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Hi everyone,

The full version of The Curator v0.4 is now available, and v0.3 is now available to the public for free.

A lot of effort went into making the Inazuma scenario special and it wouldn't have been possible without my writers! Special thanks to:

- KiraKiraDemon

- Jean2B

- RB sniper

- Adam.N


1) You can free everyone at the end of the Inazuma quest to capture everyone yourself.

2) Ayaka, Ei and Sara, and Sayu have mischief scenes available when talking to them.

3) Rotating Fountains and Glass Displays have been added back to the game. Glass displays are also available for busts now.

4) Signs have been added back to the game with dialogues available for everyone. Place them down next to a character to have it automatically fill up.

5) Sex poses has been added as an additional category.

6) Poses added in every category.

7) Added placeholders for upcoming content.

Bugs that have been fixed:

1) Variants of Pedestals/Fountains/Busts etc. (Henceforth referred to as statue bases) aren't saving.

2) Slab's texture is not seamless and looks like squares.

3) Characters on slabs not having their poses saved.

4) Some characters feet disappear when you take their shoes off without touching their top or bra e.g. Miko, Yoimiya.

5) Miror miaden has poses where she floats.

6) Busts aren't properly placed on top of the bust pedestal if using the tall variation.

7) Can't adjust variants if a statue base has a statue on them is on them.

8) Some character's bodies turn invisisble when you swap outfits on them.

9) You can place down statue bases or open the Select Character menu when the menu is opened.

10) Abnormal game behaviour if you try capture someone with a Random Expression.

11) Sayu appears even if loli content is disabled.

12) Ayaka, Yoimiya, Kokomi's eyes don't fully close.

13) Ayaka's model is very sensitive to lighting.

14) Jade and Glass are no longer present in the Capture Settings.

15) Selecting petrification material in the Capture Settings did not work properly.

16) You can stack people on statue bases.

17) Beidou and Yanfei don't disappear when being captured.

18) Some characters would have missing textures on their body if they were petrified with certain clothing combinations.

19) Some characters would default to Amber's signature pose instead of their own.

20) Some facial expressions wouldn't load properly when loading/moving between scenes.

21) Cryo Cicin's Mage facial expressions being deformed.

V0.41 Changes

1) Fixed a bug where placing a sign near Signora would not properly load its details.

2) Fixed a bug where changing facial expressions caused abnormal behaviour

Download Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UYQaUUeNOntiH3DPAwOevqSBwB96C7Iy/view?usp=sharing




Great update! however it seems like Sayu cannot be collected after turning inazuma back to normal. Her location doesnt appear in the menu


I loaded a save from the previous version that had it enabled and it didnt work. But upon further inspection I can collect her after starting a new save. Should've tried on a fresh save first, my bad.


i like the added events also looking forward to sumeru


Sorry, but can you recommend help regarding the installation? Because when I extract the file it tells me that the header is damaged, when I open the application, it was missing "UnityPlayer.dll" that I downloaded separately, it still responds with "Failed to load mono", what can I do?


Sorry, The zip was broken. V0.41 can't play.


Wanted to give some suggestions and report some issues: Issues: 1. Fountains are sensitive to lighting, I placed them in one of the side exhibition halls and parts of them were far darker than the rest. 2. Signora doesn't have a Sign 3. Cryo Cicin Mage's shoes don't fit when she's in her Splash-Art pose. There's probably more, but that's all I noticed. Now for suggestions: 1. Transforming characters into each-other. I suggested this before, it's just something I really like personally. I'd love to make a hall of Fatui and surround each Fatui statue with other characters turned into copies of the original. 2. The ability to raise the center platform on Fountains. Signora looks best on a fountain, but her clothes clip the sides at normal height. 3. Slab Poses that conceal the characters head and face. 4. The option to not transform the hair, like how you can choose to not transform clothes 5. The option to remove the characters hair just like the clothes(a bit of a silly idea, but fun)


Update: didn't notice that the Signora Sign bug was fixed already, sorry!


Hi, I'm sorry for this error, it it a mistake on my end. Try again and let me know if it works!


Hi, I'm sorry for this error, it it a mistake on my end. Try again and let me know if it works!


how can i awake characters?


Personally, I think the polish is excessive even before plasticization.


Great update as always. The new stories in inazuma are really amazing. A few bugs: 1. The "shelf 3" pose makes characters float a little in the air, and the "stretch 5" pose makes characters sink into the ground 2. If you press 1 just after you press f to leave the museum, you can "place" a character on the background of a dialogue setting, which leads to weird behavior 3. Freezing Yae Miko when the background fades causes the music to break 4. Sexy poses don't appear in the capture settings 5. Mirror maiden's apron outfit is colorless Some suggestions 1. There are a lot of poses in the game now, and going through all of them 1 by 1 in a list can get tiring, so I think the UI for selecting poses could be improved, maybe by having them as a set of options like the transformation menu 2. I wish there was a way to change the pose/move around multiple characters at the same time, like being able to select a group and make changes that affect the whole group


3. in version 0.3, if you pressed f11 to hide the UI then it would also hide the "press f" popup when you look at a character. It doesn't do that anymore, but I think that should be reverted 4. This will probably be extremely difficult to implement, but I think adding a "ragdoll physics mode" to the statues would be very fun. I'm looking forward to future content! I was very excited when I saw the "genshin impact" tab on the top left :D Thank you very much!!!


A few things I forgot! 1. A bug? in some previous versions, when you froze someone the camera would be centered on whatever pose you give them, but it doesn't do that anymore. If you freeze someone with a pose that's lower to the ground (model floor, some furniture poses, etc) then they will just go off screen. I think they should be centered on the screen when they freeze, no matter which pose you choose 2. A bug Some of the pose names are so long that they overlap in the capture settings drop-down menu (for example, cryo cicin mage splash) 3. A suggestion I really liked the prank scene with Raiden and Sara, and I think having certain poses that require 2 characters would be pretty cool (hug, kiss, dance, etc)


you cant awake them yet, probs gonna be in the next version


There's something bug! 1. I can't change the size of an already placed fountain. 2. I don't understand the meaning of mouse Scroll when placing statues.


+When approaching a character in a bunnygirl outfit while prone, the stockings temporarily disappear.


+When I mouse over Bust, I sometimes see a button that says "Untagged"


I can't change size of fountain(Variant)


+When I remove the cicin mage's outer robe, the texture on her chest becomes bumpy.


+There is some lag in the chain effect


"Mona has been sent to the musuem." → Mona has been added to the collection. "Eula has been sent to the muesum." → Eula has been added to the collection.


If I put a glass cover over the pedestal and then adjust the height of the pedestal, the glass cover disappears.


There are some questions…(1)My laptop doesn't have the scroll lock key.(2)Feet of characters using pose shelf 1 and 2 seem irrational.(3)Hair and nails always have model error. And would you like to add default descriptions to the signs?