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Although there was an unexpected account freeze midway, the distribution for January has successfully concluded, and it really relieved me! Now, it's time to plan for the work in February.



1.支援者投票結果 / Supporter Voting Results



In this vote, "Frieren & Fern" achieved overwhelming victory, and completing this story will be the main focus of this month's work. Perhaps in the future, I'll consider adding the second-place "Yuuka" and the third-place "Ein & Soph & Owl" to the work list, but I don't think it will happen in February.


這次票選由「芙莉蓮&費倫」取得壓倒性勝利,完成這篇故事將是本月的工作重點。或許未來會將第二名的「優香」與第三名的「Ein & Soph & Owl」列入工作清單,但我想這並不會在二月發生。

2.魔法少女にあこがれて / Gushing over Magical Girls / 夢想成為魔法少女



This is an anime from this season, and the female protagonists are really cute and erotic. I feel like executing all of them!



3.Princess Eustiana Chapter 2



While the second chapter is nearing completion, it's evident that there's a serious mistake in the plot structure. Including the first chapter, I've drawn a whopping 23 pages without any R-18G content, it feels like the foreplay is too long... Anyway, we can finally decapitate this princess.


雖然第二章已接近完成,但我顯然在篇幅規劃上出現嚴重失誤。包含第一章居然已經畫了23頁,其中沒有任何R-18G內容, 作為前戲這未免也太長了......無論如何,我們終於可以砍下這位公主的頭。



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