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I touch her face.  Feeling the wet skin against my fingers.  The surface cool from the fresh water but warm beneath.  Her breath catches a moment just from that simple touch.  A little tremble runs through her body and she nudges into my hand with rising urgency.

I reach out with my left hand.  I run it up along her jaw, under her ear, and into the hair at the back of her neck.  There I take a firm hold.  She lets out a hearty approving sigh and her intense eyes bore into me as she goes still and awaits my next move.  My right reaches under to grab one of her great pendulous breasts.  It was every bit as soft and yielding to the touch as a human or an elf but so much larger.  I feel the weight of it and gently squeeze it.  She lets out a low growl but still doesn’t move.

Her hot breath washes over me as we stare at each other nose to nose.  Her wide face enormous being so close to it.  Seeing her out from under the canopy in the light day, her skin clean of grime, I drink in her unpretentious beauty.

“You have freckles!”  I say as I make out the very subtle speckles across her cheeks and nose.  “I never noticed before.”

She snorts in frustration.  Osa didn’t want to hear about freckles or receive sweet compliments.  Her smoldering gaze glowed with raw wild barely contained lust, a simmering danger boiled just beneath the surface.  I had seen chained demons strain less against their bonds as Osa was holding herself back now.  I had seen full blood orcs in the grips of their mating frenzy with that same look in their eyes.  This was not a time for romance or playfulness.  The giantess wanted sex and she wanted it now.

Baring her teeth she lets out a sharp huff of breath and presses her breast down into my hand more.  Taking another handful of water she slaps it hard into my chest then curls her fingers to claw down bare torso.

I grip her hair tighter and give it a sharp tug.

“RRRRMMM!”  A bear like growl rumbles from her chest.

Taking her by the hair with both hands I pull and twist her down further.  Forcing her into a position where she would either fall or move with me down to the ground in such a way she was able to keep her injured leg straight.  Putting up only a pretense of resistance to force me to use real strength she allows me to control her.  She staggers down to one knee, keeping her injured leg out straight, and then splashes onto her side right into the flowing water of the stream.

Once I had her down…I am on her!  I kiss down her neck as I push her over onto her back.  My left arm curls around the mass of her right breast and I squeeze it against my bicep as I continue kissing down her body, finding my way quickly to her opposite nipple.  The size of a small soup bowl I kiss and suck and slather my tongue across it.

Osa slaps the stream with both hands sending up huge arcing sprays of water.  I could hear the stones and pebbles of the stream bed crunch in her powerful grip below the surface.  As I suck and grope I am jabbed in the arm with her now rock hard cock.  I continue kissing and licking down her enormous body, loving that there was just so much of her to relish.  I could bury my whole face into soft flesh of her stomach leaving space all around.  No matter what or where I grabbed there was always more there to explore.  I felt as if I could spend a lifetime letting my lips roam her vast body and never run out of new places to discover.  

Beyond just the size was the weight and power of her giant frame.  Never before had I experienced a partner so grand and with such might.  Osa could easily kill me in the throes of passion.  As brawny as I was for my kind my human body was a fragile thing in the world of giants.  That knowledge…excited me.  In such close and intimate contact she could, at any moment she wished, have me completely at her mercy.  The exhilarating sense of danger combined with the humbling trust I was forced to give to Osa not to harm me brought about a heady rush that I hadn’t felt since…since…well, since ever.  The only thing in my memory that compared were the nerves and excitement I felt the first time I ever laid with a woman.

After kissing all around and letting her squirm with anticipation I at last plant a big wet kiss right onto her fat tip.  

“Ahhhhh!”  She gasps, her back arching.

Precum smears my lips and nose.  I suck the clear slippery secretion from her hole then lick it clean from my lips.  As I continue kissing and slurping along her shaft I slip three fingers into her hot wet pussy…and then a fourth as I realize three wasn’t quite enough.

“Ohhhh!”  Her open lusty moan is music to my ears.  My wife’s gentle coos and sighs were lovely but there was something viscerally enjoyable about hearing Osa’s loud unabashed sounds of pleasure.

I rise up and bring my hand to my mouth to suck the savory juice from my fingers.  “Mmmm.”

Straddling her legs I sit down and let my erect manhood slap down onto her dick.  Hers was two to three inches longer and a fair bit thicker.  Looking down I place my paler cock right down the center of hers, her darker skin tone framing mine on all sides.  Grabbing them both together in one big grip I begin to stroke while simultaneously thrusting along hers.  It is not long before our precum coats the undersides of our dicks where skin met skin to allow the gliding motion to become smooth and easy.

“Ohhh Drake!”  She grabs my stroking arm and holds it in a vicelike grip, not trying to stop me or slow me down but moving along with me.

As we frot I drink her naked body laid out under me, the rippling water flowing around her and causing her hair to billow like the swaying branches above us.  The rain beads and pools and runs in little rivulets off of her smooth tawny skin and down to be claimed by the rippling stream.

Her moans get louder, the grip on my arm tightens and loosens in time with our stroking.  Her body is thrusting with mine, our balls pushing hard together on each stroke.  Her breathing picks and her muscles flex.  It had only been a couple of minutes but the signs were unmistakable.

In her pained expression I could see her valiantly holding back as best she could but obviously losing the battle.  I then remember how fast she had cum the night before and how embarrassed she had been by it.  It was easy to see that she wanted so badly to stay with me stroke for stroke but there was no way.  She was near to bursting and I was just getting warmed up.

“Osa.”  I say in a loud whisper.  “Osa, I want you to cum for me.”

Her tense look relaxes a little as her eyes search mine.  “You…want cum?”

“Yes!  Yes Osa.”  I urge her.  “I want to see you cum for me.  Now.  I want to see how beautiful you look when you cum.”

She nods her agreement.  It was happening whether she agreed or not but this let her enjoy it without her giant’s pride getting in the way.

“Ohhhh!  Ohhhhhhhh!”  Her body writhes in rhythm with our shared stroking.

“Cum for me.  Let me see you cum.”

“I cum…cum for Drake.”  Her moans were near whimpers of rising ecstasy.  Her thrust become harder and longer.  Her hand grips over mine, encompassing hand and cocks in her great hand, both of us now holding our cock’s tight together as mine glided over hers.  “Ohhh, ohhhh, ohhhhh!”  Her voice rises as a glowing flush colors her face.  My hand strokes, following her lead, up and down and up and down.  My cock glides along hers, our tips kissing each time I thrust past and then back again.  “I cum…I cum…I cum for Drake!”

“Cum for me.”  I croon softly.  “Cum for meeeee!”


From out of our hands comes a great plume of frosting white jizz.

“Yes!  That’s it!  Oh Osa yes!”  I sing her encouragement as she blasts one thick rope after another out onto her wet belly.  Her balls throb beneath mine, her shaft pulsing hard and strong.  Her eyes go hazy with bliss and her face opens up to express a pure honest bliss.  She really was so beautiful when she came.


Letting go she slumps back to let me finish the job of milking her nut, she watches closely as I squeeze and stroke her like only someone who had a dick really knew how to do.  I let go and pull my cock away.  I trace a finger along her hard spent meat and then through the creamy cum near her belly button.

“Good.  So good.”  I tell her happily.  “Osa is a good woman.”

Her eyes are on my still stiff and strong manhood.  “Drake good man."  She then lets out a pleading whine.  “Hnnngh!  No stop!  We no stop yet!”

With a smile and a suck of my cummy finger I say.  “I wasn’t about to.”

Chapter 24 


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