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Hello! Please pick your three favourite options in this poll!


On behalf of my beloved artist, I have to ask for your patience!

It will most likely get to the weekend for the update.

My artist is stressing out over this delay and in an attempt to keep the pitchforks at bay I will, for the next update after this one, add even more roaming scenes than already planned. Throwing more content at the fans appeases them!

Please vote on three options and I'll make the highest 2 into sprite-based events.

*Regarding Astrid: Chris is excluded from the poll because she's already planned in anyway! It's dark elf time!!



I'm so discouraged by the inability to subscribe that I monitor fanbox every day and how nice it is to refresh the page and see a new post


Is there anything I can do to help? And to be honest, the post was made public by accident! I wanted an internal poll.


Artist is still working to finish things up! We're very sorry for the extra wait. I will release the update the moment it's done, it can't be much longer.