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(This will be familiar.  I tweaked the Teaser and added a few main character details to start off the story.)

Primcrest Preparatory Academy, also known among the student body as Last Chance High.  It was a place for those with poor graduating grades and whose parents were well off enough to afford private school but not wealthy enough to outright buy their child's way into the Ivy League universities.  It was an in between school, not quite high school and not quite college.  A bridge between the two for those aiming for the elite colleges despite their poor school marks.  If you failed here it was public college for you...at best!  Primcrest was strict and old fashioned.  The new coddling teaching styles and educational theories held no sway here.  This place was old school and no nonsense with exacting standards and strict rules.  If you didn't meet expectations you were soon sent packing.  Rebels and rabble-rousers were quickly brought into line.  The academy's stringency and draconian order made it a hit with a certain type of parent.  They had a waiting list a mile long.

This is where you had ended up.  Everything was riding on you doing well here.  A good school, a good job...even your inheritance!  After all of your fucking around in high school your parents simply would not accept failure this time.

Your name is Christopher Burrows.  Nineteen years old, pale blue eyes, foppish reddish brown hair.  You were a small man.  Barely five and a half foot tall and slender.  You had kept hoping for that wonderful teenage growth spurt that all your male friends had to hit you, but it never did.  The men of your family generally grew to well over six foot tall, so it was a bit of a mystery why you were so different. Unfortunately for you, you were small in other ways as well.

You were the youngest of three and living far from home for the first time in your life.  Your parents had signed you up for Primcrest before you had even graduated.  You had disappointed them greatly.  No adventurous gap year for you like your sister and brother had enjoyed.  You were now regretting all the slacking off you had done back in high school.  All the trouble you had gotten into thanks to your weaselly peeping Tom tendencies and your attempts at cheating or bribing teachers.  You had been an absolute shit your last two years of school.  You had been lucky not to have been expelled all together.  If you could only do it again, you'd do better.  You'd be good.  You had turned a new leaf.  But that was then and this was now, and now meant Primcrest Academy.  

It was almost Christmas and you were facing the prospect of being alone for the holidays.  Another first for you.  Your parents were away in Europe and none of the rest of your family had bothered to extend an invitation.  You felt pretty lousy about it.  You convince yourself it would be better this way anyways.  Your family was on the East coast while Primcrest was in the Pacific Northwest, such a long trip to just sit around awkwardly with family you didn't like.  Still...it kinda hurt.  If you were being honest with yourself, you'd never been so lonely.

Your loneliness extended beyond just family.  You kept hoping you would meet a girl.  An angel from heaven come to earth just for you.  Someone to fall in love with.  Someone who would call you her own.  So far, no luck.  The few times you had tried you had struck out spectacularly.  The girls here were just as disinterested in you as they had been back home.  At least you were used to it.

You are currently sitting in Ms Davenport's ancient history class hoping to coast through till the end.  You had just asked some inane unimportant question in hopes that she would fill the rest of the time prattling on about it.


The yard stick comes down hard across your empty desk, the flat side of it clapping loudly against the hard smooth surface.  You startle, nearly leaping from your desk, then straighten up in your seat.  Everyone around you is dead quiet, happy it was you to draw her ire this time around.

“That's MS Davenport!  Ms!  Not Mrs.  Do you see a ring on my finger boy?”

“No.  Sorry Ma'am!”  You blurt out.

Coming up the aisle from behind you she comes to stand directly beside you.  Close enough to smell her musky perfume.  You feel the thick cotton fabric of her long flowing cotton dress brush against your forearm, her ultra wide hips made it so she could barely fit down the aisles between the desks.  You had on a crisp white short sleeved collared shirt, the navy jacket of your school uniform was hanging off the back of your chair.

She stands beside you, you could feel her eyes on you.  She slowly slides the laminated wooden yard stick off the edge of your desk, bringing it beside her like a walking cane.

“Where are your books?”  She asks, wondering about your empty desktop.

“Uh...th-the bell's about to go and uh...”  You start.

“It hasn't gone though has it.  Until it does you are mine.  Understood?”  Her liquid voice imperious.

Glancing right you see your classmates were just quiet and watching this interaction, most of them counting down the seconds till class ended as you had been.  “Yes Ma'am.”  You say.

“And you ask me a question, with no notebook to write down the answer?  Wasting everyone's time in the process?”  She queries pointedly.

You look up at her.  Her green-brown hazel eyes gazed down at you through her wide cat eye style glasses derisively.  Her demeanor icy cold.  But god damn was she beautiful.  Half the students in the academy had a huge crush on her, and most of the faculty as well.

You clear your throat.  “Ahem, uhm.  I would have remembered the answer Mrs Dav...MS!  Ms. Davenport.  Sorry Ma'am.  Sorry.”

Her eyes narrow as you cringe and shrink into your desk.  You wished you could just disappear.  You squirm under her authoritative gaze.  As you look up at her, rather pitifully, hoping for mercy...you catch just the barest hint of a smile at one corner of her full red lips.  She studies you, like a lioness measuring up its prey before the hunt.  You bow your head and hope for mercy.

“You stay after class.”  She finally states, her tone offering no room for objection.  Shit.  This was the last class of the day and you'd been looking forward to getting back to the dorms and just goofing off with your friends for a while.  Well...“friends” might be a strong term, but still.

Glancing around once more you see looks of sympathy from those around you.  You also catch one or two with different types of expressions, looks of jealousy and envy.  Just then the bell goes off.  Nobody moves a muscle.

Ms Davenport slowly walks to the front of the room, her big full round ass swaying left and right hypnotically as she goes.  Every male eye in the room on her butt, and a few female as well.  The woman was THICC!  A more than ample booty, thick thighs visible through her voluminous dress, wide flaring hips which lead to a much narrower waist.  Beneath her white collared blouse was what you would guess were a nice set of c cup tits.  Her upper body almost appearing as if it didn't belong with the lower half.  She had flat shiny shoulder length black hair with straight cut bangs and ends, the style reminded you a bit of Edna the costume designer character from The Incredibles.  Her bearing was proud and controlled.  She looked like she was only in her mid thirties though she carried herself with a confidence of a wizened matron. 

Placing her yard stick down gently on her desk she announces.  “Class dismissed.”  There is a scramble of activity as people put away books, pick up backpacks and satchels, begin to chat, and make their way out of the class.  You sit in your seat and wait.  You hoped this wouldn't take long.

At one point one of your classmates, a guy named Josh, stops momentarily by your desk and looks at you.  You look at him, like you he was a smaller man.  You didn't actually know each other that well which made you curious as to why he stopped.  He was one of Ms Davenport's teacher's pets, a total suck up.  He was one of the ones looking at you with envy a bit ago, he still was.  More like naked jealousy actually.  He mutters under his breath.  “You lucky bastard.”

“On your way Joshua.”  Ms Davenport croons.

He looks over his shoulder at her, but is careful to keep his gaze downcast.  “Ma'am, may I...”

“I SAID...on your way Joshua.”  She snaps with steel in her voice.

“Yes Ma'am.”  He yips.  Bowing his head he scurries out of the class.  You hear the door slam behind him.

It was just you and her now.  The classroom is quiet, just the hallway noise filtering in through the thick door and the ticking second hand from the clock on the wall breaking the heavy silence.  Your hands clasped together on your desk you sit up straight and you wait.  The seconds tick by...then the minutes.  She is just watching you.  Her green-brown eyes slowly scanning every inch of you.  That subtle hint of a smile still occasionally playing at the corners of her ruby lips.  The more you squirm, the more you get nervous and uncomfortable, the more she seems to like it.  You try to keep forward facing but her intimidating glare caused you to keep looking away.

“Say, boy...”  She pauses to study your reaction.  She continues. “Do you mind me calling you boy?”

It probably didn't matter if you minded or not so you answer.  “No Ma'am.  You can call me boy if you want to.”

A welcome answer indeed.  A wide sultry grin slowly spreads across her stunning face.  Her perfect white teeth revealed behind her crimson lips.  She had an expression that could only be described as...thirsty.  With one hand she takes off her horn rimmed glasses in a smooth graceful motion and places them on her desk.  “Very good.  I think I might like you boy.”  She purrs.

You sit stunned.  Was she...was she...was she coming on to you!?  It sure felt like it!  Stunning Ms Davenport coming on to little ol' you?  This must be a dream.

“Go lock the door boy.”  She orders.  “I don't want us to be interrupted.”

Without a moment's hesitation you blurt out.  “Yes Ma'am!”

As you slide from your desk and hurry back toward the classroom door you hear a smooth silky laugh.  As reach the door you look over your shoulder to see her widened eyes drinking in your lean body, special attention given to your rear end.

“Ohhhh my, yes.”  She purrs.  “I think I might like you very much indeed.”

You latch the deadbolt with a clack.

Part 2 


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