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Alright I originally was writing this out as a response to a specific post, but it ended up being pretty lengthy and a there was a 1000 character limit on posts. So I made it somewhat more about my general thoughts and I figured it may be an interesting read, so I decided to just post it as a blog.

This was bassically my thoughts concerning the general view of animations and what factors I try to consider when making them. The flow may be somewhat muddled as i modified it from being a post to more general, but I think the point still comes across.

You are very correct, my friend. Generally speaking what I imagine most people would want to see during the fun is the female and I try to consider what the view will look like for the player and keep is as unobstructed as possible where the position allows for it. Certain animations have a harder time with this than others, like 3p+ with multiple actors where I’ll try and position extra actors not be blocking the view as best as possible while still having the position be functional. Then of course Missionary/Mating Press are also specifically quite obstructive poses, and I was thinking exactly this while making the Troll mating press animation and how I could best make it be visually appealing despite that.

Generally I'd agree that certain poses can look better for certain creatures and I think there are a lot of different factors people are looking for with animations. For a mating press while the view of female as a whole may not be great, it does allow you to see the female in a position where she is somewhat overwhelmed by the troll and that may be part of the attraction here. There are of course the key areas more important to be visible than others, such as the face, breasts/stomach, and then the lower-bits and penetration itself. So the mating press by it’s nature kind of blocks a lot of these, but I tried to position the trolls arms and body in a way that would still give you views of the females breasts and face. Specifically though I think the appeal for this pose is to see the penetration itself where it’s kind of unique in giving you a great view of what’s going on down below more so than other poses that may somewhat obstruct it. So I tried to make sure the view from the rear was good, the trolls legs are spread out so reveal the females bottom so you can see the large beast and his member kind of just bore down into the female with his balls flapping around heavily, maybe even slapping into females butt from the power of his swings. All while you can see the troll is between the females legs where she’s in a submissive/vulnerable position and whether conscious or not she spreads them as the troll pounds into her.

So I guess to tl;dr that I try to consider the view for animations, and that may subconsciously be one of the reasons I don’t do more mating presses in general/work more with large creatures (Bear, Sabrecat, etc.). I also think that different poses sometimes also add different opportunities to enhance/draw the view on specific areas. I guess it’d kind of be like females wearing erotic clothing (in skyrim or otherwise) where like the clothes look nice themselves and a corset for example may block view of belly, but I find it kind of enhances the view of the groin and breast region as your eyes are drawn to the exposed flesh. It's something I should try to consider more when making animations as to where the eyes will be drawn and how to best accentuate that area.

So generally I agree there are certain creautre/pose combos that work better than others. I'd also say that reverse cowgirl does indeed probably gives you the best view of everything overall and I do find it one of my favorite poses as you usually get the best breast bouncing and unobstructed view of it of all the positions. I should consider doing some more reverse cowgirls, but I’ll admit I’ve avoided it as it’s a super consensual pose and while I dig that, I’ve recently had a lot of comments looking for less-consensual animations. /sigh, it aint easy trying to please everyone, haha.



To be honest the non con stuff has been done to death in skyrim by everyone. If you want to do more consensual animations go ahead. I mean romance is not dead after all. That and I appreciate your work as an animator regardless of what you pursue. Be it rough stuff or snuggly stuff. As long as you don't burn yourself out everything will fall into place. ;)


Would totally love to see more reverse cowgirl animations. It's one of my favorite poses too. I was also curious if there's a chance to see some animations featuring female PC x female creature, such as hagravens or female werewolves in the future? I know those are pretty unpopular creatures, but still... Anyway, many thanks for your awesome work!

Bob Dole

While I prefer non con for creature animations (Just makes more sense to me) consensual human animations are fine with me.


It's -possible- in the sense that I've not totally written it off, but currently very unlikely. I think I'd have to get on top of a lot of other animations/themes I want done before getting into some nicheier stuff. Hag Ravens more likely, but my plan to make it bearable and interesting to animate was going to be giving her magical shit going on, kind of like my Dragonpriest animations.


Nothing saps my interest in an animation more than rapey stuff. It's boring. Someone laying with a troll and enjoying it speaks volumes more to the depravity of the person in then scene than anything else. Also consent is hot, sue me. Keep the consensual stuff coming, chief, its what I'm here for. Let funnybusiness handle the rapey junk.


Reverse cowgirl was more personal preference because it looks good from any angle, front, under, side and back. With smp/hdt on for hair, clothing and body.. the rocking of up and down from the animation makes it look so good in any scene. As for consent and non-consent, having the choice to do both makes for great scene building imo. I tend to use consensual positions in the Hollyfrost farm to pretend thats my PCs home, where she would fuck whoever she wants. Then the more non-consent positions in caves, dungeons and outdoor. But overall, I see your positions more as neutral tbh. Reverse CG could even be non-consent given the use of the right facial expression via sexlab.. which I edit for that purpose.


I hope that moment will come sooner rather than later. If there is anyone who can make Hag Raven animations look hot, it is you, Billyy.


Oh lawd, don't say something so scary. Need a lot of work to make animations with haggys involved 'hot'. kekekek


I'm sure our male dragonborn has been tied up by them at least once or twice.. lmao hagravens need too love :)


"laying with a troll and enjoying it speaks volumes more to the depravity of the person" yes and