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Something a little different, I hope you enjoy.  I'm not sure yet but I may release this one for sale.  I would be grateful if you could let me know if you find any typos.

Good Vibrations

It is the second Saturday of the month and that meant a trip upstate to visit my wife Natalie's grandfather at the senior's home in the small town where he lived.  As usual we took the old fella out for a meal at a restaurant before we headed back South for the two and a half hour drive home again.

Normally I'd be at the wheel but on this particular evening, at the urging of her granddad who wanted somebody to drink with him, I'd decided to drink a couple more beers than usual with my meal.  Much to the chagrin of my wife who was now saddled with the drive home.  Given the lack of comment as I ordered the beers I thought Nat had been cool with it but the cold bristly energy coming off of her after the meal told me I'd read her wrong.

I'd pay for it in the end for Natalie wasn't just my wife, she was my Mistress as well.  I would be feeling the sting of her riding crop the moment we got home.  A win-win to be sure but there may be other consequences of my disobedience that weren't so fun.

Beside my wife and in front of me was her morose goth little sister Caitlin who had jokingly called “shotgun” as we left the home.  I had tried to flex my prerogative as the owner of the vehicle but Nat was having none of it.  In no uncertain terms she told me that if I couldn't drive I might as well sit in the back.  This elicited a laugh at my expense from the young Caitlin.  It was embarrassing to have to take a backseat to my wife's much younger little sister, she was barely a college freshman, but in the end I relented.  For once I could just sit back, relax and enjoy for the journey home.  With me in the back was Nat's mom Melanie who currently had her earpods in and her eyes fixed on the horizon toward the setting sun as she listened to one of her kooky new age meditation podcasts.

I settled into the seat to watch the scenery pass by.  Since I knew I'd be paying for this in the dungeon I figured I might as well enjoy the ride as much as I could.  Sinking into the cushy seat the only hint of discomfort I had was the snug but stretchy inch wide sleeve around my penis just below my glans that held the twin bullet vibrators tight to my ultrasensitive frenulum along with the wire that lead to the batter in the special pocket of my underwear, but I had been wearing it all day at this point so I was pretty accustomed to it.  Normally Natalie and I kept our kink strictly inside the house, anyone who knew us would be shocked to learn of our BDSM lifestyle, but she was feeling a little extra frisky this morning when we were leaving the house and decided to do something at the last minute.  It was between my cage and this, and since this was still a new toy for us it won out.  She'd teased me with it a few times over the course of the day but mostly it was just the idea that I had it on at all, and that she had control of it, that turned us on.

The familiar sights of this stretch of the long straight rural highway zip by.  The cabin of the car is quiet, each of us lost in our worlds as the usual chit-chat had long since dried up after having already spent the day together.  We are about an hour in when the all black clad Caitlin lets out a gasp followed by a stream of swear words under her breath.

“Language!”  Natalie teases.

“Stupid phone.”  Caitlin jams it into the pocket of her jacket and gripes.  “Battery's shot.  I need a new phone Mom!”

Without breaking concentration her mother replies.  “Maybe for your birthday dear.”

Crossing her arms and pouting like only a sullen teenager could.  “That's a whole month from now!  My life sucks.”

“Stop being so dramatic.”  My wife chuckles as she passes over her own phone, clearly wanting to nip a potential family fight in the bud.  “Here.  You can use mine.”

“I guess.”  She grumbles with all of the verve of a cold damp sponge as she snatches the device ungratefully.  “Got any games or anything?”

“A couple.”

I let my attention wander and gaze out the window again to watch the evening light flicker along behind the dark trunks of the passing trees.  What a nice night this was turning into.

“What's this one?  I've never seen it before.”  Caitlin asks.  “Vib-erant...viber-ant...viberant?  What?  How do you say it?”

My heart skips a beat as I hear the teen struggle with the name of the app and I sit up straight.  She suddenly had my full attention.  Viberant was the app that controlled the bullet vibrators currently snugged up against my cock.  Thankfully the app was designed to be used by kinksters in public so its true purpose was not obvious and there was a code required to get into it, but just the fact she was looking at it set me on edge.

“Oh!  Oh that.  Um.  I'm not sure how you say it.”  Natalie says with a hint of a stammer.  Like you she hadn't thought about that being on there when she passed it over.  “It's a...uh...game.  It's just a game.  It's not very good.  Never mind that one.”

“It's a game?  Never heard of it.”

It wasn't entirely a lie.  We hadn't it treated as anything but an odd curiosity but the program did come with a game mode.  It was a rudimentary rhythm game.  The way it worked was that for each successful tap a vibration would be sent to the remote controlled toy.  Since Nat had no interest in rhythm games, and she was bad at them anyway, we'd only tested it out once just to see if it worked.

I stare at my wife intensely.  Any moment now she would either take the phone back from Caitlin or direct her attention to one of the other apps.  What was taking so long?  Catching my gaze out of the corner of her eye she looks back at me...and I watch as the most twisted and devilish smile slowly grows on her pretty face.

My eyes widen and very subtly I shake my head no.  Her eyes narrow and just as subtly she nods her head yes.  Invisible to the others there is a brief battle of wills.  She holds my gaze for as long as she can given the fact she was at the wheel and I see a kinky determination take hold.  I couldn't believe she was even considering this!  My safeword would be an easy way out but I hold it back, for now.  She couldn't possibly be serious.  I decide to play her bluff.

“What about this one?”  Caitlin says having moved on to another icon.

“Actually.”  Natalie says to her sister.  “You might like that last one.  It's not my cup of tea but...who knows.  Here.”  She takes the phone and I watch in disbelief as she quickly taps in the security code with her thumb then navigates to the game mode before handing it back again.  She was actually doing it!  “Here ya go Cait.”  Her eyes flit my way for just an instant.  “Have fun!”

“Hmm.  Doubt it.  Looks pretty basic.”  Cait gripes as she starts the game up.  On the screen a pink swirling background lights up, it is separated top to bottom in three vertical columns.  In the top right corner as small timer begins to count the seconds and in the top left was a stop symbol.  The tinny royalty free EDM tune begins to play.  Beside her I catch Natalie adjusting the rear view to get a better look at me.  Her green eyes twinkle with impish delight.  I can just make out the top half of the screen over Cait's shoulder and I see the five red circles scroll down from the top of the screen toward the bottom in the left side column.  With obvious boredom she mechanically taps along to the rhythm.  Just half a beat after each tap comes the associated buzz of the left vibrator, the higher frequency one of the pair.


Rising one eyebrow I give my wife, watching me through the mirror, a look to tell her that I was getting nothing from this and that I wasn't impressed by her risque actions and that she could stop this anytime now.  She just winks back at me.


I roll my eyes and let out a snort of derision.  I wasn't sure what she was expecting here but I decided she wouldn't get it.  Not here.  Back in the dungeon I would kiss her boots and call her a Goddess, but right now I wasn't about to play along.  Neither would I give her the satisfaction of my safeword either though.  If this was a game of chicken she would lose.  Cait would grow bored of it soon enough.


Luckily the road noise and the music of the game masked the sound coming from my crotch.  Two more times this basic five note sequence passes by, each time the nonplussed teen absently taps away, then there is a pause as the music fades to a basic beat and the brief introductory song melds into the next.  “I don't know about this one.”  Caitlin sighs with disappointment.  “It's like baby's first rhythm game.”

“Just give it a chance.”  Natalie says in a syrupy sweet tone.

“Mmm.”  With nothing better presenting itself she continues for the time being.

While it had only been five sets of five simple notes it had been enough to wake my member.  I could feel a stirring down below.  I tell it to bed back down but, as every dick wielding creature on this Earth knows only too well, peckers have a mind of their own.

I see more notes glide down from the top of the screen and note that these ones were blue and in the right hand column.  Despite only being a minute in we were already heading into new territory in the game, the previous test run had been very brief indeed.  As she hits the notes in the right space and right time the masturbator is triggered to respond.


I flinch in my seat as this time the right bullet buzzed, this one pulsed much deeper and bassier than the other.  Okay, I should have figured that.  If the game used one why wouldn't it tap the other as well.  Left/red for the left high buzzy one and right/blue for the right rumbling bassy one.  There was a tad bit more complexity here than I realized.


Just like the first series the same pattern repeats itself five times in total with pauses between.  The game was starting real easy to get the user accustomed to the controls.  The sleeve was tightening now as my dick began to swell to the stimulation, the growing constricting feel not entirely unlike a tight gripping pussy.  I continue to play it cool.

Just as before there is a short break after this sequence.  Caitlin uses it to complain.  “Come on.”  She mutters impatiently.  “Let's go already.”

“It's pretty lame.”  I say, hoping to sway her interest.  “There are way better games on there.”

“Yeah.”  She agrees.  “Played them all though.”  She readies for the next bit.

My wife shoots me a mirthful glance at my failed attempt to get Caitlin off of the game.  I roll my eyes at her silliness.  How long was she going to let this go on?  I couldn't shut the toy off from my end but I could remove the batteries or even remove it entirely.  That would be a major betrayal of our Dom/sub arrangement though and that I would never do.  Sitting up I lean right to get the best vantage point I could to the screen.

The notes alternated now.  Red, blue, red, blue, then the series ends with a big purple note gliding down the center column.  So the center column was for purple, but what was purple?  I am just cluing in when the notes hit.


Purple was red and blue together, both vibes at once!  The deeper more penetrating blue mixed with the intense shrill zing of the red.  Wow!  Again five sets of this simple pattern pass by and by the end, despite my attempts to resist it, I had a full on chub going on in my trouser.  I squirm and adjust the front of my slacks to hide my arousal but, with being as focused on me and the game as she was the road, my wife catches what I was up to and covers her mouth to hide a little giggle.

“You're doing great!”  Nat says to her sister.

“Pffft!  Grandpa could do this.  I hope you didn't pay actual money for this game.”

With bated breath I wait to see what came next.  I didn't have to wait long as the music never stops and the surprises just kept coming.

The next series of notes looked different from all of the ones thus far.  The three colors remained the same but now instead of simple circles there came two long slender diamond shapes, one red and one blue, cascading down followed by a purple square and then a snakey diagonal path that went from the left column across the center one and ended in the right before tapering off to a point.

First the left vibe lights up, but not like before.  It didn't just activate with a quick punctuated buzz, this time it built up to that sensation more gradually then faded off slowly.  Hard on the heels the right one activates, again building up then dimming away.  As the purple square is hit I am hit with both barrels as both vibes flare to life at maximum power in one big brief burst.  I grip the seat as the final note is played.  This one is extended, the left bullet buzzing for a solid two or three seconds before transitioning across the purple zone where both hum to life then shifting fully to the blue zone where the deeper vibe goes for a time before fading off.

That felt good.  That felt really good!  Worse yet, the harder I got the better this was feeling.  As the soft silicone sleeve grew taut around my growing shaft it now carried the vibrations right around the circumference of my dick.  With the opposite side bordering right along the bottom ridge of my knob it was...intense.  I realize that I might be in trouble here. 

Seeing me squirm along to the new shapes and colors attracts Natalie's interest to the screen.  “What's all this?  Wow.  I never made it this far.”

“Are you joking?”  Her sister scoffs.  “God you must suck.”  My wife laughs and shrugs her shoulders.

Again the game goes through the pattern four more times, though this time with a slight variation from one series to the next.  As this section ends the music starts to swell and speed up.  I also notice the swirling background shifts from one shade of pink to another as the timer approaches the four minute mark.  The combination of effects giving me the sense that the initial tutorial section was coming to an end.  With the mechanics introduced the game was about to begin in earnest.

“Nat.”  I say, trying to hide my urgency.  “We've got to have something better for her to play than that.”

“I'm fine.”  Caitlin mumbles.

“I've got different games on my phone.”  I press.

“She's fine.”  Nat echoes her sister with another teasing wink.  “Leave her be David.”

I would have said more but notes were beginning to rain down from the top of the screen, lots of them!  “Fuck.”  I hiss under my breath as I am forced to remove my jacket and drape it across my lap to hide the raging rock hard erection now tenting my pants.  I can't believe Caitlin and that stupid game had gotten me hard. This was ridiculous.  I steel myself against the onslaught to come.

The notes came in a steady unrelenting deluge.  Gone were the simple patterns of four or five taps followed by short breaks.  Now it just went on and on, bringing all of the tools it had to bear in ever more complex ways.  And as it went it became quicker and more intense.  Still it didn't even begin to push the limits of the jaded teen.  She was obviously an aficionado of such games and one designed by an adult toy manufacturer was hardly a challenge.

When we initially tested it Natalie hadn't made it past the very first stage where a single quick tap would send a brief one note buzz to the vibe.  We hadn't even begun to realize the program's full potential.  But in Caitlin's dexterous hands I was discovering the game had far more depth and nuance than I had imagined possible.  

In the regular mode that Natalie usually used on me there were two sliders, left and right, and she would fool around with them in different ways.  It had felt good but nothing she had ever done on there could hold a candle to the insane patterns and rhythms the game's program and her sister's masterful play was pumping out.  It was the difference between a novice plinking away at a home organ and a trained concert pianist playing Carnegie Hall.  In this case the instrument was my dick.

I let out a huff and shake my head then refocus on attempting to bottle my arousal.  A hopeless task if ever there was one.

Each sensation alone was incredible, but the way the program weaved those three simple notes together took it to an entirely different level.  As the game progressed it wasn't just simple tapping anymore.  There would be longer notes, held for up to five or more seconds at a time.  Sometimes the notes would gradually build, causing the vibration to slowly escalate or recede in ways I'd never felt before.  The notes would flow and fade into each other and through each other.  Left to right, bass to treble, gentle to powerful, both then none then both again.  It was the combination of everything into one mind bending whole.

The notes just keep coming.  Faster and faster.  Fades and taps and pulses and trilling vibrato patterns of various types and long agonizing bends.  On and on and on.  And this fucking kid!  Not once does she falter, not a single note missed as her pale black nailed fingers effortlessly frolic across the screen with flawless precision.  The timer in the corner passes eight minutes, only four minutes since the game had truly begun yet it felt like an eternity.

A flush had warmed my face, my palms were sweaty, my breath and heartbeat hastened, and my cock hard enough to drive nails.  This was feeling soooo fucking good!  Too good!  If I didn't stop it soon...I didn't want to think about that.  No, I just had to hold out until Nat pulled it away or Cait grew tired of it.  My wife might be my mistress but I didn't want her to win on this one.  I wanted to show her I wasn't so easily cowed if she was going to push our limits in public like this.  Plus there would be the awkward issue of clean up afterward.

It was more than all that though.  There was a matter of personal pride at stake here too.  Not only was she ten years my junior and my sister-in-law, Caitlin was the furthest thing from attractive by my standards.  Dark, dour, moody, sneeringly sarcastic, and rude at the best of times.  That attitude did nothing for me.  Beyond that she was physically quite plain.  Slouched shoulders, a permanent scowl, a one note aesthetic of all black, piercings and tats seemingly randomly, and a frumpy fashion sense that totally concealed what might be a nice body under all those layers.  Everything about her goth look seemed designed to repel rather than attract.  Such a far cry from her bold and vivacious older sister.  I didn't want to let this eighteen year old freshman bring me to orgasm.  Especially with my Mistress watching.  It would be...humiliating.  And I certainly didn't want to cum right next to my wacko mother-in-law.  But if something didn't change soon I was about to nut in my pants.

Knowing the situation like the others didn't my wife keeps glancing down at the screen then back at me.  Back and forth and then to the road.  She tried to hide her keen interest but I could see that naughty fire in her eyes.  She was loving every second of this!

“How ya doing?”  She asks me in a chipper tone.

“Never better.”  I bluff.


I fall back into silence summon all of my resources to push back against the growing pressure.  But...fuck.  It just didn't stop.  It just never stopped.  Those bullets vibrating against my rigid dick in time to Caitlin's unerring fingers.  God damn it!  Did she ever miss!?  My cock spasms reflexively as a particularly intense section lights me up, a sure sign things were getting dire.  I look up to my wife, trying desperately to think of something to say short of my safeword.

“Do you guys hear that?”  Her mother suddenly says nearly scaring me out of my skin.  I was so caught up in my own world I forgot she was even there.  Pulling an earbud out she tilts her head.  “Like a...I don't know...an intermittent hum?  You hear that?”

“It's nothing.”  I say breathlessly.  “I...we need an alignment.  Don't worry about it.”

“Huh.”  Looking over at me she squints hard, nearly blind from her sun-gazing.  “Are you okay David?”

“I'm okay.”  I snap back at her as I start to ride the edge of my rapture.

She reaches up and touches my forehead.  “You're warm!  Sweating.”

“I'm fine.”  I assure her.  “I'm fine!”

“Okay, if you say so.  Just tell me if you need anything.”  She gives me a suspicious look as she puts the earpod back in and returns to her reverie.

The vibrations never relented.  The distraction from Melanie had chewed up the precious time I had to figure something out and brought the point of no return dangerously close.  It was just now at the nine minute mark.  Eight minutes seemed like an hour ago!

Picking up on her mother's concern my wife looks back at me with a bright angelic smile that belied the devil within.  “You okay baby?  You do look a little flush.”

I just glare back at her.  I hadn't the time for this.  I had to act now!

“Deer!”  I cry as I lurch forward and point out past Caitlin's head to some random spot in the forest.  “Look, a deer!”

My abrupt outburst startles all three women.  My wife laughs, knowing what I was up to.  Melanie snaps out of her meditation to give me a puzzled look.  But most importantly, and what I'd hoped would happen, the jostle and start breaks Caitlin out of her rhythm.  A dozen or more notes stream by untouched.  She looks back at me with a sour scowl.

“What the hell?”  She says disdainfully.  “There's no deer.”

“Oh.”  I say, settling back into my seat thankful for the reprieve of vibrations.  I let out a long breath of relief.  “I thought I saw one.”

“We see like dozens every trip.”  Cait shakes her head and returns her attention to the phone.  “Fuckin weirdo.”

“Hey...” I begin to say, scrambling to think of something to get her off of that accursed app.  But the moment she looked back at the screen she let out an exclamation.

“Game over!?”  She bleats.  “Game over!  What!?”

Thank God!  I wet my dry mouth and wipe sweat from my brow.  My dick throbbed right on the razor's edge of cumming.  Another few notes would have done it.

With annoyance she taps at the screen only to discover the only thing that did was take her back to the beginning.

“What!?”  Caitlin exclaims again.  “It sends you all the way back to the tutorial bit?  There are no check points or anything?  Are you fucking kidding me?”

“Language.”  My wife chirps as she holds in her giggles.

“Told you it was lame.”  I say with hope growing.  “Terrible game.”

“No points, no score, no multipliers, no levels, no check points, no progress bar.  Does it just go on forever?”  Caitlin bitches.  “I guess you're just going for the best time?  Does it even save your time?  Bad music, boring graphics, super basic gameplay.  This game sucks!”

I let out a sigh of relief.  Crisis averted.

She then grumbles, cursing her lot in life, and slumps lower in her seat to put her knees up on the dash.  I could just see the top of her jet black hair now.  Holding the phone up to her legs I watch as her finger hovers a moment...before restarting the game!

“I thought you said it sucked?”  I say with barely masked incredulity.

“Eh.”  She shrugs.  “Nothing better to do right now.”

“I've got different stuff on my phone.”  I start digging around in my coat for my cell.  “Here, take a look.”

Once more she just answers with a mumbled.  “I'm good.”

“She's good.”  Natalie says again with a laugh as she basked in my blissful suffering.  Then, with just a hint of that Domme steel to her voice that I knew so well, she says firmly.  “She's not done with it yet.  Leave her be.”

Mistress had spoken.

With the change in angle I could now see Caitlin's face better in the side mirror.  Her black lips were pursed.  The whites of her big eyes standing out from the thick dark eyeliner around them.  Her nose piercing glinting in the light of the low orange sun.  Most of all I see determination.  If anything, the gross injustice of the game having thrown her right back to the beginning made her more committed than ever.  Oh no!


I feel the initial notes quiver against my frenulum as the game starts all over.  After my respite I wasn't on the edge anymore and these first four minutes had nothing too challenging, but I knew I couldn't last much beyond that.  My only hope, short of the safeword, lay either in Caitlin's lack of patience for a bad game or Natalie's mercy.  Right now neither looked likely.

Being so riled up already the intro segment wasn't quite as easy as I remembered it.  Just those basic sets of notes were sending tingles up and down my body.  I shift and twist and stretch and squirm, rearrange my jacket, and do anything I could think of to try to at least push the vibes lower down my shaft without doing so overtly.  All of it amuses the hell out of my wife.

I fight it, oh how I fight it.  Never before had I so staunchly tried to hold back my climax.  Silently I beseech my wife to have pity on her poor suffering sub.  My growing plight only amuses her more.

A hot sweat breaks out all over my body, my breathing is shallow and rapid, the hairs on my body lift slightly and my mouth dries.  The pressure of a rapidly approaching release glows through my groin area and gradually begins to concentrate in my balls.

I must have looked queasy because Melanie once again looks at me.  “Are you sure you're okay David?”

“Just...my stomach.”  I say.  “Nothing to worry about.”

“Aww dear.”  She says sympathetically.  “Here, I have some ginger-tumeric tea that can ease an upset tummy.”  From her enormous purse that she had at her feet she produces a big 40 ounce glass bottle half full of a cloudy yellow liquid.  She offers it with a big grin, nothing made her happier than trying to help someone out with one of her natural remedies.  “It'll settle that tummy right down and it's an anti-inflammatory and...”

“I'm good!”  I groan as I push the bottle away.  My eyes dart back to see the timer hurtling toward four minutes.  Oh God!  Things were about to pick up.

“No seriously...”  My mother-in-law insists.  “...just take a few sips to see if you like it.”

Ignoring her I look to my wife with desperation.  “Natalie!”

“Mmm?”  She looks back oh so casually.  “A problem dear?”

“Nat!”  I grunt.

“Yes?”  Her smile widens.

And that is when the real game action starts again.  Humming to the unfailing commands of the uncaring and disinterested goth girl the masturbator attached to me sings to life as the notes rain down.  To my left Nat's mother is watching me intently and patting my shoulder comfortingly, probably worried that I was about to puke.  I wish she'd just look away!  Ahead and left of me my wife cheerily drives the car, not simply indifferent to my predicament but actually reveling in it.  I wish she'd stop this!  Though even now not enough for me utter our safeword.  And in front of me, seen through the side mirror, the contemptuous scowl on the homely face of my eighteen year old sister-in-law as she unknowingly was putting me through hell in order to take me to heaven playing a game she hated simply because she had nothing better to do.  I wish she wasn't so damn good at this game!  All the while a cheery electronic tune fills the air in time to the vibrations in my pants.

Caitlin catches me gawping at her in the mirror and flashes me a dirty look.  Turning away I find myself face to face with a very concerned Melanie, close enough to smell the patchouli infused essential oil that she used on her skin.

Despite resisting the oncoming tide with every ounce of will and strength that I had the high buzzes and deep trills against the most tender part of my tip could not no longer be denied.  Face to face with my eccentric mother-in-law I fly past the point of no return and a split second later blow my load.

“Gnnnngh!”  I growl, my body bending forward as every muscle tensed.  Wad after wad of hot nut butter is pumped into my underwear as Melanie cups my cheek in her hand.

“Something's wrong!”  She says.

“Just...a cramp!”  I grunt through gritted teeth as unfiltered physical euphoria bursts through my body in long hard waves.  “Stomach cramp.  Nnnnngh!”

“Oh you poor dear.”

“Yes, poor dear.”  My wife echoes gleefully.  “Poor, poor dear.”

“Jesus.”  Caitlin gripes, fingers still going.  “Shut up!”

I fight it even as it happens.  Trying to hold back every gout of hot sticky seed shot into my underwear.  It was awful, it was terrible, it was humiliating, and it was...the longest and best and most powerful orgasm of my entire fucking life!

My body shudders as I start to come down the other side of my climax and despite myself a soft satisfied moan escapes my lips.  “Ohhhhh.”

Turning to her little sister my wife quips.  “Hey!  Level up!”

“What the hell are you talking about?”  Cait sneers without looking up.  “I told you there are no levels.  It just seems to be one continuous stream.”

“Oh, sorry.”  Nat laughs.  “I thought there were.”  Glancing back my way with an amused glint in her eye she says.  “Here I thought it was a happy ending.”

“Guh!”  I gasp, trying desperately to regain my composure as fast as possible.  As the vibrations milk the final spurts from my manhood I let out a long breath and push away from Melanie.  “I'm okay.”  I assure her.  “I'm okay.  Just a stomach thing.”

Oh God!  I'd just cum in my pants with Caitlin and Melanie in the car with us!  I pray they never figure it out.  I'd never felt so ashamed and so emasculated.

Then, after a moment to let the situation really sink in.  “Stomach, huh?  Probably drank too much of that import beer.”  My wife says with a sharp stern look in my direction.  In that moment of post-nut clarity the light finally goes on in my head.  THIS was my punishment for forcing her to drive.  She wasn't waiting until we got home.  She had taken advantage of the misunderstanding with Cait and was punishing me here and now and publicly.  It was never a bluff.  This was something new!  New...and exciting.

This revelation shifts my entire perspective and just like that all of the things I didn't like about Caitlin becomes potent fuel for my erotic fires.  This was humiliating, so deeply humiliating, but it was humiliation with a purpose.  My Mistress was using her young sister to punish my masculine pride in ways she never could as a strong dominant woman of equal age and station.  My Mistress was using her doting mother as an audience to elicit a shame in me that we could never replicate back in the safe private confines of the dungeon.  The virtuoso performance Caitlin was playing on my manhood was surpassed only by the psychological masterclass Natalie had just done on me.  My Mistress was a sadistic genius!

I look to her in awe, signaling to her that I understood.  If I was expecting praise or mercy I wasn't about to find it.  The hard eyes of my Mistress watch me and wait.  As I wonder what she is waiting for it quickly becomes obvious.

Shit.  The game was still going!  My spent softening dick may have shot it's load but the game wasn't over.  And the zippy pleasures that had felt good just moments ago soon turn agonizing as my member fades into its super sensitive refractory period.

I squirm and groan and shift my hips which only results in my softening dick rolling around in my jizz.  Only a purposeful act to remove the stretchable sleeve could take the bullets away from my dick.  Ignorant of the torture she was inflicting Caitlin just keeps tapping along to the music.

“Nat.”  I say, then again more urgently.  “Nat!”

“Mmm?”  She hums.

“Mmmm!  I'm...I'm sorry you had drive.”  I say.  “Sorry I drank too much.”

“It's okay.”  She smiles.  “Don't worry about it darling.”  Still she does nothing.

“No, seriously.”  I say, my voice nearly a whine.  “I won't do it again.  I swear.”

“Shush.”  She commands.  “You just sit back there and enjoy the ride.”

Enjoy the ride!?  Oh fuck, I'd never felt suffering like this.  It wasn't pain exactly, though it was the total antithesis of pleasure.

“Are you sure you won't try some tea?”  Melanie offers again.  “It'll do a world of good.”

I snatch the bottle from her hands, just wanting to shut her up at this point.  Taking a big gulp I swallow it down, it tasted wretched, then hand it back to her.  “Thanks.”

She smiles kindly and pats my knee.

“I'm just going to rest now.”  Without waiting for a response I lean into the far corner of the seat and rest my head against the window as I endure my true punishment.

Melanie plucks her earpods out and puts them away.  She and my wife start up a conversation, talking about how good Nat's grandpa's health seemed to be and such things.  Mercifully they leave me be.

My dick had shrunk right down to a nub, instinctively attempting to retreat from the stimulation that wouldn't let it rest.  But the sleeve remains snug.  A few feet ahead of me Caitlin's black nail polished fingers and thumbs continue to dance across the screen with a speed and precision I didn't think was possible for human reflexes.  Fuck!  How long did this game go on for?  Glancing at the timer I see that she was only half way into the seventh minute.   There was at least two minutes and half to go and who knows how long after that.

In a tense state of enduring I grip the arm rest and stay perfectly still as I watch the game be played with a new appreciation of my Domme.  What a punishment!  Brilliant!

Cait plays the game, I sit grunting quietly and writhing in intense discomfort, as Nat and Melanie breezily talk about the day.  It was all so surreal.  I block everything out but the game on the screen and containing my kinky anguish.

Now that I knew this was my penance inflicted on me by my Mistress the bored, barely engaged way Caitlin played the game was now very, VERY hot.  In the dungeon one of my favorite things was when Natalie would act bored and disinterested as she titillated or tormented her unworthy sub.  But this took it to another level.  Caitlin wasn't just acting bored, she was genuinely oblivious to what she was doing to me.  For her this was simply a shitty mobile game to play in order to fill the time.  I felt so small, so insignificant, so perfectly pathetic.

And even beyond that.  The fact she was my wife's younger sister, the fact that our age difference meant she looked up to me more like an uncle than a brother, the fact that even if had we been closer in age and both available I never would have even attempted to ask her out as I would have felt her below my standards, all leading to the fact that she, of all people, had my dick so utterly under her control made it deliciously degrading.

Somewhere in the time my mind had wandered I discover that pain was transforming back into pleasure.  This time I don't fight it.  Embracing the feelings vibrating through my dick I let my body relax and go with the flow.  The game was past eleven minutes now, surely there couldn't be much more.

I marvel at Caitlin's adept and nearly superhuman digits as they blur across the screen to keep up with the music.  Despite having just cum a few minutes ago the sheer pace and intensity of the notes shooting down the columns brings me back to full erection in record time.  The feelings were insane!  The blitz of programmed buzzes in such rapid succession begin playing tricks on my nerves.  For a time I swear it feels like sleeve was actually stroking me.

My dick, still aching and sticky from my previous orgasm, flexes with all of its power against the constraints of my wet cum filled underwear.  Ohhh fuck!  She was gonna make me cum again!  I struggle against it, now knowing the agony that awaited me on the other side.  But as before the beat could not be denied for long.  With the hazy voices of my wife and mother-in-law sharing gossip I surf along with this the wonderful rhapsody as the inevitable roars up behind me like a great wave.

Then, without any warning, the notes stop.  I gulp in a breath, not realizing I'd been holding it.  My dick twitches and lurches as it is denied release at the last second.  I smack my lips, panting and dazed, as I pull back from the precipice.  For a moment I thought the game had at last come to an end, but the rising energy of the beat coming from the phone speakers told me this wasn't the case.  After an all too brief lull the music shifts into a slightly altered electronic version of the Beach Boys classic 'Good Vibrations'.  It was the only song identifiable in the play list thus far, this had to be the end.

What I see racing down the screen at the speed of light is a barrage of notes that surely even Caitlin would not be able to keep up with.  For the first time she actually seems engaged as she sits up a little to give the game her complete concentration.

“Now we're talking!”  She says as her fingers, somehow, someway, keep up with this crazed final flurry.

“Ohhh God!”  I groan under my breath as those notes start to be transmitted to my cock.  The vibes batter my dick with ruthless aggression.  “Ohhhh God!”

Nat looks over at her phone and her eyebrows raise.  “Oh!  Oh wow!”  Her eyes flit back to me.  I couldn't even acknowledge her as I was in a world all my own.  “Way to go Caitlin.  You can do it!”

“Oh my goodness!”  Melanie marvels at her daughter's gameplay.  Looking to me she says.  “Can you believe this?”  All I can do is shake my head.  “Look at her go!”

“Shh!”  Cait hisses, needing her focus to be uninterrupted right now.

Along to the frenetic sped up version of the cheesy classic song Cait taps along to the breakneck pace.  Even she is now missing a note or two along the way, though not enough for the game to kick her to the game over screen.  All of the different notes coming so fast and hard that it caused both bullets to vibrate at full power non-stop.  I press my legs together and turn toward the door as the constant powerful vibes worked their magic.

Halfway through the song I blast my second nut.  The relentless onslaught was simply too much.  My feet kick out to hit the bottom of Caitlin's seat and a gurgling croak burbles up from my chest as my pulsing cock shoots another fat load into the sticky remnants of the first.  “Gggrrrrmmm!”

“Fuck off!”  She barks at me for the inadvertent kick, her eyes laser focused on the task at hand.

“You want some more tea?”  Melanie offers helpfully.

I shake my head again, not looking at her as my unfocused eyes stare off into nothingness and her daughter milks my throbbing balls with ruthless efficiency.  I try to ride it as long as I possibly could, but eventually it must end.  This second climax is every bit as amazing as the first, though the aftermath brings double the agony.  I whimper as the vibes bring me into the deep waters of suffering.  I wasn't sure how much of this I could take.  But, knowing she was watching, I wanted to do my Mistress proud.

I praise God and Mistress in equal measure as, with one last dizzying toe-curling barrage of notes, the song comes to its conclusion at precisely the fifteen minute mark and a celebratory ditty rings out from the speaker.  The game was over!  Hallelujah!

“Ha ha!”  Caitlin cries out triumphantly.

“Hot damn!”  Nat cheers.  “Unbelievable.”

Melanie is leaning over toward me.  “I think he's really sick Natalie.  Something's wrong.”

Turning to look over at my mother-in-law with a goofy grin I sigh blissfully as I push her back.  “I'm fine.  Really.”

My wife covers her smile and I can just make out her saying through a titter.  “I bet you are.”

“Good job Caitlin.”  I say weakly.  “Good job.”

“Well.”  Caitlin pronounces.  “Not bad at the end there, game still sucks though.”

Not bad she said, not bad.  She hadn't a clue.  It was incredible!  I melt into my corner and close my eyes to rest.  Beneath my crumpled jacket and trousers my crotch was an absolute mess.  Jizz coated everything, all through my pubes and oozing down the sides of my balls.  There would be a nasty mess to clean up later but right now I could just...


My eyes flare open as I feel and hear the game start up once more from the beginning!

“Wh-wha-what are you doing!?”  I babble.  “You beat it!  You won!”

“Meh.”  She shrugs.  “Missed a few notes there at the end.  I think I can one hundred percent it.”

I look to my wife in horror.  My wide eyes begging her for pity.  She gives me a look of helplessness and shrugs her shoulders as if to say, what can I do?

“Besides.”  Caitlin adds.  “There's still an hour until we get home.”

“An hour!?”  I nearly swoon.  Melanie has the lip of the bottle at my mouth and this time I gladly take the refreshment.  If I was going to survive this trip home I needed all of the help I could get.

As Natalie and her mom chat the miles away Caitlin plays the game all the way to the outskirts of the city.  She makes me...no, she FORCES me...to cum one more time.  Bullying it from my numb member even though it couldn't even get fully hard anymore.  If the other two marked the heights of my orgasmic experiences the last one was the lowest depth.  Spurting what dregs I had left from my sore empty balls it was sheer torture.  Yet...some deviant subby part of me loved it nonetheless.  After that my cock was dead to the world.  The rest of the trip was just a exercise in erotic agony, pushing me to my very limits of endurance.

When, at long last, we are entering the city streets Caitlin finally shuts the game down and passes it back to her sister without even a thank you.  She had gotten the perfect run she was after, twice.  Free from my torment I just stay slumped against the corner, my dick tingling and tender like I'd never felt before.  I open my window to allow the cool night air to wash over my face and hold my hands over my aching package, a shell of the man I was when we started this trip.

We pull into the driveway of Nat's parent's house, where Caitlin still lived, and my wife brings the car to a stop.  Without a word Caitlin irately slaps a twenty dollar bill on the dash, unbuckles and steps out.  My wife calmly takes the cash and pockets it, looking rather pleased with herself.

Melanie leans across and gives me a peck to the cheek.  “I hope you're feeling better soon David.”  Then, with a caring motherly smile Melanie pats my hands which were still shielding my groin.  “I'd invite you guys in but I'm sure you want to get home to clean that mess up.”

After a confused moment I say incredulously.  “Mess?”  But she was already out of the car.  The door shuts behind her and she heads toward the house toting her huge purse over her shoulder.

My head snaps back to the passenger side to see the ghoulish Caitlin standing a few feet away.  With a cruel twisted grin she licks her teeth and winks at me.  “Was it good for you old man?”

“Was it...?”  I stammer.  “What!?”

“Ha!”  She scoffs and turns on her heel.  “Later loser.”  She extends her black nailed middle finger back my direction and struts off toward the house after her mother.  Just to add insult to injury she pulls her fully functional phone from her pocket and starts checking texts.

“Loser?”  I whisper as the picture slowly comes into focus.

“It's a term of endearment.”  Natalie says merrily as she puts the car into gear and pulls out and away.

I slump my head back against the headrest and look my wife in shock and disbelief.  “They knew!?”

“Of course.  Caitlin bought us that toy.”  She chuckles.  “Didn't I tell you?  She actually designed that app.  She's a very clever girl.  A bitch, but clever.”

“They knew!”  I gasp.  “You planned this!”

“It was Mom's idea actually.  These trips get terribly boring.”  She spoke as nonchalantly as she might talking about the weather.  “We're all dominants.  All of the women of the family.”

“Your Mom?  Melanie!?  No!”  I stare up at the roof of the car processing this unbelievable information as Natalie coasts through the quiet streets.  “The money?”

“A bet.”  She says.  “Caitlin thought she could get four out of you.  I knew you were only good for three.”  She glances back at me.  “You did cum three times, right?”

I nod.

She winks back with pride.  “I know my sub.”

After another long pause I gasp.  “Your Grandpa!”

“Don't worry.  He wasn't in on it.  Give me some credit.  I'm not THAT bad.”  She laughs.  “Though we may have encouraged him to enjoy his drink a bit more than usual tonight.”

I sit there, gobsmacked, looking at my wife in horror and amazement as she drives on without a care in the world.

As we turn onto our street and I watch our shared home get closer I reach out with a trembling rubbery arm to rest it on her shoulder and sigh breathlessly.  “I love you!”

With a wild wicked smile and a wonderfully evil glint in her eye she replies.  “I know.”

The End



Fun little story for sure! I always love reading your stuff, even if it's not exactly my taste. You did manage to kickstart one of my biggest kinks once, perhaps you'll do it again. That's one of the big reasons I keep coming back. Thanks for all your hard work!