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You startle in your seat at her suddenly raised voice.  “Yes Ma'am!”  You snap up from your sitting down, clumsily hitting the desk portion on the way up.  It scrapes to the side loudly in the quiet room and you grimace and rub your sore hip where you hit it.  You stumble forward gracelessly.

Joshua laughs at you, a look of superiority to him as he does so.  He was loving this opportunity to make fun of the newcomer. “Ha ha ha!  What a clumsy little fool!  He can't even follow orders well.  Ha ha ha!  What an idiot!”

Josh's laugh comes to an abrupt halt as he sees Ms Davenport's seething eyes glaring at him.  “How dare you boy!  Today is Diwata's day.  You and Christopher are equals today, you cannot speak to him like that!”

Josh stammers.  “B-b-but...  I-I-I'm sorry Ms Davenport!  I'm sorry Chris!  I forgot!”

“The next time you see Diwata in the outside world you will beg for her forgiveness.  You're done today.  Get out.”  She waves him away as one would a pesky fly.

“No!  Wait!”  He reaches up, but then quickly cowers as the teacher fixes him with a withering gaze.  He bows his head low and says in a soft voice.  “Yes Ma'am.  I'm sorry Ma'am.”  Her word was not to be questioned.

“Just get out.  I'll speak with you later.”  She tells him.

He slowly gets up and goes to get his backpack.  As he picks it up he gives you a long angry stare, as if it was your fault he had to leave.  As he goes to the door Kayla gets up to open the door for him, he pauses briefly before quickly stepping through.  Kayla closes the door right behind him before any prying eyes might peer in and locks the door once more.  She comes back to retake her seat.

Ms Davenport looks at you with a serious expression.  “Today is Diwata's day.”  She explains to you.  “Please direct your comments to her.  You will be respectful of Kayla and myself today.  Do you understand?”  Obviously a rule of theirs.

You nod hesitantly.  “Yes...Ma'am...”

She settles into leaning back in her chair once more.  You notice she hadn't moved out from under her desk or gotten up once so far.  “Very good, now where were we?”

There is silence.  She was looking at you, waiting.  What you had assumed was rhetorical you quickly realize she had actually asked to you.

“Uh, sorry, I uh...something about a...”  You swallow.  “...a whore.”

You are suddenly once more very conscious of Diwata's naked body beside you.  You keep a respectful distance.

“That's right.  Who is a whore Christopher?”

You squirm and shift from foot to foot, looking downward.  

Ms Davenport sighs.  “You are new so I'll give you some slack.  Please look at Diwata Christopher, it is her day.  She may be plain and she may be a whore, but she deserves her day.”  You look back up at your classmate.  Your breathing was picking up, you'd never been this close to a naked woman before.  The teacher goes on.  “Maybe you think she's a slut?  You can fuck sluts too.  Sluts, whores, skanks, etc.  You said you wanted to fuck her.  Go ahead, tell her Christopher.  Is she a whore or a slut or what?”

You look at Diwata, you didn't know what to do.  She looks up into your eyes, you could tell she wanted to help you.  She silently mouths the word “slut” to you.  Only you could see it as she was facing you, her back to the others.

You look over to your teacher.  “This is too much.  I'm sorry.  I'm not ready for this.”  You bitch out.

Ms Davenport looks at you for a time.  “You may leave any time you wish.  No one is making you stay.”

You look back to your classmate in front of you, you see a very small shake of her head.  A concerned look to her face.  She didn't want you to go.  She mouths the word to you once more, “slut”, her face encouraging you on.

“Please hurry along if you are leaving.”  Ms Davenport motions you toward the door as she turns her attention to her remaining student.  “Kayla, what do...”

“Wait!”  You blurt out.  “Sorry for interrupting Ma'am but...uh...she's...she's a slut.  That's what she is.  She is a slut and I like to fuck sluts.  But...”  You clear your throat.  “...but I still think she's beautiful.  Ma'am.”

“Beautiful is for sunsets and rainbows boy.  You can't touch sunsets and rainbows.  You want to touch her don't you?  You want to touch her fuckable whore body right?”  Once more silence descends on the room as an answer is waited for, you notice for the first time that one of Ms Davenports hands was under her desk...was she playing with herself down there?

“Um...”  You did want to touch her, more than anything at this moment.

 “We can see you are hard Christopher.”  You blush, she was right of course.  Your straining cock rubbing against the rough fabric of your trousers and pressing outward for all it's worth.  She continues. “People don't get hard for romantic notions of beauty.  They get hard so they can fuck.  Raw nasty dirty animal fucking.  You want to fuck her cunt and her mouth and her ass, don't you?  We can see it in your pants.  You may as well the tell truth Christopher, tell that slut what she's good for.”

Diwata's excited eyes were glancing about your face, occasionally making brief eye contact before darting away once more, her mouth parted as she breathed hard.  It seemed she wasn't allowed to speak unless spoken to.  You notice she kept squeezing her thighs together...it made you wonder...she already admitted to being wet.  Was she getting off on this?  Why else would she be here?  The silence stretches on again.

This time it is Kayla that throws you a life line, doing her part to initiate you into this little group's strange twisted ways.  “Ask the worthless slut if you can touch her Chris.  She's such a fucking whore she'd probably say yes.  God damn, look at that ugly skinny bitch.  You're lucky Diwata, look at him looking at you like you were worth something.  I can't believe he even wants to touch you!  He even got hard for you.  You don't deserve it.”

The girl in front of you shifts once more from foot to foot, her hands nervously rubbing the outer sides of her thighs.  Still tense, still breathing shallow.  Her nipples were hard now, you could see them stiff and erect.  Her breathing picking up, she was beginning to lean toward you a little.  She was getting antsy for something to happen.

You try to wet your dry mouth.  “Diwata...may...may I touch you?”

Her breathing is momentarily even more erratic.  She gives you a little nod and quickly licks her  lips.

“Say it Diwata.  You have to say it.”  Ms Davenport instructs. “Do not touch her until she says so Christopher.”

She licks her lips again and takes a fortifying breath.  Her voice was soft and quiet, but loud enough for everyone to hear.  “Y-you may.  Th-thank you.”

“She said thank you Christopher.  She WANTS to feel your touch.  A nice girl wouldn't say that to a boy she just met.  She really must be a slut.  Go ahead then.”

You barely heard that.  You were reaching forward, slowly out toward the nude Filipino girl you barely knew.  Her breathing and squirming and pained little smile telling you she wanted this.  You come to rest your hand on her upper arm.  Her flesh was warm, your hand looked pale on her soft copper skin.  Her eyes dark and narrow, her nose flat, button cute, her parted lips... Despite all the insulting talk, despite the demeaning words on her body, despite the fact she was a little too skinny and a little too flat and had a common plain body compared to what you were used to looking at online...despite all of it, she was stunning to you in this moment.  You slowly move to embrace her.

“Tut tut!”  You look over to your teacher.  She is smiling but waving a finger at you. “No hugs, no kisses above the shoulders.”  Obviously another Lit Club rule, you would learn them as you went.  “Just grab her Christopher, grab her body like you really want to.  She said you could.”  She then says to Diwata.  “Turn around slut, we all want to watch you let Christopher touch you.”

Obediently Diwata turns around to face Kayla and the teacher.  You step around with her, keeping your hand on her arm.  The others were now behind you.  You actually liked this better, now you could only see her.  You knew the watching eyes were behind you, you could feel them, but they were less noticeable.

Grab her like you really want to, that's what teacher said.  Kayla was telling you too.  Quiet Diwata urging you on with her eyes.

You were still holding her arm with your left hand, you could feel her trembling slightly.  You bring your shaking right hand up...slowly...slowly...your eyes locked on the small tanned breast that was your target.  The thing you wanted to grab.  Diwata was holding her breath, you were holding your breath.  You very carefully and gingerly cup it in your palm, you could fit the whole thing easily in your grasp, and you press your hand forward.  Her soft pliant tit smooshing between your hand and her chest.  It was so soft, so warm, her stiff nipple rubbing and poking your palm.  The first breast you'd ever touched...it was so much better than you imagined.

She takes in a sudden breath.  Then a few more loud rapid breaths from her open mouth as she feels your touch on her.  “Oh!”  She gasps.  She continues to resist the urge to move, standing perfectly still for you.

Part 6 


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