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Happy New Year 2023 everyone!!
Thank you for your support in the past year, here is my biggest thanks!!

This is the content of the new issue of FF, and the cover and afterword will be added later. It was originally expected to be the follow-up of the video game department, but I can't figure out how to storyboard, so I first draw the sportswear that I have wanted to draw for a long time.

There are a lot of people, the scene is grand, and the painting is quite painful. I originally wanted to finish the painting by the end of 2022, but no matter how late I stayed up, it was such an embarrassing day, so I also want to say sorry to everyone, the schedule in November is full of activities, I also dealt with the commission in December at the same time, so the work is only completed now, sorry.

The next book will really be the video game department, I hope you will like this work, thank you again!



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