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Hey y'all.

As you all know this Patreon is due to come down soon.  However, I am embarrassed to say, I am beginning to have second thoughts.  The other options for this sort of funding all have big pros but equally big cons.  This site is certainly the easiest in some ways.  Plus it's already here and set up.  I have sent Patreon emails to address a few of my concerns but thus far I've not received a response.  As mentioned, they don't do a lot to make me feel welcome here.  Long story short, I'm now not sure what's happening going forward.  The Patreon may end at the end of the month or I might start again and try to do it better.

If you no longer wish to support me please end your patronage before the end of this month.

Two things I've learned these past few months.  One, writing SFW fiction is WAY more difficult for me than NSFW fiction.  My dirty mind just skews to the erotic.  And two, trying to maintain a writer's discipline around work and my other commitments is a hell of a challenge when my dick isn't the one guiding me.  It is so much easier when I can just let my lewd inspiration flow freely in the limited time I have available to me.  For example, the current chapters on RotL over on Chyoa have been an absolute breeze to write.  And a joy as well.  Maybe I'll never be anything more than a hobbyist writer, who knows.

While I cannot say for sure what I am doing yet I felt it only fair to give you folks as much warning as possible.  I hope Patreon gets back to me soon as those clarifications will go a long way in helping this decision.  But I say again...

End your patronage before the end of the month if you no longer wish to support my writing.

I'll have another update next week with a definitive answer.

I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas/holiday season full of laughter, good food, fine drink, and loving company.

Thank you all, and sorry for being such a flake.




Hi! Did you try contacting them through creator support, or does this redirect you to the e-mail automatically? Continuing to post on Patreon while they aren't banning you is a solid solution for a lazy/indecisive person, props for problem solving


I used the email their support twitter people provided to me. I assume they would direct me to the appropriate department.