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Greetings, my fellow degens. Not as much progress so far this month as I’d like due to the body betraying me and causing some ‘discomfort’ for a bit, and then also because I’ve kind of had an epiphany that has at least temporally given me a change of heart on some nism aspects.

Without beating around the bush, I’ve simply become more open to the whole ‘converting’ of nisms between creatures. It’s doable, but somewhat tedious to backtrack to do, but not as tedious as remaking said animation again for that creature (in most cases anyway).

Originally the tediousness of converting animations and kind of tarnishing the uniqueness between creatures is what kept me from doing said conversions, but with my huge nism list of stuff to do that I never seem to be able to find time for I’ve realized I need to work less ‘hard’ and more ‘smart’. There isn’t necessarily a good reason that say Draugr and Falmer couldn’t use the same animations and let me saturate both creatures with animations with more or less half the effort, freeing up time for other potential endeavors.

There’s been a lot of buildup towards this somewhat obvious realization that some animations could be converted to be used with another similar creature. After making some of my recent animations that felt similar to others but with a different creature, planning for some animations I want to make in the short-term but not necessarily take too much time on (as not really the norm I do, breaking another 1 of my ‘rules’ here actually), my earlier creation of the Giant/Lurker conversion rig, and one of our good fellow degens wanting falmer to also get a holding nelson nism, I broke. Like that Draugr Nelson came out pretty good, how do I make one at least that good for falmer, and do I try and make it different? Why would I remake the same animation and poses? So the answer became obvious; let’s just try and reuse the animation like everyone with half a brain has thought of in the past.

Now it’s not totally straight-forward to reuse, some tweaks are needed, but I like to think I’m pretty big brain at working ‘smart’ so I’ve found some janky but seemingly totally functional ways to get it done. Newer nisms I plan ahead for will be easier to convert as I won’t need to re-import the second creature every single stage and re-set him up. I’ve already put the theory to the test, successfully converted the Draugr Nelson to a Falmer nelson, as well as earlier work on my werewolf 3p spiroast into a gargoyle animation.

So that’s what a lot of my month has been working on, just kind of trying to put all this new info together. What creatures would work with similar animations, as well as a further realization that like my 5p to 4p animations, I could maybe even get crafty and be able to create a 2p nism from a 3p. Maybe also 4p turned to 3p, though that’d be more difficult to go down that far as 4p/5ps are animated in a different kind of way as they’re so restrictive by their nature. Again, was something I didn’t like as I wanted group animations to look different, but in a way they’d be interesting as it could look like 1 animation getting progressively more actors joining in (probably not really cleanly doable in Skyrim, but I got the idea from other lewd games).

To test out my 3p to 2p theory, I turned that Werewolf 3p spitroast into a 2p ‘hanging’ nism. I’m not totally satisfied with how it came out, but it did save a good amount of time, and does come out quite different from the 3p it was adapted from.

I’ve given myself a lot of think about with all this conversion business, and still a lot to test. These conversions could also allow me to saturate some of the lesser-loved creatures without a huge investment on my end. For example, Deer from my early tests seem to align fairly decently to horses and could partially share some (not all) of their animations. I’m not looking to convert everything over as I’d like to keep some uniqueness between creatures. Using the horse/deer as an example I don’t plan on converting the bucket-fill service from horse to deer, that’s a more horse-only kind of nism.

As for creature conversionability, the more clear-cut ones I’ve come up with are:




Chaurus/Chaurus Reaper

Large Spider/Giant Spider


Giant/Lurker (Already got this one going)

Fox/Goat(need ABC)

Where it gets more big-brain is while not all animations would work between creatures, but some poses may, so I might be able to more work tweaking some animations, but get them to work for other creatures, such as:

Draugr/Falmer, maybe Rieklings could work, or Vampire Lords (fuk these shits, I got try and make a new rig, for em)

Canine/Skeever, maybe Fox, Goat(need ABC), Rabbit

Chaurus/Ash Hopper

Spider/Dwarven spider

Anyway, I guess it all comes down to how sane I can stay reusing animations. I feel like I’ll probably keep at least -some- animations exclusive to creatures still to keep some uniqueness. I’m not necessarily looking to convert human/creature animations together, but I’ve broken that in the past with the draugr FFM/FFC animatinos, so who knows… I would like to avoid though as humans are limiting with their lack of ABC.

So, does anyone have any thoughts? Good idea/bad idea? Do people like standardish more unique nisms but not shared, or more animations to saturate creatures and give them a more variety of potential positions? Also aby specific nism you’d like me to look at converting to another creature?

Finally, here’s previews for what I’ve got done so far, as well as the progress/plans. Though I’ve not totally planned out what I want to do. Creatures have been the spotlight for my attention so I’ve not even really planned the human animations aside from thinking I’ll try for a futa 3p.



S1: https://www.redgifs.com/watch/ourannualkinglet

S2: https://www.redgifs.com/watch/creamywarpedarmedcrab

S3: https://www.redgifs.com/watch/pristineoverdueharpseal

S4: https://www.redgifs.com/watch/easyabsoluteoriole

S5: https://www.redgifs.com/watch/superbsuperbdiscus

S6: https://www.redgifs.com/watch/worthlesszanyaffenpinscher


S1: https://www.redgifs.com/watch/admiredwhitesmokeaegeancat

S2: https://www.redgifs.com/watch/meanwordyseaurchin

S3: https://www.redgifs.com/watch/crushingantiqueicelandgull

S4: https://www.redgifs.com/watch/negligiblecomplexwasp

S5: https://www.redgifs.com/watch/smoggycolossalvaquita


S1: https://www.redgifs.com/watch/pricklybaggyfalcon

S2: https://www.redgifs.com/watch/linedadoreddassie

S3: https://www.redgifs.com/watch/stylishbewitchedamericanwirehair

S4: https://www.redgifs.com/watch/linedourkiskadee

S5: https://www.redgifs.com/watch/violetdazzlinglimpet



Chaurus Reaper Laying Anal (Chaurus C): 100%

Deer Piledriver Anal (Horse C): 40%

Falmer Holding Nelson (Draugr C): 100%

Gargoyle 3p Hanging Spit 2 (Werewolf C): 20%

Skeever Doggy Facefuck (Canine C): 20%

Werewolf Hanging (3p C): 100%


Futa 3p?

-Petite Humans-

-Petite Creatures-

Petite Chaurus Reaper Laying Anal (C): 0%

Petite Falmer Holding Nelson (C): 0%

Petite Gargoyle 3p Hanging Spit 2 (C): 0%

Petite Werewolf Hanging (C): 0%



I like the unique animations for the individual creatures rather them sharing them. Makes it worth more while too when you encounter them in game. More immersive I suppose. Though I'm sure most people don't care to much about each creature having unique animations. Could always have a vote on discord to see what people like. Also, I do agree. Those deer need more animations, and if you can make em share horse ones that would be nice. One more thing off topic, I'm sure this has been brought up, but what about invisible furniture animations, but for creatures? Like the human ones you do with tables and chairs and such. (ChairFaceFuck) for example.


That’s a big true. It was my original thinking, and do still like that aspect as does make situations with different creatures more unique. Though I’m not satisfied with the number of animations for some creatures/scenarios either. The 4p+ for creatures is pretty barren, is it better for each creature to have their own unique but limited animations, or more, but non-unique. A subjective hard call I suppose. Some animations also end up pretty similar even if remade from scratch for different creatures. Maybe there’s a healthy mix of some being reused, and the rest remaining unique. Some scenario’s benefit more than others with neglected creatures getting some love as a plus. Of course, I’d love to just give them all unique animations, but seems like it’s not necessarily feasible for me to get everything I want done, just never enough time evidently. Skyrim has 40~ creatures as a reference. A big task to tackle them all.


Anyway, I’ll wait to hear some more thoughts. I might look at doing a poll on strawpolls or whatnot and post on pixiv too. I figure I’ll finish out this month as a kind of trial to test feasibility and approval. It’d be good to hear the opinion from those that actually get to play Skyrim as I kind of only get my opinion from my spreadsheet noticing gaps in the nism quantity/scenario. It’s quite possible I’ve fallen out of touch being away from the gameplay for so long! If the degens want unique nisms then that’s what they shall receive.


As for invisible creature furniture, yeah, it’s come up a few times. It’s something I want to explore with select creatures that you’d reasonably be able to start with furniture/be around it. So, like dogs mainly, maybe werewolves too, maybe skeevers because I love my skeebis, and I’d be disappointed if none of my degens didn’t have pet skeebis to love. It’s not something I’ve gotten to yet as have kind of wanted to saturate other more normal/debatably more usable things like 3p+, or hole saturation. It's kind of another reason for my conversion stuff. It'd allow me saturate those gaps and thus allow for working on some more niche stuff. In a way having less unique nisms leads to unique stuff too. Though technically there's nothing stopping me from just working on the niche stuff anyway.


Still waiting the original animations can be remake. (`・∀・)b


I don't think this is a bad idea. It helps give underused creatures a bigger animation pool and that's always a good thing. In my mind, it makes sense to give the creatures as many "normal" nisms as possible and then give them more specific, thematic twists where applicable. A chaurus can have a missionary nism just like a draugr, for example, but maybe the chaurus missionary includes an egg pile object at the end or something. Idk, I'm happy either way honestly.


If 4p+ creatures animations, It would be easier if they just shared them. There's only so many sex positions that work well and still be pleasant to see, without it looking like a clusterfuck. To bad our heroine isn't more flexible. I don't know who really plays the game itself anymore other then to screenshot or crank one out. Plus I'm sure you get tired of seeing Skyrim everyday having to animate and all. Take time off this month and enjoy some time to yourself. and remember "Don't define the game by the list of the features. Define it by the experience you want to have. Quote (Todd Howard) Merry Christmas Billyy!


I think it is a good idea to flesh out the creatures who have low animations to repurpose them. I mean if you can do it easy go ahead. Honestly I would love to see a few of these creatures (bears, deer, goats) get some double and triple animations in the future. The horses have a few but the others not so much. I know some of the bigger creatures are a bit annoying to work with but in the case of the bear they do have tongue support so you could do some cunnilingus stuff easy with that. The deer could use a few stump animations from the wolves and sabrecats. And the falmer could use most of the draugr animations period. At the end of the day it is up to you. If you wish to do it by all means go ahead. If you find it to be too hard then don't push yourself too hard. And I know you hate the vamp lord BUT they have humanlike skeletons so...


Maybe a different way to think about it: Many users don't use/see every creature and wouldn't necessarily even notice the "reused" stuff. If someone *is* using every creature, then they have about 600 animations to work with just from your existing stuff. If that isn't diverse enough, then those folks would never be satisfied. I'm curious if the female pose can be "generalized", then it might also cut down on animation load by re-using her side of it in at least a few of the stages. You could just register the old animation set in SLAL and it wouldn't weight on the animation limit as much.


I think in most cases there would be some minor tweaks needed for the female to convert it between creatures, so may not be doable in the sense of reusing identical animation files. Never tried before to know if SLAL/Sexlab supports something like that. I guess if they had identical an registration names, but then it might not register all the animations between creatures...


Ahhhhhhhhhh, you have any ones specifically? I don't really refer to 'original animations' anymore for remakes. Other than maybe the 4p+ ones.


Triple bear, deer goats? Aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh, that sounds crazy sauce. I was only really planning on 4p+ for a select number of the common creatures. Deer and goat’s I had not even planned on 3ps for… hhrrmmm.. Goats in general I’m still waiting on ABC to greatly improve their balls situation. The vampire lord skeleton feels like it was hastily made, it behaves odd, his like mini fingers on his hands aren’t rigged, his stomach contorts inwards as he bends forward, annoying wing things to animate, mouth moves in a bizarre way, and he’s pretty ugo and pretty rare to see. Main reason he’s not seen more though is when Baka ABCed he tried to fix some of his weird bending issues, but did mean I have to remake my rig/use his big brain one (that wouldn’t work for my ‘converting’ method anyway) and it’s just not something I’ve gotten around to yet.


In theory if I did re-rig him, he might end up with some love conversion-wise, though he’d be more painful to do that a say a draugr -> falmer convert, so probably wouldn’t get everything.


Actually, your earlier comment is also actually a potential good point. Some people don’t like/use some creatures, so those animations are totally useless to them. There are even some weirdos that don’t like falmer/draugrs.


Yes, indeed that case for 4p+. Hard to get all them actors in and participating without totally blocking the view of the good stuff. Only so many positions to get used, without getting too fancy and jumping actors all over the place between stages anyway. I figured with 5ps specifically I’d have overlapping of basically identical animations anyway.


I actually only see real Skyrim rarely. I still enjoy having an excuse to boot it up and look around at the pretty world every now and then. Now Skyrim from a modders/3ds animation perspective, then ya the daily grind can get rough sometimes. Specifically, just dealing with some of the jankiness of Skyrim animating can get to me. I can’t have nearly as much fun as say the full-on blender animator guys can, but that’s a totally different ball-game, and I’d still rather make things people can ‘use’ rather than just ‘watch’ if you will. It’s something that I look forward to and pray gets improved come some other future Todd game worth modding (if they allow it), assuming I’m still around by then.


The only thing that somewhat intrigues me with Fallout is in theory a better sex framework experience, but could be very much a ‘grass always greener’ kind of thing. No plans to actually do Fallout though. I didn’t like it enough and I’ve got my plate more than full with Skyrim still. It’s gotten so many mods and animations but it still feels like there are glaring holes in the lewd content…


Triple bear? GOOD LORD MAN I meant fcc not fccc... You had a double bear animation but it kinda fell to the way side as it were. I was meaning other than yours there is no double team bears, no double deer, hardly any goat stuffs. The ash hopper is getting some love but not everyone likes bugs... (I kinda like spiders) If vamp lord is that broken then don't fret about it. Gargoyles are fine for that stuff anyways. Like I said it's your decision we are just here for the ride. (Just remembered I had a spider in my kitchen) Shudders....


I remember Chaurus and Skeever had a good old 4ps already! It will be nice to remake!


As yes, the dreaded 4ps+ after-all... I do want do, always short on the times for what I can do. Life is suffering...


Sorry, i don't mean to force you to do. Take your time billyy. You are the best!


In a perfect world I'd get all the nisms done I can think of. That's the dream anyway.