2022年夏リクエスト漫画27/27 艦これグレカーレ 催眠本番チンカス嗅ぎ (Fantia)
2022-10-27 20:55:56
※20221028 8:00追記 1.リクエストは各サイトの個別メッセージ・コメント等で確認しています、拾えきれていないリクエストがあった場合は、お手数かけますが応募要項を確認した上でメッセージの再送をお願い致します(一度でも支援履歴が有る方が対象です) 2.大変失礼致しました、確認漏れで2件拾えていないリクエストが有りました こちらは来月描くようにします! (橘ありす、プリコネのミヤコ) 2022年夏のリクエスト27作目! 艦これのグレカーレが提督の催眠術なんかに負けずに立ち向かう漫画です! キャラが自由でメスガキという内容だったので 前から描きたかったグレカーレをメスガキ感強めで描いてみました 2コマ即落ちが大好きなんですが、1コマ即落ちも良いですね! リクエスト企画を支援・応援頂き有難う御座いました! The following is a note added at 8:00 a.m. on October 28, 2022. 1. We have been checking the requests by individual messages and comments on each site. If there is a request that has not been picked up, please check the application guidelines and resend the message. (for those who have supported us at least once). 2. I am very sorry, but there were two requests that were not picked up due to lack of confirmation. I will try to draw them next month! (Arisu Tachibana and Miyako of Princess Connect) The 27th Request for Summer 2022! This is a manga about a KanColle's Grecale who is not afraid of the Admiral's hypnotism! Since the character is free and is a little bitch I've been wanting to draw Grecale for a long time, so I decided to give her more of a "little bitch" look. I like fast-paced manga, so it's interesting to see her defeated by hypnotism in the first panel. Thank you very much for your support for this project!