Face Rigger [Addon] (Gumroad)
2024-04-03 02:34:43
The ability to create a face rig using shape keys or face bones
Works for Blender 2.8x, provided under GNU General Public License
The purpose of Face Rigger Addon is to allow anyone to create a face rig for models with an existing armature using shape keys or face bones.
- Able to take a model’s shape keys to create a face rig using drivers
- Able to convert armature actions and use them for the face rig
- Able to rescale face bones to make them easier to view
- Able to create the following phonemes using the Phoneme table
- Locks the face rig and Phoneme tables to a bone of your choosing
- Does not control any face bones not included in the Face Rig\
- Does not control Phonemes beyond the few listed
- The face bones for the left and right side MUST HAVE A SYMMETRICAL NAMING CONVENTION
- Intended for Blender 2.8x and up. No plans for a 2.79 version is planned