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Seeing my reaction at my gift brings my Lady just as much as joy as what I am feeling.  Rosa takes a step back and holds out her hand.  “Come along my boy.  It’s time you got your reward.”

“Yes Lady.”  I say.  Holding my rope proudly to my chest I reach out with my other hand to take hers.

With the slave leading the master we make our way straight back to the inn.  The sights and sounds and smells of the city that we had so enthusiastically noticed on the way to the piazza totally ignored on the way back.  We only had eyes for each other.  Once in the inn we pass straight through the common area to our private room.  My fingers slightly shaking I fumble the key out and unlock the door, once inside I lock it right up again.  The din of voices from the common area lowers but doesn’t quite disappear as the door is closed.  The sparse square room is dim but not dark, a high slit of a window let in a steep shaft of moonlight that splashed across the headboard of the stout wooden bed.  Beneath the bed our pack looked undisturbed thankfully though we don’t much mind to that either.

Rosa spins on her heel to face me, her eyes burning with lust.  She reaches up and takes me by the hair.

“Hahh!”  I gasp and twist my head lower.

With a gentle yet firm guiding hand she makes me get down on my knees.  I gaze up at her towering form in awe.  Grabbing my head with both hands she leans down and plants hard kiss on my mouth.  Inexperienced as I am I start the kiss with my lips pursed but Rosa’s serpentine tongue soon pushes them apart.

“Mmm!”  I moan as I feel her tongue glide into mouth.  It curls and slithers in the space I open for it, at one point fully wrapping around my own tongue to squeeze it.  It’s coiling length pushes out into my cheeks as it completely fills my maw.  I can taste her and feel the firm protrusions that lined the sides of her tongue.  “Mmmmm.”

Slowly the slick sinuous tendril slides back out again.  Our lips part and Rosa rises.  Letting out soft breath she traces a finger down along the side of my face.  “You taste good.”  She whispers.

“Thank you.”

Stepping back she holds out her hands and I obediently give her my rope.  She turns and strides to the bed, her curvaceous hips swaying hypnotically as she goes.  Without even looking back she commands.  “Get out of those clothes boy.”  She removes her capelet with a swirl and lets it spin off into the corner of the room.  “Now.”

“Yes Lady!”

My heart is drumming as I peel out of my tunic, breeches and sandals.  Rosa meanwhile crawls up onto the bed and slinks across it seductively, her ass pointed right at me.  She gathers the pillows and blankets and bundles them up at the headboard so that she may lounge there halfway between sitting and laying down.  She stretches out her lithe little body and reclines against the headboard, the bottom half her face lit up in the shaft of moonlight.

I go to step closer but she raises a hand.  “Did I say to move from there?”

“Huh?  Oh, sorry Lady.”  I stop.

Her eyes narrow.  “I told you to get out of those clothes.”

“Uh, yeah, okay.”  I say.  I take a breath to summon my nerve then finish the job.  Down comes my underwear.  Standing up again my hands come naturally to my front.

“Your Lady wants to see all of you.”  Rosa gently chastises.

“Um, yes, sorry Lady.”  After a moment’s hesitation I let my arms relax to my sides.  I stand before her completely nude.  My breath starts to quicken and my heart beats faster.  Of the things we’d done never had my Lady left me so exposed.  I’d either had my underwear on or I’d been under a blanket.  I look at the rope in her hand longingly, being bound would have made this so much easier.  Being so openly naked made me uneasy.  I remind myself who it was that was looking at me and do my best to settle my nerves.

“My brave boy.”  She grins.  “Fuck you can’t know how sexy you are Quin.”  As if to prove her point I swear I see the bulge in her shorts lurch.  My own dick twitches in response.  “Rrrrrm.”  She lets out one of her rolling demon growls.

“May I approach?”

“Not yet.”

I nod and take a deep breath.  “Yes Lady.”

“This position is called Attention.”


“Yes.”  She answers.  “Now put your hands behind your head and spread your legs apart.”  I process the order then do it.  I bring my hands up behind my head and interlock the fingers around the back of my skull.  My feet I part wider, about two feet wide, my balls now swung free between my parted thighs.  I am rewarded with a happy tone.  “Very good!  Good boy.”  I smile demurely.  “This one is called Inspection.”  She says as she nibbles her lip with a fang and her eyes slowly scan up and down my nude body.  “Fuck baby.”  She blinks and refocuses.  “Alright, turn around.  Keep your feet apart like they are.”  I do so.  “Now…bend forward and put your hands against the wall.”  I glance once behind me before obeying.  Putting my hands out I bend at the waist and reach for the wall to lay my palms flat against it.  My butt was pointed right back at her.  “A little lower.”  She says.  “That’s it, show your Lady that fine ass.  This is called Wall.  Oh gods…look at you!”

Her tone and her clear commands ease my tension.  While I wasn’t bound I was fully under her verbal control.  I could feel a bit of that excitement of submissive freedom course through me.  Suddenly I wasn’t scared…I was actually proud of my body!  Tilting my hips I present myself to her.  “I am yours Lady.”

“Good boy!  Oh, good good boy.”  She coos.

There is rustling behind me but Rosa does not approach.  Neither does she have me move either.  I stay bent over, palms against the wall, waiting for what happens next.  It goes quiet for a time before Rosa says.  “Attention.”  It takes me a second to realize that the single word had been a command.  Standing up I turn to face her with my feet closer together and my hands my my sides.  “Clever boy.  You’re learning fast.”

Rosa now had her shirt off.  With time to adjust I could now see fairly well in the dim, enough to see the shape of her small tits and the darker round nipples.  In her shorts her cock now strained the fabric, she was rock hard!  My dick stands at attention at the sight of her.

With a flirtatious grin she runs a finger up her smooth belly and between her breasts.  In a high too innocent voice she trills.  “Do you want me?”

“Yes!”  I gasp.  

“You want to touch me and pleasure me?”

“Gods yes!”

“Too bad.”  She giggles.  “Not tonight.”


“Kneel.”  She says calmly.


“Kneel.” She says again more firmly.

“Yes my Lady.”  I get down onto my knees.

“Sit up nice.  Hand on your knees.  That’s a good boy.  That is the Kneel position.”  She says as one of her hands lightly brushes across her thick erection. My eyes are glued to it.  “Now bow.” She says.  

“Huh?”  I snap out of my distraction.  “Bow?”

“Bow.  Worship your Lady.”

“Yes!”  I bend forward, hands stretching out across the floor toward her as I bow my head low.  Every command set me more at ease.  Oh how wonderful it felt to be under the control of my Lady.  Her orders wrapping me in a warm safe cocoon of subservience.  She can’t see my face but it is smiling as I bow in worship.

“Exactly that!  The Bow position.  Yes.  You are a natural.”

“Please Lady.”  I grovel, my head going right to the floor.  “Please let me pleasure you tonight.”

Ignoring my plea she says.  “Remember those five positions.  There will be more, but that’s enough for now.”

“Yes Lady.  I will remember them.”  I say.  “Lady…”

“Inspection.”  After a second to remember I quickly get to my feet, legs apart and hands behind head.  “Good boy!”  Rosa lays admiring my body.  Taking up the rope she unties the knot that binds it into a coil then lets it fall loose over her body.  I look on the rope with deep yearning.  With her left hand she pats at the side of the mattress.  “Come here my boy.  Kneel here.”

I move quickly around the bed to kneel at its side and look up at her.  “Please!  I beg you.  I beg you!  Let me serve you.  Let me pleasure you tonight my Lady.”

“Mmm.”  She smiles gently as she brushes a hair from my face.  “Soon baby.  I promise.”

“Why not tonight?”

“I want you to need it first.”  She whispers, her right hand grips her huge hard cock through her shorts.  “I want you to need my body like you need water to drink.”

“I need you.”

“I want you to dream of me.  I want your every thought to be for me.”

“I think about you.”  My voice is hushed.  “All the time.  I…I desire you…like I’ve never desired anyone.  I will do anything to be with you.”

Slipping her hand into her shorts she reaches down past her balls to where I assume her pussy must be, though I’d yet to see it.  “Ohhh.”  She sighs and her eyes half shut at whatever she is doing to herself.  “Oh Quin.”

“Please!”  I hiss.  “You will drive me mad.”

“With denial comes rewards.”  She says.  With her free hand she curls her index finger under my chin and tenderly places her thumb against my lips.  In a voice so soft I barely hear it she says.  “Show me.  Show how much you want me.”  I pause, then move to reach out for her but she stops me with a subtle shake of her head.  Tracing my lips with the pad of her thumb she says again.  “Show me.”

I am learning that there is a mysterious unspoken communication that passes between lovers and as I look up into her gorgeous eyes her meaning dawns on me.  Staying on my knees I shift closer, pressing the side of my chest right up against the bed.  Very gently I wrap my left hand around Rosa’s willowy wrist, my right comes to join the other.  She sees that I understood and she gives me a nod.

I close my eyes.  Parting my lips take my Lady’s thumb and purse them around the tip.  I touch the end with my tongue then give it a soft suck.  “Mmm.”  I smile.  Opening my mouth again I take more, half of her slender digit, and suck again.  “Mmmm.”  I linger at the tip before greedily engulfing the entire thumb.  My lips wrap tight around the base as I softly suckle.  “Mmmmm.”  My entire focus is on it.  I savor the feel of her exquisite digit against my tongue.  Her fingertips lightly caresses the sensitive flesh under my chin.

“Let me see those beautiful eyes.”  She whispers.

I open them to see her gazing at me with open heartfelt adoration.  Her right hand was still in her shorts and by the color coming out in her cheeks I knew she was making herself feel good down there.  There are voices and clomping feet passing by our door from other patrons but neither of us look away.  We were in our own world now.

Sucking to the very tip I give it a kiss then nuzzle hard into my Lady’s hand.  I hold her hand in mine and push against the soft palm, smelling it and kissing it passionately.  If a hand is all I could have tonight then I would pour all of my desire to touch and pleasure her body into just it.  I was happy to have it too, I felt I could spend an eternity worshiping just this small part of her.  I nibble at the supple skin then lick it, swirling my tongue about the palm and letting the spit smear over my face as I continued to press and nuzzle.  I kiss it hard, sandwiching it between my own much larger hand and my face.  Against my palm I feel the subtly raised ridge of her brand.

Holding her delicate hand in both of mine I turn it over and stare down at the rose that I had drawn on the wax tablet a week ago.  With a fingertip I very gently trace along the scarred skin.  It was hard not to remember the pain, that terrible scream she let out as the magical paste seared her soft flesh, but she’d never once complained about it.  I would even catch her from time to time looking at it with a small smile on her face.  I felt unworthy of her and yet she wore my brand with pride.

I bring the back of her hand to my lips and kiss it.  One long hard loving lingering kiss right in the center of the symbol that bound our lives together.

“Ohh Quin.”  She lets out a breathy sigh, her lithe body writhing slightly as her hips began to move.  I could hear her wetness.  The faint squish of fingers rubbing and thrusting.

She slides her hand and fingers down my lips then, with her middle and index fingers tight together, she pushes into me.  Harder than before, more insistent.  Letting go of the wrist I give her control as I suck her fingers with fervent lust.  Slowly at first she slides the fingers in and out of my wet sucking lips but gradually they go faster and delve deeper.

“Mmm.  Hmm.  Mmmm.”  I coo softly as I slurp and suckle as good as I knew how.  In my fevered mind I imagine this to be her penis and I pleasure it in all the ways I thought would feel good.  I twist and turn my head as I start to bob forward and back in time with her thrusts.  I slap and swipe my tongue along their underside when deep and flick the tips when shallow.  I suck my Lady’s fingers as well a mere boy like me could.  And knowing that she liked to hear me, I let her hear me.  My voice soft and high and puling I moan.  “Hmm.  Mmmm.  Nmm.”

“Ohhh yes.  Mmmm.”  Rosa’s body now undulated with a steady rhythm.  “You’re doing so good baby.”

“Mmmm!”  All at once her fingers part wide, forcing my mouth open.  “Hahhh!”

Hardly missing a beat I push my tongue through the space between her fingers.  In the blink of an eye the imaginary dick had become an imaginary pussy.  She pushes her parted fingers in, running them along either side of my tongue as I hungrily lap and slurp between them.  Pulling them back out she pushes them hard against my lips.  Never pausing I continue to tongue along the inside space between her digits.  I am soon slobbering like an overheated dog, my spit running freely down my chin and her hand.  I let it run.

Rosa’s chest rose and fell faster as her shallow breath quickened.  “That’s it.  That’s it my boy.  You’re doing so good.”  She gasps.  I redouble my oral efforts on her fingers, as if it was me attending to her wet pussy.  I could sense her body tensing as she twisted and writhed on the bed.  I can’t see much motion within her shorts from where I am but I hear it.  A wet fleshy slurpy sound not unlike the repetitive smacking of moist lips.  As much I wished I could see my entire attention remained with my Lady’s perfect hand.  My tongue thrusts and laps as my lips mouth against her.  “Yes.  Oh yes.”  I could sense something was near.  “Ohhhh.”

“Hannghh!  Shllmmm!”  I moan and slurp.

All at once her eyes widen, her whole body stiffens, and she goes very still.  And then…release.  “Ohhhhhh!”  Her high lilting voice sings quietly so as not to have it ring through the inn.  Her soft body spasms and bucks rhythmically, her face is a mask of ecstasy, and her eyes, though glazed with bliss, stay locked on mine.  “Quinnnn!”

“My Lady!”  I gasp.

Overwhelmed by her beauty I watch my Lady climax.  As incredible as Luna’s pillars had been in the piazza even that paled in comparison to the vision of Rosa’s orgasm.  I watch in awe with pure joy flooding my heart.  Her delicate fingers grasps at my cheeks as she rides out her pleasure when all of a sudden it darts up to the side of my head.  Grabbing me by the hard by the hair she pulls me up to plant a hard deep kiss on me.  Her voice now muffled by my mouth she can at last let out the cry of passion she’d been containing.  “HMMMMMM!”

Chapter 35 


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