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“Heyyy.” Winona is on her feet. Pulling me into a hug she shields my face so the others wouldn’t see my overwhelmed tears. She hugs me tight and kisses my head. Into my ear she whispers. “I hope I didn’t embarrass you. Oh. I embarrassed you, didn’t I? It was too much.”

“Nooo.” I gasp and cling to my woman with all my strength as the tears flow free. “I love youuuu.”

“Ohhh.” She holds me and pets me and kisses me. “I didn’t think you’d cry this much. It’s okay, baby. I love you too.”

Just then a most unwelcome quip reaches our ears from the tills. “I wonder if this is something to do with the police talking to him?”

As I feel Winona tense up I close my eyes wishing they hadn’t said that. Couldn’t they have at least let me have a couple of minutes to enjoy this moment?

“The cops were here?” She says.

Though the question was for me one of my meddling coworkers is quick to chime in. “Yeah. They were talking to him about half an hour ago.”

“Looked pretty serious.” Says another.

“What it looked like is none of your business.” Brenda breaks in. “Get back to work.”

“Baby? Why were the cops here? Are you in trouble? What’s going on, Sprout?”

I continue to cling to her, my eyes shut, as I wished with all of my heart that we could go back to just a moment ago.

“Avery’s had quite a day.” Brenda says in a voice low enough not to carry as she pats my shoulder. “Take him home, Winona.”

“He doesn’t have to work?”

“I’ll let him explain things.” She says. “Avery. If you’ve got anything in the back you need to get…”

I sigh. All the wishing in the world wasn’t going to make this go away. “J-Just m-my helmet and j-jacket and ph-phone.” Swallowing hard I dry my tears as best I can on Winona’s overalls and stand up straight.

“Are you firing him?” Winona says, her protective anger beginning to surface. “What’s going on?”

“It’s okay.” I slip my hand into hers, our fingers interlocking, and squeeze it tight.

Her hazel eyes full of worry she squeezes right back. She hadn’t a clue just how much her hand in mine meant right now. After a turbulent morning I felt like I had an anchor again. Keeping hold of her I bend down and pick up my flowers. I look to the ceiling and abandon any hope of getting my balloon. I hated to leave it but I just needed to get out of here right now.

“It’s this w-way.”

Hand in hand I lead Winona through the store. Flowers in my arm and a ring on my finger I felt like her bride as we made our way down the long canned goods aisle. It was a good feeling. At my side Winona walked proudly, staring down anybody who would give me a funny look. Normally I would have appreciated that. Right now however I didn’t mind being seen. The most wonderful and gorgeous woman who ever lived loved me and was proud to love me. She loved me because I was sweet and funny and flawed and beautiful just the way I was. She saw that I had a good heart and I tried to do the right things and I wasn’t nearly as stupid as I thought I was. She said she wanted the world to know that she loved me and I wanted that too.

I take her into the back. She wasn’t allowed to be back here but right now I couldn’t have let her go if I tried. In the break room I hang up my apron and wonder if it was for the last time. Gathering my things I lead her out the staff entrance to the smelly alley behind the store.

As the door slams shut behind us I am pulled into another all encompassing hug. For a good long time she asks no questions and makes no comment, she simply holds me and lets me know that I am safe.

When at last the hug eases she still doesn’t pry. Caressing my cheek she gazes deeply into my eyes and asks. “Where are we goin?”

“Anywhere.” I say. “Anywhere b-but here.”

“You got it, baby.”

This time she leads the way, taking me around the store to where her truck is parked. She guides me into the passenger seat, takes my keys from my pocket, kisses my cheek, and says. “I’ll be right back.”

I nod, looking at her fawningly like the superhero that she was.

She jogs to my motorbike and rolls it back to the truck where she heaves it into the back. I giggle as I notice an older couple catch sight of Winona’s feat of strength. She jumps into the cab and after looking over to check on me starts it up and begins to drive.

I didn’t know where we were going. I didn’t care. I didn’t care about brothers or sister-in-laws or rude cops or jobs or how much of my savings for a new bike that I would burn through paying my bills. I was with her and that was all that mattered to me right now.

While she drives I keep staring down at the ring she’d put on my finger. I couldn’t take my eyes off of it. It was so pretty. Boldly and unapologetically pretty. Some would think it feminine, because it was, but it was the perfect slender ring for my slender hand. The two were made for each other. She could have gotten me a boring old plain band, thick like men usually wear, and I would have treasured it. But she knew that this would make me happier. And, ohhh, the tiny pink heart made my own heart melt.

But as pretty as it was, it paled in comparison to the beauty of the bond that it represented. A tangible symbol of our love and a reminder that whatever happened she was always there for me. Had I been wearing this I bet I would have been a little braver with those policemen.

I look over at my true love and see the furrows of worry on her lovely face. She glances my way then quickly back to the road. She was dying to know what had happened but was giving the space to open up on my own. She knew me so well. I could talk now but I wait. What I was going to tell her was going to upset her and I didn’t want her to be driving when that happened.

My eyes drift back down to the ring again. Her promise ring was on my finger. HER ring. I was hers. Even dreams didn’t get this good.

Chapter 150


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