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I originally was waiting out posting this until next month so nobody pre-emtivley subbed when I couldn't post any updates for being unverified. However it turns out nobody can sub anyway while I'm unverified anyway, so there's no harm posting the link early for those interested, and so those who may decide to not support this platform anymore due to their rule change will still be able to see it before they leave.

There's not much to see as I guess becuase I'm 18+ you can't even see my posts. Not that there's anything crazy there either.

Anyway, this is me: https://subscribestar.adult/billyy

Thanks to anyone who moves over, and those who will simply stay and wait it out here to see what happens. The SubStar may be the better experience as I can freely post previews or otherwise there without concern, whereas it will be shaky at best here.



If you email support@subscribestar.adult and explain what you do and post your links they might approve you faster. That's how i got approved.