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EDIT: the full pic goes against Fanbox's TOS and so it was forced to be taken down. They can be seen on Pixiv and Deviantart instead however so just go there to check it out. Sorry for the inconvenience. We've talked a lot about the Underside, lets talk about a unique creature that lives there rather than a species today. Also known as the Mystery man, Suit guy, Candy Devil, and Ol' Sharptooth. A feared fae from the underside, the Candyman is a strange, gentlemanly looking goblin like creature. He stands roughly 8 feet tall, and possess mottled greenish grey skin. His eyes are wide and black with peppermint centers, and he has a wide, red lipped smile with shark like teeth colored similarly to candy corn. He has a fat neck and cleft chin that seems to sink into the collar of his coat, and a large hunched back. He is always clad in a nice suit of various pastel colors, and wears large distinguished hats. His pants seemingly blend into his feet which curl at the tips. The Candyman also has long, hooked fingers that resemble candy canes, and he also carries around a fancy walking cane. The Candyman hails from the candy wastes of the Underside, where he seems to lurk as mysterious entity. No one knows what he is, or if he was previously a bugaboo or something, nor where he came from. They know only that he will suddenly appear in the Candy wastes unannounced. Caravans of children may mention seeing a strange hunched man with a wide smile and a top hat standing at a distance, and others may see him walking along a toffee mountain ridge, or knocking at the front gates of a walled kid town. The Candyman will often approach the children with a wide smile on his face, and greet them with a warped, yet quiet and soothing voice. He begins by asking the time, or complimenting the children on their outfit or belongings before saying he's new to the area and was just passing by, and will often offer some food or toys in return for the children doing some mundane task for him, and will always attempt to be extremely friendly and fun with magic tricks and jokes, listening to what the children have to say intently and telling them jokes as well. As the candyman speaks to them and they let their guard down, the candyman will begin asking for minor things such as children's names, their favorite things, their favorite foods, ect. and if he asks for them and the child tells them the answer, he will gain that from the child permanently, taking their name, or their favorite belonging in an instant, maybe even their memories or their history. Now this is something any fae can do, but he seems to be particularly good at doing so, and is in the business of trading names of children to other creatures within the Underside for information. Often times he tricks children into giving him something and he makes terrible deals with them to get their belonging back. This is often times a nigh impossible task, or something not worth the trade, and if he wants something done he may initiate a chain reaction from a group of children to gain what he desires. He can seemingly create candy from anything, and this is the ability that he is known best for. He can take seemingly impossible concepts such as a rainbow or a sigh, and make a sugary treat for someone to indulge in, with it often times tasting like the greatest food you’ve ever eaten. He can transform buildings, and objects into candy as well. Children who consume the candy that he creates, will become depressed or angry that nothing will ever be as good as the candy he makes and they treat it almost like a drug, and it makes convincing them to make a deal with him easier. With his candies he can make a child feel any emotion that they want, with happiness being the most popular. The Candyman will play with a group of kids, give them candy and then feign sadness when he runs out, claiming that he can’t make any more unless they provide him with what he needs to make more. He can also make any object or creature taste delicious as well, causing delusional children to break their teeth trying to chew on gravel, or making needles taste like apple pie. He will often take children back to the Candy Factory, where he will have them work in brutal conditions for candy. In these candy factories, the Candyman will use his magic along with child labor to make the candy. The children are often chained or shackled up and forced into horrible conditions to draw out feelings of despair and sorrow from the children which he then separates and draws out the happy emotions as a sort of cream and bakes it into desserts. The children’s emotions are fed upon here, and he keeps them in a state of withdraw from the candy so that they become willing to do nearly anything for the candy, including selling each other out and not trying to escape. The Candyman will often times use other creatures as enforcers in this factory such as Bugaboo or other monsters addicted to the candy. Because of his practices ruthless children, or those experiencing from extreme withdraw, may be willing to trick another child out of something for some candy, allowing them to trick another child into making a deal with them for their own gain. The candies he creates can also be used to gain supernatural abilities such as strength, a girlfriend, or the ability to fly, but the greater the desire the bigger the debt, and the gift is always given when accepted, putting the child in debt to the Candyman if they don’t make good on their trade. When he gives these abilities, he does so in the form of a small . If a child owes the Candyman something that they haven't given him, he will begin stalking them, and will have other children in debt to him begin stalking them as well. He will eventually begin transmuting them slowly into candy. This may make their skin gummy and sticky or translucent and painful to the touch, make them soft and spongy and filled with cream, or brittle and easily broken. This process is horrific, and the candies made from dead children are particularly delicious. Many children believe him to be the devil, a comparison he doesn't deny for his own entertainment. To face the Candyman in combat is to forfeit your young life. The Candyman may seem like a tall and dapper gentleman, but the Candyman is anything but. He can transmute and manipulate candy, and so if found in the candy wastes, he can move himself my moving the ground beneath himself instead, allowing him to dodge with great ease. This is in addition to his ability to seemingly levitate and fly to also avoid attacks. The Candyman will effortlessly deflect blows and ranged attacks with his cane, and may even teleport when you aren't looking. When he does use his claws, they are incredibly sharp, able to cut through even the thickest of gingerbread fortifications. The Candyman can move through shadows, and appear when you sleep, and he has agents everywhere that will do what he says all for a chance to get another piece of candy… The Candyman is one of the “Boogeymen” which exist in the Underside, of which there are a few, including the Nevermind himself, and is known for his ability to leave the Underside… The unfortunate event you see along with him is known as a Sugar Rush. The Candyman, a fae creature from the Underside, will leave to the overworld on Halloween to participate in Trick or Treat, passing out candies to happy little children. These candies carry a disease as infectious as a baby’s laughter. It makes children who eat them become ravenous for more and more sugar, but also enhances their abilities, making them faster, their nails harder and longer, their teeth sharper, and their bodies more pliable. Their pupils grow bigger and bigger, almost taking up the entirety of their eyes, and their heart rate skyrockets. They suffer from restlessness, a feeling of discomfort and nausea, as well as extreme mood swings akin to drug withdraw if they go without candy, and children will begin to fight eachother over their candy as they keep eating it. Children being around eachother can infect others, making it spread quickly. Eventually they will get violent, and start to chew on the insides of their mouths, bite their nails, or even themselves, and learn that flesh and blood taste just as sweet as the candy, which will often lead to them suddenly biting and ripping people apart with their newfound strength while others who were able to find huge quantities of candy will gorge themselves into oblivion. They become like feral zombies, screaming, biting, and tearing apart their family members and siblings alike in a display of pure carnage. And by morning, when the sun rises and they see what they have done. The effects wear off and they barely even remember it, leaving entire city blocks full of broken homes, burning buildings and sad, traumatized children. Some never fully recover, and become violent from even the smell of sweets, while others become repulsed by sugar in all of it’s forms. Many become diabetic or have heart attacks from eating so much, or they die from overeating, and some go completely feral and never return to normal. The Candyman may return to bring children back with him afterward, and may torment neighborhoods for generations. The candy given out by the Candyman appears to be normal candy, however the candies appear to have been tampered with. This has led P.R.I.M.E. to create many PSA’s to look at your child’s candy before you let them eat it, as candy that appears to be tampered with is often thrown away. This has led to a decrease in Sugar Rush events by 10% over the last 20 years, but they still happen, and the severity is varied with most situations being covered up by P.R.I.M.E. Some events are even more severe with children gaining powers based on their costumes for a short time, making the destruction much more widespread. These events of course also take place in the Underside, and entire towns of children can be wiped out during a sugar rush…



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