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Thanks for everyone waiting patiently for the new ‘5th of the month’ release date. Is a shame to have it done this way, but seems necessary. Also if nothing else if I can keep up with my regular animating schedule, it gives me an opportunity to finish early and not need to rush to finish up the testing and finalizing. I know it was nice to have that time for this month at least as Todd decided to leave me some ‘just works’ fun for me, but I should have got that all sorted. The free updates will still go up on the 1st~ which allows me to space out that overhead as well. Anyway, some somewhat different critters than usual in this update. Back on the ABC train with getting my singular goat animation updated to ABC, as well as make another. I finally got around to doing a boar+rider FFC which I quite enjoyed despite being quite niche And then another Giant/Lurker animation, which despite putting in a decent amount of effort to get a rig going that roughly supports both the giant and lurker, I am considering marrying that relationship so they can both get their own animations as to allow them to be more interesting. Of course that’s wishful thinking as the end result might be they just both not getting any animations as they get so few already anyway, but ya. Just another thing to add to my giga to-do pile… For humans just some more stuff. Like any animation theme you can never seem to have enough, but getting another more foreplayish finger animation, another BJ which is still kind of a lacking area, and a good ol futa 3p which was a decently successful attempt at getting a differently-posed futa train thing going on. All that being said, here’s the final patch notes. Thanks for being here with me, as always. Please enjoy. -Patch Notes- SLAL_Billyy_Animations v6.7 Creature Beasts Pack - Boar FFC Missionarys Creature Humanoids Pack - Giant Standing Service - Lurker Standing Service Creature Humanoids Pack - Goat Doggy 2 - Goat Missionary ABC Edit Human Pack - Standing Finger - Laying Belly Facefuck - 4p Cowgirl Gangbang conversion from 5p Futa Pack - Futa 3p Doggy Missionary



Thanks for your brilliant work.


Billyy nisms are always worth the wait!


I know you answered a question about futa/female recently, but I'd just like to say that I honestly wouldn't mind just straight up tweaks of your male/female anims. You can use a futa with them already, but hands don't always rest where they're supposed to, in cowgirl anims the taker's hands are just clipping into the futa's chest and most importantly, the dicks just don't align at all. Outside of your amazing futa anims, futa/female feels like a second class pleb experience. Feels bad man. It probably wouldn't be very creatively fulfilling for you though.


Based, man of culture, Zulg. It's something I toy with the idea of somewhat frequently. The big stopper is as you've mentioned; not very fulfilling to convert stuff. In-fact as I've mentioned I loathe doing conversions, and it's one of those things that I fear if I start doing, will I make myself convert every animation? Specifically if I had to like make a human petite animation, and as normal convert it for regular size females, and then convert that one to futa, and maybe even convert the petite one to futa as well? God, I'd like shoot myself. Part of me also would make to make specific futa x female animations as futa's would have a different stance and feel to them than a male. But that's pretty time-consuming in it's own sense. At any rate, I'll keep toying with the idea. Again as I mentioned before it's one of those things that I thought if I ever had the very fortunate opportunity to do animating full-time, then better futa support would be one of the things I covered...


***Character limit*** ...amongst some other niche things. Such as on the topic of futa, Futa with creatures. Likely on the receiving end, but could consider either way. Not to everyone's taste but if I had the time to make them I could justify some niche stoof. Of course there's still a chance one day I'd look to do these even if I didn't get a bunch of extra time to do animations, but there's still much that needs done. Those bound and bound furniture are still pretty lacking... etc. So I guess tl;dr, maybe one day...


Thank You Lord