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New degeneracy, fellow degens. We got some different creatures this time around. Giants are finally back as a possible creature to do now that I’ve seemingly gotten my Giant/Lurker setup going so they can be interchangeable now without Lurker face squish thing. It’s not really easy to convert existing giant animations to be lurker so I will likely remove those old converted Lurker animations I made in the past that have face squish. Also did another spider animation after so long, and I hope I’ll find more ways to have some web stuff included in future animations and for all the 3 spider sizes. After so long there was also a big ol chonker bear nism. A creature I’d like to make at least a few more animations for. I also finally got to update my Atronach Storm animations slightly, which I had wanted to do for a while, but was waiting on ABC to see if I’d get mucked over again. Luckily not this time. Humans got my first 2p petite to female conversion and edit, which I’ll proably continue to do for at least a handful of the exclusive petite animations. Also another 3p redo, which I’m slowly reaching the end of and maybe I’ll look at redoing some of the older 2ps as well. Also another invisible bed animation. There was a lack of group animations this update though. As much as I dislike them, I’m trying to pivot towards having at least a couple of these each update (usually 1 human, 1 creature) as it’s the area that basically everything is still lacking, and few animators like to touch on, especially anything over 3p. This would not only include the standard 1 female, multi-males, but also the more non-conventional FFCs, and then any 5-actor combination of human male and female. Gah, how I’d love to just flood that void with some fun group nisms, but alas my time and sanity struggle with what I currently have to do. One day, friends… Hopefully, assuming Toddrim is around long enough… Anyway here are the patch notes. Thanks for your continued support. Stay safe and degenerate, frens. -Patch Notes- SLAL_Billyy_Animations v4.7 Creature Beasts Pack - Bear Reverse Cowgirl Creature Constructs Pack - Atronach Storm Behind EDIT - Atronach Storm Floating Rock Dildos 1 EDIT - Atronach Storm Floating Rock Dildos 2 EDIT - Atronach Storm Holding EDIT - Atronach Storm Living Armor EDIT Creature Humanoids Pack - Giant Holding 2 - Lurker Holding 2 Creature Insects Pack - Spider Web Hanging Human Pack - Doggy1 - 3p Rev Cowgirl Spit REDO Human Invisible Furniture Pack - Bed Laying Side Blowjob


Bob Dole

Thanks Billy!


Thanks Billyy! Would love to see some 4+ anims in the lesbian category. That's the biggest area lacking. :)


Guuuuuhhhhhhhhh, I know. It's vaguely on my radar. Though I still want to get a few more FFFs in first. We'll see if my sanity can survive animating all those females at once. /blob~


Have you ever had an issue where chaurus and spiders return to idle animation if you rewind a sexlab scene back to the 1st anim in the scene?, once this happens the player character will continue animating but the creature will not. Another nuisance I've been having lately is that human/creature actors will return to their clothed/un-schlonged state at orgasm start rather then when the scene finishes. I don't have mods that are meant to cause this, I just hoped you might have experienced something similar and could offer some advice? don't worry if not, I'm just at a loss for what could be causing this strange bug. I'm so sorry to bother you with questions like these on here but I haven't had any luck finding answers anywhere else unfortunately. Thanks for reading and thank you for all your hard dedication billyy ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) lol


Sadly I don't have the answers to these either. I've had issues with actors randomly returning to idle animations for all creatures/humans. It's usually rare, but most common occurance is when swapping stages, specifically when going back to stage 1. Sometimes resetting the animation with [ key will fix, though frequently if the scene gets broke like that, then said actor continues doing it randomly throughout. A very long time ago I also had an install where the actors would redress too, but I don't recall if I fixed it, or it went away when I did a new install at some point. So ya, seems like Todd is paying extra attention for you install and stringing his web of bugs to enhance the Bethesda experience.