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Crawling up in the space between her arm and body I lay down and rest my head on her shoulder, my arm draped over her wide chest.  It was odd enough laying with someone larger than me, but the massive size difference between us took it to a different level.  I would have been a toddler the last time I experienced something like this.  Not that it was unpleasant, not at all, feeling her huge warm body press into mine and her thick arm around my side was actually quite wonderful.  Just on an instinctual level it felt safe and comforting nestled up into her.

“Hey.”  I say softly as I pinch her chin and ask a question I already knew the answer to.  “Are you angry?”

“Yes.”  She pouts.

“At me?”


“Well don’t be mad at yourself.”  I say.  “I’m pretty good at mouth sex.  In fact…I’m the best!  Best ever.  You never stood a chance.”

She finally looks back to me only to see the jocular twinkle in my eyes.  Seeing that I was joking causes her to glower again, though with just a hint of a smirk.  “Not THAT good.”  She mutters.

“But pretty good?”

Her prickly energy was already easing.  “Good.”  She admits.  “Feel good.”

“You were pretty good too.”  I stroke her cheek.  “For your first time you were amazing.  I can honestly say I’ve never had mouth sex like that before.  Don’t feel bad Osa, you were great.  Good lover.”

The smile threatening to bloom peeks out a little bit more.  “Drake good too.”  She takes a breath and looks down at herself then back to me.  My contented and supportive demeanor was pulling Osa out of her shell of disappointment.  In an excited whisper she says.  “Fun.”

“That’s the spirit.”

At last the smile comes out.  “Fun!   Sex fun!”

“That’s what you said at the beginning.”

“Yeah…but…GOOD!  More good!  More fun!  More happy!”

“It was better than you thought it would be?”

“Yeah!”  Her enthusiasm was contagious.

“Sex is the best.”  I say.  “Mouth sex.”  I grab her enormous tit.  “Boob sex.  Hand sex.  Foot sex.  Sex sex.  Bum sex.  It’s all amazing.”

“You fuck bum!?  HA!”  She guffaws.  “And feet!?”

I wink.  “Some people like that.  It’s your body to explore Osa.  We each have to find what feels good.”

She squeezes me tight into her side.  “Drake feel good!  You fun!”

“Ooof!”  I grunt at the power of the embrace and hug her back as best I could.  “Osa feels good too.  I’m glad you had as much fun as I did.  You’ll make a fine mate to someone someday.  Don’t you ever doubt that.”

“Sweet talk.”  She chuckles.

Her body relaxes and she lets out a long happy sigh as she finally allows herself to enjoy what she’d just experienced.  Her big grin belying the fact that just moments ago she had tears in her eyes.  Once she saw that I wasn’t judging her or mocking her all her initial embarrassment was quickly behind her.  Osa’s emotions were intense and direct.  I had never met anybody who so completely lived in the present moment like she did.

The mood much more positive and mellow we lay together a time and just enjoy our lovers’ afterglow in the crackling warmth of the fire and under the clear night sky.  With a slow tender touch I comb my fingers through her thick curly hair and I can see that she loves it.  As the minutes pass with her holding me and me stroking her signs of fatigue begin to show in the giantess.  Her breathing slows, her arm goes slack, and each blink of her eyes is a bit longer and more labored than the last.  Despite her brave front I knew she was fighting back pain and had been this whole time.  Beyond that she’d just been through one hell of a day.  She almost nods off once before snapping back awake again.  Shifting her weight she pulls me up onto her and snuggles me closer, her gentle hands covering my butt and lower back against the cool air.

As nice as this was it could not last forever.

Pulling myself up I kiss her cheek.  “I should go soon.”  I whisper.

She gazes into me with those stunning eyes.  I expect an argument, I could see she didn’t want me to leave, but instead she nods and kisses me back.  “Come back?”

“Tomorrow hopefully.”  I say.  “I’ll bring you some fresh water before I go.  Try to make it last.”

She nods again.  After a long moment of silence she goes to say something but stops herself.  Instead she smooches me again and lets me go.  “Tired.”  She says in a fading voice.

“I bet you are.”  I pull the blankets back up and over her.  “Stay warm and rest.  And don’t move that leg too much.  Keep that healing token right where it is.”  With tired eyes she watches me move around the camp, resolutely refusing to allow herself to fall asleep.  “Hey, why don’t you sing that song again?  It was nice.”

Taking in a deep breath she starts her song in a soft lilting voice, as soft and lilting as a giant’s voice could get anyway.  As she sings I fuel the fire and use what water we had left to clean myself as best I could.  Then I get dressed and collect up my sword and the gourds.  I was about ready when her song fades into silence.  Turning back to her to tell her to stay quiet on the off chance there were anymore trespassers on my land I find that she is fast asleep.  

At her feet I look at her and find myself worrying.  I swore that she would see the morning and that had been seen to.  But then what?  I had to get her healthy and on her way as soon as possible.  If the other residents of this region found out she was here they would demand I kill her or do it themselves.  That I could not allow.  Not now, not after getting to know her.  But how could I make them understand that she was different?  Even once I did have her on her feet and on her way how would she fare out there by herself?  While an adult she had always lived with her parents.  I had to trust that they did their job and had her ready to survive on her own.  She admitted to me that she’d only stayed with them this long due to loneliness.  That she would have to learn to deal with herself.

I let out a long sigh.  Osa’s appearance had complicated my easy life.

Chapter 15 


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