  “Ooooo!”  Smack!  Through gritted teeth I groan.  “Thank you my Lady!”  

The pleasant heat had turned into a crackling fire as my ass burned with a numb prickling sting.  She runs her fingers oh so lightly across the reddened skin which sends bright sparkles of sensation through the flesh.  

Smack!  “Haahhhh!”  I pull against my bonds, genuinely squirming now as my body rebelled against the sting that had so gradually gone from nothing to nearly unbearable, but the ropes do their job and keep me in place.  By the gods it is magnificent!  Smack!  “Ohhh yessssss!”

“You’re doing so good.”  I feel Rosa’s warm hands rub along my back.  “Two more baby.  These will be harder.  Are you ready?”

“Mmm hmm.”  I whimper softly as I nod.

“Oh my sweet boy.  Are you sure?”

“Yes Lady.  Please.  Give me what I deserve.”

“You are so brave.”  She says adoringly.  Crawling up beside me she brings something with her.  I feel my leather tunic belt drag over my back.  Was she about to whip me with my belt!?  I quickly learn she wasn’t.  Folding it over she puts it near my mouth and whispers.  “Bite down on this.  We can’t be too loud in here.”

“Yes my Lady.”  I obediently open my mouth wide.  She puts the leather between my teeth and I bite down hard.

After a kiss to my neck she slinks back to where she had been.  My ass aglow I tilt it up and ready myself for two final spanks.  I feel something touch my butt…long, sinuous, and wet.  It was Rosa’s demon tongue!  That realization had just hit me when…Crack!  Like a blunt fleshy bull whip Rosa’s long tongue lashes across both cheeks.

“HNNGHHH!!!”  My teeth sink into the thick leather.

An explosion of pleasure and pain streaks across my buttocks as Rosa gives me a literal tongue lashing like only a demon could followed instantly by another lick snapping back the other direction.  Crack!

“NNNNGHHHH!!!”  I buck and thrash briefly as the sting goes far beyond all that came before.  It wasn’t actually that hard but it connected so perfectly across my already tenderized tingling tush that it felt like the cruel kiss of a slave driver’s scourge just for an instant.  The intensity quickly abates but echoes of the two lashes continue to pulse through me.  I let out a long pitiful whine.  “Hnnnnngh!” 

Her hands take mine as she kisses my screaming butt cheeks.  “Good boy!  You did so good!  Are you okay baby?  Talk to me.”

I open my mouth and let the belt the drop to the floor.  Suddenly panting heavily I gasp out.  “Thank youuuuu!”  I never knew suffering could be this wonderful but the buzz that filled me with such joy could not be denied.  Letting out a breath I relax and swim in these incredible feelings.

“My boy.”  She whispers as she smooches and nuzzles the tongue lashes.  “My sweet sweet boy.”  After a bit of attentive TLC Rosa stands up and pets her hand across the small of my back.  “Your punishment is over.”  She says, excitement in her voice.  “Now I get to play.”

Chapter 37 


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