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Author's aside: I'm off for my last nature trip of the summer. I'll catch you all Monday!  ❤


After casting her gaze about the store her eyes return to us and lock squarely onto Briar. “You!”

Briar looks at me then back to Winona, as confused as I was, and peeps. “Me?”

“You’ve got an eye for this.” She brings both hands down onto Briar’s shoulders. “You’re coming with me.”

“Oh! Um, sure.” The next thing she knew Briar was whisked away by my enthusiastic girlfriend.

Kayla laughs and bumps her shoulder into mine. “Those two look so funny together.”

“You should s-see Briar and Amos.” I giggle. “She’s a big as his p-pinkie finger but they bounce off each other so well. They’re a pair.”

“Speaking of the big guy, how are her folks doing with you?” The pair of us begin to wander as we chat. With our clothes shopping sorted we head toward the other end of the store that had the furniture, housewares, and other odds and ends. “When I was with her they were kinda, mmm, how to put this mildly? Racist as fuck?”

“They’re not!” I protest. “Well, not Amos anyway. Ch-Cheryl’s got some, um, opinions.”

“I bet.” She laughs.

“She just w-wants the best for Winona. I heard a l-lot worse g-growing up.”

“I bet.” She says again, this time without the laughter as she’d been the target of some of the not so nice things my dad would say sometimes.

“Hey.” I stop and point at the shelf beside us. “A feeder!”


“A h-hummingbird feeder.” Weaving my hand through the other bric-a-brac I pick the item up and start to inspect it. “I t-told Winona I would buy her one.” The feeder was basically just a simple clear shallow dish with a lid that had four red and yellow flowers built into it with little holes in center of each for the beaks to poke into all hung from a wire hanger. The design looked elegant but effective. “This one almost l-looks brand new. Cool!”

“You just want it to take pictures.” She chuckles.

“You know m-me too well.” I confess as I lay the feeder into my cart. “B-But she d-did say she wanted one.”

“There’s a bird right there you could be taking pictures of instead.” Kayla flashes her eyes in the direction we’d seen the others go. “She feels that she has to hide herself from the world. That’s bound to drag on a girl’s confidence. Even hers. I think she’d feel pretty damned sexy if you had her model for you.”

“Yeah. I’ve been thinking about that already.”

“Just a little boudoir shoot for the private collection?” She nudges me.

I giggle. “S-Something like that.”

“Well, if you ever wanted a second opinion on the photos…”

“Ha ha ha! You wish.” I shake my head. “Uh uh, she’s all m-mine.”

“You two are perfect for each other.” She laughs. “Just like Briar and I, huh?”


She gives me a light shove. “You two! What are you doing filling her head with all that romantic stuff?”

“I didn’t. Or, I t-tried not to.”

“Not that I don’t appreciate it. God, Avery…she’s SO hot!”

I smile. “You think so?”

“Oh my God. She’s so nerdy and cute and…GAHHH!” She leans into my shoulder. “She reminds me of my best friend and number one lover.”

“Aww.” I put my arm around her and squeeze her tight.

Laying her head on my shoulder Kayla sighs in that way she had when she was ‘falling’ for someone. I’d seen it many times before. “And did you SEE her eyes when she took control of Babe? That look of…power. I caught a glimpse of it when she played Scourge, but that was way more than a glimpse. Whooo!” She shivers dramatically. “There’s a true mistress inside of that little woman. I would stake my kinky reputation on it.”

“Be g-gentle with her, huh?”

“Maybe Mistress doesn’t like it gentle. He he he.”


“I know, I know.” She kisses my cheek. “I’ll be good.”

“That would be a f-first.”

“Avery!” She pinches me. “Cheeky bitch.”

“He he he!”

Kayla and I continue walking and talking and searching through all of the cool old stuff. Kayla grabs a retro desk lamp and I spot this strange little object that defied classification. Dozens of tiny painted metal fish of all colors, shapes and sizes had been welded together to form what could best be described as a daisy flower about ten inches across. I’m not sure if the original creator meant it to be a starfish or the sun or what they were thinking, but with a dozen ‘petals’ radiating out from a big round mass of the fish in the center it looked like a fishy daisy to me. The strangest bit about it though was that there was no stand, no hanger, and no obvious front or back to it. I didn’t have a clue how you were supposed to display it. It was one of the most peculiar things I had ever seen. Grandpa would love it! And so in the cart it went.

When a call over the intercom informs us that the store would be closing in five minutes Kayla and I make for the others. We soon find them as they were heading back our way.

“Check it out.” Winona says with a kid-like excitement as Briar stands at her side with a big pleased grin on her face. “It ended up being Urbosa. Look at these finds!” As the cashiers impatiently wait at their tills for us, the final stragglers of the night, Winona hastily shows the items they’d found. From top to bottom they’d found a long red wig from the Halloween section, a green hair band, big gold colored hoop earrings, a green cropped tank top, a red scarf to be used as a sash around her waist, a teal blue knee length skirt, and green pumps. Mentally putting the items all together and I could totally see how they would transform Winona’s statuesque body and lovely tanned skin into an awesome version of that fictional character. The thing she was most proud of though was a curved plastic scimitar they’d scored from the toy aisle. “Ha ha!” She laughs as she swings it back and forth. “It totally looks like her sword, doesn’t it?”

“Totally.” I say, though honestly I couldn’t remember that level of detail.

“We found a cool armlet too.” Briar says. “But it wouldn’t fit around her muscles.”

Winona chuckles and flexes her guns, causing my dick to twitch in response.

“We’re closing the tills now!” Calls one of the cashiers. “No purchases once they’re closed.”

“Ack!” Winona scrambles to get all her items back into the cart. “We’re coming! We’re coming!”

As a giggly mass the four of rush the tills before it was too late. We split into two pairs, Kayla and Briar at one till and Winona and I at the other. Winona protests as I pull two items from my cart.

“No way. I said tonight was on me, Sprout.”

“These aren’t for me.” I say as I hold out my purchases. “A gift for you and a gift for Grandpa.”

“Ohhh, they’re perfect! You remembered the feeder. It’s is so cool!”

“Right? I th-thought it was really pretty.”

“And what the hell even is that thing?”

“I d-don’t know.” I titter. “I thought G-Grandpa would like it.”

“Ha! He’ll love it! It’ll fit right in on the Bella.” Winona says just before she kisses me. “Thank you, baby.”

I blush. “You’re w-welcome.”

It was me who should have said thanks though as where my things were just a couple of bucks she ends up dropping a small fortune. She didn’t show a hint of concern at the bill though as she pays it happily and even helps to bag it all up.

Soon we were on our way, the shopping trip a huge success. I’d been having so much fun that I’d actually forgotten about certain things, until they were brought swiftly and brutally back into focus.

Gary the security guy was by the locked doors of the store waiting to let us out. As we approach he unlocks the door and stands to the side.

“Thank ya, my good man.” Kayla, shopping bags swinging from both hands, says cheerily with a bob of her head.

“Mmm.” He grunts as she passes by.

“Th-Thank ya m-my good man.” I mimic cheerily and skip along behind her.

Perhaps he just couldn’t hold it in any longer, or perhaps he just felt he simply must say something, but for whatever reason as I pass by him he whispers. “You oughta be ashamed of yourself, faggot.”

In an instant our whole joyful vibe pops like a balloon.

“What did you say?” Winona stops dead. “What the fuck did you just say!?”

“You asshole!” Kayla exclaims.

“That was rude!” Briar chastises him. “Very rude!”

“We’re closed.” He grumbles and nods to the door. “Get out. All of ya.”

“Nah, nah, nah.” Winona drops her four overstuffed bags and squares up on the old bastard. “I’d like to talk about this.”

“Winnie….” Kayla says. “…easy girl.”

Stepping up on the man glares at him eye to eye. He tries to back up a step but she steps with him. “You have to go!”

“Why don’t you walk us out to our car you greasy old FUCK.”


“It’s ok-k-kay, W-Winona.” I say, not even noticing that I’d switched back to my guy voice until the words left my mouth.

“No, baby. It’s not okay.” Winona shoves the man back another step, cornering him up against the shopping carts. “You got something say? Hm? Why don’t you come say it to me, you rent-a-cop little bitch? Huh?”

“Winnie.” Kayla says. “They’re gonna call the real cops. We gotta go.”

“This man was very rude to our friend!” Briar says to the confused and frightened looking cashiers. “We’d like to make a complaint to management!”

“No need for that, Briar.” Winona growls. “We can settle this right now, can’t we…” She glances to his name tag. “…Gary? Unless you’re scared of a girl, you dickless little shit stain!”

Despite the obvious fear in his eyes he barks back. “Fuck you, dyke!”

Back goes her right hand. Before her fist could fly back forward I step into its path. Hugging her arm to my body I hold on tight. Moving quickly Kayla was on her other arm and we start to push her back.

“Lemme go, baby.”

“N-No.” I say softly.

“Come on, Winnie. He’s not worth it.”

Her blood boiling Winona glares down at me. “Let me go, baby.”

“Nooo.” I look up at her furious face. “W-W-We’re having a g-good night. The b-best n-night. I d-don’t want it to end like th-this.”

Her anger burns for another couple of seconds…before my pleading eyes starts to cool it. As she lets out a frustrated sigh I feel her taut muscles slowly relax.

“It’s okay.” I hug her. “I j-just wanna g-go.”

“Okay baby.” She whispers, before she fixes Gary with a hard stare. Backing away, her eyes never leaving him, she bends over to pick up her bag then says ominously. “This isn’t over.”

“Darn right it isn’t.” Briar huffs and puffs. “I’m writing such a complaint to your boss. You’ll be in big trouble mister!”

“Come on, Little Mistress.” Kayla takes Briar by the arm and leads her away. “I didn’t like this place anyways.”

In much the same way I take Winona's arm and try to soothe the beast that I knew was roaring inside of her. “I’m ok-kay, Winona. Really.”

Despite the heavy bags she puts an arm around me and pulls me close.

We’d been having such a good time. My first foray into the world as a woman had been SO much fun. I’d almost made it through the whole trip without a problem. Almost. Somewhere along the way I’d let myself get comfortable. I had let my guard down and paid the price. I knew that the guilt belonged to Gary yet as we walk across the dark and empty parking long I look around at the grim faces of my friends, so recently smiling, and I cannot help but feel responsible for spoiling what had been the most incredible first Girl’s Night anybody could have asked for.


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