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Nothing crazy for the final monthly update/first update of the new year, but at least managed to get another respectable update done and here’s hoping new year brings more opportunity for me to make more of the elusive 4p+ nisms. I had some last-minute complications when assembling the update as the great Todd gifted me with a couple issues. One being some slight rig issues with the sabrecat, as well as using an older updated cat dick that was smaller than the current one leading to misalignments. I guess that’s just the cat’s payback for being neglected. The other issue was that I noticed my humanoid creature animations had hit the SLAL page limit; something I knew would happen eventually, but not the best timing. Though there’s probably never a good time for that. So as I had pre-planned for the occasion, I’ve split up the humanoid packs into the standard ‘humanoids’, and now ‘humanoids large’. The former containing Dragon Priests, Draugr, Falmer, Riekling, Vampire Lords. While the latter contains the ‘large’ humanoids, Gargoyle, Giant/Lurker, Seeker, Troll, Werewolf. It ended up being a pretty even split animations wise too. I’ll be watching the beast pack as well as I assume this’ll be the next to hit the MCM list limit, and will take a similar approach. Well that’s about it; Another set of nisms done. I hope everyone is well and had some good holidays. Here’s to another degenerate year. -Patch Notes- SLAL_Billyy_Animations v6.5 - Creature Humanoids pack split into Humanoids/Humanoids Large as the packs MCM list limit was reached Creature Beasts Pack - Sabrecat Facefuck 2 Creature Humanoids Pack - Falmer 3p Kneeling Service - Riekling Lotus - Werewolf 4p Gangbang 1 conversion Human Pack - Reverse Cowgirl 2 - Sitting Blowjob - 3p Swapping DP Service



Happy New Year Billy! Thank you for the lotus position :)


Happy new year billyy! And thank you for continuing to keep the animating scene alive ;) Appreciate ya.


Happy new year, Anon-kun. Sure thing. Todd has me in their icy grip. Thanks for you and everyone else being here with me to make it worth continuing to animate for this decade old game. =)


Belated happy new year, and thanks for all your excellent work! Sorry to bother you, but I have a small problem with one animation: Billyy Wall LegUp stage 3, from Billyy_HumanFurnitureInvis, won't animate in my game (both actors), the other stages and animations work fine. It persists over multiple FNIS re-runs and new game starts, also saw it in the last version v6.4. I'm running AE 1.6.353. Another small thing are the AnimObjects, they seem to be in LE format in the SE package in the last releases: They are displayed without texture and a blackish color for me, running them through NIF Optimizer for SSE is an easy fix though (changes the NiTriShape to a BSTriShape).


Greetings fellow tsrsr degen. Thanks for supporting my degeneracy and reporting a potential issue. Hmm, well for the animobjects it seems some users have the textures come out odd, which is somehow related to the conversion from LE to SE. Re-running the same conversion on the users end seems to somehow fix. I’ll try and do their conversion differently from now on to hopefully prevent it from happening. It seems to affect AE users more though…


Now as for the stage 3 not working; we’re sure it’s Wall LegUp stage 3? This one is tricky as I don’t see that on my SE… In fact, having just 1 stage not working is… bizarre. Usually that only happens if there’s an issue with the animation file itself, but they appear fine. I’ve reexported both actors from stage 3 so maybe that’ll somehow fix future updates… Something I might suggest trying is that maybe it’s somehow along the same issue as above and those specifically might get converted poorly, so running those animation files through an SE converter might help. Or potentially taking the LE file and running it all/those animations through the converter.


You’d find the files for that pack here: Data\meshes\actors\character\animations\Billyy_HumanFurnitureInvis Specifically B_WLegUp_A1_S3.hkx and the A2 for that animation/stage. I use the Cathedral Asset Optimizer to convert the LE to SE. I see there’s a new version so I can try using that one out in the future too. It might also be worth like uninstalling the animations, running fnis then installing again. Honestly not sure if fnis skips over things it’s done or not, but might be worth a shot. I hope something here might help point you in the right direction if not solve the issue; it’s always tough troubleshooting when I can’t recreate the issue…