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Dear David,

What an adventure this is turning out to be, huh? Don’t think that I didn’t notice the tent in your pants when I kissed you goodbye. And I wasn’t the only one! Ha ha ha! When I went back to talk with the gals Amy said something along the lines of ‘Aren’t tight jeans a wonderful thing?’ When I looked at them confused Jennifer then quipped that her husband needed a little blue pill to be that excited to see her. Oh my goodness! I blushed so much when I realized what they were talking about! Ha ha ha! They were checking you out!

I stumble over my words and blurt out that you were in chastity right now and you were getting a lot of erections lately. Then they looked at each other and said something about my ‘glow’ that they just assumed certain things. Too quickly I stuttered something like ‘I said HE was in chastity, not ME’ and their eyebrows went up and they said ‘Oh really!’. Ha ha ha! Oh my goodness. I was a mess! I told them to get their heads out of the gutter, even though they were probably thinking what actually happened, and I blurted out that I bought a toy. GAH! I was so embarrassed as they laughed at me. In the end all I could do was join them and laugh along. Three weeks ago I would have gotten out of there the second tight jeans were mentioned. And in doing so I would have missed a really funny moment.

So anyway, after our day yesterday I’ve decided to take it easy tonight and let my nerves settle before tackling another big challenge. So tonight I kept it really simple. This morning I bumped into Mrs and Mr Brown from down the street and David, you should have seen the silly grin on the old man’s face as his wife chatted with me. I realized it was because of him seeing me in that lingerie the other night! I ended up blushing so much his wife asked me if I was feeling okay. Ha ha ha! You should have seen him smiling though. The old man looked like a big kid with a cookie. And that’s when my challenge for today hit me. Tonight I would give Old Man Brown and his dog something a little extra to look at on their nightly walk. He he he. God, I’m becoming the devil herself.

So after you left for work I waited near our bedroom window f

It’s me again. Okay, talk about an unexpected twist! So I was in the room writing about how I flashed Old Man Brown my breasts when, what is that I hear? That couldn’t be a big rig rolling up to the house again. Oh but it was. Bradley was back.

It was quite funny how I surprised him at the front door before he could even knock. I gave him a good scold and told him how big trucks weren’t allowed in our neighborhood and that he was going to get us in trouble. We had a laugh and I invited him in. I think he had hoped to find me in my sexy undies again just the way he was looking at me but ultimately he was there to put another ‘emergency’ envelope in our safe for him.

I’m sure you know this already but in those envelopes of his it turns out that he puts a prepaid debit card. He says that he’s really bad with money and if he doesn’t put some aside he’ll spend it all on gambling and stupid stuff. The poor guy’s got self control issues it seems. I never knew that about Bradley. It certainly explains a few things.

So I put the envelope away for him and come back downstairs. We’re saying our goodbyes and he just kept drawing it out while trying to look at my body without being obvious about it. His eyes on me got me feeling naughty again. Honestly I was still buzzing after showing Old Man Brown my boobs. And so after he delayed once more I teased him and said, ‘If I didn’t know better I’d swear you were hoping to peek at my panties again ya big perv.’.

Knowing he’d been caught red-handed for peeping up my robe last time he blushes and sort of squirms. Then you know what he says!? He says that he’d love to see them again, even if I wasn’t in them! I was so confused that I just sort of stood there staring. He then laughs and says that if I could spare a pair he’d happily take it. And he was serious! He actually wanted a pair of my panties! He even confessed that that was the real reason he’d stopped by tonight!

Well I just didn’t know what to do with that. He really is a perv! As I stand there in shock he then gives me this long story about lonely nights on the road and not having a girl of his own and all this stuff about how he liked how soft they felt. Had it not been Naughty November I would have chased him right out our door. But if this month has taught me anything it is not to be so judgmental of others. And so…I asked him what color of panties he would prefer. I think I shocked him even more than he had me! Ha ha ha.

After he recovered he then said that whatever color I was wearing would be fine! It was shock for shock. We must have looked like quite a pair standing there in the entryway blushing like teenage virgins. We’d come that far and I weirdly admired his boldness in asking so I figured, what the heck. I told him to turn around and give me a moment. The way his face lit up you would have thought it was Christmas. And so I did it. He turned around and right there I slipped out of my shorts and panties then slipped my shorts back on.

When he turned around I joked with him that I didn’t think they’d fit him as I passed them over. They were one of those pink ones with the little bow in front if you’re curious. He then tells me that he doesn’t wear them. He sniffs them and uses them to play with himself! And then, as if to demonstrate the lack of self control he’d spoken about earlier, he brought my panties to his face and sniffed them. More than sniffed! Like a big, long lungful of air as my underwear covered his entire lower face with the crotch right over his nostrils! I’d just been wearing them like ten seconds before that! Ha ha ha! And the smile he had as he lowered them, he was in heaven! And my oh my, what an effect it had. I had never seen a tent rise so fast in a man’s trousers. Well…not since you left for work at least. HA!

David, when I saw that bulge I don’t know what came over me then. I was still so abuzz from Old Man Brown and befuddled by Bradley’s kink and turned on by the sudden presence of an erection, an erection that I was responsible for no less, I went and said, ‘You want me to take care of that before you go?’. I know! I know! I couldn’t believe it even as I said it. It was weird and sudden and this was a friend of yours but you just had to be there. I don’t know, it seemed like the thing to say. I hated to send the guy away like that!

I don’t think it will come as a surprise that he said yes. In his defense he did ask about you but I told him that I’m allowed to be with other men this month and that it was all good. And don’t worry, I also made him promise not to breath a word about anything that happened between us. He muttered something about not guessing that you were cackled or something. I couldn’t really make it out as the weirdo had my undies over his mouth when he said it. Ha! When I asked he told me it was nothing. I’m guessing it was some sort of inside joke between you and him?

Anyway! So, no offense to Bradley, he’s a nice guy and all, but I wasn’t about to let him do me. So before he could take charge and take things in a direction that I didn’t want to go I took things in hand myself. Literally.

Right there in the entry way I stepped up to him and started to rub his penis through his pants. The moment I did it he went really still. He didn’t even try to take control. The whole thing was so surreal. Bradley, me, the location, the fact he had my undies over his face, the fact that I was in control of a man, it didn’t even seem real as it was happening.

He was plenty hard so I zipped down his fly and fished his manhood out into the open. For so long I always thought a dick was a dick was a dick but I’m quickly learning that they are as varied as the men who sport them. His was quite short, no longer than James, but probably as thick as Richard if not a bit more. If yours is Luigi his was Mario, if that makes any sense. It was kind fat and stubby looking with a humongous mushroom head. And the wildest thing to me, it had a slight curve to the right. Yours has an upward curve but I didn’t realize they could curve side to side. I didn’t make him feel self-conscious about it though. I complimented it and told him that I’d never seen one so brawny.

He didn’t say a word though. He just stared and waited. He’s an odd guy that Bradley. While he stood there as still as a statue breathing through my used panties I stroked his hard penis in a way I thought a man would like. I stared at his fat penis wondering what it might feel like as I slowly stroked up and down in a nice steady way. He stayed still but I could his breathing start to quicken and he began to make these pitiful little noises. It was so wild silently pleasuring a man in such a calm, controlled way. Here I was, little old me, and I had this rough, tough, rebel trucker man whimpering like a puppy.

His orgasm came quite quick. He suddenly shuddered, let out this low grown, and I felt his penis throb then, BOOM! His first big blast shot all the way to the living room door! It was crazy! Then came another that went even further! Great big blobs of semen too, not like a little jet. Maybe guys with thick cocks shoot a lot? I guess that makes some kind of sense. I continued to stroke him and he just kept pumping it out in long white streaks of the stuff all over the laminate. It was so much cum for one guy!

When it was all over and I squeezed out the final drops all I could say was, ‘Wow!’. Ha ha ha! I just couldn’t believe how much he’d shot. I’d never seen so much semen before!

I tell you, having his warm, girthy dick in my hand as the manly smell of sperm filled the air was doing things to me and getting me thinking about things that I didn’t really want to do with him. And so I tucked him away and send him on his way. Before he left he thanked me about a million times. I finally got him out and wasted no time in rushing upstairs to find Mr. Sticky. His aroma still lingering in my nose I toyed my pussy to a really great orgasm. Afterward I kind of understood Bradley just a little better. Smell is a powerful sense after all.

Once I was satisfied my head was clearer it struck me all at once how WEIRD it was that my husband’s old trucking buddy now had a pair of my used panties! Gah! Who does that? What had I been thinking? Geez! Ha ha ha! It felt doubly foolish a bit later when I was on my knees cleaning his mega-mess from our hallway floor. The crazy things you do when you’re horny.

So I guess it’s another two for one this time around. Oh yeah, I meant to mention that Old Man Brown gave me a chef’s kiss when he saw my knockers. Isn’t that sweet?

Look at all these pages! I keep trying to make these shorter but they keep getting longer. But I can’t help it. So much is happening. What an adventure!

Your partner in adventure,



Letter in hand I stand in our entry way pumping my achingly hard cock as I watch through my mind’s eye my wife give my oldest friend a handjob. My oldest friend with his thick, mushroom tipped cock. I could see her right there, her slender hand stroking up and down his fat hog.

“Yeah.” I huff. “Yeah. Stroke that cock baby. Stroke that fat cock. Make him bust his big load, baby!”

And as I picture her pleasuring him I am keenly aware of the grenade that had just landed in my life. This wasn’t some stranger. Some acquaintance of hers with a degree of separation between us. We knew this guy. We met him for meals. We did things with him. And going forward we were all going to live with the consequences of what had happened. He now knew that Sarah and I were exploring things, we all now knew that Sarah had offered and given him a handjob, we all now knew that his cock was ‘brawnier’ than mine, we all now knew he had a strange thing for panties, Sarah and I now knew that he blew a load that made mine look feeble by comparison, and he now suspected that I had a cuckold kink. At least I’m pretty sure that’s what he mumbled when Sarah heard ‘cackled’. That was a lot of new and very private information to add into the mix of our friendship all at once. In less than a minute all of this stuff was going hit me like a rolling boulder, right now though it was just more fuel for the fire.

“Hmmmm!” My hips buck as as a wracking orgasm hits me. A long spurt of creamy cum shoots from my tip to arch gracefully through the air…then splatter to the laminate well short of the living room door. “HNNNGH!” I groan and shake as I furiously milk my load all over the floor.

I stare down at my glistening and decisively average sized mess, imaging it amongst my friend's copious load that had been there last night, and note just how short of the mark my furthest shot had landed. I’d cum good and hard too. It was a silly thing but the moment I’d read it I simply had to know. And there it was. Just as I suspected. I couldn’t shoot as far as him. Another new ingredient added into the mix.

“Hohhhh.” I sigh and slump sideways into the wall, a spent and humbled man.

As the climax trails off the feelings of shame and inadequacy rush in as I knew they would. But…prepared for them as I was this time it wasn’t as bad as I expected it would be. This wasn’t going to be the end of the world. It was going to be awkward, yes, embarrassing, hell yes, but we could live with this. We’d find away. We’d figure it out come December. But in the meantime, ohhhh! What an orgasm!

Nov. 21st


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