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I want to report on current progress!

We are currently working on the last 3 missing artworks! 2 side image scenes and 1 fullscreen scene.

My artist had to leave town for a week due to important family stuff but after that we should be able to finish up quite quickly.

Normally I would post some WIP art now but I can't this time because it's important story related!

I bet you'd like to see what happens, huh!?

So what comes after the endings?

For Sana, I want to do three things next:

- More roaming scenes, especially involving the elves!

I want to see Sana and the elf girls interact more.

- Continuing the Grand Tournament (There was mention of an afterparty!?)

- Making the Class Academy at the very start of the game into a new area

I'm thinking of it becoming the fifth town! Going to the academy and graduating to an advanced class means... school time with Sana!?

It doesn't fit the story and endings very well but I want to make Sana in a school uniform happen. I will think of a way!

Creating a plothole to see Sana in a uniform will be worth it!

The current plan:

Sana's endings -> Luna's first playable release -> then I'm not sure if we continue with Luna or do some of Sana's things I just mentioned!

I will ask again when it's time, probably make a poll for it!

As for Luna's first release!

With Luna, I would like to do what we are doing currently and split the updates into two parts, town and dungeon. It makes planning for releases a lot easier because If there are any issues with dungeons and I need more time to work on it, you can still enjoy Luna's town roaming in the meantime.

There will be a lot of things to do in town so hopefully you can wait before seeing Luna lose to- I mean fight monsters!

In the meantime, please take care of this thing for me.

I tried giving her Cola but it made things a lot worse. Be careful!




Idea for lore friend-lier post game using school uniform Sana: Anon and Sana recieve a letter from a professor asking to assist on a class about the reality of adventurers job, he called other graduates but nobody wanted to return so depending on the ending the professor thinks A) At low corruption Anon is a pushover and Sana follows him everywhere B) Mid corruption Anon is still a pushover but there is also some rumors of Sana C) Screw Anon he just heard Sana has is more "open minded" now. The school uniform is supposedly a dancer class variant

Вадим Макаров

I think with the academy you can do this: Before the final boss you need to pass certification at the academy, and Sana’s mother will be the teacher.

黒鳧 ここゆ

Is it no longer possible to join discord?


I think after the ending, add a scene where Sana goes to the hospital for a checkup with Anon due to physical discomfort, and it turns out that she is pregnant. And Sana didn't know who the father of the child in her belly was...but anyway, Sana and Anon decided to give birth to the child. Maybe this pregnancy can be turned into triplets, after all, it was canceled twice before by the goddess. All in all, I hope to add more after the ending about the impact of Sana not knowing which male successfully bred and ultimately impregnated her. I believe that every male who fucked her will consider himself the father of the child and claim his sovereignty over this sulty and horny mother fox, It definitely includes goblins, werewolfs, orcs and minotaurs, but this does not include Anon. Of course, after a paternity test, it will be found that these children have different fathers, and none of the children are related to Anon.


Heh, that's a good idea. But It is too late to implement it now! I will think of some reason after the final boss.

Вадим Макаров

Is the final boss not officially cleared until the heroes are certified? I'm probably obsessed with certification, but I think it's necessary. You can't go anywhere without a diploma)


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