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好吧其实是因为剧情进展到周末后要准备新场景和装束,张文的家,客厅,厨房,卧室,书房都要布置一下(富家千金的家我实在是没法弄的太简陋,有一点强迫症),还有张文的居家服装和睡衣,总之一天实在是搞不定。不过别担心,明天或后天,做完场景后我会把第六章的上下两部分连续更新出来,大概50张图左右,包满意。 Well, in fact, it is because the plot progresses to the weekend to prepare new scenes and costumes, Zhang Wen's home, living room, kitchen, bedroom, study have to be decorated (I really can not make the rich daughter's home is too simple, there is a little OCD), as well as Zhang Wen's home clothes and pajamas, in short, It's too much to do in one day. But don't worry, tomorrow or the next day, after I finish the scene, I will update the upper and lower parts of chapter 6, about 50 pictures, you will be satisfied.


