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She gives him a big sniff, snorts, then give brushes his fur over her lips.  He butts his head into her lips and rubs across her mouth.  This amuses her greatly.  After a too hard kiss she dumps little Blerk off of her hand rather roughly, the kitten’s natural agility allows it to roll down off of her leg and onto the ground with ease.  Immediately he begins sniffing around and making his way toward the sack that had the dried fish.

“Blerk.  Funny.”

With a grunt of discomfort she leans to the side with the intention of getting up.

“What are you doing!?”  I say as I stand and try to push her back down again.


“I’m not helping.  You need to rest that leg.”

“Rest boring.”  She says.  “Poo, pee.  Help.”

She needed to go the washroom.  I couldn’t fault her for that.  Quickly moving around to the side of her injured leg I take her big hand in both of mine and pull with all of my strength.  A lesser man couldn’t have budged her but I had always been naturally physically gifted, a big part of what made me such a potent warrior.

“Keep the weight off of your leg.”  I tell her as I help her up to her feet.  “Come on Osa, up you go.”

Osa is a bit unsteady at first, hopping around on her good leg as she tried to hold her bad one out at an angle.  Blerk scrambles for cover and I am ready to dive away if her weight started leaning out of control in my direction, but with my help and the aid of the boulder behind her she soon finds her balance.  Very gingerly she lets her healing limb down to just touch the ground.  She looks down at me and gives me an optimistic nod.

This was the first time I’d been up close to Osa standing up. She towered over me at nearly double my height, the top of my head only reaching her hip.  Her leg alone probably weighed as much as I did.  While I could help stabilize her I hadn’t a hope of even slowing her down if she happened to fall.  Another humbling reminder of the size and power of this fearsome woman.  Now that she was upright though it wasn’t that difficult for her.

She rises to her full height and stretches both hands up over her head and I hear a few bones and vertebrae crackle as they snap back into place properly after such long period of being on her back.

“Ohhhh.”  She groans happily as she limbers up.  “Feel gooood!”

“I bet.”  I say.  As a man of action myself, or at least formerly so, I understood that terrible feeling of being laid out for awhile.

Lowering her left hand she rests it on my shoulder and points to a nearby tree.  With me acting as a cane we carefully inch step by step toward the pine, her the splints on her broken leg and the healing that had already happened held up well.  Once close enough she pushes off and lurches for the tree.  Her large hand wrapping over half way around the trunk as she grips the rough bark.  The tree rustles but holds up.  Osa rests a moment, taking a deep breath and looking up to let the light rain patter down on her face.

“Hahhhhh.”  She lets the breath out then looks forward with a look of determination.  Using her expansive reach she pulls forward and reaches out to catch onto the next tree.  “Ha!  This work!”  She says, rather proud of herself.  She pulls again and again reaches out for the next straight narrow trunk of a pine tree, snapping off a branch in the process but barely seeming to notice the needles brushing over her skin.  The woman was tough.

I follow along behind her, ready to help in whatever way I could though in the end she doesn’t need it.  A few times the span between the trees is too much for her, but nothing a brief bout of hopping couldn’t traverse.  Brachiating from trunk to trunk with her arms and letting her good leg support almost all of her weight Osa is soon making pretty good time through the forest, though she made a hell of a noise doing it.

“Well, you don’t seem to need my help.”  I say as I walk along at as safe distance beside her.  “I might head back to build the shelter.”


“The timber and canvas.  I’m building you a tent.  A blind really in case any poachers or other trespassers happen by.”  I explain.  “Plus it’ll give you a space out of the elements.”

“Oh.”  She says, stopping to catch her breath.  “Come with.”  She points up ahead.  “Stream.  Stay with me?”

“You’re going all the way to the stream?”  I ponder that a moment.  “I can bring you water if that’s what you want.  You can do your business here, you don’t have to go that far.”

“Want to.”

“Fair enough.”  I say.  “Keep going.  If we’re going all the way there we should grab some water.  I’ll head back for the canteens and catch up with you.”

“Okay.”  She nods, takes a breath, then forges forward.

As I watch her go I am struck with how comfortable and normal our communication was becoming.  Why had every other hill giant I’d encountered been so violent?  Osa seemed so different from those dim brutes I had fought in the past.  Was she different or was I?

With a shake of my head I leave that question for another time and jog back toward camp.  Once there I find Spud, as dead as ever, and Blerk happily chewing on one of the dried fish.  While there I take a few minutes to mentally design and measure out the shelter I was going to build.  From the smooth indentation in the grass I could see precisely the dimensions she would need.  It would be cramped for Osa but it should work just fine.  It didn’t need to be fancy as she would only be here for a week at most.  I would have something up for her in no time.

In my mind’s eye I could still see her lying there looking up at me with those incredible eyes, I can even hear an echo of her melancholy song.  I could smell her aroma still lingering in the air.  I remember that desperation, that readiness to die, both in her and myself.  Each of us allowing the other the opportunity to end our suffering.  But we were both here still muddling along as best we knew how.

I kneel down and give Blerk a pet then scoop up the gourds before heading back toward the stream.  I walk at a leisurely pace wanting to give Osa some time to do her business before I got there.  As I get closer to the creek I note that there was no crashing and thrashing of trees.  She must have made it okay.  A bit further along I catch the foul smell of shit before coming across the huge steaming load of turd Osa had left in her wake just right out in the open.  A hill giant shit where the hell they liked.  I was just glad she knew well enough not to do it in the water.

As I close in on the stream I pick up her voice gently humming.  It wasn’t the prayer song but another, more upbeat and just as lovely.  I also hear the splashing of water.  Softening my foot falls I pad quietly toward the humming giantess.

Peeking through a break in the branches I see her standing in the clear cold rushing water that reached up to above her ankles and stop in my tracks.  She was naked.  Naked and beautiful.  Scooping up a double handful of water she stands tall, stretches up, and lets the water pour over her smiling face and down her body.  Seeing her on her feet, her clean tanned skin glistening and wet in the gentle light of a cloudy day, allowed me to at last fully appreciate her thick curvaceous body.  Full figured but with pleasing feminine curves.  A big round ass and nice wide hips with plump heavy breasts.  She had what my mother used to call a proper child bearing body, I would just call it voluptuous.  Her thick curly black hair had been wet and cascaded down the center of her thick muscled back but maintained it’s defined crinkle.  Her dark bush was as thick and natural as the forest around her and her comparatively petite peen and balls looked so…so…dainty on her huge heavyset frame, despite the fact that I knew from experience she had a jumbo sized schlong by human standards.

Her comely penis was but a part of her physical charm.  It made her special, but that wasn’t all.  My wife was considered one of the most fair women in the realm.  I had seen sexy sirens and seductive succubi and fey temptresses that could make a man walk willingly to his certain death just for the chance of a kiss.  But never had I seen a woman so plainly and effortlessly sensual.  There was something about her that just shone with raw fertility that triggered some instinctual memory.  Like womanhood itself made manifest.  I couldn’t describe it but my attraction was deep and primal.

In silence I stand there watching her bathe and listening to her hum her sweet song unable to tear my eyes away.

Chapter 22



Potential typo: "vertebrae crackle as the snap back into place properly" --> "crackle as they snap"


Really liking this story so far. I’m excited to see where you will take it


Oh good! I am literally writing the next chapter as we speak. So glad you are enjoying it thus far Maul. :)