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As she gently wipes my lips and chin with a tissue Winona tells me that Lady Ara, the ‘hero’ that my character served, was indeed one of the cursed, blood-sucking undead. No matter how I pry she would not give me further context or back story, simply saying that it was now in Althea’s hands as to what to do with that information. When I asked for guidance she replied that it wasn’t for her to tell a player how to play their character. I could see in her twinkling eyes that she was loving my reaction to the big lore drop, clearly a secret she’d been holding for some time. I felt honored to be let in on it and happy to see how she was enjoying it. I was also thrilled at the naughty role-playing we’d just shared. It was really fun to give head as Althea, it gave something I already loved a whole fresh twist as I tried to emulate how an innocent elf maiden might go about it. I really hoped that we did it again sometime.

We tidy up and settle in again on the loveseat. Winona had her arm around me with Brutus wriggling in the seam where our legs met in a futile attempt to get one of us to play. We try to watch another show but on my end it was hopeless. After the day I’d had and after all the incredible sex I was done for. Physically, mentally, emotionally I was exhausted. Struggle as I might I simply could not keep my eyelids open. Again and again I would slowly slump into Winona’s side and realize that my eyes were closed then snap up and try to concentrate only for the process to start all over again.

Finally she tightens her arm around me and whispers. “Let’s get you to bed.”

“Mmm?” I sit up straight. “No, I’m g-good. I’m watching.”

She chuckles as she pauses the show. “Oh yeah? What’s this episode about?”

“Um.” I struggle to dredge up anything as I stare at the image on the screen. “S-Something about…um…Jessie in the hospital?”

“Pff! Hospital? That’s the aunt’s lab!” She shuts it off. “Bed time, baby girl.”

I smile in relief. “Yes, Dommy.”

Side by side we brush our teeth staring at each other through mirror with greenish foam covering our lips. Lowering her brush she says through the froth. “Kish?”

I giggle and nod.

Right there we smooch, sharing the toothpaste between our open mouths. We laugh at our silliness then spit and rinse.

“Oh. I almost forgot.” I turn to her and slip my arms around her waist to squeeze her in a super tight hug. Laying my head on her shoulder and looking at my face smiling back at me I say. “This is f-from Grandpa.”


“He asked earlier that I give it t-to you.” She wraps her strong arms around me and gives me a wonderful crushing embrace. “Hmmm.”

“Well that’s nice.” She says softly and kisses my head.

Back out in the room she swats my bum to urge me toward the bed. “I’m just going to go bring your bike in. Just be a sec.”


As Winona heads out I shuffle sleepily toward her bed. I smile at the fresh bedding as I remembered why it had to get changed. I consider turning on my phone to check it but quickly let that thought go. The world of mean moms and mystery dads, brothers and sisters, friends and enemies, work and money and all of the myriad demands of life would be waiting for me when the sun came up. For now I content myself with this precious time with HER.

Slipping out of the robe I get under the cover bare ass naked and snuggle in. Brutus is soon to join me. His little engine purring as I pet his fuzzy back he makes biscuits on my pillow as he readies himself to bed down. Winona comes back in, kicks off her shoes then pauses when she spots the two males of he house all snug and comfy.

A big smile brightens her beautiful face. “Now there’s a sight I could get used to.”

She strides across the room then pulls off her bra and sweats before turning out the light and slipping in beside me. With movements as natural as the waves I turn to my side and she comes up tight behind me to accept my little spoon against her warm, soft body. Her arm pulls me close and she kisses my shoulder a few times.

“G’night, Sprout.”

“Good night Winona.” I whisper back.

My girlfriend against my back beneath the warm covers and a purring kitty just a few inches from my face I am one happy guy as I close my eyes to put an end to another roller-coaster day. Body relaxed, mind at peace, spirit content I swiftly drift off into a deep, restful slumber.


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