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Hello my wonderful Patrons.

Something a bit different for you guys today.  One of the many nsfw artists that I am a fan of is The Smutty Rogue.  I've kind of fallen in love with his OC's Nina and Isaac and I just had to do some fanfic of them.  I almost never do fanfic but this pair just spoke to me.  I wrote this story VERY quickly so it is probably pretty rough around the edges.  I may polish it and put it up on Literotica if I can find the time.  If you spot any errors feel free to let me know.

Just so that it is perfectly clear, this is my version of TSR's characters and how they met.  I used what details I knew of them from TSR and mixed in a lot of my own stuff as well.  I left this post open to the public so that the artist could read it if he wanted to.

Gentle femdom and pegging are the kinks that lie ahead.

I hope you guys enjoy it.  I should be back to our regularly scheduled programs tomorrow.


Isaac Meets Nina

“It's a beautiful day outside.”  A smooth and sultry woman's voice breaks through my daydream.  “Why don't we go for a walk?”

Certain it was something being said at one of the neighboring tables I initially pay it no mind.  Anxiously I turn the paper cup in front of me one rotation and watch as the green Starbucks girl disappears from sight to reappear on the other side.  I fiddle with lip of the plastic top and absently click it a few times under my thumbnail.  I was nervous.  Fifteen minutes from now I would be meeting...

There is a rustle at my side and a quiet laugh.  “Isaac?”

I startle back to the real world and look up and to my left.  “Huh?”

Standing just past arm's reach was an amused looking woman that exactly met the description of my blind date I was here to meet.  She stood roughly five and a half feet tall, shapely but not flabby, and with just a slightly darker complexion to mine.  I knew she was only a year older than me at 24 but in an instant I could sense an old soul energy about her.  Her expression and posture just exuded a calm well rooted patience.  This was a woman comfortable in her own skin and that easy confidence made her ten times sexier than even the hottest centerfold.

She had dark brown hair that flowed down to her shoulder blades which she wore simple and loose.  Two wavy strands of bangs framed her elegantly shaped slightly freckled face.  She had plump pouting lips with a tasteful shade of pink lipstick on them, it was the only sign of makeup I could see, and her eyes were a lovely shade of chestnut brown.  Her attire was casual, as had been agreed upon through our mutual friend.  She wore tight hip hugging blue jeans, red sandals, a white t shirt, and Gainsboro grey jacket which she wore open.  In her right hand was a folded pair of dark round style ray bans.

She was very pretty in that girl next door sort of way.

“You are Isaac?”  She prods me again.  “I'd be disappointed if you weren't.”

“Oh, uh, yes!  Yes, sorry.”  I straighten up in my chair and smile.  “And you must be Nina.  Sorry, I was just...um...  You're early.”

She smiles and nods at my introduction.  “Not as early as you.”  I watch as her eyes look me up and down to take my measure.  “I like your eyes.  You are very handsome.”

“Uhhhh.”  I could feel the warm blush rising in my cheeks, which caused further embarrassment which in turn brought made me blush more.  I was a fair skinned man and I knew that my cheeks would be glowing a bright pink at this point.  “Uh, thank you.”  I didn't know what else to say.

She chuckles under her breath as her face brightens.  “You are adorable.”

“And, uh, you look very...beautiful.”  I stammer awkwardly.  Her early arrival had thrown me completely off my game.

“Well thank you Isaac.”  She turns to look out the windows.  “So, how about it?”


“The walk.”

“Oh!  Right, yes, cool.”  I cringe at the clumsy first impression I was making.

“It's normal to be nervous.”  Nina's voice is as soothing as the sound of gentle surf.  “Don't worry, I won't bite...yet.”  She shoots me a playful wink then offers me her hand.  “Come on.”


Grabbing my cup of Chai Latte in my one hand I take hers with the other and stand up.  She gives me another once over and seems to like what she sees.  Her hand was warm and soft in mine. She give me a very subtle approving nod, lets go of my hand, then flicks open her sunglasses and puts them on.  Without another word she turns and heads for the door.

Amari, my best mate and friend with benefits who had set this meeting up, was right about what he'd said about Nina.  She might technically be a switch, but everything about her just oozed dominant.  My submissive little skipped a beat as I hurried to follow.

Before long we are very casually strolling down the sidewalk and making the normal type of small talk strangers would have on first meeting.  I was soon to learn that while she was a stranger to me I was an open book for her.

After yet another comment from me about how great the weather had been lately Nina, as easy as anything, hits me right where it hurts.  “I understand that your previous Domme was a bitch, and not in the good way.”

I stumble a step but quickly find the pace again.  “Um.  How do you...?”

She gives me a warm kindly grin.  “Amari told me all about you.  You were all we talked about at the last munch and we've been texting ever since.  He thought I would be good for you.”

“Oh.  Wow.  He never told me that.”

“If you don't want to talk about it that's okay.”

“I...I don't want to talk about...her.”  The wounds Elizabeth had done to my psyche were still as fresh and raw as the day I left her five months ago.

She nods.  “Understood.  I apologize.”  We are quiet a few steps more before she says.  “Amari showed me your art.  You are very good.  The nude you did, the one in the library gallery last month, was incredible.  I thought you really brought out the model's vulnerability.  She wasn't used to modeling, was she?”

I stare at Nina in disbelief.  “You know my work!?”

She giggles.  “Amari gave me your website address.  Seeing it on the screen isn't nearly as nice the real thing, but it's easy to see that you've got talent.”

I stop and stand up tall.  Through a smirk I protest.  “I'm at a disadvantage here.  This isn't fair.  What else do you know about me?”

“Oh, pretty much everything.”  She brags with humor in that sultry voice of hers.  She points at my cup.  “Chai Latte.”

“You could smell it.”

“Could I?”  Her brown eyes twinkle with mischief.  “Or did I just KNOW?  Oooooo!”  She makes motions with her hands as if she were some sort of 19th century mentalist reading my mind.  I could already tell she was a playful sort.

“I know almost nothing about you.”  I grumble.

“I am a woman of mystery.”  She then laughs and leans into my shoulder.  “I need to know about you if we're going to play.  It's a lot work being the dominant.”  She reaches up and rustles my short brown hair.  “I hope we get to play Isaac.  I think we'll be a good match.”

I chuckle along with her and look left and right a bit nervously.  She spoke so openly about our lifestyle.  I was not used to this as Elizabeth was adamant about keeping it a secret.  Another difference was Nina touching me felt very natural and flirtatious.  Liz hated public displays of affection.

“You've have such a nice laugh.”  She takes my arm and pulls.  “Come on.”

She likes my laugh?  She liked my eyes?  She thought I was handsome?  I wasn't used to these little compliments being peppered into a conversation so naturally.  I wasn't sure how to respond without sounding corny.  I thank the fates that I wasn't the dominant here.  There was a safety in being the submissive that I valued greatly, I could be coy and shy if I found myself tongue tied and not come across as rude or distant.

We continue to walk.  I knew the neighborhood well and I could tell she was leading me towards a local park.  The traffic, the pedestrians, the little boutique shops, all disappear as I  become more and more focused on the effortless charm of Nina.

At one point she stops and turns to face the display window of a business we were passing by.  I turn to see it is a small lingerie shop.  Why did she stop here?  My breath catches a moment...Amari didn't tell her...did he!?

She waits until the other pedestrians are out of earshot to say.  “You would look nice in the pink one.”

Son of a bitch, he did tell her!

“Uhhh...”  I feel my cheeks warm once more.

“Pink with blue eyes always go well together.”  She looks up impishly.  “And pink would match that delightful blush you have on right now.”

“Amari told you too much.”  I cringe.  In my mind I could  feel the sharp sting of Elizabeth's crop and even sharper words.  Pansy.  Sissy.  Faggot.  I feel the old shameful feelings swirl to life in my gut.

Nina shrugs.  “I think it's super hot.  A man not secure enough to wear lingerie has no place in my bedroom.”  She then leans in.  “You know why Amari matched us up, right?  You don't have to be embarrassed.”

I hesitantly nod.  We both had a similar kinks.  Pegging being the primary one but he did mention to me that there was more than that, though he hadn't gone into detail.

She squeezes my arm gently.  “Well I think you'd look lovely in it.”  She takes off her sunglasses and pockets them.  Staring up into my eyes she ask quietly.  “Are you ready for this?  We can try again later if you're...”

I shake my head vehemently.  I'd been on the sidelines too long already.  It had taken a lot for me to agree to this meeting and I didn't want to have to go through that again.  Most of all...I really liked Nina.  “No, I'm fine. Sorry.”

She smiles and strokes my arm.  “Don't be.  I've been there.”

Looking at the mannequin wearing the lacy pink bra, panties, garter belt, and thigh high stockings I force myself to confess.  “I...I have a similar...set already.”

Nina's chestnut eyes widen with excitement and desire.  “Oh my!  I hope I get to see it someday.”

Well...that felt nice!

Looping her arm through mine she hugs it then leads me on toward the park.  We continue to chat and I continue to fall under her spell.  I'd known her for less than half an hour and already our dynamic was fitting together like a nut and bolt.  She was in control.  Directing our movements as well as our conversation where she wanted.  Yet everything was about me.  She dug into my preferences and hard boundaries.  My likes and dislikes.  My sense of humor.  Everything.  We talked a bit about sex, plainly and openly, but mostly it was just about her getting to know me as a person.  I felt guilty and selfish about being the primary subject of our conversation but Nina always gracefully guided the discussion right back to me every time I bashfully attempted to deflect it.  She genuinely wanted to know about me.

Again the contrast with the self absorbed Elizabeth was night and day.  With Liz everything was about her...all day, everyday.  I was her slave and my needs had been treated as an afterthought at best.

Amari had told me once that a good D/s relationship revolved around the sub.  He said the dominant had control but the sub had the power.  Until this moment I never truly understood what he was talking about.  Her attentiveness had a strange magic about it.  The more she learned about me and how to make me happy, the more I desired to fulfill her needs.

An hour later and we are sitting and laughing on a park bench in the shade of a massive sprawling oak tree.  The soft sun dappled light played over Nina's sexy body as the breeze swayed the boughs of our canopy.  Around us children played, families picnicked, and a group of guys around our age played football but we were in a world all our own.

I learned that of all of Nina's stellar qualities the one that got to me the most was her gaze.  She would stare into my eyes with such honesty and confidence that it made me feel treasured and special.  It was as if she could look directly into my soul and saw something precious inside.  Many times I had to avert my eyes as the feeling became too intense for me to bear.

Placing her hand over mine our fingers play and dance together.

“I really like you Isaac.”

I glance up at her.  “I like you too Nina.”

There is silence between us for a moment as the breeze sighs through leaves of the old oak.  “I don't normally...”  She whispers.  “...um, Isaac.  Would you like to spend the evening with me?”

My head is nodding before I'd even thought about my answer.

She smiles.  “I've...been with Amari before.  Will that be an issue?”

I shake my head.  I didn't know much about Nina but I did already know that.  “I've been with him too.”


“He's big.”

“He certainly is!”  She laughs.

“I'm not.”

She shakes her head while still laughing and surprises me with a kiss to the cheek.  “I don't care.”

“Should I call you Mistress?”  I swallow hard.

She sighs.  “No.  Just call me Nina.  And relax, okay?”


“Forget about all that Mistress stuff.  I'll teach you how I like to be treated and what I want from you.  Just be open to it.”

“Okay Nina.”

“And have fun.”

“Okay Nina.”


“Yes Nina.”

“Look at me please.”

I turn my head to see that incredible gaze of hers staring into my eyes.  My breath catches at the intimate intensity but I force myself to stay steady.

“Make me a promise.”

I nod, utterly enraptured by her rich brown eyes.

She gently places her hand over my heart.  “Keep this safe.  If I go to far you tell me.  Promise me you'll protect yourself.  Promise me you will communicate.  I don't want to hurt you.”

I feel a fat tear roll down my cheek.  I tear my eyes away and angrily wipe it away.  My head drops in embarrassment.  With both her soft hands she takes my face by just under the jaw and turns me back to face her.  I see nothing but kindness and understanding staring back at me.  No judgment, no mocking sneer, no disappointment.  Only genuine human warmth.

“Promise me?”

I let out a shuddering breath.  “I promise.”  I whisper hoarsely.  “Sorry...”

She strokes my cheek.  “Don't apologize.  It's okay.”

“Why...me?  Why do you want an emotional wreck like me?”

A look of deep tenderness comes over the beautiful Nina.  “Because you're exactly what I need right now.”  I then see her eyes perk up with humor.  “Besides...you're fucking HOT!”

The tension broken we both start to laugh.  She pulls me in for a long hard hug.


After the park Nina takes me for dinner to a little place tucked away on a quiet side street.  The owner had a thick Portuguese accent but made the most delicious smelling French food.  Knowing that our evening might end in sexy fun I stick to a chicken consomme and water.  I was no newcomer to bottoming.  In the slim hopes of some action tonight my usual routine had begun two days before.

As I order I see a knowing look in Nina's eyes and a little smile play at the corners of her lips  She orders the country salad along with a 6 oz glass of Chablis.

Over dinner I don't let her off as easy as I did in the park.

“Okay.  Come on.  You know more about me than my own mother.  Fair's fair, what about you?”

“Moi?”  She peeps innocently, as if surprised by the question.

I laugh.  “Yes you!  What do you do?  What do you like?”

Her eyes sparkle with life.  “I'm a student as well.  I'll be graduating this year in Microbiology.”

“Microbiology?  Wow.”

She shrugs.  “It's not glamorous but it is super interesting.  Musical theater was my first love.”  She taps her throat.  “Just didn't have the pipes for it.”  I understood why.  Nina's smoky sultry deeper voice would probably be a hit as jazz singer, stage musicals however...not a good fit.

As we continue to chat I learn more and more about Nina.  Family was very important to her, though hearing her talk about them they were also plainly an exasperating thorn in her side.  As an only child raised by a single mother I was always fascinated to hear about the drama and chaos of larger families.  

I find out that her sex life, like mine, had been in a bit of a doldrums these past few months.  Her previous regular partner, Jeffrey, had moved overseas and left a big whole in her life.  She admitted that she while she would indulge in a casual fling here and there she much preferred the cozy intimacy of a very particular type of male partner.  A type that I just happened to be.

It wasn't strict monogamy she was after though.  Each of us was bisexual.  Each of us enjoyed threesomes.  Each of us still wanted to experiment and explore our sexuality.  Each of us wanted the freedom to have other partners from time to time.  We were the top and bottom of the exact same coin.  It was match made in heaven!  Amari had performed a miracle of match making.

The back and forth two-sided conversation was a breath of fresh air.  With Elizabeth I was always asking permission, trying to guess what she wanted, and bending to her will.  She took advantage of my submissive nature and while that could be hot sometimes in the long run it only served to tear me down and rip me up.  It was still very early, but with Nina I could already tell that communication and mutual respect was going to be a two way street.

I learn that she knew at a young age that “the lifestyle” was for her.  She had experimented with some of the harder fringes of BDSM but had quickly settled into gentle femdom as her preferred style.  She would play switch sometimes for fun, but her general taste was to be the one in charge.

Once more I am surprised at how openly she spoke of it here in public.  She wasn't being ostentatious and loudly proclaiming her alternative lifestyle to anyone in earshot, it was simply that she wasn't ashamed of it.  It was a topic she was happy to talk about.

I already knew from Amari that Nine and I had tastes that closely aligned.  But hearing the words “bondage”, “pegging”,  “shibari”, and such things straight from her mouth was...incredibly arousing!  I couldn't wait to be at her mercy!

Seeming to read my mind she leans across the table.   “Want to get out of here?”

“Hell yes!”  I croak through a dry throat, before swallowing and saying again.  “Yes!”

She giggles at my eagerness and I could see she was feeling the same way.  We pay for our meal, she said she wasn't comfortable having me pay for her dinner yet.  That little word “yet” sent my heart soaring.  It hinted at a potentially bright future to come.


Thankfully Nina lived close by.  The walk to her place through the warm London evening was quiet and crackling with sexual tension.  We give each other flirtatious little glances but the time for chit chat was over.  We get to her building and ride the elevator up to her floor.  

The moment we are through the door to her flat, and the door is closed and locked behind us, she turns to me and grabs my wrists.  Slowly but firmly she pins my arms back against the wall and presses her body into mine.

I let out hard breath of arousal.  Obviously I was much stronger than her but I wouldn't dream of actually resisting.  I weakly push back against her, making a feeble attempt to free myself, but she shoves them back against the wall with force.

“Ohh!”  I gasp softly.

“I'd like to tie you up.”


“I'd like to fuck your ass Isaac.”

“Ohhhh!”  I moan as I struggle weakly just to feel her control me.

She grins and writhes her soft body against mine.  “Are you getting hard already?”



Holding my left wrist in her right hand she leads me directly into the dark bedroom.  I am brought to stand beside the bed and I hear the click of the soft bedside lamp as it is turned on.

The room is like a dream come true.  Gone were the whips and chains and clamps I was accustomed to from Liz's dungeon.  Natural wood and fiber took the place of cruel leather and cold steel.  Rich reds, off whites, and subtle earthy hues took the place of black and grey.   The room was Nina's play area as much as the dungeon had been Elizabeth's, but this was room designed to be lived in as well.

Tasteful art of a naked couple in flagrante delicto dominated the wall in front of me.  The window was covered by a thick rich wine red curtain.  Her queen sized bed had a solid oak frame with a simple crossbeam for a headboard and stout posts at each corner.  Coiled ropes of cotton and hemp, in a variety of colors, hung on a horizontal row of hangers to my right.  Candles were placed here and there in clumps of three on the two dressers that were along the walls.

What grabs my attention most however is the three foot high wooden chest placed near the window.  Sitting upon it was Nina's obviously hand made strap on harness and three different sized dildos stood up in a line next to it.

As I stand there staring she unfastens the top button of my collared shirt.  “I hope that doesn't come across as too presumptuous.”  She unbuttons the next one down.  “Let's just say I had high hopes for this evening.”  The next one in opened, and then the next one.

“Nice room.”  I say.

She pulls my shirt out from my belted trousers and finishes unfastening the buttons.  Taking a step back she runs her fingertips down the bare torso which peeked out of my now open shirt.  “Thank you.”

Peeling off her jacket she tosses it onto a solid looking armchair which sat in the corner beside a full length mirror. The shape of her body is revealed to me under the snug fitting white t shirt.  Nina had bit of meat to her bones and she wore it wonderfully well.  She wasn't model perfect.  There were womanly little bulges and dips and curves right where they ought to be.

I wanted badly to go to her but I was aware enough to read the energy happening between us.  I was the submissive here.  I wouldn't act until it was requested.  God how I loved this.  I stand there still except for my head turning to watch her, nearly bursting with libidinous desire, as Nina calmly begins to walk around the room and light the candles with a long barbecue lighter.  I hear the light clack as the lighter is set down and smell the strange and intoxicating aroma of what I can only describe as subtle pipe tobacco mixed with patchouli fills the room.

Nina slips in behind me and slides her hands up under my shirt to rub up my sides and around to the front.  Her hips press hard into my rear as her hands grasp my pecs.

“I love your body.  Mmmmm.”  She purrs and I feel a nibble through the fabric of my shirt on my upper back.  “You smell good.”

Our long walk had caused a thin layer of sweat to rise over my body, giving my natural musk time to blend with my cologne.  Staying pressed against me Nina maneuvers around my right side to end up in front of me.  I see the fires in her eyes.

She runs her well trimmed nails now my stomach.  Moving my shirt to the side she leans in and take my left nipple into her warm wet mouth.  Her slick tongue swirls around my areola then flicks at the swelling bud of the nipple.

“Ohhhh.”  I sigh.

I got to embrace her but, guessing the gesture was coming, grabs me by the wrists once more and pins them to my sides.  “Mmmm.” She hums as she tenderly sucks and suckles me.

There is no hurrying with Nina.  She takes her time.  Quiet wet smacking sounds are the only noise in the room as she kisses and mouths my one nipple and then the other.  Her tongue stabs and massages the tender area all while she holds me still.  Using just her lips she nibbles before I feel the sudden pinch of her teeth.

“Ah!”  I stiffen up.

The sharpness lasts but a second as the lips and tongue take over once more.  I look down at her and that deep diving brown eyed gaze stares right back up at me, drinking in the pleasure she was bringing out in me.

She continues this as she pushes my arms back around to behind my back.  Wrists crossed over on my butt she holds them there with her left hand as she brings her right back to the front again.  I don't see it but I definitely feel it as my fly is slowly lowered and a hand reaches in to grasp my rock hard manhood through my briefs.

“Ohhh Nina!”

I can see by her eyes that she was smiling.  She very slowly begins to stroke my cock through the fabric  as her mouth continues to work wonders on my tender nips.  I pull my arms but she holds them in place behind me, which causes my dick to surge to its full hardness.

I only get a taste of this however as she all at once backs away from me.

“Uhhnnn.”   I whine.

“Undress for me Isaac.”  She says with a lick of her lower lip.  “Make it sexy.”  Taking two more backward steps she settles down into the chair.  Crossing her legs she sits and watches.

I give her the best show I can.  I was a pretty fair dancer but I'd never done a strip tease before.  Moving to a music all my own I undulate and gyrate and strip for Nina.  I start with the cuffs of my shirt.  With a sudden flick of my shoulders I hold my arms straight and let the shirt slip from my body.  Nina's eyes flare and smiles with lust.  Her approval and desire spur me on.  Swaying my hips side to side I unbuckle my belt and undo my trouser button.  Holding them up a few more moments to build anticipation I then suddenly stop and let these two slip to the ground.

Stepping out of them I glide closer to my Domme for the night.

“You're so beautiful.”  She whispers to me.

I run my hands up my body and up over my head.  I twist my torso provocatively then spin around to face away from her.  Socks are discarded and before long I am down to just my underwear.  Waving my ass back and forth I peek back over my shoulder to see Nina's smoldering gaze taking in my body.

Settling her weight down further in the chair she spreads her legs.  “I want a lap dance Isaac.”

“Your wish is my command.”  I sigh.

Backing up toward I take up the space between her feet.  I thrust my tush and waggle it in front of her only to be surprised by a big hard bite to the derriere!

“Ah!”  I jump.

She chuckles.  “Quit being a cock tease.  I want that lap dance.”

“Yes Nina!”

Keeping most of my weight on my feet I settle my butt down onto her pelvis.  Out of the corner of my eyes I see her hands grip the wooden arms of the chair.  I could tell she wanted to touch me but for the time being she was holding back.  I grind into her, hard enough to feel the denim seams of her jeans, and thrust my ass forward and back.

“God you have such a nice ass Isaac.”

I grind harder, practically riding her.

Unable to hold back any longer I feel her fingers claw down my bare back and hook into the band of my briefs.

“Stand up.”  She commands me and I am only too eager to comply.

With her fingers still holding my underwear my standing causes them to come half way down my thighs exposing my ass and making my cock spring proudly into the open air.  My ass cheeks are suddenly grabbed hard.

“Bend over.”  I do so.  Closing my eyes I tremble at her touch.  “You have such a pretty hole.”


The next thing I knew I feel her cheeks pressing into my crack and her prodding tongue tapping and tickling at my back door.

“Ohhh Jesus!”  I grip my calves tight she tongues my anus.  “Oooh Nina!”

“Mmmmm.  Mmmmmm!”  She hums as she eats me out with increasing desire.  To say that it felt good would be the understatement of the century!  She laps and licks and kisses my ass as if were a pair of lips.  “Mmmmmm!”

There is a lusty growl and her right hand lets go and she backs away a few inches.  I hear a wet sucking sound as she lubes a finger then I feel the digit press against my sphincter.

She is slow.  She is patient.  She waits for me to naturally open up to her...then she slides her finger into my ass.  It always felt SO much better when someone else did it.

“Ohhhhh fuck!”  I groan.

“You're so tight Isaac.  Shaved, clean, you look after yourself well.  So good.”

“Nina.  Ohh, that's nice.”

A second finger joins the first and my anus clenches tight around them.  This wasn't Nina's first rodeo either and with careful twist of her wrist and bend of her fingers she very adeptly finds my prostate and starts to rub with a good firm petting motion.

“Nina!  Oh my god!”  My legs shakes and my voice quivers as electric sensations shoot through me.  “Ohhhhh!”

“Something wrong?”  She teases.


As her right hand gradually begins to push in and out of my ass her left reaches down to play with my balls.  It took everything I had not to melt into a quivering little puddle at her feet.

“Do you want me to fuck you Isaac?”

“Yes!  God yes!”

She give my buttock a big wet kiss and a lick.  “All you have to do is ask.”

“Fuck me Nina!  Ohhhh!  Please, please fuck me.”  I moan.

I am both glad and disappointed as the fingers slip from my asshole.  Smack!  I startle as she spanks me with her open hand.

“Get on the bed.”  She says firmly.

I pull my underwear off and stride directly to the bed.  Moving with fluid sexy feline like sensuality I crawl up onto it.  “From behind?”  I ask.

“No.  I want to see those beautiful eyes of yours Isaac.”

“Okay.”  I turn and stretch out over the soft duvet.  I turn over onto my back and arch my back to display my body to its full effect.  “I like your eyes too.”

She purrs approvingly.

“I think you're very pretty!”  Stupid words, they couldn't come close to expressing what I really wanted to say to her.

“Such a sweet thing.”  She croons.  “I bet you say that to all the Dommes.”

“I don't!”  I assure her.  “I think you're really so pretty!”

She chuckles softly.  “I was teasing.  Thank you Isaac.  Now shush.”

“Yes Nina.”

Nina, now standing, likes what she sees and smiles.  She peels off her t shirt and then reaches behind her back to unclasp her bra.  Her heavy C cup breasts settle into their natural position.  Like the rest of her soft fleshy torso her breasts weren't what you would call picture perfect...which made them even better!  It was her imperfections that took her sexy body and made it something truly special.  There is a spattering of freckles across her chest, like the ones across her nose and cheeks, and there a couple dark moles here and there.

She grips her tits once but hurries along to unfasten her jeans.  She was as eager to get started as I was.  There is none of the showmanship of my strip show, she simply undresses.  Wide hips, dark barely trimmed bush, a bit of a belly, nipples dark and slightly oval, everything soft and round and wonderful...she was the very epitome of womanhood in my smitten eyes.

She walks around the corner of the bed to where the toys waited.  Without a word she looks me in the eyes and hold her hand over the first dildo.  It was an all around average size, not far off from my own manhood.  Six inches, maybe a bit more, and of comparable width.  I shake my head.  Skipping the middle one she then holds her hand over the big one.  It was a beast, at least as big as our well hung friend Amari.  I knew I could handle it but maybe a bit much for tonight, I was impatient and didn't want to have to take time to adapt to that monster.  I shake my head.

She gives me a playful smirk and picks up the middle option.  It looked to be a good 7.5 inches with a nice satisfying girth.  She attaches it to the harness and I am happy to see it fit good and snug.  This was quality craftsmanship.  She slips the harness on and tightens everything up.  It fit her perfectly.

Looking at me laid out before her she strokes her cock as a man might.  “Mmmm.”  She then walks, her silicone tan colored phallus bobbing in front of her, to the row of hanging ropes.  She chooses the shortest of them.  A simple white cotton rope which I knew would feel really nice on my skin, assuming she knew her knots.

Next she goes to her night stand and pulls out a tube of lube.  She tosses it onto the bed beside me.  She crawls up beside me and runs her hand up and down my body, purposely stroking over my cock and balls in the process.  She crawls over me, straddles me, then sits down on my chest.  Her cock rests just below my chin and I don't waste any time.  Craning my neck forward and start to suck her thick dick.

She runs a hand through my hair.  “Mmm, you look so fucking sexy with a cock in your mouth.”

“Mmmmmm!”  I moan as I strain to suck her deeper and harder.  Given the angle though I can only get the first few inches in.  I feel her warm wet pussy pushing out around the harness and against my chest.

She takes my right arm and places it on the pillow just above my head.  She takes my left and brings it up as well, crossing the wrists so that she could tie them together easily.  As I continue giving her silicone cock the best blowjob I could she secures my wrists together and then ties them to the crossbeam that was her headboard.  As I suspected, she knew her knots.  The soft cotton fiber felt fantastic against my skin.

My wild sexual desire hits new heights as I could now truly pull and struggle against my bonds with all of my strength.  “MMMMM!  MMRRMMM!”  I groan as the headboard creaks but easily holds.  I was now truly at her mercy.  She pulls back and her cock slips from my reaching lips.  “Ahhh!”  My tongue extends to try to reach it.

“So eager to please.”  She traces a finger around my lips.  “Amari says you can cum just from anal, is that true?”

“Yes.”  I sigh.  “Sometimes.”

“Could you do that for me?  I'd very much like to see that.”

I nod eagerly. “I'll try Nina.”

She nibbles her plump bottom lip.  “I can't wait any longer.”

I flex my muscles and strain against my bonds with overflowing anticipation.  The feeling of helplessness is as powerful as ever.  To cum hands free I needed to be really, REALLY aroused...that wasn't going to be a problem tonight!

She crawls back, lowering her body so that her supple hanging breast brushed softly over my chest and stomach.  She kisses my skin all along the way.  A small wet patch had been left from where she'd been sitting.  She titters as she comes across a second pooled wet spot from where I was already leaking precum.

“Excited Isaac?”

I nod then let out a huge groan as she wraps her lips around the midpoint of my cock and slowwwwly sucks her way to the top.


My dick slips from her lips and thuds down like a hammer on and anvil.

“You've got a gorgeous cock baby.”

She grins and gives it a loving little kiss before backing away, that was the only direct loving my cock was going to get.  She sucks my balls for a bit.  My body moves on its own.  My legs spread wide and my pelvis angles to expose myself to her.

Reaching around my bent knee she takes the lubricant that sat beside me and pulls it down to where she was.  She gets up to an erect kneeling position and pours a healthy amount of the clear viscous fluid onto her fingers.  First she slathers her cock in it, stroking it up and down until it gleamed.  She applies another dollop and all at once presses it into my ass.  Again two fingers slide into me.  Stroking her phallus in one hand she fingers me with the other and watches me squirm with delight.

“Ohhh...ohhhh...ohhhh...”  I moan uncontrollably.

“Oh damn you are responsive.”  She positions herself closer.  “You ready baby?”

I nod vigorously.  “Fuck me!”  I hiss.

“Spread wider.”  I do so, bringing my knees up and to my sides as much as I was capable of.  I feel her tip touch my entrance.  “Say please.”


In one smooth graceful motion she fills my ass and slowly slides the entire length of her strap on cock inside of me.  Once she was all the way in she pauses and wait for me to become accustomed to the sensation.

“Ohhhhh...ohhhhh...ohhhhhhh...”  God...she felt so good!  I let her know.  “Ohh N-Nina!  You feel so good!  You feel soooo goooood!”

She smiles at my praise.  “You're blushing again.”


“You are so cute when you blush.”


Slowly, carefully, tenderly she starts to move inside of me.  It was as if she could feel what I was feeling.  When I needed to her pause, she would pause.  When I wanted her to move, she would move.  She was playing my body like virtuoso on their best instrument.  And that was just the beginning of her incredible magic.

Every time I was able to collect myself enough to look up at her that soulful gaze was waiting for me.  Every time she spoke it was with encouragement and flattery.

“You're doing so good Isaac.  You look so sexy Isaac.”  She would say.  “Mmm, you are so beautiful!”

Bringing my left leg up she wraps and arm around it for leverage, her other hand holds onto my hip.  I was at last ready to be fucked.  She starts to thrust in even steady strokes, letting me feel four or five inches slide in and out on every stroke.  This incredible woman knew how to use a cock!

I am leaking precum all over my belly like never before as she keeps up a regular rhythm.  Being with men is enjoyable, but there is nothing quite like a woman's breasts bounce and jiggle as she pounded into my ass.  This, right here, right now, was literally my favorite thing in the whole world.

I am completely out of my mind with pleasure.  All I could do is lie there and let out unintelligible moans of pure bliss.  “Uhhhh!  Uhhhhh!  Uhhhhh!”

Just when I needed her to she picks up the pace.  The smooth rhythmic undulations transforming into a hard slapping thrusting motion as she rammed her cock into me harder and faster.

Slap!  Slap!  Slap!  Her hips clapped into my ass with a hard driving beat.

“Harder!”  I cry out between my animal moans.  “Harder!”

Planting her hands down at my sides she bring her body weight to bear and really gives it to me.  The slick sounds of the lubed shaft plunging my depths fills the room.

Slap!  Slap!  Slap!  Slap!

“Ugh!  Fuck!  Nina!  Oh fuck!  Ohhhh!  OOHHH!”

“Your moans are music to me.”  She whispers.  The tips of her long hair tickled my cheeks and shoulders as she fucked me and stared down into my eyes.  “Are you to come for me baby?”

“Yeahhhh...” I groan.  I wasn't going to be long now.

Slap!  Slap!  Slap!  Slap!

Each satisfying ass filling thrust rubbing along my P-spot, the texture of the dildo stimulating my stretched anus as it slid in and out.  Nina is out of breath, her hot breath washing down over my face as she keeps up the hard pace.  I could smell the sweat of her exertions mixing with scented candles and the lube.

“Cum for me my pet.”  She grunts through her huffing breath. “Cum for me you beautiful man.”

The adoring words take me over the top.

“Uhhhhh...oohhhhhh....ohhhhhhh!”  My body shakes and my eyes roll up into my head as I cry out my lover's name.  “NINAAAAAAAA!!!”

The climax hits me like bolt of lightning.  My ass clenches and a deep rapturous throbbing pulses out from my prostate and flows into my balls.  I feel hot ropes of creamy jizz blast up onto my chest and stomach as I am enveloped in that heavenly pleasure of a hands free orgasm.

Nina keeps up the pace through my high so as not to spoil it.  The whole time she talking to me.  “Ohhh God!  You're cumming Isaac!  Yes baby!  Cum for me!  Yes, yes, yes!”

“NINAAAAAA!”  I wail.

My climax last both an instant and an eternity of luminous bliss.  As I come down the other side Nina gradually slows and slows and slows...until I set down and she stops without pulling out.

I open my hazy eyes and stare up at her.  She leans in and kisses me on the lips, I can feel my oozing seed squish between our sweaty naked bodies.  “Wow.”  She whispers.

“Wowwww.”  I whine weakly, physically and spiritually spent from my powerful orgasm.  “Ohhhhh.”

She kisses me again and lets her body rest on top of mine.  I relished the feel of her weight on top of me, especially now in my warm fuzzy afterglow.  I appreciated the fact she stayed inside of me during this special time and that her soft belly kept my cock feeling snug between us.

I gaze into her rich brown eyes and she gazes right back.  We stay like this a long time.  Quietly staring into each others soul punctuated by bouts of deep tender kisses.  I loved her taste, I loved her smell, I loved her body,  I loved...  I shutter at the thought.  I'd just met this woman.  All we had done was talk and eat and have sex.  Was love at first sight a real thing?  Was I too caught up in the moment?  It felt real...and yet...it couldn't be.  Hadn't I learned my lesson with Elizabeth!?  I promised Nina that I would protect my heart and here I was thinking foolish thoughts.  This was madness.

Or was it?  Nina wasn't Elizabeth, not by a long shot.  I already trusted Nina far more than I ever had Liz.  And it was far deeper than just trust.  Being with her...something just felt...right.  For the first time in my adult life it felt like I was exactly where I needed to be.

I was finally the first to speak.  “Don't untie me.  Don't let me free yet.”

She smiles and pats my chest.  “I think I'll keep you here for awhile sweetie.”

“Nina...”  I falter.  “...Nina...don't untie me.  Ever.”

She giggles and nuzzles her nose against mine.  “I can't very well keep you here forever.  I'm not in the habit of kidnapping sexy men, tempting as that might be.”


She gently strokes my face and a knowing look of understanding comes over her pretty features.  “You can say it if you want Isaac.”


“Don't be scared.  I knew you would be mine the moment I saw you daydreaming back in the cafe.”  I could see my smiling face reflected, drifting in the darks of her eyes.  I feel a connection as pure and as powerful as the rising sun.  She encourages me with a quiet cooing voice.  “You can say it.”

“I love you Nina.”  I gasp.

Another deep loving passionate kiss later.  “I love you too Isaac.”



Damn that was good. If only dreams came true huh?