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You'll get 50 photos of Spooky Shizuka with a guest appearance of a potion and a pumpkin.

"Darn it!" I curse under my breath as I make my way through the autumn forest.

"Who would have thought I'd have to trek deep into the woods and seek help from a witch? In this day and age?"

The closer and closer I got to witches' lair the eeriness intensified. I though that pumpkin and candles were just a Halloween gag, but apparently this one decided it is also a fitting decoration for her house.

I nervously knock on the door.

"I'm coming!" says the feminine voice inside.

I inhale, then exhale, preparing myself for this bizarre interaction... but nothing happens. I knock again.

"I'm really, really close - please wait a second!" witch responded with a muffled voice, as if she was biting something.

Baffled, I decided that I might as well sit down and enjoy the spooky atmosphere around me.
Not long after I hear loud shuffling and glass clanking - door finally opens.

"I'm terribly sorry dear traveler, I was preparing a potion and was too engrossed in it - I couldn't stop!"

Before me stood a woman who both could be a which, but very well be cute goth influencer. Judging from the house decorations I anticipated a long medieval dress with a comically big hat.

I was sorely mistaken.

The combination of black fishnets and black lacey dress enchanted me so much, that only after a couple of seconds of scanning her from head to toe I noticed her hair twintails looked more like a bed hair and her dress' shoulder straps did not stay where they ought to be.

"E-, um-" I stuttered. "Ms. Shizuka I assume?"

"Yes, how can I help you, fine gentelman?" she asked, playing with her hair.

"My friend has recommended your services to me, so I came - I heard you have a magical way of curing stress?"

"Naturally! Your visit is right on time, I've just prepared a new batch of the drug, freshly squeezed." she winked and waved her hand at me "Come on in."

I looked around the plain room with plethora of plants, pots and candles scattered everywhere. My eyes however were not impressed and went back to tracing movements of a pair of slender legs before me.
Shizuka picked up a bottle of yellow opaque liquid from the floor and reached out to me.

"Here you go! Bottoms up!"

"Um, what is this though - if I may?"

"Oh, it's a mix of special juices you see." ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)



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