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Thanks to a major fuck up I end up getting home four hours late! Due to my distracted attention with everything going on with Sarah it was partially my fault for not double checking what I normally double checked without thinking. Thankfully the main blame was on someone else and I got off with just a stern talking to but still I was fuming. My one precious day off in a week and I squander four hours of it dealing with that bullshit?

Sarah was right. The money’s good but money wasn’t everything. I had to get back to just five nights a week and maybe even start angling for a day shift. It was time I started working to live as opposed to living to work. Reading of all of Sarah’s extra-marital wanderings was really bringing home just how much time that she and I were spending apart. While her activities this month were an kinky oddity they still spoke to the amount of time Sarah had on her own in general. As I was burning my candle on both ends she was out there living her life, as she should. Time stops for nobody. But it was a life that ought to be ours to share. So many times she had pleaded with me, begged with me, to ease up on the work and attend to our family but I’d been so stubbornly focused on paying down the house and setting up the ideal conditions to have a family that I hadn’t even realized how much life I was missing along the way. Things were going to change.

As I enter the house I call out. “Hey babe. Sorry, it ended up taking way longer than I thought it would.”

The only reply, silence. She wasn’t home. Strange, since her car was out front. A walk? A coffee at the local cafe? Or…an errand? I feel that now familiar pang of jealousy in my belly and lust in my groin. God, what was my hot wife up to now? Was she with somebody at this very moment? Who was it? Where was it? And did I even want to know?

Of course I wanted to know. More than anything. After yesterday I had surrendered to the fact that I was enjoying Naughty November every bit as much as my blossoming spouse. Every letter she wrote, every experience she had, every lover she bedded only stoked my fires ever hotter. Soon I swear the flames would consume me completely. I needed her like I needed oxygen. I needed to reclaim her. I needed to show her that I was still her man. And I needed to unleash all of this lust that I’d pent up. But not until the time was right. This had turned out to be quite a ride but thank God this month was almost over. I’m not sure how much more of this I could bear.

What she was up to right now would have to remain a infuriating and tantalizing mystery. But I did not have to go empty handed. I still had yesterday’s report to read. And there on the dresser I find my envelope waiting for me. After taking a quick shower and slipping into some comfy sweats and a t shirt I open my wife’s gift for the day.


Dear David,

Ohhh David! Oh David, oh David, oh David! What a night I had.

So color me surprised when Richard rolls into the daycare Friday morning without little Oscar in tow. Turns out he was there to talk to me about some issue that they were having with his boy. I was concerned to say the least but it was all a ruse. There was no issue with Oscar at all. He was simply staying with his grandparents for Thanksgiving weekend. The stinker had just used it as an excuse to speak with me alone.

So he gets me off in a side room and in that suave way of his he starts getting all flirty again. Given where we’d left things I was was confused. He asks about my Thanksgiving and some nice general chit-chat before asking whether I was available to stop by ‘The Nest’ that night. I can tell you that I was very flattered and I was about to say yes…until he dropped the bombshell. I knew something was up when I noticed that smug look on his face again. Then, as casually as could be, he then informs me that he wasn’t asking for himself, but for Richie Junior!!! He was asking me if I wanted to have sex with his 19 year old son!

If there hadn’t have been a chair behind me I think I would feinted to the floor. I couldn’t believe my ears! I’d never been more offended in my life! What was I to him? A hand-me-down whore? Some sort of Thanksgiving leftovers? The audacity!

As calm and in control as ever he explains to me that Richie, who is between girlfriends at the moment, thought that I was very attractive when he saw me last week and asked his dad if he could be with me. As if it was Richard’s choice who I had sex with! Richard said that he always tries to provide his kids with everything that they want and that it wouldn’t be the first time that he had shared one of his mistresses with his son, the first one being on Richie’s 18th birthday. Isn’t that nuts? Mom always told me that wealthy folks had a sinful morality all their own, maybe she wasn’t too far off the mark.

I was speechless. I sat there looking at him convinced that he would tell me that he was pulling my leg. But he didn’t. He patted my cheek, told me that I looked ‘really pretty today’, and said to think about it and that Richie would be waiting for me at the Nest between 8 and 9. Then he was on his way.

Obviously I had no intention on showing up. It was all so twisted and sick! A father and son laying with the same woman? It was immoral! And then I realized that that was old Sarah thinking. I reminded myself that this was Naughty November and I was supposed to keep an open mind like you said I should. So, I pondered and looked again with fresh eyes. Richie was a mature 19. He was sexually active, available and experienced. The invitation had been cordial. Richard hadn’t pressured me or Richie in any way. He simply arranged a time and place for two consenting adults to do what they wished. And I’m sure Richie could be discreet as he wouldn’t want to embarrass his father. Was it really so wrong?

And then curiosity began to set in. I was a virgin until our wedding night. By then I was 21 and you 23. In just the five and a half years since then our lovemaking has evolved and you have matured in your style. It got me to thinking that you had probably evolved a fair bit before meeting me as well and I started wondering what you were like when you were a horny 19 year old. I’d never been with a 19 year old before, I had skipped those years entirely. What would it be like to be with a young man so full of energy and raging hormones? And I’d never been with a partner younger than me before, what would that be like? And finally, I blush to admit, I couldn’t help but wonder how he would compare to his father. Did the apple fall close to the tree? I hoped so. The final deciding factor ended up being that I needed something NEW for my challenge tonight. It’s getting tough thinking of something original to do every single day. That was quite a challenge you gave me! And I figured sex with a younger man would definitely count as something new.

So, swallowing my pride and against my better judgment, after you were off to work I was off to the Nest. Yeah! I did it! I know, I’m terrible. Terribly naughty! He he he!

I was a nervous wreck pulling up to the building. I felt…dirty. Depraved. Sinful. Yet there I was, drawn like a moth to flame by my yearning lust. After only getting Bradley’s swift and brutish humping two days prior and nothing the day before my little pussy was hungry! It was craving a man again. It’s crazy to think I used to be able to go a week or two without sex and not give it a thought. That is not the case now. I hope you’re ready for December! He he he! Anyway, long story short, if I hadn’t have been as horny as I was I surely would have headed for home but as it was I approached the building and hit the buzzer despite my worried heart.

I can report to you that I left there three hours later tired, happy and with no regrets whatsoever. You know how I told you that Richard was really, really good? Well Junior shot right past good to truly great! He was amazing!

Right from the start I knew that I was in good hands. With a bright smile and an easy laugh he made all the tension just melt away. He was the same fun-loving man that I’d watched entertain the kids but without the childish antics. He was witty, warm, respectful, charming in his own unique way and so disarming. He asked about us and our arrangement that let me be with him and where our path was going to take us. I told him about how perfect you and I were for each other, the challenges of your work, and about how you allowed me to cuckold you this month. (Yeah, I finally learned what that meant. That was some interesting research let me tell you.) Then I told him about our dreams of having a big family and retiring on our own little slice of heaven by the beech. He thought it was all wonderful and wished us the very best. He was so sweet! He then he shared with me his own dreams of the future, nowhere near as grand as his ‘crazy old man’s’ but darn fine dreams for a young man with his gifts. I told him so and made him promise me to never give up on them. Before long I’d completely forgotten about our age difference. We were just a man and a woman having a good time together.

Asking if he could help me relax he got in behind my chair and started giving my a shoulder massage. Things escalated quickly from there.

We were soon pulling each other’s clothes off as we surrendered to the lust that hung thick in the air. He was all over me with his hands and mouth and I was all over him. He was tall and handsome and fit and felt really nice to touch and be touched by. His body looked and felt so much like his father’s, just younger and leaner, and his cock was nearly an exact replica, though I hazard to say that he might actually have his old man beat in length by maybe half an inch. Unlike Senior however, Junior had no aversion to foreplay. He sucked my titties and ate my pussy for a long time. He was not as good as Casey but I sure wasn’t complaining! Ha ha ha! I sucked his dick, such a good strong dick, and I got to try 69 for the first time. That was super fun! I’m looking forward to doing it with you.

Fun was really best word to describe the whole thing. What a wild ride that young man took me on. He did things that had me howling with laughter, like swinging his penis around like a windmill, and things that had me wailing with passion, like when he had was taking me Doggy and reaching around to play with my clitty at the same time. Good God, David. He might be barely more than a boy age wise but let me tell you that when it came to sex Junior was ALL man! And he certainly made a woman out of me more times than I could count.

His father was definitely superior in his well-honed, sure-fire techniques and his impressive stamina. But what Junior lacked in those places he more than made up for in unbridled enthusiasm and his INCREDIBLE recuperation time! He came five times, FIVE! I knew from you and Bradley that men could go twice, but five!? And he barely even softened in between. He was hardly a quick finisher either. (Unlike a certain overexcited somebody from my last letter. He he he!) Five good rounds, wow! I’m still all swoony about it. Raging hormones indeed! Think you could still do that at 28 David? I think we should put you to the test. You’re not gonna let a mere kid get the better of you, are you? He he he! I’m teasing you again baby. You know your best is always good enough for me.

So in those five times he took me on a whirlwind adventure through the suite. In the kitchen he fucked me from behind and ejaculated over my bum. In the dining area he had me on a chair and then on the floor under the table and bust on my belly. In the living room he did me on the sofa, the recliner, then up against the glass balcony door and squirted on my tits and face. I hope the neighbors weren’t peeping! In the bedroom he gave me the reins and I rode that stallion right to the orgasm city. It was a really great experience being on top for a change. Not saying I’d want it all the time, or even most of the time, but I did like it and it left me wishing that I’d done it with you earlier. Serves me right for being so darned passive with you all these years. You are a saint to have been so patient with me! Hands behind his head watching me perform he lay under me, his lithe body all sweaty and taut, as I rode his big cock and squeezed my breasts for him. This time I got off just before he climaxed and then swallowed his load when it was his turn. The way he looked at me as I sucked him dry was so hot! And he tasted GOOD! I think I’m acquiring a taste for it.

And then, just when I thought we were done and we were cleaning up, he takes me once more in the shower! Ha ha ha! All wet and slippery he brushes his erection against me and I peeped, ‘Again!?’. His reply was to push me to my knees right there as the water washed over us. He put his dick between my breasts. I held them together for him as he thrust between them. I loved watching his rock hard manhood popping up and down between my tits, and the feel was amazing. Add another thing I want to do for my man when we get the chance. I thought he might finish like that but he wasn’t done with me yet.

As if as a reward, because he knew how much I liked it, he bent me over and took me from behind again. Ohhhh, he lasted the longest in this position. And he went so hard and so fast! Way faster than you can go. It was crazy intense! I came so hard that my legs nearly gave out under me. God how I love it from behind! And…uh…I kinda let him cum inside of me. Eek! I didn’t just let him, I begged him for it. Having another man’s semen inside of my pussy was one line I wasn’t intending to cross this month but in the heat of the moment it just kinda happened. I’m still on the pill, no worries there, but still…whoops.

It felt so incredible. You know how much I love that feeling of your dick shooting your hot seed inside of me and I was missing it badly. It always makes me feel so sexy and fertile when you let go to fill me up with your semen. And him being deeper and thicker I could just feel that throb of release that much more. God, how I missed it. And when I felt that exquisite sensation of a freshly spent penis slipping from my warm, creamy cunny, it was pure bliss! No toy in the world can replicate that.

Finally we got cleaned up for real. He wanted to go a sixth time but I cried mercy! Ha ha ha! We got dressed and talked a bit more. I had that soft feeling I get after making love and he held me for a little, which was nice of him. He wasn’t my Papa Bear, but it was still nice. Of all the things that’s been difficult this month not having you to hold me afterward has been the hardest. I can’t wait for December. The sex this month has been beyond my wildest dreams, but each time I’m still left feeling empty in my heart. Richie was my best lay ever yet still he cannot hold a candle to MY man. What he had done to my pussy only you can do to my soul. I MISS YOU!

In the end we parted on good terms, two very satisfied people who shared a really great night together.

Okay, cuckold, that’s my report from the field. Hope you liked it! I bet you did! You really like these letters, don’t you? He he he!

Love you baby. Looking forward to spending Saturday together.

Creamy and dreamy,



Creamy and dreamy? Best lay ever? And this language! Fucked, cock, cunny, cum? It was a far cry from the innocent words in those early letters to say nothing of the woman she’d been until October 31st. She had changed so much! And cuckold? She now knew what a cuckold was. And she thought…no, she knew that I was one. God, what was she thinking about that?

And speaking of getting cucked, I’d just been thoroughly cucked five times over by some rich brat barely out of high school! Jesus Christ! The hit the old male ego was brutal, and yet…fuck was that hot!


Sarah’s startled gasp breaking the silence as well as my intense focus nearly gives me a heart attack. Spinning around I see her standing in the door of our bedroom looking as shocked to see me as I was to see her. Her eyes flit to the pages in my hand, the tent so obvious in my sweats, then right back up to my face. In the meantime I note her slightly mussed hair, smudged mascara, and the way her skirt was just slightly off center. She never would have left the house like that, yet she that how she was returning to it. Oh my God! She HAD been on her ‘errand’. For a moment, no longer than ten seconds but feeling like an hour, we just stare at each other.

“Oh, um…I-I thought you’d be sleeping by now.” She says softly, blushing and hurriedly smoothing her hair.

“Yeah, I, uh, I just got in.” Trying to be subtle about it, which was impossible as it was in my hands in plain sight, I set the letter back on the dresser behind me. She pretends not to see. Even now we weren’t going to address it. That was against the rules.

There is another long tense moment until she breaks it with a sigh and gentle smile. “I am so happy to see you.” Gliding across the room she slips her arms around me and clutches tight to my body. I slide my arms around her and nuzzle into her hair as I squeeze her tight.

And that is when I smell it. Subtle but unmistakable. I could smell another man’s semen on my wife! No letter in the world could have prepared me for that.

“Mmmmm.” She hums happily in my arms. Kissing my chest she says. “I’m a bit sweaty from my walk. I think I’m going go clean up.” Peering up at me with wide innocent blue eyes she asks. “May I crawl under the covers for a snuggle after?”

“Uh.” I try to wet my dry mouth. “Yeah, of course.”

She tilts her head, offering me her slightly parted lips, and the smell of fresh cum burrows deeper into my nose. I hesitate. A look of concern rises in Sarah until she whispers sweetly. “Kiss me, David?” An instant later. “MMPH!” Cupping the back of her head with my left hand I pull her into me and lean down into the hardest, deepest, most passionate kiss of our marriage!

The sheer desperate fury of it surprised me as much as her. I growl into her mouth like the caged animal I was as my erection strains at its maximum between us. “Rrrrrrm!

After the initial shock wears off Sarah relaxes into our kiss and lets out a giggle followed by a long, contented coo. “Hmmmmmm!” She lets me have the kiss for a good long while before lightly pushing me back. “Careful Papa Bear.” She titters with a twinkle in her eyes and a press of her soft belly against my raging manhood. “Let’s not start anything we can’t finish, hmm?”

Nov. 26th


Michael Dierks

Well, he would have a hard time competing with the young buck on performance alone, regardless of how well endowed Richie J was. Just something to accept 😉. Sarah's desire for David and respect in their relationship is really the only thing that stands for them, she is quite the catch on the open market, and David keeps a catalog of his shortcomings. Looking forward to see how they keep a relationship tight ... I mean, obviously he's horny but that's not the end of the road man, you got to have more to make things stick.


I am increasingly worried about how their relationship is going to end up. Especially with the cuck comments this chapter. I know she is probably just playing into a humiliation, but still. It feels worrisome

Michael Dierks

I am honestly curious ... also. I am anxious to see how Sarah handles her new experiences, newly discovered desires, and the newly discovered relationship aspects with David (I would say how Grimbous handles this, but he's said the protagonists write their own stories, he just puts them to paper :) ... also curious to see where she goes with the specific new knowledge of cuckold and what it means to her